
Fate/Stay Night: The Epic of Gilgamesh

The chaotic Fifth Holy Grail War. The one summoned by Emiya Shirou was not a golden-haired, emerald -eyed girl knight, but the Golden King of Heroes—Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh "The Golden hero king" and friendship woven by the weakest Master and the strongest Heroic Spirit. It is another "The Epic of Gilgamesh" untold in history. Gilgamesh "Fate/Prototype"

Kudou_taiki · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Firm resolution

The next morning.

Surprisingly, explaining the situation to Fujimura-sensei and Sakura went smoothly.

Sakura and Fujimura-sensei were frozen in place when they saw Archer and Saber, but thanks to my explanation and Tohsaka's support, we managed to convince them to let the three of them stay.

According to the story, Saber and Archer are acquaintances of Tohsaka from overseas. They came to Fuyuki City to meet with Tohsaka, but unfortunately, her house is currently under renovation. So, upon hearing the circumstances, I decided to offer our home as a temporary place to stay.

Upon closer examination, there are plenty of questionable points, such as why they didn't contact us when coming to Japan or why Tohsaka has foreign acquaintances. But that's beside the point. I could only marvel at Tohsaka's acting skills. That guy really knows how to wear a mask at school.

By the way, I fed Sakura and Fujimura-sensei some made-up nonsense about Archer being a bit spoiled because he comes from an old aristocratic family. Even if that golden brat acts all high and mighty, they shouldn't suspect anything... at least, that's what I hope. Probably.

With the explanations to the two of them settled, breakfast became lively all at once.

Until now, it was just the three of us—me, Sakura, and Fujimura-sensei—eating together, but with the number of people suddenly doubling, I had to make twice as much food. We managed to get by this morning, but I might have to go shopping tomorrow.

"Here you go, Senpai."

"Mm... Thanks, Sakura."

I received the bowl of rice she offered in the corner of the living room. The warmth of the white rice was transmitted through the ceramic bowl to my arm.

...In the end, Sakura ended up preparing most of the breakfast. It wouldn't be fair if I let her do all the work, so starting from tonight, I have to step up my game in the kitchen. I'm looking forward to being able to cook more since the number of people has doubled.

Also, it bothers me that the image of me being an inadequate host still lingers in Tohsaka's mind. The warm look she gave me the moment she heard Sakura was cooking... she must be thinking something not so nice.

"Hmm, this tamagoyaki seems to have a bit too much sugar. If I reduce it a bit, it will harmonize better with the main dish. Improve yourself, my girl."

"Huh? You noticed that just from taking one bite? You noble people are amazing. I actually thought I put in a little too much this morning. When it comes to adjusting the flavors precisely, I still can't compare to you, Senpai... Thank you, Archer-san. I'll be more careful next time."

"Archer, what's with your arrogant attitude towards the food that was made for you?"

"...Don't worry about it, Sakura. I find this taste pleasant."

"Hah, not understanding the intricacies of cooking... You're showing your true colors, Saber. You must have learned how to cook properly, haven't you?"

"What...! My cooking experience has nothing to do with you!"

"...You two. Can't you eat without fighting during the meal?"

"It's quite lively today. The young ones should enjoy their meal like this. Youthful energy is the best, after all."

...What a chaotic mess.

The Emiya household has never had such a complicated and bizarre dining table before. I wonder if the meal becomes so lively when the number of people increases. It's like everything is mixed together in a pot without any regard for fruits or vegetables. In other words, it's out of control.

Not knowing what to do, I quietly continue eating with my chopsticks. I'm not sure if it can be called a conversation, but I keep eating the side dishes without joining in the exchange of words.

Archer, in his pompous manner, complains or makes requests for each dish he tastes. Come on, at least understand things from the perspective of a guest.

Sakura, unexpectedly, nods along and takes notes while listening. Well, Archer's opinions can actually be helpful, but why is she so motivated to do this?

Saber tries to admonish Archer, but somehow they end up arguing. Despite that, she doesn't stop moving her chopsticks. I guess she must have been really hungry to eat like that even in the midst of an argument.

Tohsaka, on the other hand, seems to have gotten used to this chaos, occasionally interjecting while efficiently finishing her food. That beef dish, Shigureni, was expensive, so don't hog it all to yourself.

Fujimura-sensei, who generally enjoys chaos, seems to be in an unusually good mood today. Once she acknowledged Tohsaka and the others as temporary lodgers, she became even more delighted with the increased number of people. She's eating even faster than usual, so I'm starting to worry about her stomach, but she's like a tiger, so she'll be fine.

Well, leaving that aside. Why do Servants who don't need to eat still join us for breakfast? There must be a reason for it, of course.

Servants are spiritual beings, so they don't need to eat or sleep. However, it seems that eating and sleeping have a slight effect on conserving magical energy. It's better than nothing, as they say. It's important to be mindful of even the smallest details to avoid running out of magical energy at a crucial moment.

And besides, unlike Saber, Archer has a physical body in reality. He may be different from ordinary humans, but it seems he still gets a bit hungry. Since there's only a minimal connection between him and me, I don't know his current condition, but it's better to be prepared.

...And also. It just doesn't feel right that Archer and Saber are left out while we're having a meal. Even if they're okay with it, it doesn't sit well with me.

—Now. After finishing the explanations, breakfast, which had become lively, came to an end, and we finished cleaning up as well.

Sakura has morning practice with the archery club, and Fujimura-sensei is a teacher at our school, so they always leave for school before me. That means the remaining household chores fall on me.

For some reason, perhaps due to the bustling morning, time seems to pass quickly. Before I knew it, it was already time to wash the dishes.

