

In ancient Japanese, Mount Suzuka is known as the legendary land of treasures, a mystical realm where mankind's most coveted riches are enshrined. At the center of this fabled domain are the three Sacred Treasures: the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. To their misfortune, however, they can never get their hands on these treasures, for he is there to protect and rule the legendary land of treasures with a ferocity that knows no bounds. His unwavering strength and commitment have earned him the throne of sacred Mount Ibuki. In a kingdom where power and brutality determine leadership, he emerged as the natural choice to rule the Yokai, the supernatural creatures of Japan. Under his reign, he commanded unparalleled control over these beings, making his era the golden age of the Yokai in Japan. His leadership was so extraordinary that no other leader could ever replicate or surpass his feats. His name became synonymous with a great leader and a testament to his outstanding rule and the pillar of history that made him the supreme leader of all Yokai. An ordinary human being in the modern world, he reincarnated as a Yokai during the Age of Gods and therefore decided to take the name of the most powerful Oni he could remember from his memories. He was Otakemaru, the Demon God. And after his death, in order to try to fulfill his promise, he even changed his destiny as the [Last Embryo] to gain recognition of the root in order to ascend to the Throne of Heroes and become the true Demon Lord of all existing worlds. A Fate/DxD/Mondaiji/Multi Crossover.

Demon_King22 · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter - 9


Chapter - 9: First heavenly blade


Otakemaru's sudden appearance sent shockwaves through everyone present. Who would have anticipated that someone would dare interrupt the clash between Saber and Berserker, let alone challenge two Servants simultaneously?

"Who is he?" Rin mumbled in disbelief.

"My Demon King..."

The Masters, observing from a distance, turned their attention to a new voice. It was soft, gentle, with a touch of maturity compared to Illya's voice.

"Good evening, Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, and Illyasviel von Einzbern... My name is Manaka Sajyou. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Manaka introduced herself with a graceful bow, her skirt lifted in a manner reminiscent of Illya's earlier gesture.

"Manaka Sajyou?" Rin exclaimed, taken aback. "The current heir of the Sajyou family and a specialist in Formalcraft?!" Her tone was almost incredulous. It was evident that Rin was well aware of Manaka's reputation. While the Magus Association might not hold Formalcraft in high regard, Manaka's considerable talent in her family's art had not gone unnoticed.

"Yes... I am honored that you recognize me, Rin Tohsaka," Manaka replied, her innocent smile radiating a sense of genuine flattery.

Illya's gaze upon Manaka was sharp and calculating. She had certainly heard of Manaka's reputation, which, while not overly exceptional, was still noteworthy. This woman could potentially prove more formidable than Rin.

As for her Servant... There was something different about him. As the Grail vessel, Illya could sense the uniqueness of this Servant. It hinted at the presence of an extra class, the enigmatic Avenger.

A mysterious new class... But that didn't faze her. Berserker was invincible! No one could surpass his might, after all, he was the strongest hero in Greek mythology

"Hmph! So, I assume that's your Servant?" Illya inquired, her tone holding a trace of superiority.

"Well, now that I see you up close, you're one of those, aren't you?" Manaka retorted, sidestepping Illya's question with a pointed remark. The white-haired girl's eyes twitched slightly. There was no doubt that Manaka was referring to her status as a Homunculus. "Just as the Einzbern family planned—to create a fine weapon in the form of a Master," Manaka added with a slight chuckle. "As for the man over there, yes, he's mine. He's my King..."

Rin, wisely avoiding any missteps that might worsen the situation, shifted her attention to Manaka. "Is your Servant and Avenger?" she asked with an appraising look

"Hmmm... Maybe..." Manaka's response was shrouded in mystery. Otakemaru had never explicitly forbidden her from revealing the truth; he just relished in toying with people and creating confusion. Ultimately, though, he didn't mind if they found out. "Yes, he is an Avenger-class Servant," she confirmed after a brief contemplation.

"An Avenger-class Servant... How enigmatic," Rin mused. This turn of events was undeniably unexpected. An extra class had manifested right after they had learned of its existence.

