

Fate turns its eyes to worlds in darkness. Fate does odd things to the worlds it touches upon. It brings the smallest spark and forms it into a massive beacon for the oppressed and a wild fire for its enemies. What happens in the future is anyones guess with the whims of fate. I do this for enjoyment and practice. I own nothing. Please support the authors and creators by following and supporting the releases. World crossover in the future. 5 laid out as of this moment. More to be determined.

CultivatorDragon · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

White Fang

The next day Jaune was told he could go into the city and buy something he liked. Jaune of course was excited to do it and all his sisters and cousins agreed. Little did Jaune know he was going to meet a person who would become very important to him in the future.

With this the Arc family fell upon the city. Jaune who had become the baggage handler, even if he was the youngest save for Maddy, walked around with bags upon bags all over his body. The Arc family has decided to stick together for the first part of the day before breaking up into groups. The Arc family had went on a shopping spree and hadn't looked back from their first shop. Jaune just followed behind as his load increased. Jaune just smiled at his sisters and cousins actions as he walked down the mall with bags hanging off his arms and boxes in his hands. He wasn't really interested in what all the shops had to offer since he was so focused on his training.

The only shop that caught Jaune's eye was the weapon shop where multiple different weapons were on display. Since he didn't have enough money Jaune could not buy a weapon, but he could trace the weapons when he held them. He had also been told that when he progressed further into his training, weapons would be given to him. He already had training weapons but no true weapons save for the two short swords Ebon Nav and the bow and arrow set Chiron had gifted him recently. He had borrowed his uncle's set to go hunting.

After half a day Jaune was released from his load as the family paid for a drone to drop off the 'spoils of war' as his sisters called it, to their home outside of the city. Jaune had been left behind with his young cousin Maddy as the others all went their separate ways to the spa, hair salon, dust shops, and weapon shops.

While walking with Maddy, Jaune came upon a crowd of people gathering into a building not far off. Jaune was intrigued as he walked over with his young cousin to see what all the fuss was about. It helped that there was a sweets shop right beside the building that all the people were walking into. Jaune as he walked towards the sweets shop heard some interesting conversations that a few people were having inside and outside of the shop.

"Surprised to find out we are gathering here. Shouldn't we have gathered farther outside of the center of the city?"

"This is a peaceful gathering so there is no need for us to go else where. Plus I was told that Ghira Belladonna will be making a speech about the future of the White Fang."

"Really? Must be important for him to meet at the center of the city. Lets go so we don't miss the announcement."

Jaune was intrigued at this development. He wondered if he could see what all the fuss was about. Turning slightly he headed to the building in question.

"Only Faunus are allowed in here human. Walk away." A guard said briskly to Jaune.

Jaune was rebuffed at the door of the building. Seeing this he turned away shielding Maddy from the hostile gazes of the guards at the entrance of the building.

His interest now piqued Jaune walked over to the sweet shop as he spoke to Maddy, who had come to nearly worship Jaune, "Hey Maddy do you want to see a magic trick? If I show you this you can't tell anyone else about it. It will be a secret between you and me alright?" Maddy who was in Jaune's arms smiled and cheered when she heard about magic.

"Of course big brother Jaune. I won't tell no body." Maddy said as she giggled with her hands over her mouth.

"Good." Jaune said as he walked to the corner of the sweet shop where Maddy's favorite candy was located. Looking around and not seeing anyone Jaune activated his transformation magic. Over the course of a minute Jaune's features turned more animalistic, while two fox ears and a pair of tails appeared. Jaune had worn a long cloak, as there was likely to be rain that day, this cloak concealed his transformation. Jaune's hair had also turned into a fox orange color matching the ears and tail.

Maddy who saw Jaune transform was awed, as she reached up and grabbed one of his ears. Jaune's body quivered at the ticklish feeling that he got from Maddy's grip on his ear. Jaune resisted the urge to kick his leg in the air at the touch of his ears.

Within the Reality Marble Tama was laughing hysterically as the other heroes seeing the scene joined in on the laughter.

Jaune had regained his bearings and grabbed Maddy's hand releasing him from the tickling torment. Laughing slightly Jaune asked, "How do you like my magic Maddy?"

"It's amazing. How did you do it? You look like a Faunus. You look really different as well. How did you do it?" Maddy asked excitedly.

"A magician can never reveal his secrets." Jaune said haughtily. He reached out and got some sweets for Maddy. Going to the counter the two bickered over whether or not Jaune should share what he had done. After finishing his purchase and giving Maddy the sucker she wanted Jaune went to the other building again.

"Ok Maddy I am going to need you to be quiet. Just eat your sucker and let me deal with everything ok? I will protect you from all the scary people." Jaune said to his young cousin. Maddy just nodded as she looked around eating her sucker.

The guards seeing the transformed Jaune and not knowing it was him allowed him access to the building. The guards the first time had not seen Maddy's face and were none the wiser when Jaune walked in with Maddy on his hip, since she also had a cloak for the rainy weather the guards could not see her features.

