
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Can't die here!

Martin stood up from the ground as soon as Shiro had disappeared.

He took a couple of steps back, panting before resting his back on the door, "I thought I was a goner!" He yelled.

"The hell! Who the hell does he think he is?!" Matin out raged, punching the wall several times.

"He's just a brat, a weakling! Lucky enough to have a fucking magic boost and he thinks he's some kind of big shot!".

"I'll make him pay for the humiliation he put me through!" Martin began pacing around the place while biting his fingers.

He suddenly stopped moving, 'Wait! Why did he leave in the first place?' Matin thought to himself.

He immediately ran to the window to see a small keep packed outside his apartment, "Shit! He found me!".

Turning to run away he suddenly saw Morgana standing in front of him with her staff resting in her hand.

"You seem to enjoy moving around don't you?" Morgana said with her calm voice.

The door to the apartment unexpectedly burst open and a male voice echoed in with the sound of the door falling.

"Oh my, he was once close with his squad, greed got the better of him, oh how, can he convince them that he is not a fraud?"

William Shakespeare, with his book in his hands, danced into the apartment with Achilles, Vlad III, Goldy, Frank, Cu chulainn, Shinji, and Kirie walking behind him.

Martin was shaking in his knees, he began pressing his back to the wall as fear started gripping him.

"Kirie, what are you doing here?" Martin asked.

In the blink of an eye, Kirie whooshed toward Martin and choked him to the wall, leaving the table to collapse.

"Where is it?" Kirie asked.

"Where… is… what?" Martin asked, with his neck getting choked as he spoke.

"You stole something from me and I want it back, my core!"

Kirie uttered, he released his grip on Martin's neck leaving him to fall to the ground coughing.

"I didn't take anything, I swear" Martin responded.

"Would you look at that, who were you playing with just now?" Shinji smiled, picking up Martin's chopped-off finger that was on the ground.

'Shit!' Martin panicked.

"Oh?" Kirie walked over to Shinji and grabbed the finger, "Interesting, Willam, show us what happened here".

"If you want me to, then at least give me a clue" Willam replied.

Kirie handed the finger over to Willam who immediately grabbed it with a smile on his face.

He opened his palm and a golden book pasted with different colored feathers appeared on his hand.

"I shall look into the past, give me a second this won't last"

A bright light emitted from the book and all events that took place when Shiro was cutting off Martin's hand started showing like an HD movie.

Morgana grinned before aiming her staff at Martin, "You Traitor! You planned to obtain the lesser grail for yourself!"

Martin went to his knees cowering in fear as he begged, "Please don't kill me, please I'm begging you, I was going to tell you I swear on my life!"

While he was begging, he slyly reached for his pocket and brought out three of his marbles.

"What a pathetic creature" Goldy muttered, "The girl in gold, I refuse to believe that is her master" he uttered.

"What is a beautiful, strong servant bearing my name doing with a master like that?" Goldy frowned as he kept looking at the footage.

"Was that the other you, you said you fought with?" Kirie asked.

"Couldn't you tell of course she is" Goldy replied, "I must battle her again, I won't rest till I do".

Achilles sighed before walking over to Martin, "What should we do about him? I say we kill him, he's not in our faction any way"

Achilles uttered while aiming his spear at Martin.

"Sorry… but I can't die here," Martin muttered.

"Uhm?" Archilles moved his face closer trying to hear what Martin said.

"Don't take it to heart" Martin suddenly threw two of his Marbles up which suddenly formed a barrier that separated him from the other servants.

He then used the third marble to form a hole in the floor by increasing the size of the marble.

After successfully doing that, he jumped into the hole and used the same marble to block the hole so no one could follow him.

"Insolence bastard!" Morgan yelled, she was about to disappear and go after Martin but Kirie stopped her.

"Let him be," Kirie said, walking over to where Martin was.

"But master"

"It's fine, he's the least of our problems right now".

. . .. . . .

Shiro laid in the grass with his hands tucked under his head while looking at the stars, it was night time and he was still awaiting Saber and Scathach return.

He had already sent Gilgamesh to their location and left Rider at the small pond in the woods where she was having her bath.

While looking at the stars, the words Martin said to him began to echo in his head.

"What the hell does sacrifice masters even mean?" Shiro groaned before folding himself on the ground.


"There you are"

Saber voiced out, she walked over to Shiro, sitting beside him before placing her blade on the ground.

"So? How did it go?" Shiro asked.

"She escaped," Saber replied.

"I see"

"Are you bothered? We could still look for her if you want" Saber suggested.

"Nah, we can track them if we want it's not really a big deal"

"Then what are you thinking about?" Saber asked before looking at him.

"You've participated in other holy grail wars before this right?"

"Yes I have, I'm fated to do so"

"So then, was this how the previous ones were?"

"... Not exactly, the holy Grail war was initially supposed to be seven masters summoning one servants each, and then sacrificing the servants for the activation of the Grail"

Shiro jolted up from the ground before moving closer to Saber, "Yes, go on!" He yelled.

Saber sighed, "As I said, the seven servants were supposed to be sacrificed, but the grail could only grant a single wish and each master had to fight for the right to do so.

And so, the grail war was turned into a battle royal, where six servants were sacrificed and the last master and servants are the one privilege for the last wish"

"Six servants? But if that's the case, we should already have six servants sacrificed already, shouldn't we?" Shiro asked.

"I'm sorry, even I don't know the answer to that," Saber replied.

"Souka" Shiro fell back to the ground, "Can I ask you another question?"

"Ask away" Saber replied with her eyes focused on the night sky.

"What wish do you plan to make when you have the holy grail?" Shiro asked.

Saber paused for a while before looking at Shiro, he immediately set upright with his feet wiggling.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not like I care or anything, it's just, I want to know what kind of wishes people make to the grail thingy" He uttered.

Saber was still in her paused motion, she turned her gaze away from Shiro and went back to looking at the stars.

"My wish? My wish is to change the history of my Kingdom" Saber answered.

"Camelot? Why would you want to change that, wasn't it an amazing Kingdom, winning wars like crazy, you were like Germany but with low-key fighting powers" Shiro said, facing Saber again.

Saber smiled, but Shiro could sense the sadness that came with it, "History sure has its way around words" Saber muttered.

"That didn't happen?" Shiro asked, "Are you for real?".

. . . . . . .


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