
Fate/kaleid liner - Wrought Iron Hero (Shirou Emiya - Illya's World)

This is a story about the adventure Shirou Emiya from the world (Fate/Kaleid - Illya's World) Shirou emiya (Illya's World) knows nothing about the moonlit world (magical society). So, the protagonist is Shirou from (Illya's World), who uses Archer's card from Archer Fate/extra version will intervene in the original Prisma Illya story.

koijiro21 · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Immortal berserker

[Shirou POV]

Shirou Dream,

I am dreaming again. It's the same wilderness I saw last time. The wilderness where countless swords stand erect. I move my gaze and search for that hill. And soon, I find it. Unlike last time, I deliberately head towards the hill.

At the hill, that man is standing. He seems to know that I would come. With an expression like he was biting a bitter bug, he seemed to say, "Hurry up and come." He probably knows why I'm here, too.

I push through the wilderness where countless swords stand. I feel like this sword want to be useful but feel powerless and want to be strong in each of these swords. Yes, the same feelings as mine now. Feeling bitter about it, I sense the thoughts of these swords and carve them into my heart.

I reach the foot of the hill. Looking up, I see a man waiting for me with the same expression as when I saw him earlier. I make up my mind again and climb the hill where countless swords stand. This isn't right. I can't go on like this...

"...You know why I'm here, don't you?"

"...I know."

A brief exchange. That was enough. For some reason, there was no need to say much. I felt like I could understand this guy more than anyone else. And I think the reverse is true too. He understands me.

"I can't go on like this. I need more strength."

"...May I ask why?"

"You know why, don't you?"

"I do. But I need to hear it from you."

"...Illya... my sister, is deeply hurt. Because I was weak..."


I appeal to the man. Illya is crying. She's saying sorry, apologizing over and over. She's locked herself in her room and won't come out. It's because of what happened in the forest. But that's not Illya's fault. It's mine.

"If I were stronger, that wouldn't have happened."

"That's true."

"If I could have defeated the Assassin, Illya wouldn't have had to use such power!"

Yes, it should have been that way. I boasted about protecting Illya, and this is the result. I don't know what I gained power for with this outcome. Making Illya cry after she saved me is the worst thing.

"I know it! You could have defeated the Assassin, couldn't you?"


"I want that power!"


"I don't care what happens. I just don't want to make Illya cry again."



"This time, I'll lend you my power. You will defeat the next enemy."

"...I understand. Thank you."

I've accomplished my purpose. I can feel my consciousness rising. I'm going to wake up. When I wake up, another battle awaits me. I don't know what Illya in her current state will do, but I will protect her this time for sure.

I swear it here — I'm going to be strong in the next battle.


"Alright, let's get going."

I rise from the bed and remove the bandages wound around my body. I leave my room and head to the one next door. I thought I'd check one last time whether Illya was there or not. I knock on the door of that room.

"Illya... are you there?"

There's no reply. However, I hear some movement inside the room. It seems that Illya is indeed there, but it appears she still isn't ready to talk to me. Judging by this, I wonder if she's not participating in the upcoming battle.

"I... I'm going."

Everyone: "Huh!?"

"I'll fight for your part too."

"Why? Rin and Luvia, and Miyu said they'd handle it."

Illya responds. Her voice trembles. She's scared. We've known each other for many years, and I can understand Illya's feelings like the back of my hand. The reason she wouldn't talk to me is probably that.

"That's true. Indeed, maybe I don't have to do this. Those three could probably handle things reliably. But I wouldn't be satisfied with that. This isn't about some lofty ambition."

That's right, this isn't some noble ambition. It's not even about justice. This is a fight to satisfy my own heart. If I leave the card as it is, the people I care about will be in danger. That's why I want to protect them.

"And besides, if I were to retire now, wouldn't you blame yourself, Illya?"


"I'm fine. This is nothing. I'm going to prove it."

If I can prove that I'm okay, Illya should stop fearing her own power. For that reason, I must defeat this enemy. I believe that this will be the best proof.


"That's obvious, isn't it? Because I'm Illya's older brother."


"From the day I became your older brother, I haven't changed. After all, isn't it natural for an older brother to protect his younger sister? No matter who the opponent is, even if it's a legendary hero, I'll protect you."


"I'm going. I'm going to take down the guy who's making you scared."

I've said everything I wanted to say. So, I'm going. Leaving Illya's room, I head downstairs. When I reach the ground floor, there's a figure standing at the entrance. Seeing her, I can't help but laugh.

"...Off somewhere again?"

"Yeah. Just going to take down the guy who's scaring my sister."

"...Another bear?"

"No, a legendary hero."

The person standing at the entrance was our housemaid. With a stern face, Sella looks like she's saying she won't let me go today, to which I respond lightly. The moment I answer, Sella is taken aback.