They walked down a corridor into a large assembly room packed full of Faunus. On the stage was a podium with a backdrop of a flag. The flag contained a white painted snarling wolf head, in a circle, on blue fabric. There were a lot of younger people on the outside edge of the hall since there were no more seats. Jaune went and walked towards an open area closer to the front row.

When he got situated a huge man appeared on stage and walked to the podium. The man, easily the largest man at the gathering, had a large black beard and an open coat that showed off his broad and furry chest. The crowd, who had gathered, cheered upon seeing the man. Beside him Jaune heard a young girl cry out, "Whoohoo, you go dad!" Jaune looked over and saw a cat Faunus girl who seemed to be around his age as she jumped and clapped.

The big man stood at the podium and gestured for the crowd to quiet down. "It is good to see you my brothers and sisters. I have come to give you news on the White Fang and our future. As you know our gatherings have garnered us a response from the humans. Though I have seen as well as others that just speaking has not done the job we need it too. I will not condone violence as your leader. Due to this and the resounding decisions make by the White Fang high council, effective immediately I will be stepping down from my position as head of the White Fang. Sienna Khan will be taking my place." Ghira pointed his hand off to the side where a Bengal tiger Faunus woman walked onto the stage. The crowd was silent for a few moments before they roared in anger, confusion, and disappointment.

Jaune looked over at the young girl who had been cheering not long ago and saw she had a sad, confused face as she looked at her father who was still on stage. Just behind her stood a woman who could only be the young girls mother. The mother bent down and spoke into the young girl's ear. After a few moments of talking the girls face scrunched up in anger as she ran out of her mother's hands towards one of the emergency exits out the back of the stage.

The mother watched, as her girl ran off, not sure as to what to do. She looked up to where her husband was standing on stage. She gave a signal that he needed to hurry up and finish. The man nodded almost imperceptibly. The mother decided to wait, as there was no threat to their daughter in this kind of environment. Everyone knew of Ghira and his family so they protected them like they would their own families.

Jaune saw this girl run off and could not help but feel as if he should try to help this girl in some way. With Maddy still on his hip Jaune went towards where the girl had disappeared off to.

When passing by one of the rows of seats a set of Faunus lifted their heads and sniffed the air. They had caught the scent of humans. Though the scents of humans were present on all the people here, they noticed a concentrated scent had just passed them by. The two looked on at the young man and the child as they went out the emergency exit. The two looked at one another, with anger plastered on their faces. They stood from their positions in the middle of the row of chairs and proceeded out, following the boy and the girl in his arms.

If a human was here and learned of what was to happen it could cause trouble for the White Fang and endanger the Faunus present. They took it upon themselves to fix this problem for their group.

Jaune had reached the door and walked out into an alleyway. Boxes of all different sizes lined the sides of the walls. Jaune saw the girl sitting on one of the boxes as she cried. Jaune not really sure how to approach her, was thinking of what to say. Maddy seeing the situation got Jaune to put her down, "Hey, why are you crying?" Maddy asked the young girl as she walked up to her side.

"Huh? Who are you?" The young Faunus girl asked as she looked at the child walking up to her. She hurriedly wiped away her tears as she turned to the two newcomers.

"I'm Maddy of course. And he is Jaune my big brother." Maddy said haughtily. Maddy had long since decided upon calling Jaune her big brother even though he was her cousin. Her parents had never gotten her to change how she addressed Jaune so the whole family just went with it. "Why are you crying?" Maddy asked the girl again.

"It is nice to meet you two. I am Blake Belladonna. I am crying because even though my father has worked so hard to get Faunus equal rights he hasn't succeeded and has to step down. I'm angry how he so easily stepped down as leader too. He didn't even fight to keep his position." The young cat Faunus girl explained to Maddy.

"But why? Isn't fighting bad, besides when fighting grimm? So didn't he do good in not fighting?" Maddy asked.

They young girl was shocked at these words, as she had not looked at it from this perspective. Though this did not relieve the anger she held at the situation as a whole. "I just want Faunus to have equal rights as humans. Seeing my father work so hard to achieve this, and not see any change is frustrating." Blake said.

"But don't changes like this take a long time? I mean countries aren't built in a day, so why would a social change be any different?" Jaune asked the girl.

Blake looked at Jaune with squinted eyes as she asked, "Yes, it takes time, but there has to be other ways to make it go faster."

"Hmm. If you are looking for short term advancement then the best options would be to get Faunus in positions high in governments, society and business to help push this change, while still doing what you have been. Change needs to happen from the ground up or everything will fall like a castle of cards." Jaune stated to Blake.

"And how are we supposed to do that when we are oppressed already. Those in high society will not give us a leg to stand on. The other governments wouldn't help either as they have the same people in their leadership positions." Blake accused back at Jaune.