With the increase in the number of people, there are more dishes, but it's not much of a burden. Since I have spare time in the morning, a few extra dishes won't make much of a difference.

"—Next on the news, there have been multiple cases of missing persons in the new city of Fuyuki. This morning, new information came in about another missing person. The police suspect the involvement of an international human trafficking organization..."

Someone in the living room seems to have turned on the TV. The morning local news that I occasionally watch is delivering some unpleasant information.

"Hm? They're still talking about this news? ...Idiots. Similar incidents are happening in Shimoyama Town here too."

—And. Tohsaka muttered words that couldn't be ignored.

Hearing that, I stopped washing the dishes, my hand paused. When I turned to face the living room, I saw Tohsaka folding her arms with a displeased expression.

"Tohsaka, what do you mean by that?"

"Just what it sounds like. These missing persons incidents have been reported in the new city, but it's not just happening over there. There have also been several missing persons in Shimoyama Town."

"Hey, wait a minute, Tohsaka. You mean to say... you were summoned as a Servant before?"

"Yes. This is my second time participating in this Holy Grail War. In the previous war... there was a Servant who indiscriminately kidnapped and killed children."

"Due to the extensive damage caused, the Holy Grail War was temporarily suspended, and that Servant was considered an enemy by all factions. In the end, I settled things with that Servant using my Noble Phantasm, but it's true that many innocent people were sacrificed before defeating him."

"I see, the supervisor... Kirei is aware of this matter too, so he might do something... It's annoying to owe him a favor, but somehow..."

Tohsaka says frustratedly. It seems she's angry about this situation, and I feel a bit relieved seeing that.

Archer, as usual, remains seated with an expressionless face, while Saber stares at the TV screen with sharp eyes. Even she, who claimed to be a knight, can't overlook such a foolish act.

If those involved are individuals prepared for battle, it would be understandable. If participants in the Holy Grail War fought against each other, it would make sense. Each has their own reason to seek the Holy Grail, and it's natural to devise strategies to eliminate other participants. Abducting the enemy's Master, incapacitating them, or even... taking their life, regardless of the method used, I can't agree with it, but I can understand it.

—But. Involving innocent people who know nothing is simply wrong.

Those people must have had their own lives. They surely had jobs, families, and friends. They were supposed to live their everyday lives, striving to make it through tomorrow.

...However. Their lives are shattered by the unreasonable.

The tyranny of the Servants. The violence caused by beings surpassing humans. Such things are no different from natural disasters. Regular people have no way to resist them. What's worse is that this is not a mindless natural disaster but a tragedy born from human desires.

Ten years ago, this city suffered unprecedented damage as a result of the previous Holy Grail War. Hundreds of people became victims of irrational desires. Such a thing must never be allowed to happen again.

I made the decision to participate in the Holy Grail War with the resolve to stop those people.

—Rejoice, young man.

Illya's voice echoes in my mind so vividly.

"...In the previous Holy Grail War, there were also those who didn't hesitate to sacrifice others."

I unconsciously raise my face at that voice.

The owner of the voice is Saber. Seated in a formal posture, the girl wears a dark expression as if remorseful, her shoulders trembling slightly.

"Um, wait a minute, Saber. You were summoned as a Servant before too, right?"

"Yes. This is my second time participating in this Holy Grail War. In the previous one... there was a Servant who indiscriminately abducted and killed children."

"The damage became too extensive, and as a result, that Servant was deemed an enemy by all factions and the Holy Grail War was temporarily suspended. In the end, I settled things by defeating that Servant with my Noble Phantasm. However, many innocent people were lost before that happened."

Tohsaka's words and Saber's words overlap. Saber's voice trembles as if she is regretting her own actions.

"Those innocent people... were sacrificed because I couldn't stop him in time."

Saber's eyes are clouded with sorrow.

"I swore to myself that I would never let such a tragedy happen again... and yet, I couldn't fulfill that promise."

—Regret, despair, guilt.

Saber has experienced all of these. She, who was once a king, carries the weight of her past failures.

My heart aches as I listen to Saber's words.

However, I have a question that needs to be answered.

"...Saber, you said that this is your second time, right? Does that mean you have been summoned as a Servant twice?"

"That's correct. I participated in the previous Holy Grail War as King Arthur, the Saber-class Servant. And this time, I have been summoned as Saber once again."

"But why... didn't you use your Noble Phantasm to defeat that enemy in the previous war?"

Saber's eyes meet mine. Her gaze is filled with determination.

"If I had used my Noble Phantasm then, not only the enemy but also the people in the vicinity would have been annihilated. The Holy Grail War is fought for the sake of obtaining the Holy Grail, but it does not justify sacrificing innocent lives. As a knight, I cannot accept such an outcome."

Saber's voice is resolute, carrying the weight of her resolve.

"I vowed to myself that I would find a way to defeat the enemy without harming innocent people. I would find a path that allows me to protect the weak while achieving victory."

Protect the weak while achieving victory... I see. That is Saber's ideal.

"That's why, this time, I have chosen a different approach. I have resolved to protect not only the Master, but also the people of this city. Even if it means bearing the burden of my own past failures."

Saber's words resound in my heart, causing it to tremble. The determination in her eyes fills me with awe.

I can sense the weight of responsibility Saber carries, and yet, she does not falter.

No, it's not just Saber. Tohsaka, too, is carrying the burden of her past actions. Despite that, she is determined to prevent another tragedy from occurring.

Looking at the two of them, I feel a surge of determination welling up within me as well.

The Holy Grail War is not just a battle for power and wishes. It is a battle that can bring forth great tragedy if left unchecked.

