

Shirou Emiya never considered himself lucky but... End up in an organization that helps save humanity from incineration? And the worst thing is not that, but the screen in front of it. [Congratulations! User “ Shirou” Emiya ”] [You have been chosen by the Gacha System, may luck be on your side] Yes, blame his E rank luck for this....

Attila_1071 · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

Prologo: Luck bad

He felt the wind move his reddish hair and the grass served as a pillow for his head, the air was so clean - wait, wait and wait, what about grass? He wasn't sleeping outside although sometimes he slept in his shed after passing out. for practicing his magic but he had never ended up outside. Suddenly a noise brought him out of his thoughts.

[Congratulations! User " Shirou" Emiya "]

[You have been chosen by the Gacha System, may luck be on your side]

The boy known as Shirou Emiya looked with confusion at the screen that was displayed in front of him , this was going too fast, he hadn't even settled his thoughts. Maybe I can get information out of this "System".

"E-eh, where am I ? "I ask the system

[You are in a simulation created by a certain organization called Chaldea as a test, it is suggested that you investigate your surroundings]

'Simulation? Chaldea ? A Test?' I thought with a grimace, I didn't understand anything. Before he could ask the system another question, a pain comparable to making magic circuits assaulted his mind and he fell to his knees, clutching his head tightly as he felt like he was going to lose consciousness.

Before he passed out, the pain disappeared as if it had never been there, but he could still feel his head throbbing. But his memories of how he got here were blooming, but they really felt confusing and some parts of memories of his life were missing.

He didn't like that, but for a strange reason he didn't have the desire to get them back either, he doesn't know why, he made a face and shook his head, he would leave this for later, he must first organize his thoughts and see where in God knows where they threw it.

He approached one of the nearest trees and let himself fall while leaning his back against it. Closing his eyes, he began to gather the fragments of his life and began to put them together.

Since his adoptive father, Kiritsugu Emiya adopted him from an accident that had occurred where he lost his parents, before adopting him he had revealed to him that he was a wizard or more specifically a sorcerer. They moved into a house, and were visited almost every day by an acquaintance of their father and neighbor, Taiga Fujimura .

Years passed, and his father had died as he suffered from an illness. Before dying he had taught him how to use his magical circuits and had taught him some spells although he himself said that he had no talent to be a sorcerer. After his father's death, he ended up in the care of Taiga or as he calls her Fuji-nee , since she was the only person close to his father that he knew. Although he was technically the one who took care of her, since he prepared her food every day.

Even with my eyes closed, I began to jump to the most recent events. He had gone to the hospital for some business, and they told him to fill out a survey and if he could donate some blood, he really had no problem accepting.

After a few days, he remembers that some men in black suits came to look for him at his house saying that they came from an organization called Chaldea , informing him that he was compatible for their project and that he had to go with them, he does not know what they had in mind. mind at that moment when he accepted, he was able to narrowly convince his caretaker to let him go by convincing her that it was quick.

But I never really expected that completing a survey and donating some of your blood would make you end up in this situation, although certainly following unknown people wasn't very smart, it's good that it's complete and not in parts. Another series of noises made him focus his attention on the screen that had changed.

[ Ding ! Ding !​ Ding ! ]

[The status, inventory, gacha and quests section has been activated]

[You have received a starter pack, do you want to open it?]



'Now this system...' He didn't know how to react to that, he was still missing some parts of his memory but he had some knowledge about this kind of thing, it seemed a lot like a game 'I wonder how Fuji-nee is doing ' He thought absentmindedly.

I didn't know where I was, or what things would appear in this simulation. And assuming that this system would help him survive in these circumstances.

"I don't have much choice either," I said as I pressed [Yes].


[You have Opened the Starter Pack!]

[You have obtained [Servant Summon Ticket]- ✰ ✰✰✰ ]

[You have obtained [Upgrade Card (Skill)] - ✰✰✰✰✰ ]

[You have obtained [Clothing Set (Mystic Code)]- D+]

[You have obtained 10 Saint Quartz]


"Oh, isn't that very generous ? "I asked no one in particular, after all I wasn't very knowledgeable about this type of game that depended on luck 'But I guess I started with something good, right ?' ' I thought as I leaned forward "Now then, I guess [State]."


