
Fate/Series: I have a simulated servant!

Louis died on Earth due to a truck accident, but he gains a system that tells him he can simulate lives and, in the end, turn those lives into heroes as long as the legend he creates is enough for him to become a heroic spirit. As his first simulation, he becomes a boy named Rémy in France. The cover is not mine. I have no rights to any of the characters other than my own.

Kj18 · Anime und Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 10

Remy let out a nervous laugh as he saw Jeanne's expression. "Hahaha, sorry Jeanne, I didn't expect you to take my joke so seriously." He scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed for provoking such a strong reaction from her.

Jeanne was upset with Remy's joke. "It's not funny, Remy. I don't like it when you joke like that. It's serious to me that you think I would abandon you."

Remy realized that Jeanne was really upset and concerned about what he said. He regretted joking in this way. "I'm sorry, Jeanne. I didn't mean to hurt you. I really don't believe you would abandon me. You're my friend and I trust you."

Jeanne still looked angry, but at least Remy was able to calm her down a bit. They continued walking together, but Jeanne now walked ahead, demonstrating that she was still annoyed with her friend.

Remy wondered if she would forget the earlier incident. He ran a little to catch up to her, and when he arrived at her side, he proposed a new race to lighten the mood and relieve tension. "How about we bet on another race?" he asked, trying to cheer her up.

Jeanne looked astonished as Remy passed her at a surprising speed, not hesitating to follow him. However, surprise turned into perplexity when she realized that with every step she took, he seemed to be taking six steps ahead of her. Even so, Jeanne decided to accelerate her steps to try to keep up with him, putting even more force into her legs.

However, the image of Remy was getting further and further away as Jeanne struggled to keep up the pace. The feeling of helplessness took over her when she realized that no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to catch him. The sight of Remy disappearing in the distance left her with a feeling of perplexity and uncertainty about her own physical abilities.

Jeanne did not allow these thoughts to shake her. She continued to strive to run faster and catch up to Remy. After a few minutes, she finally arrived at her house, where Remy was already waiting for her in front of the door with a smile on his face. Jeanne approached him, still a little breathless, and asked, "When did you get so fast?" Remy laughed and replied, "Looks like my training is working."

"Train me too!" Jeanne said to Remy, excited about the idea of improving her running performance. However, Remy was hesitant to train her, as his training is quite demanding and puts a great deal of pressure on his own body. Although he always fully recovers the next day, he wondered if the same would be true for Jeanne. Despite his concerns, he finally agreed to train her, recognizing that there is room for improvement in her performance: "Okay."

After that, the two of them went to the house to get the animals and went to the pasture so that the animals could feed. When they arrived, Remy continued to teach Jeanne how to tame the animals. With a little time before it got dark, Remy trained Jeanne to do push-ups and other activities.

Three years later

On the banks of a tranquil lake, not far from the ruins of an old house, we can spot a young man immersed in his training. Wielding a sharp stick that symbolizes a spear, the young man dedicates himself fervently to his art, performing precise and strong movements. His long red hair, reaching down to his waist, follows every swing of the stick, revealing his blue eyes shining with determination and confidence. His body, as well-defined as it is undefined, is a blend of strength and agility, with slender arms and legs that denote his ability.


Suddenly, a sweet and melodious voice interrupts the young man, calling him by name. He turns to look and sees a stunning girl with long golden hair that falls to her waist. Wearing an elegant white dress that enhances her slender legs, the girl has deep blue eyes that seem to see directly into the soul of the young man. Her breasts, quite prominent for her age, add a touch of sensuality to her angelic beauty.

"Hello Jeanne, since you're here, does that mean you just came from church?" Rémy said, looking at her. Rémy seemed taller than Jeanne, but that was because he was standing on a rock while she was on the ground. Jeanne replied: "You should try going too."

"Maybe one day," Rémy replied, laughing, as he skillfully swung his spear. Jeanne sat not far from him and carefully watched every move the red-haired youth made, with precision and care not to make any mistakes.

"Ré, I'm leaving until tomorrow," Jeanne announced, getting up. Rémy was surprised: "You just arrived!" Jeanne smiled: "I'll stop by your house tonight."

Rémy was confused by Jeanne's response and even stopped moving his wooden stick. He looked at Jeanne's elegant back as she walked away with her hands behind her back.

Rémy watched Jeanne walking away for a few moments, still confused by her response. He wondered if she was just joking or if she really would visit him later. He decided that he would only know the answer when he saw her again.

Meanwhile, Rémy continued practicing his spear skills. He knew he needed to be ready for any situation, as he lived in a time of conflicts and wars. He trained hard every day, always seeking to improve his technique.

After a long day of training, the sun was beginning to set on the horizon, coloring the sky with shades of orange and gold. Rémy, exhausted, decided to take advantage of the nearby lake to cool off. He quickly undressed, feeling the cool afternoon breeze caress his skin, and plunged into the crystal clear water. The invigorating sensation of the cool water enveloping his tired body was indescribable, and he allowed himself to stay there for a few moments, letting his mind wander freely.