I have made my decision. I will fight in this Holy Grail War to protect the innocent, to prevent another tragedy from occurring. I will not let the city suffer any more losses.

—Emiya Shirou, I will become a hero of justice.

Mmm, Tohsaka began to ponder something. I finished the half-done dishes and made my way to the living room.


Tohsaka mutters to herself, and Saber sits with a serious expression. They both seem lost in thought and don't seem to notice my presence. I have some questions for Saber, who mentioned participating in the previous Holy Grail War, but she emits an atmosphere that she doesn't want to talk about it right now. I should ask her later.

In that case... my gaze naturally shifts to Archer.

The golden youth sits with a bored expression, watching the news as it continues to play. Even when he hears about the incidents related to the violated Holy Grail War, he shows no interest or concern, as if it's none of his business. Does this cruel man not feel anything, not even for the life or death of ordinary people?

"Archer. What do you think about this incident?"

Unconsciously, I blurted out those words.

His crimson eyes, which were fixed on the TV screen, turn towards me. As usual, there is no trace of emotion in his gaze, only indifference.

"I don't particularly have any thoughts about it. Humans are creatures who cannot enjoy life without sacrifices. If it's for their desires, they trample on the weak and rape and kill women and children without hesitation."

"Furthermore, this game is a contest for the Holy Grail, which promises to grant any wish. Those mongrels who were blinded by that advertising slogan will do anything to achieve their own desires, even if it means disregarding the law."

"Hmph, well, that's fine. But more importantly, have you noticed, mongrel? The one behind these gas leak incidents seems to be a competent mage."

Archer prompts me, and I look at the TV screen.

Without realizing it, the news content has changed to a brief segment about being cautious due to the recent increase in gas leaks. Compared to the earlier reports of consecutive missing persons, the impact of this news is smaller. It seems that the media also perceives it as a mere accident, quickly ending the news segment and moving on to the weather forecast.

"....Humans are beasts, huh?"

Indeed, Archer may be right. Humans are selfish and self-centered beings. Without means to suppress their desires, humanity would quickly self-destruct.

However... to prevent that from happening, there are brakes in the form of laws and morals. Ethics, religion, philosophy, norms — they all essentially say the same thing: "Let's refrain from harming others."

Humans exist on the foundation of society, which consists of countless others. They cannot live as they please in their own solitary world.

But occasionally, there are those who do not understand such rules and get involved in crimes. Naturally, such individuals are promptly judged by social institutions. Allowing those who harm others to go unchecked would be a detriment to society as a whole.

—So, who should judge the 'evil' that transcends the realm of humanity?

"It seems that besides Shimoyama Town, similar incidents have been occurring in the new city as well. For those mongrels, it takes considerable skill to cover two towns. But their efficiency is a bit too good... While it may be a hasty conclusion, one should consider the possibility that Caster, the Servant of the Caster class, is responsible for this."


In response to my question, Archer nods.

"Caster is a Servant skilled in magecraft. For an ancient heroic spirit like her, the actions that are beyond human standards are child's play. If we assume that Caster is the culprit behind this incident, it makes sense why she would meticulously gather mana from those mongrels. Being a class with no notable abilities other than magecraft, she would not be bothered by the amount of fuel."

The fifth Servant, Caster.

According to Tohsaka's explanation, unlike Saber and Archer who wield weapons, Caster is a Servant who fights using magecraft. A genuine great sorcerer who can easily surpass modern magecraft, capable of evoking mysteries. It is possible that she is the one causing the incidents involving the town's residents.

However... there was not just one news report. Rather, the gas leak incident was a mere sideshow. The news that was reported last night and is still being covered is the mysterious series of disappearances.

"If Caster is said to be the culprit there... what about the disappearances?"

"I wonder. Without information, I cannot reach a conclusion... but I can speculate. Consider this, mongrel. Break free from narrow-mindedness and look at the missing humans from the perspective of 'tools'."

"Blood, flesh, bone, and magical energy... indeed. If we see humans as mere materials, they would be favored by mages."

Archer stated so. Before his cruelty could sink in, I was chilled by the content of his words.

I had only focused on the fact that "humans were disappearing" and hadn't thought about why it was happening. If I consider that, I might be able to trace it back to the root of the incidents.

Throughout history, there has always been a price for magic. In the realm of mysteries, it is not uncommon to offer animals, plants, or even humans themselves in rituals.

The Masters who participated in the Holy Grail War or the Servants... are they trying to use humans for something?

This is no trivial matter. The abducted ordinary people probably won't return. To the culprits, they are nothing more than "tools."

It's not just mere murder. There is no dignity of a human being involved. I don't know what their purpose is, but there is no justification for abducting ordinary people and using them as materials.

I must stop it.

I cannot overlook such acts.

Even if it means defeating the Masters and Servants. Emiya Shirou has decided to fight for that reason.

Suppressing my anger, I clench my fist. Archer, with a cynical smile, observes me with his cold eyes.

"Is the lives of others important to you, kid? Then there is only one path for you to follow. Don't ever forget it."

Archer declares with a definite ruthlessness. It seems he has no intention of speaking further as his gaze returns to the TV screen.

Breakfast, which should have been lively, has now turned cold. The atmosphere surrounding each person has become chilly as soon as the topic shifted to the Holy Grail War. Despite four people gathering in this house, all that echoes in this space now is the hollow sound of the television.

Even though it's my own home, I feel a sense of discomfort. And in this state, the morning hours quietly pass by.


──During lunch break at school.

Even though I should have been attending classes, nothing is going through my head. I know better than anyone that studying at school is not what I should be focusing on right now.

Throughout the classes, I've been constantly thinking about one thing: the Holy Grail War.

