
Fate of the Aircraft Carrier: End Times Symbiosis

The world is in shambles after the apocalyptic apocalypse. Zhou Lin was reborn three days before the apocalypse and gained the ability of "symbiosis". After careful consideration, he boarded a flight to the island. Two days later, the world was shocked: the largest and most advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the beautiful country disappeared into thin air after completing the supply in the harbor of the island country! Pretty Country, Island Country, Summer Country, and Mao Country were thus on first-degree war alert. However, only twenty-four hours later, the island country's Mt. Mount Fuji and the beautiful country's Yellowstone National Park volcano erupted at the same time, and the apocalyptic natural disaster came ......

GiveBreathe · Fantasie
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20 Chs

 The hoarding Cheng Yali

  Zhou family farm to Jiazhou City is actually not far, driving is not even half an hour.


  Looking at the Zhou family just purchased a large flat roof leap, Ai Bing eyes are about to stare out, quietly asked Zhou Lin, how much money this set of houses will cost.


  "It's not like it's a deep market, my mom said it's just under five million, right, you can go to the title registration at two, are you sure you want to lend me the money?"


  If Ai Bing was still a little hesitant before this, then from the moment she walked into this house on the 17th floor, with a property area of three hundred and eighty square meters and a one hundred and fifty square meter rooftop garden, Ai Bing made up her mind to put her name on the title deed!


  It is a pity that it is not the deep city, otherwise, just based on this set of houses, Ai Bing will never let go of Zhou Lin, marriage, must be married!


  "Why don't you write the IOU first, and I'll transfer the money to you later."


  The reason why we have to wait a while is because Ai Bing's deposit is actually not much, just twenty. Don't look at her often wandering among those rich second generation, people are not stupid, eating and drinking or even buying things is not a big problem, but the real cash given is not much, she herself has to consume, a few years down to be able to have this number has been very good.


  In order to try to take more possession of the property rights of this house, Ai Bing decided to use all of her credit cards and online platforms, she has thought about it, this side of the borrowing in front of Zhou Lin's parents to show a little bit, and then return to the deep city and then slowly pull out this money from Zhou Lin's pocket back.


  Previously, she is really not clear about the situation of Zhou Lin's family, since the decision to go with Zhou Lin a good period, that after Zhou Lin's wallet must be her tube up, as to say that Zhou Lin can not make so much money ... The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do that.


  It had to be said that Ai Bing's calculations were quite clever, but unfortunately even the most cunning fox was no match for the hunter. When she told Zhou Lin that seven hundred thousand dollars was no problem, Zhou Lin already knew that she was going to borrow money.


  Only the online loan release takes time, Ai Bing in order to get as much cash as possible, so he asked Zhou Lin if he could go back to the title center tomorrow.


  "That's fine, but I'm going to go shopping with mom this afternoon for some things we need for the farm, why don't you come along?"


  Hearing "farm", Ai Bing can not help but think of feed, manure and so on, immediately shook his head, Zhou Lin does not mind, let Ai Bing to go to the city to shop, taste the food of Jiazhou, and then go back together when they are finished.


  "What are we buying today?"


  "Ten gas cans, as much bacon and sausage as you can buy, all kinds of frozen goods, all kinds of seeds, chicken, duck and goose breeding eggs ..."


  "Listen! I'm too old to remember, so you're in charge of moving your mouth, I'll find a place, and that's it."




  Zhou Lin said these things Cheng Yali are not strangers, because of the operation of the farm's sake and most of the merchants are still in contact, and even make a phone call in advance to let the other side of the goods, and so they go over to the goods immediately after the payment to go away.


  Don't look at the pickup truck dirty, in the aspect of loading goods can dump the family car a few streets. Bacon sausage plus frozen goods to a ton, rice, flour, grains and cereals a ton, in fact, or not enough, but buy too much easy to be suspicious, Zhou Lin let Cheng Yali divided into a few places to order, about the time to send to the community near the line.


  "Why don't you just send it to your home, how tiring it is to carry it yourself." Half a day running down to spend money is small tired is really tired.


