

Read on as a nameless soul is reincarnated into the world of DxD with a powerful Akashic Grimoire that allows him to travel into the Nasuverse and much more. He will seek ultimate freedom where he is only bound by his very questionable set of morals. Release Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Disclaimer: I do not own the Cover. Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD and Nasuverse and its related material, obviously.

lusoba · Anime und Comics
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Noble Phantasm Creation II

Now though, it was time time to start introducing other treasures into the mix . . .

-Marmyadose, integration further increased the weapon's destructive power and granted it the ability to take up the form of a longer and wider, greatsword blade and well as extending the handle to staff like lengths.

-Carnwennan, integration granted a dagger shaped to the weapon as the ability to enhance the user's Presence Concealment Skill and reduce the penalty it suffers from the user attacking.

-Clarent, integration enhanced the charisma boost provided by the weapon as well as its ability to amplify the user's magical energy to unleash destructive attacks. Also grants the ability to boost all of the users parameters when it is held.

-Secace, integration added the ability to inflict cursed wounds that cannot be healed unless the used of the weapon is killed or personally disengages the ability. Add the one handed sword form to the weapon.

-Sword of the Strange Hangings, integration greatly enhances the weapons capacity as a Holy implement and its anti evil modifier. It also boosts its natural strength and performance as a weapon such as sharpness and endurance to stress.

-Sword with the Red Hilt, integration boosts natural strength and performance as a weapon such as sharpness and endurance to stress. As it was the sword of Sir Balin, the Knight of Two Swords, its grants the ability to anifest two of the weapon at the same time.

-Failnaught, integration grants a bow form and a harp form which can be used to attack with sound "arrows". Arrows from magical energy can be produced for the standard bow form.

In its bow form, the ability to manifest a second copy, gained for the Sword with the Red Hilt, allows one to shoot the other forms of the weapon as powerful "arrows" as well. As an additional effect all forms of the weapon can be converted into an equivalent "arrow" form.

-Rhongomyniad, integration grants the weapon a lance form. It also drastically improves the weapon's natural strength and performance and and even greater boost to the weapon's ability to amplify the users magical energy. The raw power contained within the weapon itself also drastically increases.

-Ascalon, integration grants the weapon the Dragonslayer modifier. In addition it also grants the ability to greatly enhance the user's defence to all forms of harm when held and this protection can be reversed into the ability to pierce any defence.

-Arondight, integration boost natural strength and performance as a weapon especially its toughness and improves the ability to boost the user's stats when held while also moderately enhancing the user's defence to all forms of harm when held.

-Gram, integration improves the weapons boost to the user's Charisma Skill, greatly increases the weapons inherent power and performance while adding a Sun attribute with the power of heat and fire to the weapon.

The form of a two bladed sword, sword on one end and dagger on the other, with a bladed handguard on one side become possible as well as the manifestation of several small daggers containing a small part of the weapon's power. Finally it enhanced the Dragonslayer modifier.

-Balmung, integration grants a crossguarded greatsword form with a normal width blade, enhances the Dragonslayer modifier while allowing the weapon to possess its own magical energy storage, independant from the user which can be tapped into at will.

-Tyrfing, integration grants the weapon the ability to greatly enhance all of its powers for a single strike but if that strike does not kill its target, the user will suffer a powerful curse.

-Dainsleif, integration grants the weapon the ability to enhance all of the weapon's abilities but the user must kill someone with the weapon., if not an enemy, then an innocent bystander or even an ally. The only alternative would be to commit suicide with the weapon.

And with this, the first piece of the Phantasmal Origin, the ultimate weapon had taken its shape, it could still take it more and grow in the future but for now, this was its state.

The weapon was, by itself, an EX ranked Noble Phantasm capable of acting as Anti Unit, Anti Army, Anti Fortress, Anti Country and Anti World. Unfortunately, its power was so great the Jun lacked both the necessary martial skill and raw power to wield it, making it unusable.

Jun simply froze from an unspeakable pressure whenever he called up the weapon. As such, taking from the fact that Excalibur was the original basis for it, Jun modeled its regular longsword form after Excalibur Proto with a seal mimicking the 13 Restraints of the Round Table.

It was black and gold with more draconic symbols and letters rather than the original fairy letters and holier motif. The blade was also not as wide and more functional.

Of course, the restraints could be removed at will by Jun but they allowed him to wield the sword at his current level of power. After putting all the 13 restraints on it, Jun looked at his status to see how much its rank had dropped . . .

What greeted him however, was a shining EX rank all the same.

'So the damn thing is so powerful that even with 13 super heavy duty seals on it, it is still ranked EX?' Jun asked Ahsaka.

'Rank EX simply means too powerful for accurate measurement. So there can be unfathomable difference between two EX ranked things.'

'Just because two individuals have EX rank Strength it does not mean their physical strength is equal, only that both have surpassed the limit.' Ahsaka dutifully explained.

'So I guess I have no need to feel sorry for myself for not being able to even move with it in my hands when it was at full power.' Jun assured himself.