The Servants I have encountered so far.

The girls who are Masters, Tohsaka Rin and Illyasviel.

The various incidents that have occurred in Fuyuki City.

How should I confront them? Despite having made up my mind, as someone inexperienced, I can't visualize a specific course of action. I've been pondering over it for a while... but in the end, I couldn't find the answers by myself.

So, the only option is to consult with others. Fortunately, I'm not alone now. Even though it's a temporary alliance, having reliable comrades is reassuring.

Coincidentally, Tohsaka has invited me to the rooftop today. She probably has something to discuss as well, but I have plenty of questions for her too.

...With that in mind, I head to the rooftop after buying lunch.

Normally, I always prepare my own lunch, but today I was too busy with breakfast preparations and didn't have time to make it. Sakura sometimes helps me these days, but it wouldn't be fair to rely on my kohai who has morning practice for the club.

I open the door to the rooftop. Instantly, a cold wind blows in, causing my body to shiver.

As far as I can see, there's no one around. Frankly, it's rare to find someone who would come to the rooftop during winter. If I lazily hang out in a place like this, I'm bound to catch a cold.

However... it's precisely because there's no one here that we can have conversations that can't be shouted out loud.

"You're late! What were you doing, Shirou?"

Tohsaka, who is sitting in the corner, has become small and inconspicuous. We can meet secretly like this.

"Sorry. I bought lunch and coffee for you too, so cut me some slack."

"Oh... you're surprisingly considerate."

Tohsaka shows a bewildered expression as I hand her a sandwich and coffee. But it's only for a moment, as she casually takes the offering without any reservation.

Clutching the canned coffee, she exhales deeply, huffing and puffing. It's somewhat reminiscent of a small animal and somehow amusing.

"Surprising... well, never mind. More importantly, Tohsaka, there's something I've been curious about."


"My way of addressing you. When did it change from 'Emiya-kun' to 'Shirou'?"

Now that I think about it consciously, I've noticed it. Not just the way I address her, but there's also a slight change in her attitude that feels more familiar.

"Oh, that? Well, we're in a cooperative relationship, so I thought it wouldn't be good to act distant forever. If you don't like it, I can switch back, though."

"...No, it's fine as it is. I was just a little curious, but if you're okay with it, Tohsaka."

I don't know how to put it, but being called by my name instead of my last name by a girl is something I'm not used to, and it makes me feel uneasy. To avoid being overly conscious of Tohsaka, I take a deep breath.

Sakura only calls me senpai, and as for Fujimura-sensei... she's more like an alien than a person. Once again, I realize that I'm not particularly good at socializing.

Tohsaka, who was looking at me with a puzzled expression, suddenly breaks into a smile after taking a sip of her coffee.

She laughs as if saying, "I'm thinking naughty thoughts now." It's the kind of laugh that a devil trying to deceive someone would have. One could say that Tohsaka is like a red devil.

"I see, I see. So that's how it is. Well..."


The truth of her words leaves me speechless. No, why did she see through that!?

"Ho-ho. As I thought."

Tohsaka looks at me, who fell silent, and her smile deepens. No one would doubt that she is enjoying this. I feel like slapping her for having been fooled by that cat she had on before just a few days ago.

I distance myself slightly from her. Something wicked will transfer if I continue like this. Evil spirits or misfortune—something unpleasant will surely come.

...However, for some reason, Tohsaka approaches me. Even when I try to create more distance, she closes the gap even further. Damn it, she smells good, and when she gets this close, my heart starts pounding!

"Shirou, I'm feeling cold. Can I get closer to you?"

"Hey, why are you coming over here?!"

Seeing me flustered, Tohsaka laughs heartily. There's no doubt that she's enjoying this. It seems she's the type to tease innocent boys, and no one would doubt that she's a bully.

While I'm deepening my conviction alone, she continues to enjoy looking at my entire body. Undoubtedly, I am being toyed with by this devil.

...After a short while. Taking another sip of her coffee, which she still holds, Tohsaka abruptly switches to a serious expression.

"Now then, let's stop fooling around and get to the main topic. To be direct, Shirou, have you noticed the barrier in this school?"


Barrier? I don't quite understand what Tohsaka is talking about.

Seeing me tilting my head, Tohsaka openly wears an exasperated expression. It's as if she's saying, "Oh, give me a break," as she lets out a sigh.

"Whether it's the work of a Master or a Servant, I don't know. But a powerful barrier has been set up throughout the entire school grounds. And it's not a defensive measure against external threats—it's a despicable one that steals the life force of people inside. I think it'll be activated later, but didn't you feel that something was off?"

...Come to think of it.

For the past few days, there has been a strange sense of discomfort throughout the school. It feels as if something is off, as if the vitality has been drained. I thought it was because it's getting colder lately, but it seems the cause is different.

But if a barrier has been set up here... then that means it's proof that a Master is hiding within the school.

The moment I realize this, I get goosebumps. If the enemy is hiding so close by, it wouldn't be strange for a Servant to attack at any moment. Without Archer or Saber by our side, we are perfect targets for the enemy.

"Recently, I've been sensing strange magical energy from the school building. I think that's the work of the enemy's Master.

Well, it seems they haven't noticed our presence. But since we don't know who their Master is, there's not much we can do... This Holy Grail War is really peculiar."

"...? What do you mean by 'peculiar'?"

"There are too many people who aren't following the rules. It's not something an ordinary mage would do.

This morning, there was talk of a gas leak incident and a missing person case. They said those were caused by different culprits. I initially thought one of them was responsible for this barrier, but when I thought about it more, there might be another mage behind those incidents.

