

This a story of another boy that had survived the Fuyuki Fire and was adopted alongside Shirou his name is William Emiya an American boy that was left in Japan due to his parents dying in the fire read on to find out what happens. -Author's Note- - My knowledge comes from what I've seen in the Saber Route, Fate/Zero, Fate/Zero Abridged, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, Grand Order, UBW Abridged, and a little bit of Heavens Feel - I am not a professional so don't expect anything professional - Next this is a fanfic things are meant to be changed so don't complain about it - No Harem - I will delete any comments and or reviews if they are unreasonable or are just plain out hate comments - I don't update frequently due to college and my focus constantly changing but I try

FateAuthor · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: The Meaning of Justice

William POV The Next Day

I dreamt of a shining world made of glass that shone off one another within the glass like reflections contained memories.

Memories that were filled with endless fighting and techniques the world of mirrors shined brightly and as I walked forward I saw different people appearing before me people that I've seen before to my left there was Saber, Cu Chulainn , Heracles, and Shirou to my right was Archer, Rin, along with several knights including the dark knight from my previous dream...at the far end was my father dressed in his signature black coat and suit. 

He moves towards me his gaze was emotionless cold even his right hand moved with the contender in his hand "it's time for you to wake up son," he said pressing the trigger which caused the world to shatter apart. 

When I awoke it was with a groan of pain because of the sudden ache from my bones I glanced down seeing myself without my shirt the only thing I was covered with were bandages nearby on my bed was my coat and weaponry.

I stood up wincing a bit as I slowly put on my shirt on along with my coat, I then placed the origin blade, grapple gun, and contender back in my coat pocket while I left the remaining grenades on the shelf nearby the bed. 

The last thing I can vaguely recall was an explosion...then I kissed Saber by accident because of the shockwave sigh that's going to be an awkward conversation that I really don't want to have I thought heading towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

Once that was done, I headed towards the living room where both Shirou and Rin sat drinking tea well Rin was while Shirou happily served "anybody want to explain what the fuck happened the last night because I can barely remember it as it is?" I questioned causing Shirou to look up. 

He placed the teapot and grabbed me into a tight hug "William thank goodness your awake!" his tone of voice was filled with immense relief I groaned in pain "t-to tight Shirou ri-ribs hurt," I painfully replied through the tight hug which made him quickly release me. 

"Right...uh sorry I didn't mean crush you like that I am just glad you're alright," he sheepishly replied I sighed "it's fine I know you didn't intentionally try to hurt me but if we could get to the point about what happened last night that would be great?" I asked once more.

Shirou sat down giving me just enough space to sit next to him while Rin continued sipping her tea calmly, I raised a brow "so are you just going to-" I was cut off abruptly when she raised her palm in my face "first you're going to apologize for pointing a gun at my face last night," 

"Gun at your face-argh!" I gripped my head in pain now I remembered we went to register for the war at Kotomine's church and then we were attacked by Berserker Archer launched some kind of arrow that caused a large explosion leaving behind a crater surrounded by flames which triggered my own memory of that hell.

"Yeah, I am not going to apologize for that especially when you threatened to kill us nuclear style...however I will thank you for your help with last night even though you didn't have to," I reluctantly replied giving a small thanks. 

She huffed before looking down "I-I suppose that's fair enough I will accept your apology," she replied I nodded "alright now with that settled why are you still here I thought you were going solo after helping us out?" I asked. 

"Actually, William that may partially be my fault hehe," Shirou said with a nervous chuckle that made me narrow my eyes at him "Shirou...what did you do?" I asked with a tone that promised hell if he didn't give me a reasonable explanation. 

He gulped "well you see brother I may have proposed an alliance with Tohsaka in order get rid of that Berserker guy and surprisingly she agreed to it," he said with a nervous smile thinking I would be mad for what he had done without consulting me first.

"Oh...well I don't mind that for now we could use the help with how difficult it was to take away three of his lives away," I replied reluctantly taking a sip of my own cup of tea hmm green tea not bad I guess but coffee is better. 

"So, when were you going to tell me that you were responsible for all the gang related murders that have been happening these past few years, William?" Shirou asked shifting his tone into a much more serious one which caused me to choke on the tea "cough cough what where did you hear that? Better yet who told you that?" I demanded.

"Tohsaka told me but that's not important what I want to know is why? Why would you do this?!" he asked again this time the anger in his voice was much clearer.

For as long as I've known Shirou never had I ever seen him this angry I know that he's never condone murder always looking for the best in people but there are just some people you can't fix "I did it to protect you and everyone else Shirou if these gangs succeeded in what they were doing it would cause problems not only just for this city but everyone else as well," 

Shirou gritted his teeth "surely there could have been other way's then kill them! Also where did you get all of those weapons, I've never seen anything like them in our home or in the shed?!" he exclaimed with frustration. 