'Yes, that pathetic display was result of the weapon's overwhelming might, not your weakness.' Ahsaka said.

'Your choices in vocabulary are becoming thornier Ahsaka.' Jun commented.

'. . .' Ahsaka maintained silence.

'Did you just ignore me?' Jun asked.

'Ignore what?' Ahsaka asked in return.

'Guess that answers my question . . .' Jun replied.

'I having a bad influence on her for sure . . .' Jun thought to himself.

Back to work matters though . . .

The only leftover weapon from the creation process was Nothung which was just another name for Gram in the Nasuverse rather than a separate weapon.

As such, in a test run during the two years of preparation, Jun used the Akashic Converter to turn it into Nasuverse Sigurd's Gram, along with its accompanying daggers and all.

Not only that but he used the nameless stuff he got from the Church, all kinds of holy weapons and implements to create special Black Keys and other kinds of stuff, sometimes just for fun but mainly to hone his skills, ending up not only creating a sizable holy arsenal but also Gaining the Item Creation Skill.

With the ultimate weapon piece created, it was time for the second piece, the ultimate shield, or more accurately, the ultimate defence. A layered set of "armor" with impregnable defences.

First up was the Green Armor as the first layer. Rather than an armor, it was more like the conceptual power of the actual armor worn as a second skin. Its true ability was the one spoken of that protected the user from injury.

Its true power was to dissociate physical injury from harm and death. The user is not protected, their defence is not increased in any way but, even if one's head is chopped off, they don't die or even lose the ability to move as they wish. This however, does not mean the injuries will heal though.

The only injury that registers as deadly harm is one inflicted at the core of the opponent, in Jun's case, his Dragon Heart which at B rank, served as the core of his existence. Even if his head was obliterated, there was still a chance of survival so long as the Dragon Heart was undamaged.

The second layer was the the closest to the true definition of armor. A thin inner sublayer, a bodysuit converted from Avalon that covered the user's whole body.

Offering a only a modicum of actual protection but rapidly healing any damage suffered by the user so long as they are still alive. Unless the user's existence is completely extinguished, they will eventually recover.

An upgrade to the origin lability born from the power of Akasha in the integration of the ability and it could be used even when the armor was not deployed.

Additionally it had the ability to invoke the ultimate protection held by the scabbard that made up its previous form. In exchange for now being able to perform any offensive or even supportive action, the user became utterly invincible, shielded by the Utopia of Avalon.

The ability was heavily altered however becoming something of an even greater level. While the the original would confer Avalon's protection, Jun's version tapped into his connection to give him the protection of the Root of Akasha thus even, annihilation of the entire Nasuverse would not harm him in this state.

Next up was the outer sublayer, heavy plate armor that covered ones whole body. The Round Table was First converted into the Around Round Shield of Galahad in the Nasuverse and then converted into a suit of heavy armor with defenses equal to that of the original shield.

It granted the whole complete defense the ability to raise its protective value based on the user's will power and protected one from all kinds of harm, physical and conceptual. The huge shield could still be summoned in addition to the actual armor.

Mordred's Secret of Pedigree and Goswhit were added and fused into the helmet portion. Possessing the ability to obscure all of the user's parameters and abilities from the first and boosting the user's power and the Charisma skill from the second.

Finally Prydwen was integrated, increasing the armor's defensive value and making it so a smaller version of the Around Round Shield to be summoned, allowing the user to wield it more effectively along with other weapons.

The armor's appearance was of a draconic theme, black with gold detail and a chestplate that resembled the Around Round Shield but more jagged and "aggressive" and pauldrons with a similar style.

The helm, which could split into parts and slot into the armor like the Secret of Pedigree, had a somewhat similar look to it but black and gold and far more regal. The black and gold horns jutted more upwards with a thing second set that was completely golden spiraling around them.

On the top of the helmet, golden rhombus shaped protrusions formed what looked to be a crow, adding to its regal aesthetic.

There was still a third Layer to the "armor" though. The Ability to summon an image of Camelot, combined with the Prydwen's ability to become a warship and Avalon's absolute domain type Bounded Field combined to create a flying fortress.

Once summoned, it was self sufficient but summoning it required vast amounts of magical energy that Jun could only accumulate slowly over time or find some other way to obtain. Until then though, he could still summon small parts of it through portals.

Namely part of the fortress walls and its weapon emplacements that went from Magical Cannons to Ballistas firing holy spears.

As the ultimate weapon before it, it was of the EX rank but while Jun could not summon its flying fortress form, he could use the actual armor and all of its ability without any issue. Because not nearly as many treasures had been fused into it, it was currently of a lower grade but still ranked EX.


P.a.t.r.e.o.n is officially up!

The link is: https://www.p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/lusoba without the extra dots of course.

You'll get to read up to FOUR week ahead, a full month, but I'll still post here.

There's also my other novel Archon of DanMachi, do check it out!

I would greatly appreciate any support since this is going to be my breadwinner.