"But extra class or not, it doesn't matter! My Berserker is invincible! No one can defeat him!" Illya boasted with a strong sense of pride.

Manaka's response was a simple smile, completely unfazed by Illya's assertion. "You might want to be cautious about being too certain," she observed with that same serene smile.

"Oh, really?" Illya retorted. "Well, let me tell you then! My Servant is Heracles! The greatest warrior of Greece!" She declared with unwavering confidence. Shirou and Rin exchanged shocked glances, while Manaka merely blinked in response. "I doubt a nameless hero like yours stands a chance against him!" Illya added defiantly.

Instead of showing any signs of panic, Manaka simply narrowed her eyes slightly and cast an amused glance toward Illya. "My Demon King once reigned over the stronger beings of his era. There were many heroes like Heracles in his time, and he instead stood at the pinnacle... Leading them all. I believe this will highlight the vast disparity between my king and your Heracles," she responded calmly, her words laced with evident disdain.

Illya caught onto the tone and focus of Manaka's words, shooting her a sharp look. Then, she turned her attention back to the battlefield, urgently shouting, "BERSERKER! CRUSH THAT SERVANT!" When she looked back at Manaka, her glare was met with nothing but a serene smile, almost angelic in nature.

A spark seemed to flicker between Shirou and Rin for a moment as they observed the interaction. Rather than the deadly tension they might have expected, it was almost as if two mischievous children were playfully bantering. The thought was enough to make them break into a nervous sweat.


Otakemaru descended strongly between Saber and Berserker, his countenance bearing an air of indifference, almost as if he saw their confrontation as mere child's play rather than a battle to the death.

"Who are you?!" Saber demanded, preparing to engage him in combat. However, a nagging familiarity emanated from the figure before her. While she couldn't quite put a finger on what it was, her instincts warned her that this Servant might be the most formidable opponent she had encountered thus far.

Otakemaru stood in silence for a fleeting moment, his attention focused solely on the hero standing opposite him. He seemed to completely disregard the presence of the valiant knight beside him.

Saber blinked, her grip tightening on her sword as she pointed it toward him. "Are you going to pretend that you're ignoring me? Are you an enemy who's interrupting our duel?" she muttered, her gaze fixed on Otakemaru. His expression was far from interested or concerned; it was as if her presence held no significance to him.

The knight's form appeared fragile and weak in Otakemaru's eyes, posing not even the faintest threat. He doubted whether her Noble Phantasm could even pierce his skin.


For the first time since his arrival on the battlefield, a change swept across Otakemaru's visage. A predatory grin stretched across his face, revealing his fangs. The words seemed to ignite a spark of anticipation within him. "Come, Hero..." he stated simply, his tone carrying a flat certainty.


Berserker unleashed a furious roar, causing the very ground beneath him to quake as it shattered from the sheer force he exerted. His sword-axe was hoisted high as he lunged towards Otakemaru, the impact of his movements echoing the storm of his rage. With a powerful swing, he aimed to deliver a devastating blow upon his adversary.

Swift and agile, Otakemaru evaded the colossal weapon's trajectory by bending his body with a dexterity of an animal. He gracefully sidestepped another mighty strike, his movements fluid and seemingly effortless.

Utilizing his tail as both a pivot and a weapon, he entwined it around the shaft of the massive sword-axe, deftly leveraging it to disarm Berserker. Simultaneously, he executed a precision punch to the giant's visage.

Astonishingly, the punch inflicted visible damage upon Berserker. The warrior's countenance contorted in response, and a resounding crack reverberated through the air. Despite the injury, it was a minor wound for Berserker – an inconvenience rather than a true hindrance.

In the same instant, the Servant of madness unleashed his other hand, attempting to swipe Otakemaru away like an insignificant insect.

Exploiting the small window of opportunity, Otakemaru delivered a forceful punch to Berserker's abdomen, striving to maintain his ground. Nevertheless, the attack managed to propel him several meters back, the strain on his body evident in the beads of blood that formed at his clenched teeth. His eyes burned with a more menacing fervor, their intensity akin to a predator scenting its prey.

