
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Maid panic

[Shirou POV]



Awkward. Extremely awkward. I avoided the glare from the housemaid, covering my mouth with my futon. It's been like this for a while. I knew why. It was about the injury I got last night.

"...What exactly is that injury?"

"...A fight, maybe?"

"Oh. With what? A bear?"

"...Something like that..."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"I'm sorry!"

Basically, it was this kind of situation. Last night, I got hurt by the enemy's Saber. Tohsaka and the others treated me, but the treatment was not complete (they said they weren't good at healing magic), and it was still a fairly severe injury.

"You lack awareness of your role as the eldest son of this household! Supposing I believe your story, what am I supposed to tell the school? That you wandered around town in the middle of the night without permission, got into a fight with a bear and got badly injured?"


Yes, that's true. I understand what Sella is trying to say. I was told by Tohsaka and the others to rest for at least today, so I had no choice but to miss school. However, it's Sella who has to handle the correspondence with the school.

"And on top of that, Miss Illya also has a fever and has to miss school. I hope you realize how much of a headache this is causing me! To begin with, it's ridiculous that you took elementary school-aged Miss Illya out in the middle of the night... (rambles on)"

"...I'm sorry."

This is when Sella tends to go on at length. She was unable to be angry with Illya and treated her kindly (I could hear the interaction from the next room), which meant that she put more energy into lecturing me. It's almost like she was taking out her frustrations on me.

Since I can't tell her the specifics of what happened at night (related to the Class Card), I had to make it look like I was the one leading it all. In other words, Sella thinks that I was the one who took Illya out in the middle of the night. I can understand her anger.

"...Is Illya doing okay?"

"...She doesn't seem to have a cold, so her fever should go down if she gets some rest."

"I see..."

It's wishful thinking, and since Sella wouldn't know anything about magic, I can't be optimistic, but hearing her words made me feel a little relieved. Ruby also said so, so it should be fine. I'm a bit anxious, though...

"...So, you're saying you can't tell me the truth, after all?"

"...Well, that's..."

"...Fine, then. I'll trust you, Shirou, and won't ask anything further for now."


She obviously saw through my lie. Well, it would be problematic if she was convinced by that excuse. It would mean a bear is roaming around in this town. With a very complicated expression on her face, Sella left the room.

"I'll take care of all the housework today. You should rest."

"I understand."

"I mean it! It's wrong for you, Shirou, the eldest son, to do the housework! That's the maid's job, that's my job. I think the shift system should be abolished..."

"Ah, I'm sleepy. So sleepy. I can't sleep with Sella around. If she keeps talking, I won't be able to sleep at all today. Is that what you want, Sella? Alright, then maybe I should do some cleaning."

"Ugh! We'll continue this discussion later!"

Good grief. I was fed up with Sella's same old complaints that I'd heard a hundred times before. Our housemaid has a lot of pride. After all these years, I wish she would just give up.

"...What do you want for lunch?"

"Anything you make will be delicious, so anything is fine."

"What! You always casually say... Forget it!"

I only told her the truth, but for some reason, Sella blushed and got angry. I wonder why. Leaving these words behind, Sella closed the door that was still open. As her footsteps faded away, I let out a sigh of relief.

"...Rest, huh..."

Recalling the tumultuous past few days, I let out a deep sigh. Indeed, my body and mind were nearing their limits. Maybe this rest came at just the right time. I was probably tired. I felt sleepy immediately.


[No POV]

"...So, what actually happened? With Illya and Shirou."

"...Illya's case was undoubtedly a release of the seal. The fever was likely due to the rebound from releasing the magic power she had accumulated over the years. Therefore, it seems that she will recover without a problem if she rests for a while. But..."

"You're not sure about Shirou?"

"...Yes. Well, I understand his condition. However, I don't understand why it has happened. First of all, that wound is unquestionably a cut from some kind of blade. And..."

"His Magic Circuits are active, right?"

"Yes. And those Magic Circuits are quite aberrant. His nerves are directly becoming Magic Circuits. I don't understand how it could have become such a state. He's not supposed to know anything about magic..."

"So, you're worried, Sella?"

"I... I'm not just worried about Shirou! I'm also worried about the seal being released on Illya! That seal should not be released unless her life is in danger."

"I didn't say you're only worried about Shirou? (grinning)"

"Wha-, Leysritt!"

"Sella, you're really funny. You're worrying too much. Maybe he really was attacked by a bear and his life was in danger. I've heard stories about bears coming down to the village recently."

