

Lawrence Ranvil, second son of the Ranvil Family has lived throughout his whole life not knowing the secrets behind his family. He met with a powerful being named Zet (Arc Warden) who informed him of what he needed to know while releasing the power that was rightfully his. First Plot will be Kara no Kyoukai. For those who don't know Kara no Kyoukai, you people must be atleast familiar with the term Mystic Eyes of Death Perception right? This is the story where the original user of that eyes is the protagonist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own nothing of this novel except for the main character. They belonged to Type Moon and Kinoku Nasu, if you wish to know more about his marvelous story, please search on google!

Asthoglho · Anime und Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 8


-Mifune City, Ranvil House.

3rd POV*

After the tango effect has been undone, Lawrence grabbed the woman's face before he pinched it hard. "Eek!" The woman shrieked but this time Bea and Lawrence saw it was not a staged one. Instead it was a real scream of pain.

The girl herself who released such sound couldn't believe. For the first time in her life, she experienced the sensation of pain. The intense pain jolted her body shocking her to her core. She was dumbfounded and in a daze remembering it.

She slowly reached her hands to her face before doing the same as Lawrence did. She pinched herself on the face causing a small amount of pain to be transmitted into her body. She flinched as she experienced that, her body moved on its own and began hardly pinching her cheeks.

Lawrence immediately grabbed her hands to stop her from doing it. He remembered in the anime that when she first felt pain, she tried doing things that is equal to suicide just to feel it again. "Stop, stop. That's enough" he said restricting her movements. But like an possessed woman, she started moving around trying to break free.

He didn't let go of her and just waited for a few seconds which finally arrived. He let go of her hand as she started to squeeze her cheeks again but this time, there was no pain as if what happened earlier was just a illusion. "...Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" She started talking like a broken thing looking for a place to search for any pain.

But sadly, the effect of tango already dispersed as her body began to its usual workings which is to wreck itself. Normally she should have been healed by the tango, however her liver was already too destroyed that it unconsciously damage her health.

Seeing to visible result of her action, Fujino turned to Lawrence as she began shaking his body. "P-Please! Please return it! I'll give everything just to feel that again! Please! I beg you!" He was disturb by how desperate she was, however he couldn't blame her. If you who longed for something encountered it, surely you will also be obssessed by the thing.

Now Lawrence is starting to feel bad by surprising her, "Understood. Let's make a contract" he gestured to Bea who just nodded her head and walked into one of the rooms. Bea returned with a blank paper on hand as Lawrence started writing on it. The paper was a imbued with magecraft making it more trusty.

Fujino didn't hesitate and signed the paper. She wanted nothing but to feel that sensation again, it was like her ambrosia within this dark world. "Wait here, I'll get something" Lawrence said as he walked to his room ready to take one of the items that was given to him before. Fujino nodded her head and phased back and forth, excited by it.

Now that she remembered it, Lawrence was also the one who saved her before. If she thought about it, Lawrence might be her real salvation. He suddenly appeared on her life before solving her problem, it is such a sudden appearance that she was taken aback. But nonetheless, she is grateful for it. 'Ah.. I still don't know his name..'

Lawrence returned holding a green ball on his hand, it was a weird ball with leaf on it but Fujino didn't doubt it. She already saw the magical effect of the leaf before so there was no doubt in her mind. "Before drinking this, first you need to know that you will stay here for a few days so that we could watch more of its effect. The pain annulment might return so we need to observe it" he reminded her.

Fujino has no qualms about it so she just nodded her head. "Great, then drink this" Lawrence handed her the healing salve which she took with great speed. She didn't even bother to smell it and just chugged the whole thing on her mouth. She then started sensing a great change happening on her body.

Some parts of her body which she couldn't move before started twitching, all of her broken internal organs were being mended as her body reached its peak recovery. She then pinched her cheeks to check the result and it didn't disappoint her. She clearly feel the sensation she was longing for.

Fujino stopped on her stop before embracing Lawrence, she couldn't describe her emotions right now. All she wanted is to thank Lawrence. "Thank you.. Thank you very much.. Mr.." she said with murmurs. "Lawrence, you can call me Lawrence" he said patting her head. He know this is a great thing for her so 

he won't disturb her rejoice.

With that Lawrence managed to gain another tenant on his house. Of course he won't hesitate to suck Fujino dry on her ability or else it won't be a fair trade. And as for gaining interest on her? There is nothing of the sort, she is a young girl and he also has Shiki. There is no need to chase a little girl when a grown one is on your side.





Next day arrived as Lawrence went out. He went to Ryougi Household early in the morning. "Shiki! I'm here to take you out!" Lawrence began shouting on their front gate shocking the said girl who just woke up. Shiki stood up as she took a peek on her window, there she saw a familiar face that has been plauging her mind for many days now.