The one behind the gas incident is probably a cautious Master. They think things through, and even though they're gathering such a large amount of magical energy, the public only sees it as an accident. They're skilled at covering it up.

As for the missing person case, I have no idea what they're thinking. It's crazy to kidnap ordinary people to that extent. If we leave them alone, we can't imagine what they might do."


I had thought that the Servant causing the missing person case... or rather, their Master was the one who set up this barrier. But it seems that's not the case.

If Archer's speculation this morning is correct, the culprit needs human bodies. I don't know what kind of magic or ritual they're using them for, but it can't be anything good. If they're willing to go to such lengths, targeting the school wouldn't be out of the question.

This barrier is said to drain the life force of people. If the culprit is causing these incidents in search of that, the school, with its large number of people, would seem like a treasure trove.

"If they can set up a barrier like this, they wouldn't need to kidnap people in the first place. Once activated, it can incorporate hundreds of people. There's no reason to take unnecessary risks and involve a few ordinary people. Even if the culprit behind the gas incident is involved, I can't think of a reason why they would resort to such a bold move. They're discreetly gathering magical energy without raising suspicion, so there's no reason for them to resort to such a gamble. Any other Master would see that as immediately suspicious."

"So, you're saying... that there are three people in this Holy Grail War who don't hesitate to involve others?"

"That's right. Normally, there should be a supervisor to prevent this... What the hell is Kirei doing?"

Tohsaka drinks her coffee roughly. It's clear that she's frustrated with this ridiculous situation.

"Really, there are too many troublesome ones. Dealing with Berserker alone is chaotic enough, and now we have these other strange Servants to deal with."

That's certainly true.

Berserker is an immensely powerful Servant, but without reason, they can only fight head-on as a power type. Their abilities are extraordinary, but on the other hand, they are also relatively easy to deal with in battle.

However, with the other Servants... or rather, if their Masters are the kind who don't hesitate to use any means necessary, the situation becomes complicated. If they are the type who ignore the rules to win, there is no room for complacency, and our strategic options are narrowed down.

In addition, despite partnering with Tohsaka, I am only a novice mage, and Archer cannot fully unleash his power due to his lack of memories. As a result, I am significantly disadvantaged compared to the other Servants.

In such a situation, we have to face the strongest enemy, Berserker, and Lancer, who wields a magic spear... and three other unknown Servants. Moreover, those three are the kind of people who casually involve others.

Anyway, we have to defeat them.

Those mass murderers should be eliminated as enemies. There's no reason to show mercy to scum who kill innocent people.

"You have determined the path you must take. There is no need to consider any other path."

Yes, as Archer said. Shirou Emiya... will fight as a hero of justice.


Afternoon classes had ended, and I still couldn't focus on them. Before I knew it, homeroom was over, and it was already after school.

Since I didn't have any particular errands, I headed straight home. I couldn't help but feel anxious about being attacked on the way, so I chose a crowded street where it seemed unlikely that a Servant would come to attack. As a result, it took a little more time than usual.

I think it's just needless worry, but since those who don't hesitate to involve others are our enemies, it's better to be cautious. There shouldn't be any fools who would attack in a crowded street filled with people.

With that in mind, I finally arrived home.

"I'm home!"

I called out as I entered my house's entrance.

...But there was no response. Could they be in a place where my voice couldn't reach?

Puzzled, I tilted my head and took off my shoes, then moved to the living room. As I stepped on the familiar tatami mats while saying, "I'm back," something unexpected came into view.


There, an unforeseen scene unfolded before me.

A scene that seemed to shatter the sense of reality here, yet was overflowing with realism. It was strange, or rather, it surpassed imagination and reached an entirely different level of reality.

"...Checkmate. Hmph, another victory for me. You're not putting up much of a fight, Saber."

"Ugh...! That was unfair, Archer! To disturb me and seize the opportunity..."

"Fool. Is there such a thing as being unfair in a battle? It only means that you were inexperienced.

...Ha! After suffering such a pathetic defeat, you still dare to challenge me, Saber?"

"Of course. This time, I'll defeat you, Archer!"


Legendary heroes spoken of in myths, engraved in human history. They achieve great feats and defeat formidable enemies while being mere mortals. They are the strongest beings, capable of even toppling gods.


That's how it should be.

So why...

Why are they playing shogi in my living room...!?

"Um... What are you two doing?"

I couldn't just stand there, so I hesitantly called out to them.

Then, the two who were engrossed in their game noticed me for the first time and looked up simultaneously.

"Hm? You're back, mongrel. I happened to be bored, so you can join us."

"Welcome back, Shirou... I apologize for using the shogi board without permission."

As usual, Archer acted haughty, while Saber lowered her head meekly. What on earth happened to lead to this?

According to what I heard, Archer had pulled out the shogi board from somewhere deep inside the house without permission. And then, when Saber returned from her patrol around the city, he had convinced her to play to pass the time. There was even an old rulebook lying around, thrown aside with care.

At first, Saber reluctantly went along with it, but as she suffered more losses against Archer, she became more passionate about the match, and before she knew it, she was fully absorbed in the competition. I had thought she was a composed person, but it turns out she is quite competitive.

I secretly worried that they might have clashed while Tohsaka and I were at school, but it seems that wasn't the case, which relieved me a little. Although I felt that these two didn't get along well, seeing them engrossed in shogi together made me think that maybe they have some compatibility after all.

...Well, that aside.

"Archer, you're good at shogi, aren't you?"

Archer, who was preparing for his tenth game against Saber, clearly displayed his skill. It was evident even to an onlooker that he wasn't moving like someone who started playing shogi yesterday.