"That would still be a major problem! And, in that case, it doesn't explain Shirou's Magic Circuits. They might be involved in the world of magic. What should we do..."

"Well, it'll work out somehow, right?"

"You really have no sense of crisis. Oh, what should I tell the mistress..."


[Shirou POV]

"...I'm bored."

With nothing to do, just lying down, I was completely fed up. It was fine in the morning since I could sleep, but after being awakened by Sella and eating lunch, I felt like I was going to die of boredom.

I'm definitely not sleepy anymore. I can only lie down in bed. That's when, being the person I am, Emiya Shirou, I feel the urge to do chores. After all, I didn't leave the cleaning of this room to Sella.

Sella wanted to clean, but I resisted with all my might and somehow stopped her. I'm also a high school student. Even if she is family, I don't want a woman to clean my room. Well, it's not that I have anything to hide...


That's when I was idly wasting time. I heard a scream from Illya's room next door. It sounded like she was very excited, and I couldn't understand what she was saying. Something about a maid?

"...A maid? Is she talking about Sella? Well, it seems she has regained her energy..."

After a while, I heard another familiar voice apart from Illya's. Is that Miyu? And, there are the voices of Ruby and Sapphire. What are you guys going to do if Sella hears you? Listening to their voices, I couldn't help but be amazed.

"Let's show Onii-chan too, Miyu!"

"Eh!? Tha... that's a bit..."

"You're worried about Onii-chan too, right?"

"...That is... but to be seen in this state... at least let me change my clothes...!"

"No need for that!"

"Wa, wait, Illya. I'm scared."

"...What on earth are they doing?"

The conversation coming from the next room left me uncertain about what to do. Judging from the way they address each other, there's no doubt they've become friendly, but their talk of appearance, changing clothes...

"Onii-chan, are you okay now!?"

"Illya! I told you to wait!"


While I was thinking about it, my sisters burst into my room with enough force to destroy the door. I could predict that much from the conversation I overheard, but Miyu's appearance exceeded my comprehension. What the heck?

"Isn't it cute, Onii-chan!"


"...Erm, Miyu, what's with your outfit?"

"It's a maid outfit, you know?"

"Well, I get that, but..."

Yes, Miyu was wearing a maid outfit with frilly frills. Illya, who was introducing Miyu with a slightly flushed and excited face, and Miyu, who was looking down in embarrassment with teary eyes. Naturally, their faces were bright red.

"...I'm working as a maid at Ms. Luvia's mansion, living there."

"...Ah, I see."

I understand the reason for her outfit now. While I do have opinions about Luvia making a grade-schooler work in a maid outfit, I'll refrain from commenting. It seems like a positive experience, anyway. Yeah.

"What do you think, Onii-chan?"

"...Yeah, isn't it cute? It suits you."

"!? Th-thank you very much..."

This is bad. What is this atmosphere? I'm not quite sure, but it's incredibly awkward. Miyu is blushing, a combination of joy and embarrassment showing on her face as she looks downward. This response is somehow making me feel shy too...



"Se-Sella!? And Sakura too!"

Two very low voices came from the room entrance. Upon looking in that direction, I saw Sella, her gaze freezing cold, and my junior from the archery club, Matou Sakura, who had an empty look in her eyes, void of any radiance.

"...So, Shirou likes maids. And loli..."

"You're wrong, Sella! Calm down and listen to me! And don't you dare finish that sentence!"

"...Should I have dressed like a maid as well?"

"Calm down, Sakura! You've got it all wrong!"

I desperately defended myself against the two who completely misunderstood the situation. I wasn't sure if they were convinced, but for my peace of mind, I wanted to believe they were. Sella's gaze remained cold.

"...Senpai, are you okay with your injury?"

"Yeah, it's not a big deal. This bandage is an exaggeration. It's already healing. I only rested today as a precaution. So, I should be able to go to school tomorrow. Probably..."

As I exchanged words with Sakura, who was sitting next to my bed, I noticed my sisters sitting with slightly dissatisfied expressions. For some reason, they were glaring at Sakura. I wondered why and tilted my head at their reactions.

Sella wasn't in the room. After listening to my explanation, she glanced at Miyu and headed towards her own room. I had a bad premonition about this. I tried to push that feeling out of my mind and continued the conversation.

"Um, so, senpai. Here are today's handouts and notes."

"Hm? Oh, thank you. But why are you bringing them? Did Issei or Shinji ask you to?"

"...No, I received them from Moriyama-senpai."

"Moriyama? I'll have to thank him tomorrow."

