
Fate/Stay At Home

A cliche Chat Group Fanfic with Amakusa Shirou inheritance. I don’t own the characters and they belong to their creators. English isn’t my main language.

Heartless1190 · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs


(3rd POV)

It was Saturday morning, almost midday, most of the students were staying in their rooms playing games or were fooling around in the city, enjoying their youth… while they still can.

Shirou was having breakfast at the school cafeteria, which was expected -for a prestigious school like Hagun Academy- to be open even during weekends.

In front of Shirou, Kuroneko was also enjoying her breakfast, but she was a little dissatisfied since Shirou's food was way better than the cafeteria's, even though the food could be compared to some famous restaurants around the world.

Gulping down the food, Shirou felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket. He stopped eating and wiped his mouth with a piece of tissue before taking his phone out of his pocket and saw Ikki calling him

Shirou accepted the call and moved his phone next to his ear.

"Hello?…I don't mind…Sure…Ok…" Shirou said as he hung up soon.

"Who was it?" Kuroneko asked curiously.

"It was Ikki, he invited us to go to the shopping mall with Stella, his brocon sister and her roommate." The priest said as he looked at Kuroneko, "Do you want to come along?"

"Of course! When will we go?"

"We will meet at 1 pm in front of the west entrance." Shirou said, "It will be 10 minutes of travel if we go by the subway."

"Great," The chuunibyou said as she hurriedly devoured her plate and got up from her seat, "I will go first, I have things to prepare!"

Shirou looked at the departing figure of his chuunibyou partner, shook his head and finished his meal before getting up and walking away.

"Today is the day where the terrorists will attack," Shirou said as he looked at the city.

A small white dragon appeared on his shoulder.

"Are you worried about Gokou Ruri?" Albion asked curiously, but Shirou shook his head.

"No, I am sure that she can protect herself, but…" Shirou paused at the end, "I am not sure if she can handle it under pressure."

Remembering what had happened to Stella. Where the leader of the terrorists took a child as a hostage in front of Stella and order her to take off her clothes, which Stella obeyed since she would rather give up her dignity if it means to save a life of an innocent child.

'But I won't let that happen…' Shirou thought before returning to his room.

Upon arriving at the front door, Shirou heard a shout from inside.

"Wait for a moment!"

Shirou stopped himself from twisting the handle and lowered his hand, waiting patiently for Kuroneko to let him come in.

"You can come in!"

'How can people take so much time changing clothes?' Shirou thought, but he soon shook his head and gave up trying to understand.

Shirou opened the door and saw Kuroneko, no, it is Shironeko now. On the contrary of her usual gothic outfit, Ruri was wearing a one-piece white dress, without using any contact lenses and letting her black hair down.

"You look cute, Shironeko," Shirou said as he raised his thumbs.

"It's only natural for this queen to be beautiful in whatever she wears," Shironeko said arrogantly, but she couldn't hide her pinky cheeks from being complimented by the person she li–*Cough* *Cough*.

(A/N: Be careful of corona my dear readers! Remember always to use masks when you are outside and meet other people!)

"Anyway, are you ready to go?" Shirou asked as he was already wearing casual clothes, so he didn't need to prepare anything.

Shironeko nodded and they went to the academy's main building and notified the school before leaving for the shopping mall.

Arriving at the shopping mall, the duo saw the fantastic four at the entrance having an internal quarrel (actually Stella vs Shizuku, no weapons this time, and Ikki and Alice trying to stop them).

"Ikki!" The priest shouted while waving his hand and walking closer to them.

The fantastic four turned their attention to the duo and Ikki waved back at him.

"My name is Nagi Arisuin, but call me Alice," Alice said while winking hi-her eyes.

"But isn't Alice–" Shironeko said while pointing her finger at Alice, but she was interrupted when Shirou lowered her hand as he shook his head with an expression of 'don't think about it'.

"Biologically I am male, but rest assured, I am a maiden at heart," Alice said, but Shirou facepalmed internally.

'That just makes me more worried!'

"My name is Kotomine Shirou, and this is my roommate, Ruri Gokou," Shirou finished introducing, trying his best to ignore what he just heard, "Shall we go?"

Everyone nodded in agreement and entered the mall.

"So this is a Japanese shopping mall?" Stella asked curiously as she looked everything around.

"Isn't it the same in the Vermillion Empire?" Shirou asked curiously. Stella and the girls shook their heads in disappointment.

"Shirou-kun, you must understand one thing," Alice said seriously, "For us, ladies, what is important is the fact that it is another country's shopping mall, and whether it is the same or not, it doesn't matter."

"Sure…" Shirou said, unsure of how to react.

They stopped by at a cafe and ordered some ice creams for themselves, and needless to say, Stella and Shizuka were competing for Ikki's attention while Alice was amused observing them.

Shirou and Shironeko used the skill "Ignorance is a Blessing" and ignored whatever they were quarreling about.

Afterwards, they passed by many clothing shops of which Shirou and Ikki had to wait outside or sometimes even be dragged by the girls towards the endless indecisive questioning.

Although he has the mental fortitude of a servant, he quickly becomes mentally tired and goes to the toilet for a break, and it seemed Ikki was in the same situation.

Arriving at the toilet, which was empty before they arrived, Shirou splashed his face with water, refreshing his mind from all the headache he felt, but then suddenly his expression hardened and turned serious.

"Ikki, get over here," Shirou said seriously, which got Ikki confused but he still followed his instruction and went next to Shirou.

Shirou didn't say anything and summoned his Device, which surprised Ikki. Shirou slashed the air and opened a portal.