Even in his berserk state, the massive giant recognized Otakemaru as a substantial threat. The palpable sensation of impending doom hung heavy in the air, inching closer with every passing second.

"⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️!" Berserker roared, his voice a thunderous declaration of his determination to overcome the formidable adversary before him.

Berserker's roar reverberated once more, heralding his renewed charge as he surged towards Otakemaru with astonishing speed for a being of his immense stature. Otakemaru's demeanor remained unchanged, his expression unmoved by the raw strength displayed by his adversary.

With a calculated precision, Otakemaru evaded the charging assault. His movements were efficient as he skillfully shifted his body, narrowly avoiding the incoming attack. As Berserker's massive weapon struck the ground with titanic force, it bore down with enough weight to carve a vast crater, consuming everything in its vicinity.

Seizing the moment, Otakemaru capitalized on his nimbleness. He planted his foot upon the lodged weapon, transforming it into a solid foothold that propelled him towards the charging giant. Berserker reacted swiftly, relinquishing his grip on the weapon and lashing out with a punch aimed at his agile foe. Otakemaru displayed an almost preternatural anticipation of the counterattack, as though he had foreseen such a response.

Slightly tilting his head, Otakemaru deftly evaded the incoming punch. The strike, however, grazed his skin, did not do even the slightest bit of damage, as if it were a mere light breeze.

He executed a precise heel kick aimed at Berserker, yet the giant exhibited an uncanny agility, sidestepping the attack with surprising grace. Swift as a shadow, Berserker then attempted a retaliatory kick, but Otakemaru was prepared.

With a casual ease that belied his diminutive form, Otakemaru intercepted the kick, his grip unyielding as he halted the giant's motion. His strength, concealed within his small body, manifested with a startling intensity.

With an effort, he exerted his formidable force, propelling Berserker with astonishing ease. The towering warrior hurtled through the air, crashing against a distant wall several kilometers away, the impact a testament to the sheer power at Otakemaru's disposal – a power that was nothing short of chilling.

"Daitoren!" Otakemaru mumbled, his voice carrying a weight of power and divine authority.

Suddenly, before his very eyes, a rift in reality tore open above his head. From the heart of the swirling vortex emerged a sword of awe-inspiring magnificence, its hilt adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to writhe like flames in response to the sword's fiery nature.

The blade itself was a masterwork of craftsmanship, forged from an otherworldly metal that glowed like molten lava, its edges dancing with tongues of crimson fire.

The flames that licked along the blade were not mere decoration; they were a manifestation of the sword's innate elemental power. With each flicker and leap of the fiery patterns, the air around the blade shimmered with a searing heat that seemed to challenge even the sun.

[Picture - Daitoren]

As the sword began to materialize fully, its descent was swift and forceful. It landed abruptly on the ground with both feet, its impact causing the very earth beneath to tremble and crack. The ground fractured as if unable to contain the sheer power radiating from the sword.

With a deep breath, Otakemaru strode toward the sword, his footsteps measured and purposeful. He reached down and grasped the hilt, feeling the cool metal warm under his touch as if responding to his presence. The blade's fiery patterns intensified, as if acknowledging his command.

In a display of power that defied comprehension, the surroundings around Otakemaru began to warp and distort. The very air shimmered and wavered, as if unable to withstand the intensity of the sword's fiery aura.

Trees and rocks began to warp and melt like wax in a fierce inferno, their forms contorting and bending as if bowing to the might of the weapon. The ground itself seemed to liquefy, flowing like molten metal under the influence of the sword's overwhelming power.

Amidst this cataclysmic display, Otakemaru stood at the epicenter, his expression utterly indifferent. His gaze was fixed solely on the blade he held, a calm and unyielding determination emanating from his very being.

It was a look that sent a shiver down the spines of any who witnessed it—a chill that cut through the scorching heat of the spectacle he had conjured.


I hope you are enjoying the story!

The first heaven blade makes its appearance, now all that's left is for it to reduce all of creation to ashes lol

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