"You're quite the sister complex."

"Haha, can't deny that."

"It reminds me of the past. Like when you went to punch a bully who was picking on Illya."

"Ah, that happened too."

That's right, there's not much difference for me. This time, the enemy is just a little too strong. Sella probably doesn't think I'm really going to fight a legendary hero. Thinking about that, I laugh.

"...Good luck."


But, Sella's voice is serious. Could it be that she believes me? No way, that can't be. It's hard to believe she takes what I say seriously. Bidding farewell to Sella, I step outside.

"...The stars are beautiful."

I look up at the night sky and mutter. You wouldn't imagine that a deadly battle was about to start under such a starry sky. But I'm sure there will be a fierce battle with a formidable enemy. For some reason, I was certain of that. It was a strange premonition.

"Hello, Tohsaka? Where are you now?"

"Wait, Emiya-kun, you... don't tell me you're coming!?"

"Yeah, I'm coming."

"You're still injured..."

"It's not a big deal. So tell me where you are."

"...Fine, do whatever you want. The location is..."

I call Tohsaka and ask for the location. Clutching the Archer card, I run toward the given location. I'm sure he'll lend me his power too. He promised me so in a dream.

I'm not supposed to borrow the power of someone like him because of my childish selfishness. I have a sense of that. But he answered me anyway. I wonder if I can use his power skillfully. No, I must.

"For Illya!"

Finally, I shout with determination.


"Hey Tohsaka, how many Class Cards are left?"

"There are two. The Clock Tower has confirmed a total of eight cards. Seven are the basic Servant classes, and then there is a special class, the Extra Class, which doesn't belong to any of the basic ones. Its details are unknown."

"Not belonging to any... meaning we don't even know what kind of opponent it might be."

"Exactly. This time we're dealing with Berserker, the class of the mad warrior."

A mad warrior, huh? We've collected all of the other basic classes, so it's nice that we can somewhat guess what kind of guy the enemy will be this time. We can prepare to some extent. Tohsaka said that she expects this enemy will only do physical attacks.

"It is Berserker after all. I don't think they will use magic."

"I see."

"… Shirou-san, are you really coming?"

While talking with Tohsaka, Miyu brings up such a question. Her expression seems quite anxious. She's probably worried about me. This girl really is kind. However, my answer is set.

"I'm going. In order to remove Illya's fear, and also to protect Miyu."


"Miyu doesn't have to carry everything on her own. Neither Illya's issues nor mine."


So it is. Miyu is trying to make sure no one else has to fight. So that Illya doesn't have to. So that I don't have to. But that's not something a child like Miyu should have to bear.

I want to protect Miyu as well. It feels like something from a long time ago, but I made that promise. I haven't forgotten about that mysterious dream. I feel like I'm here now because of that dream.

Getting this card was all thanks to that dream, I feel. So I have to protect Miyu. I'm sure of it. I pat Miyu, who has a tense expression, on the head.

"You don't have to push yourself to take on everything. There should be many people around you who are willing to share the burden with you, and there will be more in the future. Certainly, many more to come. Please don't forget that."


"Those are nice words, but I kind of don't want to hear them from you."

"I agree, with Rin Tohsaka but there are also certain reasons I like about you, Shirou"

"Hey, don't say unnecessary things at a good moment!"

Miyu, crying, Tohsaka, and Luvia teasing also praise me, what a moment not to be wrapped up neatly. Well, I guess it's about time to get going. I pull out the Archer card and transform. Then, I leap into the mirror world.

This was the beginning of a deadly battle with Berserker.


"… Is that…?"

I unintentionally murmured, dumbstruck. Miyu and the others were also lost for words at the sight of our enemy. Standing beside a water tower on the roof of a dilapidated building, its presence was overwhelmingly powerful. Perhaps even more so than Saber.

Its physique was massive, like a rock. Its actual size seemed to be well over two meters, but its presence made it look ten times bigger. It was truly a giant, and in its hand, a rugged sword.

It held a sword that looked like a giant rock hewn out. The man's entire body was black, his bulging muscles resembling steel armor. And above all, its face and eyes were fitting for a berserker.

Just being glared at by those eyes made it feel like being crushed by a heavy shudder. There was no need to think about it. This thing was a monster. We all realized that. Realized instantly, and began to consider how to fight it.

"Ranged attacks!?"

"I'd love to, but the space is too small!"

To think we have to engage such a monster in close combat. Cursing under my breath, I created twin swords of white and black. If it has such a large body, it probably can't be that fast. That's what I thought when...


There was a sound like concrete exploding, and before I knew it, a lump of muscle was in front of me. I had no time to widen my eyes in surprise because he was raising his rock-like fist. I immediately parried with my sword.