"Enter quickly before they arrive," Shirou said and entered the portal, Ikki entered too without knowing what was happening.

Soon after they entered the portal which led to a mirror world, two men suddenly kicked the door open and one of them started firing randomly, but his companion stopped him and they left the toilet.

Shirou and Ikki reappeared again, but this time, Ikki had a serious expression too. Shirou then teleported the both of them to the security room where he saw several guards laying on the floor.

Shirou then called the director and reported the situation.

"The customers who fled called the police and they already surrounded the place," Director said, "They are a criminal organization with a Blazer. They are asking a ridiculous amount of money in exchange for the safety of the hostages."

"If they wanted money, there would be easier ways besides the mess they are making," Shirou said with slight irritation.

"People like that want something besides the money, they are the type who love to see the terror and panic on people's faces and control them." Kurono paused for a second and sighed tiredly, "The police asked you for assistance. By the authority of the director, I am approving the five of you to use your Devices outside the school."

"Thank you very much, Director," Shirou said and nodded at Ikki, who nodded back and summoned Intetsu.

"Just don't be reckless and return in one piece."

"Understood, Director," Shirou said as he hung up.

They left the security room and stealthily went towards the plaza. Among the way, they encountered some terrorists, but Shirou and Ikki silenced them quickly without anyone noticing.

Shirou arrived and gazed down from the third floor where he saw the hostages and the rest of their group surrounded by armed people.

'Shironeko,' Shirou called her via telepathy, 'I and Ikki will eliminate them quickly while you take care of the one hiding among the hostages, but only do it after she starts moving, or else it will cause more panic.'

''Understood,' Shironeko replied without moving or changing her facial expression.

Shirou turned to Ikki and signalized him to start. Ikki jumped on top of the protective railing and muttered, "Itto Shura."

This alerted the people below and the terrorists immediately raised their weapons and started firing at the duo. Shizuka seeing that the terrorists were distracted, didn't waste the opportunity and created a barrier made of water around the hostages.

Some of the terrorists looked at the barrier and changed the target and started firing at the barrier, but it was proved useless as it couldn't pass through the water.

Shirou looked at the hooded man, who was clearly screaming 'I am the boss here!' based on his outfit and without anyone noticing, he appeared in front of the hooded man and swung his sword.

The hooded criminal kneeled in extreme pain as he held tightly the wound where his arm was missing. Shirou didn't bat an eye on the man who was screaming painfully and kicked his head, knocking him out. Shirou turned around as terrorists started immediately firing at Shirou.

Shirou didn't dodge or try to defend himself as the bullets stopped in mid air, much to the frightment of the terrorists. The bullets turned around and with a mental command, all the bullets flew back at higher speed than before and turned them into meat paste.

Shirou then briefly glanced at Ikki and saw him finishing the last terrorist and turned to the barrier.

"It's alright now, Shizuka, you can dismiss the barrier and escort the hostages to the exit," Shirou said and saw the barrier dispersing as the water fell on the ground, which luckily cleared the blood on the floor.

When Shironeko saw Shirou, she sighed in relief as she saw that everything was ALMOST finished and most importantly, Shirou was safe, even though she knew that these terrorists couldn't hurt him. Suddenly in the corner of her eye, she saw a woman ready to pull something from her bag as she got closer to a kid near her, so without hesitation, Shironeko summoned Sylphy and passed her finger through the string as if she was playing a harp and wind gathered under the woman.

(A/N: It is similar of how Tristan does.)

The woman was sent flying up by the gale and had her head stuck on the ceiling, like a person hanging on the ceiling by a roupe in her neck.

"Come out now, or else I will force you to," Shirou said as he looked at one of the pillars.

Soon after, a young man wearing the school uniform of Hagun Academy walked out from the pillars.

"Woh Woh Calm down, I am not one of them," He said with an irritating smug smirk as he walked towards the group.

"I didn't even sense his presence," Alice said, surprised but still on guard as she sensed some hostility from the young man.

"Kirihara-kun…" Ikki muttered.

"It's been a while, Ikki Kurogane," Kirihara said mockingly as he stopped at some distance between the group, "Your performance against those weaklings is truly amazing, but in the end, they are just weaklings, and with that miserable power of yours, do you still think you can hold on your own in the path of chivalry?"

"Enough!" Stella screamed at Kirihara as she moved forward, "Ikki is stronger, you know!? He is way out of league for you!"

Kirihara had an astonished expression on his face before he bursted in laughing, "It seems that you are advertising yourself as a very cool guy."

"I think its better if you leave now, there could be some terrorist left," despite the concerning warning, the tone of Shirou's voice and the expression he was making weren't friendly at all and it seemed that the stare he was making could kill somebody. Shirou looked directly into Kirihara's eyes and in that moment, what Kirihara saw weren't human eyes, but the ones that could be found in reptiles. The pupils became straight and vertical and Kirihara could swear that he could see a silhouette of a white dragon standing behind Shirou.

Kirihara unconsciously took a step back in fear, "A-Anyways, you should check your notifications, Ikki, because the opponent in your first battle would be me! I-I hope you won't run away this time, Worst One!" Kirihara said with his voice shaking and walked away.

"What a coward," Stella complained, but she definitely felt that familiar feeling from Shirou just now, but stronger.

"Shirou?" Shironeko asked concerned as she walked closer to Shirou. Shirou's eyes turned back to normal and he shook his head and turned around to the rest of the group.

"Let's just escort the civilians outside and return to the academy. It's important to rest before the battle matches begin."


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And by the way, give me your walle-I mean your Power Stones!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Heartless1190creators' thoughts