"Pick you hardest, and smartest workers to get higher positions in the three areas. Honestly the Faunus race is a large enough group that they could have their own country if they wished. If that were so, then that government would be able to stand on equal footing with the other governments of the world, and get them to force changes to their laws and regulations. Any direction you pick will be an up hill battle, but that does not mean it is not worth fighting for, with or without violence. This will also take time. Time is your greatest weapon, as well as your greatest weakness in anything that has to do with change. As during the time to build your country the other governments will also try to find ways to hinder you. So you must be smart, efficient, and fast to keep from getting the ground ripped out from under you." Jaune further explained his reasoning. Since his time with Saber, Jaune had been looking into all the different types of government and how they worked. He read about the rise and fall of many countries.

Blake was slightly startled at the words of this boy. What he said actually made some sense. If there were a country for Faunus then they would be able to help Faunus everywhere should they have a seat at the world table.

"Yeah! You guys should make a country with a really big castle just like in the stories. Then you would be real." Maddy said with some excitement. Jaune just smiled and laughed at Maddy's words. Blake also joined in the laughter.

"How would you go about it then? Building the country I mean?" Blake asked wondering if Jaune could shed some light on another way of finding equality.

Jaune held his chin in his hand as he thought. The one type of governance that stuck in his mind most is the military state that had all of its citizens participate in the military for a set amount of years. "I think the best country structure would be a military state. I am not saying that everything would be militarized, just that everyone who calls himself or herself a citizen, would participate in the military for a set amount of time. Outside of the military it would be a free state where everyone could do what they wanted. Though there would be push back for it, ultimately this would give the kingdom a strong unity and structure that could survive in this violent world. Plus, this would give the people a confidence they would not normally have, as they would be able to fight and work in a uniform fashion should there be a crisis. It would be up to you to decide on the leader, either a monarch or a council or both." Jane explained his thoughts on the best governance style for this world.

Blake pondered over what Jaune had said. She saw how his vision could give the Faunus the confidence they needed, as well as the structure that would protect them from outside forces. Blake was amazed at the thoughtfulness of this young man. He thought in ways that many others didn't and it showed new paths that could be followed other than the ones that were blocked.

"Would there be a castle there?" Maddy asked Jaune.

Jaune looked at his cousin laughing as he said, "Yes, there would be. A really big castle right in the middle."

As Blake was laughing and pondering Jaune's words and thoughts, the emergency door banged open as two Faunus appeared. The two were giving off a hostile air as they walked towards the children.

"Miss Belladonna, you should get away from those two. They smell of humans." The first said, he seemed to be a wolf Faunus with a tail.

"We have to find out their intentions. No humans were allowed into the meeting." The second man said, he seemed to be a fox Faunus with pointed ears.

Both men were garbed in red robes with hoods that led down to billowy white pants and sandals. Each man seemed to be armed and ready for a fight.

Jaune hearing their words was slightly worried as he backed away towards Maddy. Before he took two steps, the men called out to him. "Don't take another step. Tell us why you smell of human and why you were at our gathering."

"What are you two doing? We were just talking. There is no way these two would cause problems they are only kids like me." Blake said as she stood from the box she had been sitting on. When she got to ground level she was able to see Maddy's face and noticed that she was not a Faunus. Blake was slightly bewildered, as she had not expected she was talking to a human child. She asked Maddy, "Your not a Faunus?"

Maddy just shook her head as she walked up towards Jaune's back. "No we aren't. Jaune said he wanted to see what was going on so he did a magic trick. He now has ears and tails."

Jaune could not help but groan at Maddy not being able to lie to her new friend. Jaune took one more step backwards toward Maddy, reaching his hand out behind him. "We meant no harm. I only wanted to see what was going on. I just brought my cousin with me. I saw that Blake was unhappy and decided to try and help her out. Please let us go, we won't say anything about what happened here." Jaune said hoping to calm this situation down before things got out of hand.

Blake, who heard Jaune's words, blushed slightly now knowing they followed her out to make sure she was ok. Happiness filled her stomach at what that meant to her. Even if these two were human.

Especially if these two were human. She was shaken out of her stupor by the two fox Faunus.

"We told you not to move! So you are human spies come to gather information on the White Fang? Can't believe that humans would stoop so low as to use kids to get things done." The first fox Faunus said as he pulled out his dagger from his belt.

The second fox Faunus also pulled an identical dagger from his belt. They both pointed their weapons at Jaune. "Miss Belladonna, please come over here now. We will take care of these interlopers." The first fox Faunus said in a commanding tone.

Blake was unsure of what to do. She didn't feel these two had any ill intentions. Blake had heard the truth in Jaune and Maddy's words. From everything that had been said to her she could not see how these two, who had such great ideas for the Faunus and their fight for equality, could be bad people.

"There is no need for this to get violent. It was only my childish need to know what was going on. Maddy had nothing to do with it. Just let us go." Jaune pleaded, as he got ready for a fight.

Hello Fellow Readers!

Things are starting to heat up. Another important character has been met. What will the outcome of this meeting bring? How will this change Blake and her story line? Find out next time on Fate/Remnant.

Thanks for reading Fellow Readers!

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