

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

MidnightSpeedster · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One: Ayako's Disappearance

William POV

I sat next to Shirou in the student council room with Ryuudou eating my lunch silently Ryuudou groans exhaustion clearly evident in his voice I turn to face Shirou with a raised brow wondering if he knew why the other boy was suddenly so glum.

He shrugged "Oi Ryuudou why are you suddenly so down usually you'd be ranting at me about my behavior or talk about how much of a devil Rin is?" I asked. 

The other boy merely sighs at that "just...shut up Emiya I have no energy what's over to deal with your bullshit," I whistle at that since this is the first I've ever heard the student council president ever curse "oooh you kiss your mother with that mouth eh Ryuudou?" I questioned with a raised brow. 

His only response is to glare at me for a moment until he sighs again "look I just haven't been catching enough sleep as of late that's all," he finally admits Shirou takes a sip of his drink before asking "what did you pull an all nighter or something?" Issei slumps further into the desk shaking his head "no nothing like that," he replied. 

I open my mouth to say something when someone knocked on the door "Issei some body's knocking on the door," Shirou informed making Issei groan "I don't care just tell them that the student council is closed!" he replies in an irritated tone. 

The door slides open revealing...Kuzuki I thought with a bit of caution and nervousness Shirou whispers over to Ryuudou "it's Kuzuki-sensei," causing the boy to jump up with a start the man glances at Shirou then his gaze turned to me for a moment we stared for a while until the man broke eye contact. 

"Ryuudou could I have a moment of your time? I wish to speak with you," he stoically requested before going back outside Issei soon follows after. 

"You're saying she hasn't gone home yet, either?" Issei asked Shirou tenses at that while I remained calm trying to hear more of their conversation "I understand," Ryuudou replied "sorry for the interruption but be advised that the school will end even earlier than usual," Kuzuki said. 

A minute late and Issei came back in with a look of contemplation "so want to tell us what that was about Issei it seemed pretty concerning?" I ask in a serious tone. 

He glanced between the two of us "well I shouldn't say anything but since you two are kind of involved I may as well tell you late last night a family called the faculty office saying that their daughter hadn't come back from archery practice," he explained I inhale sharply at that God please don't let it be who I think it is I thought with fear. 

"Based on what they learned from calling other members they determined that the last person who was talking to the person was Shinji," he continued my fists clench tightly at the mention of Shinji.

 That fucking bastard I still haven't forgotten what he did to Sakura I thought inwardly while maintaining a calm face on the outside. 

"Shinji? But he wasn't at practice yesterday," Shirou revealed but Issei shook his head "apparently a first year student had forgotten something in the dojo and when he came back, he saw Shinji along with the missing student arguing they've tried to confirm it with Shinji himself today, but he was absent," he said. 

I placed my cup of water down with a hard thud my eyes narrowed staring Issei right in the eye "well don't keep us into suspense...tell us who the missing student is?" I asked calmly. 

Issei looked between both Shirou and I until he revealed "it was Ayako Mitzusuri," Shirou gasped while my jaw tightened. 

The bell then rung signifying the end of lunch I quickly pack up and exit out the classroom Shirou follows after me no doubt knowing what I was going to do "wait William where are you going class is the other way?!" he exclaims. 

I paused "Shirou I didn't do anything to that bastard because of your constant insistence but this...this has gone too far!" I exclaimed punching the wall behind me allowing my frustration to show. 

Shirou sighs at that "...I get it but first let's just ask Sakura first maybe she might know something if she doesn't then we can go confront Shinji in person," he proposed I thought it over then nodded "fine but there will be no we just me," I declared walking back in the right direction. 

-timeskip an hour later-

"Did you sense anything odd about Shinji's behavior yesterday?" Shirou questioned Sakura while I stood leaning against the window arms crossed. 

"I am sorry Shirou-senpai, William-senpai but I haven't seen him very often lately either," Sakura said her gaze turning down "right then..." I said walking up to them hands in my coat pockets clenching my origin knife "sorry for taking your time Sakura but we must be going now." 

With that we went on our way "we did your things your way Shirou now I will be doing things my way," I said leaving no room for arguments. 

We climbed down the stairs only to stop once we saw Tohsaka just standing there with a hard stare great now I have to deal with this I thought recalling the irritated like glare she gave me earlier in the morning. 

"Any reason as to why you're just standing there so ominously Tohsaka?" I asked slowly walking down the stairs alongside Shirou "unbelievable are you two perhaps insane to come without your servant?" she questioned crossing her arms together. 

"Not like we have a choice Saber can't enter into spirit form so we can't bring her with us," Shirou replied "besides even if we are to be attacked by another servant, we are still capable of defending ourselves worst case scenario though we just use a command spell to summon Saber to us," I added in coming down the final steps. 

Tohsaka gives out a huff "I assure you were we not in an alliance I would have attacked you both right now using this," she said revealing a large magical crest that went down to her arm "a magic crest?!" Shirou exclaimed. 

She nodded with pride clear in her voice "that's right my crest contains an infinite number of spells, but a Grandr shot would be more than enough to care of you Emiya-kun...but I am smart enough to admit that it would take more than just a Grandr to deal with you William," she said placing her arm down. 

It was clear that she was trying to say that she could take us both out if she wanted to...or so she thinks I thought with a smirk Tohsaka of course notices said smirk "what the hell are you smirking about William!" she demanded. 

I pulled out my origin knife skillfully twirling it around my fingers "tell me something Tohsaka have you ever heard the tale of the Magus Killer?" I ask she furrows her brows in thought "he's a myth just a story amongst magi they say that he was a ruthless man capable of hunting any hunting any magi down and killing them with only just modern technology …some even say he could even destroy a magi's magic circuits inflicting an excruciating amount of pain but what does that have to do with anything?" she questioned with confusion.

I chuckle at that "oh but it has everything to do with this indeed Kiritsugu Emiya was a ruthless man but a genius one at that for his unorthodox methods and unique use of magecraft the bullets he used with his firearm were no ordinary bullets they were created from his very bones which embodied his dual origin to sever and bind," I explained with a mid-pause to catch my breath then continued.

"Of course, he did pass away eventually and magi soon forgot about him but little did they know he had already passed on his legacy to one of his adopted children...see this very blade was altered by me from one of my father's origin bullets," I continued. 

Tohsaka's face paled rapidly at what I had just revealed while Shirou was trying to process the information, he had never known much about our father's work at most all he knew was that he had gifted me the tools that I used now.

"Now can you imagine what would happen if I were to say cut your arm with this knife of mine? Don't bother answering that question though I can tell you now that your crest would be gone poof...just like that," I said with a snap. 

Complete silence soon followed for a moment "alright enough of this you two we already have a situation on our hands!" Shirou exclaimed breaking out of his own contemplation. 

"Situation?" Tohsaka questioned with a tilt of her head "Ayako has been missing since last night according to one of the first years she was last seen with Shinji who is conveniently absent today I also have a feeling that...he is a master," I revealed.

-end of chapter twenty one-

oh boy William is pissed as fuck at Shinji and I will have so much fun writing the next chapter although if I were writing this from the Heavens Feel Route William would be beyond fucking furious like I am talking Hulk level kind of mad. 

if you guys see any grammar errors please point them out in the paragraph comments so I can go back in and fix it.