I was surprised that my junior, Sakura, brought my handouts and notes, but then she gave an unexpected answer. Still, Moriyama is kind, so it didn't seem strange. What intrigued me more was...

Why did Sakura make a strange face when she mentioned Moriyama's name? And it wasn't just Sakura. Illya and Miyu also reacted oddly when they heard the name. Why, though?


"...Probably a female classmate of yours, brother. And then..."

"I can guess the rest without you telling me..."

What are these two talking about? As I tilted my head at the cryptic exchange between the sisters, Sakura glanced at the bandages on my body. Following her gaze, I looked down at myself and...

"The wound seems to be seeping blood. Shouldn't you disinfect and change the bandage?"

"Is that so?"

At Sakura's words, Illya and Miyu twitched. They pushed Sakura's outstretched hand aside and approached me with tremendous momentum. Both Sakura and I were pushed back by their intensity. Hey, calm down!

"I'll do it for you, Onii-chan!"

"No, I will! Illya, you're still recovering, aren't you?"

"But my fever's already gone!"

"Both of you, calm down, okay?"

Weren't they getting along just now? We made a ruckus. Well, I didn't intend to, but it seems I was part of it. While I was desperately trying to calm them down, she appeared. Her forehead creased with irritation due to the commotion.

"Be quiet!"

"Whoa!? Sorry Se...lla?"

"Sella is in a nostalgic outfit!"

"This is..."

Yes, there she was, the housemaid of our house. Just as Illya said, she was wearing a nostalgic outfit. That attire, according to Sella, is the formal maid uniform of the Einzbern family. However, at first glance, it doesn't look like a maid's dress.

"...Hey Sella, why are you wearing that again? It's so nostalgic that it makes me feel strange..."

"There's nothing strange about it. This is the formal maid uniform of the Einzbern family. It's only right that I wear this. It's the everyday look that was unusual. I just remembered it all of a sudden."

"I don't really like that outfit..."

"What? Even you, Illya?"

With Sella appearing in the Einzbern family's maid dress, we found ourselves in an incredibly awkward atmosphere. Well, it felt like she was trying to compete with Miyu in her maid outfit. Sella seemed to resent that idea.

"What's all the noise about? ...Sella, what's with that weird dress?"

"What do you mean weird! You should know this is the proper attire! It seems like you've forgotten what you're supposed to be. Listen carefully, Liz. Originally we were... (yada yada)"

Ah, Sella's sermon has started again. Liz gave up listening as soon as Sella started, muttering half-heartedly in agreement. Come to think of it, Liz was a maid too, wasn't she?

I also recalled that. But, I mean, I can count the number of times Liz has done housework on one hand. Seeing that Liz had no intention of seriously listening, Sella sighed deeply. She's having a tough time, isn't she?

"Don't talk like it doesn't concern you. You're part of the reason why I'm exhausted, Shirou."

"Whoa, the blame's being pointed at me!"

"Oni-Onii-chan, make sure to rest properly, okay?"

"I apologize for the disturbance, Shirou-san..."

"See you at school tomorrow..."

"Hey, it's not fair for everyone to run away like that!"

It seems Illya and the others were scared off by Sella's fierce expression, and they all escaped. In a way, it was a relief, but I couldn't escape, could I? Unable to move from my bed, I couldn't escape from Sella.


"...Really, all of you. Well, never mind."


Thirty minutes have passed since then. At last, Sella's sermon ended, and I was released. Thanks to her attire, Sella's sermon was longer than usual. I couldn't escape like I normally would...

"...Now, Shirou, please take off your clothes."


"I'm just changing your bandages! Don't imagine anything weird!"


If I resisted here, another sermon would start. Convinced of this, I hurriedly took off my clothes. Sella, with a grumpy face, removed the old bandages, disinfected the area, and skillfully applied new ones. She's indeed proficient.

"...Um, Sella..."

"...What is it?"

"Thanks for today."

"...You don't need to thank me."

"No, I have to thank you."

Because Sella must have known. She must have known that my excuse was a lie. Even so, she believed in me and didn't question me. That's something I'm truly grateful for. I look at Sella.

"Really, thank you."

"... "

"Ah, and about that outfit."

"Huh!? This doesn't mean I changed into this because you said you liked maid uniforms!"


"Ah... Go to sleep, and forget it!"

"Why though!"

Careful not to open my wounds, instead of a punch to the gut, she knocked me out with a chop to the neck. I hadn't heard a thing... I was just about to say that it suited her... but... I collapsed.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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