After bathing, Rémy got out of the lake and walked towards his house, feeling the tall grass brush against his bare feet. Looking to the side of the road, he noticed that the grass was growing disorderly, and wondered if he should cut it. The grass was lush and green, but also looked disorganized and wild. Rémy hesitated for a moment, pondering the decision to make. Should he let it grow freely, or would it be better to trim the grass to make the landscape more organized? He finally decided it was better to let nature take its course and continued walking towards his house, watching the tall grass sway gently in the breeze.

Remy was walking towards his home, but his mind was preoccupied with something that was bothering him: Jeanne's words. He couldn't understand why she had said she would visit him at night. The times she used to show up, she had not notified him in advance. Why would it be different now?

Jeanne's words echoed in his mind, and he tried to find some meaning behind them. Was she trying to tell him something? Or was it just a casual visit? Perhaps she was going through some trouble and needed help.

Remy felt confused and worried. He valued the friendship he had with Jeanne and wanted to help her if necessary, but at the same time, he didn't want to stare at the wall all night, waiting for her arrival.

Remy finally arrived home after a long training session. He entered the house that had no door, revealing his humble dwelling, and entered with a sigh of relief. The cool night air invaded the environment, bringing with it the soft aroma of the flowers that grew in the soft grass that made up his bed.

With a tired smile on his lips, he walked over to the grass bed and carefully placed his wooden spear beside it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he took a deep breath and let his hands fall onto his thighs. For a moment, he observed the natural beauty that surrounded his home, feeling grateful for the peace he found there.

With a loud yawn, Remy lay down on the bed and placed his hands behind his head, feeling the soft grass mold to his body. He closed his eyes and sighed, feeling completely relaxed. Now, all he wanted was to wait for Jeanne's arrival and find out what she had in mind.

Remy felt a deep exhaustion take over his body, as if every muscle had been squeezed to the maximum. Each breath was heavy and difficult, as if the air was being pulled through a straw. His eyes burned, heavy as lead, as he struggled against the sleep that enveloped him. But it was a losing battle, a battle against his own exhaustion. No matter how hard he tried to resist, his mind became increasingly blurry and confused, as if he were sinking into a sea of dreams. Finally, he succumbed to fatigue, surrendering to a deep and restorative sleep that would take him far, far beyond the limits of the physical world.

"Ré, I'm here," Jeanne said softly as she entered the house. However, she stopped abruptly when she realized Remy was lying on the bed, with a light and peaceful breathing indicating that he was deeply asleep. Jeanne approached the bed, moving with extreme caution, using the tips of her toes to avoid making any noise that might disturb Remy's sleep. Each step was taken with meticulous precision, her body moving with the grace of a ballerina in a carefully choreographed performance. Finally, after a few tense moments, Jeanne arrived at the side of Remy's bed, her heart beating hard in her chest. She looked at him, observing his serene and peaceful face, and felt a wave of tenderness and affection wash over her heart.

Jeanne gently stroked Remy's face, being careful not to wake him. She sat down on the grass bed delicately, trying not to disturb the young man's deep sleep. She played with Remy's bangs, caressing them lovingly, while she observed his peaceful face.

"You idiot, why aren't you awake?" Jeanne murmured with a loving smile.

She poked Remy's defined chest, observing him curiously. "How long are you going to take to wake up? And why are you shirtless?"

Jeanne looked up at the starry sky above, admiring the beauty of the night. The house had no roof, allowing her to see the open sky above them. "Thank goodness it's not raining," she commented, enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze on her skin.

Carefully, Jeanne lay on Rémy's chest, holding her breath so as not to wake him. She snuggled comfortably against his chest, feeling the young man's calm and regular breathing beneath her body. With a sigh of contentment, she looked up at the starry sky, observing every bright star in the distance.

Her blue eyes seemed to reflect each star, her smile lighting up the night sky like a shooting star. She felt at peace and happy, there, on Rémy's chest, looking up at the stars.

Jeanne settled even more comfortably on Rémy's chest, feeling as though she were floating in a sea of tranquility and love. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting herself be carried away by the feeling of dream and peace that surrounded her.

Gradually, a gentle drowsiness enveloped her entire body, enclosing her in a dome of dreams. As much as she tried to resist, it was impossible not to give in to that uncontrollable desire to sleep. After all, the day had been long and tiring, and she was exhausted.

Unconsciously, she snuggled even closer to Rémy's chest, seeking maximum comfort in the midst of that improvised grass bed. And, to her surprise, she succeeded. She felt so comfortable there, so protected and secure in his arms, that nothing else seemed to matter.

The night was calm and silent, with only the soft sound of crickets in the background. The starry sky looked like a vast black cloak, dotted with bright points that shone intensely. Everything seemed perfect in that moment, as if the universe conspired in favor of those two hearts beating in unison.

And so, they fell asleep together, immersed in a peaceful and refreshing sleep. Their bodies intertwined, their breaths soft and synchronized, as if they were one soul. There were no worries, fears or insecurities. Only peace, harmony and love.


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