  "I don't even want people to know who bought it if they can." Zhou Lin wiped his sweat and said, "Think about it, mom, when the whole city runs out of food, what will those people who sold us the food think and do?"


  "How? Can't come and rob ... really that messy?"


  Zhou Lin nodded, "It's only going to be more chaotic and brutal than you can imagine."


  Cheng Yali froze, "Then ... shouldn't I make a call to your grandpa?"


  "Fight." Zhou Lin nodded, "If you can't you see if you want him to come over and join us."


  The three old people in the family Zhou Lin is still very affectionate.


  When I was young, Zhou Caijun and Cheng Yali were busy with their careers, and Zhou Lin was either at his grandparents' house or at his grandparents' house. After elementary school summer and winter vacations are still going to the countryside, until the middle and high school heavy school work gradually not much to go.


  Later, when his grandmother died, his grandfather lived with Zhou Lin's great-uncle's family in Cheng Yali's hometown.


  Grandparents are not far away, just in the county countryside, and Zhou Lin his sister-in-law's family live very close.


  Cheng Yali discussed with Zhou Caijun last night, and finally the two families still feel that no one may believe it when they say it, so they just subtly reminded Zhou Lin's great uncle and sister-in-law that they can only take one step at a time in the future.


  "When did you say yesterday that the communication would be cut off from coming?" Cheng Yali asked.


  "Soon after the snow falls the base station will often fail, the state has been arranging repairs, but dozens of degrees below zero ah, that's really a fight with life, whether it can pass depends on luck."


  "I'll discuss with your father again at night, your great-uncle has a lot of family, even if there is a bit of food storage, it won't be able to hold out for long, if it doesn't work out it's better to bring your grandpa over."


  "That has to be tight." Zhou Lin nodded, "The highway won't be good for two more days."


  Mother and son while discussing back and forth to collect goods, do not realize that it is dark, a look at the time Cheng Yali are frozen, only five o'clock in the afternoon.


  Making sure that everything he wanted to collect today was packed, Zhou Lin called on Ai Bing to bring Cheng Yali back to the farm with him and saw Zhou Caijun still busy.


  "There's still half left, trying to finish processing tomorrow, I've settled the workers' wages." Privately Zhou Caijun said to Zhou Lin, "It's dark really early today."


  "Tomorrow will dawn later and darken earlier, Dad, there are not many good days left for mankind." Zhou Lin said grimly.


  Zhou Caijun patted Zhou Lin's shoulder, "Tomorrow you go ahead and pick Lily back up, I've already asked for leave on the teacher's side, and I've also told Lily that she'll pack all her things tonight, but I didn't tell her why."


  Thirteen-year-old Zhou Li attends a boarding private school and needs to be picked up by her family before she can leave school.


  Zhou Lin agreed, "Good, I'll pick up Lily and go straight to Lan Shan, mom over there ordered quite a few things to arrive tomorrow."


  After a busy day, the three people other than Ai Bing were exhausted and rested early. And in an underground research institute in the capital of Xia, dozens of people were anxiously waiting for the results of the supercomputer simulation.




  A few minutes later, the researcher in charge of monitoring the data blurted out.


  Climate simulation has extremely high requirements for the computing power of supercomputers as well as the designed algorithms, and at present the only ones in the world who can do this are Xia and Pretty.


  "How did it turn out?" Someone asked.


  "The results have been pushed to the terminals in front of you, so you can check them out ..."


  Just as a group of people lowered their heads to look at the terminal tablet, the old man clad in a general's uniform at the center of the conference table said in a deep voice, "Remind all of you that the results you're seeing now are the nation's top secret, and may not be disclosed to the outside world without authorization, or else you'll be punished for treason!"


  However, no one looked up at the old general's words, and almost everyone was stunned by the results of the simulation.


  "This, this is true?"


  "It can't be, can it, global darkness ... Wouldn't that be the end of the world?"


  "How much time is left, ten days or less? What can we do in ten days?" .


  "Plan Fire, General Zhang, are we going to implement Plan Fire?"