Name: Shirou Emiya

Race: Human Origin: Sword

Gender: Man Element(s): Sword

Magic Circuits – Quantity: 27 – Quality: B (Sealed)]


Strength: 1 (-) Resistance: 1 (-)

Agility: 1 (-) Mana: D+

Luck: 2 (E) Charm: 5 (B)


[Archery]- B (You have an innate talent with the bow since you were born. +200% Learning Bonus when it comes to skills related to Archery)

[Kitchen Talent]- A++ [You possess almost divine ability when it comes to cooking. +350% bonus on learning in the kitchen]


[Structural Grip]- Lv 7 (C--) (A basic Spell which you have trained for years and which you have almost mastered. When you cast it on an object you can analyze its entire structure and history, the mana cost is reduced halved and the analysis speed is doubled if thrown at an object with the sword concept.)

[Projection]- Lv 5 (D-) (You still have a long way to go to master it but you are doing well. With it you can project whether you have seen or analyzed it, making an (Imperfect) copy of it. The mana cost is reduced to half and the item's spawn speed is doubled if it is an item with the sword concept)

[Alter]- Lv 6 (D) (There is a long way to go in this spell but you are doing well. By casting it you can alter the physical state to your liking, from making a knife sharper to a helmet becoming more resistant. The Cost mana is halved and the item's alteration speed is doubled if it is an item with the sword concept)

[Reinforcement]- Lv 8 (C) (A basic strengthening spell that you have practiced for a long time. Increases all your physical stats x1.2)

[Nerve Circuits] - Lv Max (C+) (Incorrect use of how to use your magic circuits, you have done this since you were a child so you can bear the pain of making them. You convert your nerves into pseudo-magical circuits , the intelligent act (Stupid) to have more mana. When created they produce half of your true magic circuits, and increase x1 , 1 fatigue for each nerve circuits created)

[Die Hard] - Lv Max (B) (People die when they are killed. But you don't. Formerly the skill [Pain Resistance] which due to your actions of creating nerve circuits evolved into this. You have a high resistance to pain and it allows you not to lose concentration due to pain when you are fighting)

[Cooking]- Lv 9 (A+) (Your cooking borders on the supernatural, when people eat your food they are delighted with just one bite. There is a 40% chance that the person who eats your food will fall in love with you, either Woman or Man. Be careful)

[Sword Incarnation]- Lv Max (A) (Your Origin and element coincide, making you an incarnation of your element. +500% learning in weapons and magic that contain swords, -500% in learning other magic that does not contain swords) related to your origin.)

[Archery]- Lv7 (B-) (You have practiced archery since you were young, and have only missed once. Increases the chance to stun with your arrows.)

I stared apprehensively at the screen displaying my stats 'As far as my physical stats are concerned assuming 1 is the baseline for a normal human, not bad.' Now looking at his other stats, his luck is Rank E, it makes sense, it's natural to end up in this kind of complicated situation with this kind of luck. Although his highest statistic was Surprisingly Charm, of course he talked to everyone and most of the students and teachers had a good opinion of him, except Shinji .

Another piece of information that I didn't expect was that he was incorrectly using his magic circuits, or rather that he hadn't even unlocked them. But it's not his fault, okay?! His father taught him and it was the second thing he did wrong after cooking. But the positive side would be that I developed a great skill, right ?

And among all his skills, the one that stood out the most was cooking, something that made him feel proud of having practiced so much. Although he was worried that his food had the property of making people fall in love regardless of their gender, now he will have to be careful who he feeds him. Another thing was discovering that he was the incarnation of a sword, which makes sense now because he was always good at using his spells with objects that resembled or were related to a sword. Going quickly, press the next section.


[Clothes Set ( Code Mystic )]- D+ (The standard clothing of Chaldea , a mass-produced mystical code for master candidates. Possesses some magical and physical resistance, possesses basic spells on the left, right sleeve, and chest pocket for survival. Analyze for more information.)

[Upgrade Card (Skill)]- ✰✰✰✰✰ (A card given by the system as a starting gift. With it you can improve a user's skill to the limit. Single use.)

'Teacher candidate...' Another one to investigate, because it's giving you the vibe as if you're about to enter something big ? As his hand was about to press the next section, an electronic noise that did not seem to come from the system distracted him.

He looked around to see where the sound was coming from, he quickly realized that the sound was coming from a bracelet that seemed very advanced, which coincidentally he never noticed. He quickly tapped what looked like a screen on the bracelet.

"B- btz .. zz ..T-testing, testing…. Let's see, does it sound good ? " A voice was heard coming out of the device, it sounded a little distorted but little by little it became clear "Let's see, Candidate No. 49 for teacher, Shirou Emiya , right ? ".

"H-huh ? , yes" He said a little nervously, although he knew some things about technology, he was not the most versed in it and even less so in something as advanced as this.

