
Fate/Naruto Fanfic

Vincent Dioland died and transmigrate into the body of the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi as he got knocked out from the hit of Kyuubi on 10th October which got taken over by Vincent. (The prologue only give the gist of his life in Fate world. The story starts when he arrives in Naruto world.)

AliefLucas · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

The day after Tsunade takes Naruto.

Hokage Office

[Vince, what should the two of us do? It's not like we can stay in our astral form forever.] ask Medea through their link as Vincent was looking at the rebuilding village through the window as his shadow clones do paperwork.

[Yeah, I also want to explore this new world.] Scathach adds her opinion.

[Hmm, The two of you can go explore for a while out there. I can't accompany you both now since I have a duty here. At least until Naruto chuunin exam. While you are at it, please gather bloodline in this list for making my new body.] he said while giving them the list of bloodlines through the mental link.

[Okay, that was easy. We will go then, have fun being a leader of a Village.] said Medea while smirking, knowing that it was the first time in his long life he was in a leadership position.

[Ugh, you know it's not my style. Anyway, be back in a year as I want to hurry to build the body. I will make it a year older than Naruto and we will be a three-man team later, I will control it for now and fully switch body when this body is dead.] he said through the link.

[Okay, then we will leave!] said Medea and she left.

[Bye for now, Vincent!] Scathach says as she follows Medea.


~~Six months later~~

Anbu appears in his office and goes to his knees.

"Hokage-Sama! We found out that Orochimaru-Sama is the one who has been kidnapping the Villagers for his experiment." he said respectfully.

"I see, then go gather the Anbu. I will also go to his lab!" Vincent said and start to change into Hiruzen armor then left.

On the way, he met Tsunade who comes after hearing the news. Arriving into Orochimaru's lab they found out that Orochimaru is already gone. It seems that it was different from Canon, maybe because Tsunade was here that he didn't stay.

"Search the lab! Look for another one, also post the news as of now, Orochimaru is S Class missing-nin of our village!" he said and left the lab.

"Sensei, are you okay?" asked Tsunade in worry as she knows that Orochimaru was her Sensei's favorite. She also found out that her Sensei become more ruthless ever since he takes the Hokage mantle again.

"Sigh, in okay Tsunade. And here I thought I will have a peaceful life in my old age. Why not you take this position from me?" he said to her to which she rejects immediately.

"Nope, I won't take that cursed Jobs! I'm busy with Naruto, the Hospital, and your request." she said and left.

"Sigh, Well you will take this job later even if you want it or not." he said and go back to his office.

Three hours later he had a meeting with his Shinobi Council. The Civilian Council is still reform and even if they already formed, he won't call them as this was Shinobi business not the Civilian.

After they finish talking about Orochimaru's new status and the Village construction progress. Fugaku, the Uchiha patriarch raises a question.

"Hokage-Sama, after the Kyuubi incident the civilian and a few of the village Shinobi force grow to distrust us the Uchiha, as there many eyewitnesses that the Kyuubi eyes that night look like Sharingan. They are now did not listen to the Police force anymore and many of my clan grow to distrust them back." he said seriously.

"Sigh, so it happens to this. I thought that it won't be like this. Anbu, go call Kakashi here! Fugaku, let's wait for Kakashi before I address your problem." he said and rest his back into the chair.

"Umm, Hokage-sama, what does Kakashi have to do with Fugaku's question?" asked Inoichi confused which followed by the others in the room nodding at his question.

"Just wait." he said and closed his eyes.

Not long, Kakashi arrived in the room.

"You need me Hokage-sama?" he said, after looking around the room and nodded at everyone in the room which they nod back.

"Kakashi, Just now Fugaku asked about the village distrust toward the Uchiha after the Kyuubi incident. I was about to explain what happened and you need to know as this relates to you!" He said and stop for a while looking around seeing he has their attention.

"As you all know, the night of the Kyuubi incident is the day the late wife of Yondaime Hokage giving birth to young Naruto. She as the last Jinchuuriki was vulnerable at the time of birth and we make sure for her to give birth safely with Minato making sure the seal not breaking. The birth is a success without problem but as they celebrate, someone breaks in using a space power and stole baby Naruto telling Minato to leave Kushina's side. Seeing Minato not heeding his word, he throws Naruto away making Minato left Kushina's side to save him. But this person attached explosive tags on Naruto blanket, forcing Minato to throw it away and teleport out of the room." after this, he stops again and looks around to see they understood so far.