Moreover, he hardly took any time to think. While Saber moved her pieces, considering each move carefully, Archer would make his move the instant after she placed her piece. It was as if he knew exactly how Saber would move from the start, without any hesitation.

I remember watching a match between a shogi master and a computer at some point, and it might be even faster than that. He must be highly proficient in shogi, or maybe his thought process is on par with a computer.

There is no way this Servant, who is an ancient hero, knows the rules of shogi, and there are clear traces of the rulebook being read. So, is that heroic spirit playing a professional-level game just by reading the rules? I can understand that abnormality to some extent since I have some experience with shogi.

I had thought that this Servant's depths were unfathomable, but I was once again amazed. Are heroic spirits beings whose intellect surpasses that of ordinary people?

"Hmph. A match is not about predicting the future; it's about constantly observing from an elevated position. By grasping the entire battlefield or even beyond that, one can understand how everything will move. There's no meaning in petty moves or tactics. What's important is not insignificant strategies but the grand strategy that moves the entire board."

Archer moved his bishop and took out Saber's rook, which had been restraining his own knight. His move was flawless. On the other hand, Saber, who had lost a powerful piece, had a grim expression.

From the looks of it, Saber doesn't seem like a beginner... no, she is clearly moving her pieces at a level better than mine. However, no matter how she tries to restrain Archer's pieces, her defense is somehow breached unnoticed. Even if she manages to capture Archer's pieces, it often turns out to be a setup for capturing Saber's pieces ten moves ahead.

In no time, Archer's forces grew in strength, and Saber's king was ruthlessly taken.

"Guh..." Saber let out a frustrated groan. In contrast, Archer was completely at ease. He somehow brought out a canned beer from somewhere and boldly drank it in the middle of the match. Wait, wasn't that the one Grandpa Fujimura sent the other day? Are you allowed to drink it without permission?


Saber trembled, visibly frustrated. It seems losing consecutively to Archer is quite vexing for her.

Honestly, this opponent was too much. But I also think that Saber was handling the game quite skillfully... She managed to capture important pieces that Archer had placed at critical points and moved to prevent Archer from finding openings with sharp restraints.

Archer being unbelievably exceptional is the only reason. Even if I were to face him, I can't envision a scenario where I would win. Saber clearly has a Western appearance, but I wonder if she has ever played shogi?

"Does Saber have experience playing shogi?"

While thinking that shogi is an Eastern game, I asked the question.

"Yes. The rules are different, but a similar game existed in my era as well. In this era, it is known as chess."

"I see. That explains why you're good at it."

It is often said that chess is called Western shogi, and there's a reason for that.

Originally, both shogi and chess are said to have the same origin. I vaguely read in a book somewhere that a game called Chaturanga in ancient India spread to the East and the West and developed into different forms.

So, if someone is skilled in chess, they are usually good at shogi as well. It makes sense that Saber is strong. I think there were similar games derived from chess that spread in ancient Russia and Europe, so maybe Saber enjoyed playing those.

"...Oh? Then, what about you, Archer?"

"I may have had experience in my original self, but my memories are lacking in my current state. However, a game like this can be understood at a glance."

Ugh. This Servant is saying something outrageous. There's no way a mere human can understand at a glance.

Archer glanced at me with a bored look as I remained dumbfounded. He finished his can of beer and placed the empty can on the table before turning his gaze back to me.

"Well, that doesn't matter. More importantly, mongrel, did you go to school? Tell me about your achievements."

"Yes. While I was near the school, I couldn't sense anything abnormal. If anything unusual happens from your perspective, please let me know."

As I sat down, the two of them stared at me intently. However, as soon as Saber mentioned the barrier, Archer furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Hm? Did you say a barrier, Saber?"

"Yes. A large-scale barrier has been set up at the school where Shirou and Rin attend. According to Rin's assessment, if activated, it would sacrifice the people inside."

"Hmph... Such a dull trap. It's typical of a third-rate intellect. It would be obvious to attract the interest of other Masters with such movements.

However, Saber, if you knew that information, couldn't you have shown a bit of kindness and told that mongrel about it?

That kid didn't know anything about the barrier. It's the first time I'm hearing about it as well. If things had gone wrong, he could have died."

Unexpectedly, I widened my eyes in surprise.

No way... It's surprising in itself that this arrogant and insolent Servant would say something that shows even the slightest concern for the Master's well-being. I was convinced that he was completely indifferent to my life or death, so I couldn't hide my shock.

But what does it mean that even Archer didn't know about that barrier? Certainly, since he hasn't seen it directly, there's no reason for Archer to know about the existence of the barrier. But why hadn't he heard about it from Tohsaka or Saber?

Saber, who was wearing an equally surprised expression as me, timidly spoke when I looked in her direction.

"...Shirou, didn't you know about that barrier when you went to school?"

"No, not at all. I only realized it today when Tohsaka told me at school."


Saber fell silent.

From her surprised reaction, it seems she jumped to the conclusion that I already knew about the existence of the barrier. Not telling Archer was probably because she thought I had already informed him.

I can imagine why Tohsaka was exasperated during lunch break. I must have been even more inexperienced as a magus than they had imagined.

Speaking of which... Tohsaka mentioned that any Master who saw that barrier would immediately notice it. In other words, the barrier set up at the school was something that an ordinary magus could easily see through.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know, but I exposed you to danger, Shirou."

Saber lowered her head, looking crestfallen. I felt a sense of guilt as I saw her apologetic face.

"No, it's not your fault, Saber. It's my fault for being so ignorant. I did sense that something was strange, but I didn't realize it was a barrier."

Seeing Saber with a face full of apology, I felt a surge of guilt.

Despite entering into a cooperative relationship, I haven't been able to do anything. On top of that, I immediately became a hindrance to the two of them.

