
Fate: The Path Of Knight

As a master who traveled through time, Ian isn't very familiar with Chaldea. But it doesn't matter—he has a special ability that other masters don't have: the simulator. This allows him to leave his own footprints in history, although not in the usual way. Join my patreon For advanced chapters:- patreon.com/ANelite **** Note: This Fic would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives and the readers's enthusiasm for this book, so if it doesn't receives great enthusiasm then I could drop it.

ANelite · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 19: Ambition is born from joy

Chapter 19: Ambition is born from joy


"Ian, what are you talking about!"

Morgan stood up, walked a few steps to the side, and turned her back to Ian.

"I order you to take back what you just said."

Morgan's words did not make Ian flinch. He stood up and approached her.

"My Lady, I will take back what I said. Only--"

"Are you really unwilling to consider this possibility? You were crying so sadly just now, and I felt that the entire forest was weeping with you."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?!"

Morgan turned around, anxious. "Don't forget you are just a pawn that I can discard at any time! How dare you turn around and point fingers at me now?"

"My Lady, I am indeed a pawn you can discard," Ian said sincerely. "But I am also a knight who admires you. I can't bear to see you so upset. I think you deserve more."

"Ian, I won't let you say that!" Morgan, her sore spot touched, began to tremble. "Kneel down, kneel down!"

[Although you knew that this was Morgan's angry outburst, you still knelt down in front of her as she requested.]

[You are silent, like a stone statue.]

[Seeing you like this, Morgan realized she had hurt your loyalty once again. She wanted to make amends.]

"That's not what I meant, Ian." Morgan tilted her head slightly. "I didn't mean to make you..."

Before Morgan could finish, Ian spoke first:

"My Lady, you don't need to explain anything to me. I am your knight, and whatever you ask of me is reasonable. I won't have any complaints."

Ian's nonchalant attitude made Morgan feel even more guilty. She finally bent down and helped Ian up.

"Sorry, Ian. I don't mean to blame you, but what you said was too much... I can't accept this."

"Then, Princess--" Ian's eyes were direct and sharp. "Can you accept the fact that you cannot become king?"

Ian may not be the person who knows Morgan best, but he surely understood her pain.

Lies don't hurt; the truth is the sharpest knife.

Morgan's face became very embarrassed, but due to the recent events, she did not let her temper run wild again.

"Ian, what if I can't accept it?"

"Then overturn it all," Ian said firmly.

"You want to go against my father?"

Ian shook his head. "Not really. Since Britain always has a king, why not you?"

"Because my father said that I would not be that king." Morgan looked at her hands, her eyes extremely lonely. "Ian, you should know this better than I."

"But the king can also make mistakes sometimes," Ian continued. "My Ladt, are you really willing to admit that an heir you have never met can replace you?"

"But what if she is truly more virtuous than me?"

"Then she will cease to exist," Ian said word by word. "Then there will be no one more virtuous than you."

[Morgan was shocked by your remarks.]

[She looked at you again and again, trying to make sure you were just being rude.]

[But she soon discovered that you were serious and determined.]

"Ian, do you know what you are saying?" Morgan's blue eyes were fixed on the man in front of her. "I allow you to take back what you said now. I can pretend I didn't hear it."

"My Lady, I know." Ian said without hesitation, "Since I can't get rid of Vortigern for you, I will at least get rid of the person who is competing with you for the throne. Even if I have to use despicable means, I will definitely achieve this goal."

Morgan gasped. She knew that Ian in front of her was not a cruel person—he could not even forget the knights who were killed in a temporary conflict when he was lurking under Vortigern, let alone now. It's all for her.

"Ian, do you really need to go to this extent?" Morgan touched her hand, still feeling some residual warmth from the other person. "If you were just blinded by lust for a moment, I can forgive you this time. After all, you did waste some time for no reason because of me."

Ian shook his head. "Princess. I do have endless desires for you, and I have hoped that you could satisfy me. But I also yearn for your vision—I hope to see the moment you come to Britain."


Morgan was silent for a long time.

"Ian, do you really think I have this ability? Even if my father once told you that."

"My Lady, if I didn't believe you could do it, you wouldn't be enjoying this forest with me right now."

"Let me think about it," Morgan replied. "Ian, come and stay with me."

[You and Morgan sat under a tree by the lake.]

[You see her thinking seriously and feel touched like never before.]

[You watched all this silently until she turned around and warned you to stop staring at her.]

[Despite the warning, you found Morgan holding your hand.]

[You realize that she is actually a little scared when she thinks about this.]

You squeezed her hand tightly to reassure her.

[She didn't come up with an answer right away.]

[That night, Morgan, unable to sleep, used you as a comfort.]

[Your fingers gently intertwined as her fingers fiddled with them.]

[At dawn, she finally fell asleep leaning on your shoulder.]

[You couldn't bear to wake her, so you guarded everything silently.]

[In the afternoon, Morgan woke up.]

[After seeing you protecting her like a soldier, she once again allowed you to do something.]

[After spending time on the grass, you both dressed and prepared to set off again.]

[You brought her a war horse and waited for her to mount it.]

[Horse hooves rose and fell silently on the forest path as you approached the exit of the forest, preparing to return to the royal court.]

At this moment, Morgan stopped her horse.



"After leaving this forest..." Morgan looked back at the beautiful scenery. "There's no going back. You really won't regret betraying my father for someone like me?"

Ian smiled. "My Lady, as long as you make your decision, I will never regret it."

"Really? I hope you're not lying to me."

As the two chatted casually, the warhorse gradually walked out of the forest.

Only the turbid water in the lake silently told of Morgan's ambition, now awakened in the joy.


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early access of 30+ chapters.

Patreon link:- patreon.com/ANelite