I chuckled which caused him to narrow his eyes "the world isn't all fun and games Shirou this isn't some kind fantasy where you can just save everyone and send all the bad guys to jail living happily ever after!

Let's say I hadn't killed them instead I sent them to jail what do you think would happen hmm? They would escape again and again repeatedly getting away with their crimes! What would you have done if they had managed to harm someone, we know Taiga? Sakura? Ayako? Issei? Old Man Raiga?" by this point I was shouting. 

Shirou flinched back while Rin winced a bit seeing us argue I breathed in catching my breath "As for where I got my equipment from it was a gift courtesy of Dad...so now you know Shirou this is the path of a hero of justice is this the path you still want to take after seeing what I've done?" I asked lowering my voice back down to a normal tone. 

It was awkwardly silent after until Shirou stood up giving me a glare his eyes burning with a fierce determination "I refuse to believe that your path is the only way in achieving our ideal!" he said and then left the room I tried to reach my handout to him but stopped midway.

I sighed depressingly so much for a good morning I thought "so...I am just going to go now" came the voice of Rin I turned giving her a minor glare "why the hell did you tell him?!" I exclaimed.

"...Because he deserves the truth to know what you've been doing plus it's payback for causing me a lot of sleepless nights trying to find the cause behind the murders and the identity of the Taskmaster.

As the owner of this city, it's my responsibility to know what's happening in it and to ensure the safety of the people here but I can see you don't have any intentions of hurting any innocents," She replied standing up to leave. 

With that she left leaving me to my lonesome I looked at the ceiling "god I need a smoke," I said out loud to myself. 

-end of chapter fourteen-

Here is chapter fourteen I think I will have fifteen completed by tonight and just post that tomorrow. 

Now then does anyone want to guess what our mc's reality marble is? Hint hint look back at the dream MC was having about the glass world. 

Onto the omake: 

William POV

I was in the middle of an all out fight with some recently turned ghouls when a whole bunch more of them appeared "oh come on more of you fuckers just when I thought I got all of you already...well here we go again," 

-Insert Your Welcome Moana Theme Song- 

"Oh I see what's happening here your face to hood with Taskmaster and your scared~," I sang get in front of a ghoul's face causing them flinch back I turned back pointing at another ghoul "you feel your knees start to shake~ Did you just piss yourself~" ?" I said pointing at the one who had just pissed on the floor.

"You faceless ghouls are always unprepared meet my two girls let's be clear~" I continued singing tossing a burrito shaped bomb to a random ghoul while pulling out my twin altered origin swords "yes it's me! Dwayne Johnson eyes up here~" I said looking at another ghoul that was snarling.

"I know it's a lot the black and the hood but it's to hide the blood when your all dead~" at that precise moment the bomb in the ghoul's hand exploded causing chunks to spread out everywhere l leapt forward with reinforcement appearing behind a distracted ghoul tapping them on the shoulder "so what can I say except I am Taskmaster~"

I slashed their head off before they could even react and threw my blade at another pair of incoming ghouls at that same time though I pulled out my calico rapidly shooting at the other half of the ghouls "with my swords, these guns you'll die~" 

I spun around doing a complete three sixty "you better pray that it's okay that I am Taskmaster~" I sang shooting the calico at the ghoul that was about bite into my neck until only its skull was left. 

I continued shooting at it until its body was littered with bullets "I'm just your friendly neighborhood hero of justice~" I then back flipped up into the air landing behind a pair of ghouls one of them turned shouting with surprise "it's Taskmaster!"

I smirked slashing off their heads with a nod "yup I am Taskmaster~ Maximum effort? Hell yeah!" I sang jumping down the stairs towards the group of ghouls that were attempting to get away.

"Man, honestly I could go on and on actually I am magical phenomenon the strength the bod to boot doesn't the bone of my sword look great in this suit~" I said knocking two of them down while using time alter to throw a construction hammer at the other nuts "I hit this guy right in the nuts why do the fans seem to like that so much~" I questioned looking at the readers. 

"Don't need magecraft, don't need a reality marble I'll make you laugh as I take your life away~" I sang shooting a ghoul straight up in the brains with my contender "Damage the hood and reveal my face look at this guy's face as it blows the fuck up~" I continued blowing up another ghoul by dropping a grenade in their mouth.

"The copy mage always knows what to say hey look at these ghouls coming to drink my blood~" I said launching three origin knives at them causing their bodies to sever apart with my free hand I waved at the now remaining ghoul "and it's hey! hey! hey! hey!" I would have continued the song if this fucker hadn't just shot me luckily I had a magical bullet proof vest "alright that's it just for that fuck you buddy!" I exclaimed with anger. 

The now scared ghoul started to sing let it go making me cringe back I shot it in the face with my contender "yeah fuck no get that cringe ass out of here!"

-end of omake-


I think were at the point were we can put some reviews so lets go ahead and do that.

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