Even though it's my fault, Saber, who has a strong sense of responsibility, is completely downcast. It makes me dislike my own immaturity even more, seeing the face of a girl like this.

"...Hmph, enough with this pointless banter. For you two, what's important now is how to stop that barrier. If you leave it alone, that mongrel who got caught up in it will die."

Archer, who was playing with the king piece in his palm, spat out those words with a condescending tone. At his intimidating presence, Saber suddenly lifted her head.

"...Yes, you're right, Archer. As you say, how to stop that barrier is the top priority. If it's not completed magic or a Noble Phantasm, it would still take at least ten days. According to Rin, the barrier was set up two days ago..."

"...Eight more days. It's crucial to stop the barrier before then, isn't it?"

Tohsaka had mentioned that it was impossible to remove the barrier. The only way to stop it was to defeat the culprit's Master or Servant.

But the Master is apparently hiding inside the school. If we can figure that out, it will narrow down the enemy considerably. In other words, there is a high possibility that either a student or a teacher is the Master.

However, it is difficult to narrow it down further. Once the barrier has been set up, it's unlikely that the opponent will come out easily. They can just hide and let the barrier activate on its own.

It's a headache for us. If only the enemy's Master or Servant would come out, we would have a way to deal with them...

"That's right. That barrier seems to be almost like a magical domain, according to Tohsaka. But is it something simple for a Servant?"

"No. Building such a large-scale barrier would be difficult for any Servant class other than Caster. If it's not pure magic, there's a possibility that they are using some kind of Noble Phantasm..."

A Noble Phantasm, huh?

The first thing that came to mind when I heard that word was Lancer's red spear. When he used it, Archer said something like "Hounds of Ulster" or something.

Come to think of it, that spear that Lancer was using was called Gáe Bolg. He said it himself, so there's no doubt about it. It's a name I occasionally hear in books and games, so if I follow that, I might be able to find out about Lancer's true identity.

"The spear that Lancer used was a masterpiece that was created from the bones of a sea creature and ended up in the hands of the Queen of the Land of Shadows, Scáthach. When thrown, it never misses its target and turns into a thorn that slaughters the enemy.

── The only male hero who can wield it is without a doubt..."

"── Cú Chulainn. Is Lancer's true identity the Child of Light from Ireland?"

Saber exclaimed. It was a name I had never heard before, but is Lancer really that impressive of a hero?

"Well... Is he strong, that guy?"

"Yes. He is considered a demigod and a great hero who single-handedly repelled numerous monsters and armies. As a spear-wielding Heroic Spirit, he undoubtedly ranks among the strongest."

Saber stated with confidence. However, I felt a sense of unease about her words.

I witnessed the battle between Lancer and Saber in the schoolyard two days ago. But even to a casual observer, it was evident that Lancer was overwhelmed. Even if they were to fight again, it would be impossible for Lancer to defeat Saber. Maybe if he used that Noble Phantasm, Saber might be defeated, but the difference in their fundamental abilities was clear.

It was the same when I fought Archer. Lancer clearly had superior skills compared to Archer, but he couldn't defeat him. On top of that, Archer even managed to defend against Lancer's activated Noble Phantasm. While it's true that Archer was at a disadvantage, it's hard to easily agree that Lancer is the strongest.

It just doesn't sit right with me. Seeing my confusion, Saber continued speaking.

"Our Servants' strength is proportional to the degree of people's faith in them. My true name is well-known in this country, but, as with Shirou now, Lancer's true name is hardly known. Because of that, his abilities have been significantly diminished."

"In addition, he is bound by some sort of... probably a command spell. That might be why his quality has further deteriorated."

"...Hmph. To be bound by constraints even in death, he truly is an unlucky man."

Following Saber, Archer sneered mockingly.

This Servant, despite claiming to have no memories of himself, seems to be quite knowledgeable about other matters. I had heard that information about modern knowledge is provided through the Holy Grail, so is this one of them?

And... what does it mean that Lancer is bound by a command spell? Archer's insight in noticing that fact is remarkable, but that particular passage bothers me... but for now, let's listen to what Archer has to say.

"The legend of Cú Chulainn has many stories, but one famous phrase stands out. It goes like this... 'He learned martial arts and rune magic in the Land of Shadows.'"

"So, that means... Lancer might have used magic to create the barrier at the school?"

"Yes, exactly," Archer nodded.

Now that you mention it... I did see Lancer at the school on the day when the barrier was set up. It's reasonable to assume that our encounter in the schoolyard was a result of crossing paths after the barrier was established.

Seemingly reaching the same conclusion, Saber also wore an expression that indicated her agreement.

"Certainly, that Heroic Spirit was covered in advanced rune protection all over his body. Although he himself didn't seem inclined towards such a barrier, it's possible that his Master is different. It's not uncommon for the strategies of the Master and the Servant to conflict with each other."

The young girl murmured with an emotional voice. Somehow, her face seemed clouded.

"──In that case, it's somewhat troublesome. If he's proficient enough in magic to create such a large-scale barrier, then he's different from an ordinary mongrel."

Uttering those words, Archer started arranging the chess pieces on the board. Observing whether he intended to have another match with Saber, he urged us to look at the chessboard.

Perplexed, both Saber and I tilted our heads. After confirming that we had caught his attention, Archer picked up one of the pieces from the board.

"Servants, in a sense, are similar to chess pieces. For example, like this..."

As he spoke, Archer moved his hand. Disregarding whose turn it was, the golden knight manipulated by the young man moved forward without hesitation.

