
Fate: Please let me go to the Throne of Heroes

After transmigrating to 'Fate' and gaining the recognition of the root, Luo Wei found out that as long as he can die abnormally in someone else's hands, he can ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the 'Lord of the Throne of Heroes' A much stronger and freer existence than the Seven Crowns. For this reason, he started going crazy to death; scolded King Gilgamesh face to face, challenged the 'Almighty King of Gods Zeus' in Greece, blatantly abducted 'Skadi' in Northern Europe, declared Solomon as a devil instead of the son of God in Israel, and stood beside 'Morgan' until death in Britain. "But why am I still alive now?" A famous existence in history, a friend of the oldest king, the first prime minister of Mesopotamia, the man favored by the Greek gods, the king of giants in Northern Europe, and the incarnation of God who awakened Solomon's humanity. Well.. Luo Wei, who looked young but had a lot of history, sat on top of Fuyuki Bridge, sighed, and looked in front of him: "Tell me, what went wrong here?" _______ Read chapters in advance at patreon.com/StoryBuff ______ Original: https://trxs.cc/tongren/6362.html Author: Los Angeles White Horse

StoryBuff · Anime und Comics
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73 Chs

Facing the Riot Alone

(Sorry for the irregular updates.

Well, I was busy preparing for an exam, but now it's all done.

I'll update regularly.. and the schedule would be.

1 chapter/day for the first five days..and 2chapter/day for the remaining(Saturday and Sunday)


The next day,

The sky resembled a curtain,..

To the west of Uruk, beyond the border of Warcraft.

The fertile soil stretched endlessly, while the yellow sand seemed endless..

In the distance, Luo Wei could see the lush woods standing at the end of his sight, as well as the guard tower stone wall standing on the hill in front of the forest.

He knew that was the Warcraft Forest.

The journey from the city-state of Uruk was lackluster.. Even with gods to protect the world, we were still in ancient times, after all.

Human footprints had not yet covered the entire Earth.

What lay beneath our feet, apart from loess, was still just loess.

So he directly used the flying Noble Phantasm in the Babylonian treasure house given by Gilgamesh to fly over.

At this moment, he finally set foot on the ground.

His linen robe fluttered in the gusty wind.

The guards stationed around the Warcraft Forest, who had always obstructed his approach, now revealed their purpose and identity clearly.

"I've seen Priest Luo Wei," announced the leader of these guards, a tall and muscular man, as he appeared before him.

"Thank you for your hard work,"

Luo Wei glanced around at these people, seeing that their faces were covered with sand and dust, and the armors they wore that only protected their vitals were mostly damaged, and many of them were tied with bleeding vine leaves..

Well... it' was not easy for them.

But that's okay.

"I've come by the king's order," Luo Wei declared. "Leave the rest to me!"

With a wave of his hand, bright golden ripples emerged all over his body, and sharp edges materialized between those ripples.

The guards couldn't help but shiver.

The identity of the visitor was confirmed, and there was no longer any doubt..

"Lead me to the front to take a look,"

He pointed towards the woods on the other side of the wall.

"Aren't you going to take a break?" the guard leader inquired. "It would be better to assess the situation first."

"Is there a riot over there, isn't there?" Luo Wei responded, leaving the tall man momentarily speechless.

In fact, when the reports reached Uruk, there had been numerous Warcraft riots in the Warcraft Forest.

The creatures within the forest seemed drawn to something, launching relentless attacks against the wall guarded by the soldiers.

During this period, the soldiers had fought tirelessly, day and night, without respite.

The weariness on their faces and the wounds on their bodies bore testament to their dedication.

And now, even without them explicitly saying it, Luo Wei could sense that a fresh round of Warcraft uprising loomed on the horizon.

After all, he was a regular priest in the Uruk Temple, equipped with keen observation skills.

Of course, he wouldn't "stand idly by" in this regard—

"Sir, I think you should still assess the situation first," the guard leader spoke once more in an attempt to dissuade him.