Even with her composed face was broken at his antics, Shiki hurriedly went to the gate to stop the bastard from causing even more commotion. It was still 6 in the morning after all. "Stop! What are you doing?" She got closer to him and grabbed his collar shaking Lawrence. 

"Come on, SHIKI was too unstable yesterday so we didn't have the chance to check out the dagger. I promised to show it to you right? Then let's go" Lawrence didn't even gave her time to think as he just grabbed her hand before walking away. Shiki was in daze at the situation.

She stared at their hands being connected at this moment. There was a strange fluttering happening somewhere on her body, something she can't explain. "You bastard, its still early in the morning. Couldn't you have come later?" although she complained, she can't hide the smile plastered on her face. Somehow this is getting exciting for her who lived all her life in state of disinterest.

"So where are we going?" Shiki asked letting Lawrence take the lead. She doesn't care what they do or whereever they will go, she just want to enjoy this moment right now. "To my house, I met a fairly interesting individual yesterday and I want you to meet her" Lawrence said smiling.

Shiki squinted her eyes hearing the term her, "Girl?" She asked. "Its fine, she is a middle schooler. I don't have interest in something like that" Lawrence assured her while caressing her hand. The discomfort immediately went away as Shiki just expect things from the girl.

They arrived at the house where Bea was dutily waiting for them. "Welcome back master, Shiki-sama" Bea greeted them as Shiki nodded her head. She is already familiar with this homunculus as Lawrence already introduced it to her before. She is not wary of Bea because she knew how little the remaining lifespan she has.

They entered the house where they saw Fujino sitting on a couch pinching herself on the cheek. Shiki was confused about the girl's action but she is satisfied to see it was just a little girl. "Ah, welcome back Mr. Lawrence!" Fujino stopped what she was doing and greeted Lawrence.

"So? What is the interesting thing Ranvil?" Shiki asked. Lawrence didn't respond to her question and instead talked to Fujino. "Asagami, unleash your power for a second" he said as Fujino's eyes changed. It turned into purple as a pressure descended on the room. 

What Lawrence didn't know is that when Fujino's body was fully healed, her power's force also skyrocketed. Now with just one second of unleash, a portion of their house was destroyed without resistance.


Silence made its appearance with nobody talking. Fujino was horrified at what she did, so she immediately did a seiza on the floor intending to apologize. She can't believe she repaid her savior with something like this. "I'm really sorry!" Fujino apologized gritting her teeth in disappointment to herself. She wished to showoff her powers to Lawrence yet it backfired.

Lawrence was stunned for a second before realization entered his mind. "Ahh, we have no more money" he muttered with pale face. Shiki on the side was amused at their antics, she couldn't hide the small smile from escaping her lips. Lawrence dropped on the floor holding his head in dismay.

"I'm really sorry!" Fujino apologized again banging her head on the floor. The two continued their antics until Bea finally stopped them. "Anyway, that was a nice power. I don't know if I can ever defend against it" Shiki gave her comment about Mystic Eyes of Fujino.

"Surely you can" Lawrence stopped fooling around and gave her an answer. Shiki raised an eyebrow at his confident answer before shaking her head. She can't understand Lawrence so its better not to think too much about it.

Lawrence stared at Shiki while scratching the back of his head, "Uh, Shiki? Can you help me with something?" he asked pretty embarrassed asking her a request. Shiki's ears perked up as she gave him a little smile, "What is it? I won't give you money if that is what you want" she said.

He sighed, "Can you help me find the place where Garan no Dou is? I wish to make trade with the person handling that agency" Lawrence said. Shiki was intrigued by that name as she somehow heard of it before, "I think there is a number of that agency in my house" she said unsure about it. It was just too familiar.

Then let's go right now! Oh right a better way" Lawrence remembered something as he grabbed a dagger from somewhere. It was the same dagger that he showed to Shiki, "Hold this and think of your home. It will trigger the ability" he said as Shiki accepted it.

She is also pretty interested in the dagger herself, she followed what Lawrence said as her body turned into broken mirror disappearing on the spot. Lawrence was satisfied with the experiment, he was also surprised at first when he learned that this blink dagger can jump upto 1km radius. It was a huge jump.

They waited for a few more minutes until Shiki finally returned using the same process. She was staring at the dagger in disbelief, "How cool" she muttered shaking her head. She handed the dagger back to Lawrence who just accepted it. "How is it? Amazing right?" He gave her a triumphant that annoyed her.

"Yeah, yeah, right. It is cool" she nonchalantly answered before taking something on her pocket, she handed the number to Lawrence who stared at it. Upon discovering a small amount of prana lingering around the paper, he is convinced that it is the real thing. "Then let's earn some money" he said smiling.