"Okay, don't be too nervous, let me introduce myself, I'm Doctor Archaman Romani , I am the general practitioner of Chaldea " He said with a professional tone "Right now you must be wondering, where are you, right ? " With a silent response he followed "Temporary memory loss, huh? That may be a side effect of the simulation but don't worry, it's momentary, right now your body is in the Chaldea facilities while your consciousness is in the simulation."

"Okay, so what do I have to do ? " I said quickly, I wanted to get to the point and see what this simulation could offer.

"Ok, you must complete this scenario which is based on a holy grail war . There are different goals scattered around, and there are 3 servants protecting the holy grail which you must defeat along with your servant and secure it. Which is summoned 7 servants who are heroes who left their name recorded in history and accessed the throne of heroes, they can be summoned in different classes which are: Saber, Lancer , Archer , Rider , Caster , Assassin and Berserker " He paused so that he could assimilate "Although originally we could only simulate the heroic spirits that we already have registered, we have done tests and we will use a system that we already had preparing using the original ritual as a means, I will explain to you how to perform the ritual first - Before he could continue, voices began to be heard through the device but they were too weak to pick up well . ☆ Mari has released a new video?! Give me a moment… " I could hear the sounds of footsteps receding as the connection went dead.

"…" He was a little stunned by how quickly he left, "Now who is going to teach me how to do the ritual ?" " I ask out of nowhere, apparently you'll have to wait for me to come back 'I guess I can keep checking the system' I said while pressing the [Gacha] section.


Holy Quartzes – 10 | Summon Tickets – 1 | Friends Points – 0

[1x Gacha Tour - Normal] – 10 SC ( 70 % - ✰ | 28% - ✰✰ | 2% ✰✰✰ )

[10x Gacha Spin – Normal] – 100 SC

[1x Gacha Tour - Advanced] – 125 SC (80% - ✰✰ | 17% - ✰✰✰ | 3% - ✰✰✰✰ )

[5x Gacha Spin – Advanced] – 625 SC




" Mmm, " I said with compression, apparently what I had given him was very strange. You don't even see a 5 star on the list, and the odds of earning a 4 star are extremely low. 'Well, should I use the summon ticket ? ' As if it were responding to my thoughts the screen changed.

[Do you wish to use the [Servant Summon Ticket], now ? ]


"Well, I guess so " I said lightly while pressing the button, I hope something good comes out, after all if I'm not mistaken it should guarantee a 4 star, right ?

[Starting Spin…]


"Hey?" He commented with his eyes open, an unknown magic circle had appeared on the ground in front of him. He felt the mana begin to distort as it was channeled into the circle and it began to flicker with power.



The winds grew stronger as they danced, the ground shook with anticipation as leaves were lifted from the ground and torn from the nearby trees, the glow in the circle had intensified to the point of reaping.

[¡ Ding !]

And I exploded into a point of light that would have cut me off if I hadn't covered myself with one of my arms. After the dust brought by the wind began to dissipate, as a figure made him look small. To describe the being in front of him the correct word would be, Giant.

He looked like a statue, describe him as a dark giant. He gives the impression of being a monster, his giant form coupled with his muscular figure. He was wearing an armored kilt and in his hand what appeared to be an Axe-Sword. I was surprised by the imposing figure of the… servant in front of me, although I could still notice the screen that had appeared next to him.

[Servant Status]

True Name: Heracles | Class: Berserker | Male gender

Height: 253cm | Weight: 311 Kg | Region: Greece


Strength – A+ Stamina – A

Agility – A Mana – A

Luck – B NP – A+

[Class Skills]

[Madness Charm]- B

[Divinity]- A

[Personal skills]

[Battle Continuation]- A

[Value]- A+

[Mind's Eye (False)]- B

[Noble Phantasm ]

[God Hand] (Anti- Unity )- B

[Nine Lives] ( Unknown )- A+

" Wow , that's incredible." After all, his parameters are almost all in A, and his identity... 'Heracles, the great hero of Greece' I thought in amazement, the great Heracles, son of Zeus, who completed the twelve labors defeating several challenges throughout your life.

"Well, I 'm back" I heard Dr. Roman 's voice on the bracelet "Let's see, how was I telling you - huh?!" I screamed in surprise, I had to move my hand away a little. "What did I miss ?!"

Ok, I'm new to this so if there are any grammatical or spelling errors, please be patient. I will try to improve in each chapter, and updates will be weekly or at best every 3 days.

If you have any advice or comments about this first chapter, comment.

Attila_1071creators' thoughts