"You've just arrived, and you're unfamiliar with the perils of the Warcraft Forest. Within its confines, the power of mortals is greatly suppressed."

"It's teeming with all sorts of 'surprises.' No matter how skilled a warrior is in combat, a small mishap could lead to death..."

"Is that so?" Luo Wei's eyes sparkled with excitement.

The guard leader fell into silence.

Did the priest heard his words or not?

Looking at the guard's strange reaction, Luo Wei understood that he was showing the wrong look..

"Ahem, what I meant was... Since I'm here on his Majesty's behalf, I can't simply stand by when something like this occurs."

"I represent his Majesty, and I assume you wouldn't want anything to tarnish his reputation, correct?"

He directly evoked Gilgamesh, leaving no room for further objections from the guards.

After all, disrespecting the king was unthinkable.

Despite Gilgamesh's tyrannical nature, his reputation was incredibly high among the guards due to his immense power.

No one in the army dared to disrespect him.

"Let's go!" Luo Wei instructed with a wave. "Open the city gate and order everyone to withdraw."

"What...?" The guard leader was bewildered.

"I said, open the gates and withdraw the troops!" Luo Wei's tone was firm. "I can handle this alone."

He made this statement without any pretense. "Having you all here would only hinder me."

Having experienced several past incidents, he had learned his lesson well.

From Gilgamesh to Ishtar..everything was contrary to what he thought..

This time, he didn't want to leave any potential sources of mishaps.

Each of these guards before him was a seasoned warrior with countless battles under their belts.

Their presence could indeed jeopardize his plans.

After all, Luo Wei's intention was clear.

He just wanted to die in an unexpected twist of fate.

This would be a recurring theme throughout history.

A formidable warrior would face an opponent he should have easily defeated, yet due to the whims of fate, he suffered a tragic defeat and finally ushered in a tragic ending.

This was what he wanted to do.

Life was like a summer flower, death was its radiant conclusion, leaving behind profound regrets in the annals of history.

"I must caution you in accordance with the king's orders," Luo Wei declared, no longer paying attention to the guard leader.

He surveyed his surroundings and addressed the soldiers loudly:

"You've given your all to defend your homeland and the kingdom that stands behind you."

"You've toiled tirelessly."

"But what I want you to know is - you're not alone."

"You've done your part."


"It's my battlefield."

Rumble... The gears turned, and the stone door embedded in the grand wall gradually ascended, propelled by the mechanism.

The soldiers guarding outside the wall fell silent, gripping their long knives and spears tightly.

Despite their wounded bodies and weary expressions, they remained watchful, their gaze fixed on the dark forest ahead, their crimson eyes flickering in silence.

Before this, they had brandished their swords countless times, defending their homeland.

They had witnessed their comrades fall in battle.

Their hearts ached, but they endured, fighting on.

However, at this moment, when Luo Wei stepped forward and spoke those words, they all paused simultaneously.

Soldiers are the defenders of the realm..

But you are not the only ones guarding the country.

You have your back, we have your back.

Luo Wei closed his eyes and advanced.

Bright ripples continued to emanate from his body, and sharp, sword-like treasures materialized between them, pointing towards the creatures on the other side of the forest, creatures that were about to stir.

At that moment, the warm morning light painted a rainbow, casting its glow across the dense expanse beyond the forest.

The guards stared at the slender young figure clad in a linen robe.

So radiant.

Yet this light did not belong to the gods; it illuminated everyone in that instant.

Inspiring awe, unafraid of death.

Ready to face the tide!


The demonic beast that had been entrenched and squirming finally couldn't be suppressed and completely exploded under the fierce crisis caused by the powerful momentum of the Babylonian treasure trove unfolded by Luo Wei!

The claws outlined, the body moved, countless trees were knocked down, and large tracts of dust were thrown out along with the green leaves, forming huge waves that shocked the world, mountains, and seas.

The demonic tide surged.

This was a riot.

And it was more intense and unprecedented than ever before!