"After placing Naruto on his crib, He goes back to Kushina only to see that the Kyuubi is already extracted out of her. He sends her to Naruto's side and left to confront the person who did this as he already tags him with his Hiraishin. After fighting this person for a while, he found out his identity. It was Uchiha Obito, his late student, and your old teammates Kakashi!" hearing this they gasp in surprise and Kakashi looks shocked.

"But, that's impossible Hokage-sama! Obito died at Kanabi Bridge in the last war! And he loves Konoha and wants to be a Hokage, why would he attack us if he was alive." he shouts.

"I know that it seems he survive and injured badly. After his injury healed, he was on the way to Konoha but, as he was on the way back. He watched as you shoved your hand on your other teammates Rin Nohana. Seeing this, his love turns to hatred and he leaves the place swearing Vengeance. That what he said to Minato anyway, and he was still out there now and won't stop until his objective is fulfilled." he said making the room turns solemn as they look at Kakashi with pity. They know what really happens in that incident. While Kakashi himself look dazed from this revelation.

"Now that all of you have heard it, the dismissed! Fugaku, I will do my best about the villagers while you please talk to your clansmen." he said to them.

"Yes, Hokage-Sama!" answer Fugaku.

"Kakashi, you come to my office!" He ordered him and left to his office.


He arrived at his office, with Kakashi following him. He then sits in the sofa and told Kakashi to sit in front of him.

"How do you feel, Kakashi? Having all that information today." he asked him as he knows that Kakashi will blame himself for this.

"Hokage-sama, I-I don't know, it was all my fault. If I'm not so stubborn Obito won't have to be injured at the Kanabi bridge, if I was more careful Rin won't die because of me and Obito won't attack the village, Killing Sensei and Kushina-san. It's all my fault, I'm a bringer of misfortune." he said while crying.

"Sigh, you're not a bringer of misfortune Kakashi. There's no use for crying over spilled milk, all we have to do is de better in the future, so we don't repeat the mistake. For now, I want you to take a holiday from active duty, around three years is good I think. Go stay with Naruto, maybe you will found what you want while you have a hand in raising him as his brother. While you are at it, let Tsunade look into your eyes! Ever since you receive it your growth becomes stagnated." he said to Kakashi.

"Thank you for your consideration, Hokage-sama. But, with our village short-handed from the Kyuubi incident is it alright for me to take a vacation?" he asked back.

" It's alright, now go!" he said and Kakashi left his office.


Year has passed since Vincent arrived in this world and take over Hiruzen body and the girls already back from their Journey. Once in awhile, Medea and Scathach will send someone over that they met in their Journey via teleportation after telling him about theirs arrival. They were characters that appear in the anime, it seems that Medea uses her knowledge to recruit people with talent knowing that Konoha was now short-handed.

The first to appear was two Uzumaki, they were Uzumaki Karin and her mother Kana. He sends them to Tsunade as she also an Uzumaki. Next, they send Pakura from Suna as she was betrayed by her Kage and was sold to the Mists.

She still has distrust toward authority figures but seems to trust the girls enough to stay in Konoha and decide after she observes herself. He asks Inuzuka Tsume to look after her.

A few months after Pakura was sent, they sent three new addition which is Yuuki Haku, Kaguya Kimimaro, and Juugo. With this Orochimaru lost a loyal servant. It seems Medea also already cured Kimimaro disease. Well, it was easy for a Magus of her caliber. They were given an apartment to stay together.

After that, they would send over many people from the land of water as they already start their bloodlines purged. He welcomes them with open arms as they need to replenish their Shinobi, it was God sends that Kiri doing the purges as this gives them the opportunity to poach the Clan from the Kiri.

This move was heard by Kumo and Iwa and they also start to poach clan at Kiri. But, they start too late as many prominent clans were already been sent to Konoha.

The Council was baffled as for who send all these people to the third. It seems they don't know the third as much as they thought.