(inspired by fate/stay night and my love for self-insert) we wanted a perfect world. this is not the world we had in mind. the year is 2020, the Earth is facing an outbreak crisis that has impacted the world many people are fighting for survival against the virus while others. are ignoring and fighting the government for freedom and change. as for me. I just wish I was in another world where it is peaceful. or so I thought. my name is Aden. and this is my story.
11:05 AM
Aden: ow
Recovering from an injury sucks.
Recovering from an injury when you can't move or speak sucks a lot more.
Recovering from an injury when you can't move or speak while literally being kidnapped by a sociopathic girl who has a berzerker as a fuckin servant with a lot of info to use against you sucks even worse.
Looking around I started to scan the room and see where I was. and to my surprise, I was in the little girl's bedroom. and I was also tied to a chair which makes it worse. and just as I was going to look for an object that was just sharp enough to cut the ropes with I could hear the door open as I turned my head to see who it was at the door and that's when I saw her. the same girl who jumped us with the berzerker servant.
Illyasviel von Einzbern: Ah awake now are we.
Aden: mmph
Illyasviel von Einzbern: oh yeah i forgot.
Reaching her hand out she ripped the tape off my mouth as I was now ready to talk.
Aden: where are the others what did you do to them.
Illyasviel von Einzbern: hehe I saw them coming this way as I knew they were coming to get you and escape with you as well.
Aden: well once I am out of here I will have you held hostage and once I do I will interrogate the shit out of you-.
Illyasviel von Einzbern: now now there is no need for that. besides, I would not want to kill people like you. and plus I already have someone who is from Florida in the other room wanting to have all of the information given to me. because that all I need to know about the servants who are also coming to save you both as well.
Aden: a-avi
Illyasviel von Einzbern: *nods*.
Aden: well shit.