"The knight can move freely forward as its characteristic. The rook can move vertically and horizontally, and the king can move in any direction. And there are pieces like the knight, which can only move in peculiar positions."

"We also have similar characteristics. For me, it's a sword; for you, it's a bow; and for Lancer, it's a spear. Each has its own distinct traits."

"Yes. And just as any piece can potentially capture the king, each piece has the ability to defeat one another equally."

"In that case, what becomes important is how to utilize the strengths of our pieces and exploit the weaknesses of the opponent. Having multiple abilities makes an enemy troublesome."

Hearing that, Saber seemed to come up with something. In her right hand, she held a chess piece just like Archer.

The piece placed on the board was a bishop. However, despite its supposed ability to move diagonally, the bishop was being moved forward by Saber.

"Normally, a piece can only perform a single action, but it possesses the characteristics of another piece like this. When the range of strategies to be taken increases, the player facing them has no choice but to become more cautious."

"That Lancer probably has an aptitude for the Caster class as well. If he can wield such high-level magecraft, then he is indeed a formidable enemy."

Saber pondered as she nodded.

If Lancer's magic skills are as expected, he is not to be underestimated. Being bound by the prejudice that he can only use a spear could lead to being outmaneuvered.

While Lancer was overwhelmed by Saber in terms of simple combat ability, things would change if he could use that much magic. Coupled with the ability of that Noble Phantasm, it makes sense that he is a powerful Heroic Spirit. This is the best he can be in Japan, where his abilities are diminished. If the Holy Grail War were held in another country, he might have been summoned as an even stronger Servant.

"However, it is also a fact that we have no conclusive evidence to confirm it is him. There is still a high possibility that it is the work of an unseen Servant."

"At best, be cautious, mongrel. To me, this is just a game, but for you, it is a battle where you stake your life. While you may struggle clumsily in your ordinary way, give it your all."

With a dismissive remark, Archer returned the chess piece he had been toying with to its original position. Ignoring Saber's gaze, which seemed to reprimand his arrogant statement, he took a sip from his second can of beer. ...How many more of those does he plan to drink?

Undeterred by the disapproving gazes from both of them, Archer drank his beer. However, at that moment, his immaculate face contorted with displeasure.

"But this really is a tasteless low-quality drink. I thought I'd give it a try for some entertainment, but it's beyond lamentable in terms of flavor. It's enough to make me feel pity rather than anger.

To have not only a shabby appearance but also poor alcohol in the cellar truly reveals the depths of your poverty, mongrel. If you want to call yourself my Master, quickly transfer some funds and fill the cellar."

"Archer, what's with drinking someone else's stuff without permission? At least it would be proper to inform the owner."

"Idiot. I'm offering this low-quality drink as a gesture of goodwill to a mongrel like you. It should be considered a favor."

Saber frowned, raising her eyebrows at Archer's unconventional statement, her anger evident. Good, let her get angrier.

However, there was no sign of remorse in Archer, the one being scolded. On the contrary, the face that should have shown disgust now had even a smile.

Silently smiling, the golden youth observed Saber with a gaze that seemed to harbor indescribable emotions. His eyes, which could be considered quite disturbing, licked over Saber's body as if examining it.

Saber's anger, my discomfort, and Archer's enigmatic smile caused everyone to fall silent, closing their mouths.

──Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the room.

The unexpected sound rang brightly in the silent living room.

"...? Shall we go see, Rin?" Saber said, trying to avoid Archer's gaze, and quickly got up from her seat. Archer watched her departing figure with a smile on his face, filled with laughter. It was a smile that could be described as gentle, but his crimson eyes held an unsettling light.

Observing Saber without any reservations, as if to devour her with his eyes. Saber's discomfort with being watched was surely greater than mine, as even I, who was watching from the sidelines, felt it. Without getting angry or glaring, Archer crossed his arms with an air of arrogance, seemingly ignoring Saber. To him, she was the only one worth his interest.

──Just as abruptly, the sound of footsteps resounded through the corridor.

"Welcome back! I hope you didn't make any detours, Shirou?"

"Sorry for intruding, Senpai. You're early today."

The door opened, and Tohsaka and Sakura entered, swinging their shopping bags. Saber followed quietly behind them.

Turning my gaze back, I noticed that Archer, who had been displaying that twisted smile, had returned to his expressionless state. Arrogantly crossing his arms as if to say he had no interest in anyone but Saber.

However, after a few days, I was starting to get used to this self-centered attitude of his. Ignoring Archer, who didn't utter a single word of greeting, Tohsaka passed by me.

"...Well then. We've got the ingredients, so let's get to work and show off our skills."

As soon as she put down the bags, Tohsaka immediately became enthusiastic. Sakura, standing by her side, wore a wry smile.

"I'm in charge today because it's my turn, Senpai! ...Um, Senpai, what should I do to help with dinner?"

"Oh, Sakura usually takes care of that. But since we'll be making dinner together for a while, take a break and rest if you want. ...Ah, but if Sakura really wants to make it, I'll consider it."

"Um...then I'll assist Senpai with his tasks."

Saying that with a smile, Sakura followed after Tohsaka into the kitchen. It was unusual for her to be so eager, but perhaps she thought Tohsaka would take over the kitchen.

After a while, the sound of knives being skillfully handled could be heard from the kitchen. With both Tohsaka and Sakura there, there was no need to worry. It seemed that I wouldn't have a role to play tonight.

──And thus, another day comes to an end.

A precarious balance of false peace. Despite knowing that it would come to an end someday, I continue to play my role in everyday life.

The madness called the Holy Grail War. The violence called Servants. Despite being surrounded by such things, I can still pray. I hope this life will continue for as long as possible...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kudou_taikicreators' thoughts