"Ugh, this power, even after I deflected it."

My hands that had parried his punch vibrated with a tremendous shock. This power, it's beyond that of Saber. Moreover, there was no magic power boost, just brute strength. It was an incredible power. Moreover, this feeling...

"It's like I just hit steel."

"Emiya-kun, hang in there! Miyu, cover him!"


It seemed that my role was to attract this guy. The enemy, with its left fist deflected, paused for a moment. Just when I tried to close in during this gap, the enemy spun vertically. I was surprised at this unexpected movement.

"What, ugh!"

A heel drop from his left foot came down from above. I somehow managed to catch it with my twin swords, but the impact was tremendous. I stopped and stepped back a little. Not good. By the time I thought that, the enemy had already swung his axe-sword with his right hand.

"[Cannon Shoot]!"

Chills ran down my spine, but Miyu shot her magical cannon and saved me. The enemy, hit by the magical cannon, stepped back a little and stopped. Not missing this chance, I plunged my twin swords with all my might. But, that was...

"You're kidding, right!?"

The sensation was hardly like striking flesh. It was the same as when I blocked the enemy's attack. I felt like I was hitting steel and was repelled. It's absurd that my full power attack, even in my heroic spirit form, doesn't work.

"Emiya-kun, fall back!"


At Tohsaka's command, I instantly jumped backward. The next moment, a barrage of attacks was fired simultaneously. Not only Miyu's magic cannon, but Tohsaka and Luvia also seemed to have joined in the attack. I, too, added the [Hrunting] shot.

"Is this really happening..."


Despite everything, not even a scratch was inflicted on him. He simply took a step back. And then, he glared at us, letting out a roar. His body seemed to grow even larger, a shade darker.

"...No matter how you look at it, is this even possible?"

My mutterings echoed the sentiments of everyone. Our attacks had no effect, and if we were to take even a single blow from him, it would be the end. It felt incredibly unfair. It was clear we couldn't win as things stood.

"There's no time to think!"


The Berserker let out another roar, charging towards us. Attacks from Miyu and the others hit him like a heavy rain, but they showed no sign of effect. Undeterred, he charged straight towards us.

Sapphire: 『We can't harm him! Our attacks seem to be completely deflected by his outer surface!』

When everyone dodged sideways to evade his attack, Sapphire shouted. Indeed, that seemed to be the case. We had encountered enemies before who could deflect our attacks, like Caster or Saber.

However, those instances were due to magic or magical power. This was not the case here. The critical difference was... while our attacks were hitting, they were completely deflected.

"Does that mean..."

Sapphire: 『Yes. Without a doubt... Most likely, he possesses a steel armor that nullifies all attacks below a certain rank. This means any feints or distractions are pointless against him.』


His flesh itself was nearly invincible armor. That's what it meant. At Sapphire's words, everyone was lost for words. It was almost cheating. But it existed in reality, so we had to devise a countermeasure.

"First, let's try an attack with the highest power we've got!"

With those words, I discarded my twin swords and created a single sword and bow. As I chanted the incantation and notched an arrow, it transformed. The maximum attack I could muster now. If this failed to damage him, I'd have to resort to my last measure.

"False Spiral Sword, Caladbolg II!"

While Miyu was distracting him, I released an arrow with a killing intent. The arrow struck him right in the chest, causing a massive explosion. Narrowing my eyes against the flash, I waited for the enemy to reappear. Then...

"Did we...defeat him?"

Tohsaka's muttering reached my ears. Certainly, the enemy was kneeling before us with a gaping hole in his chest. However, I didn't let my guard down because he still hadn't turned into a card. This meant...

"No way!?"

The Berserker's arm twitched. I knew it. The next moment, he howled towards the sky. How many times had he shocked us now? His chest wound was healing, smoke rising from it. It was like watching something in reverse.

"...Can't be, a regeneration ability..."

Luvia's mutterings were filled with despair. That must be it. This guy, he had the ability to come back to life even after dying. Just how far could this rule-breaking go? He was truly an undying hero.

"If that's the case, I'll give him another strike!"

"Aiming at the enemy, who couldn't move during recovery, I released the [Fake Spiral Sword] again. However, the enemy grabbed the arrow with his right hand and stopped it. So, I sent magical power to the sword and caused it to explode. It was like a bomb within the sword.

'...Come on, this guy...'

But, it was no use. There stood the monster, now completely healed of its wounds. The explosion should have hit with the same power as a direct hit. And yet, now he was unscathed. What the hell is going on?

Sapphire:『...Probably, this is also the power of that Noble Phantasm. I suppose it develops resistance to the same attack.』

'...You're kidding, right?'

Sapphire's words meant a substantial defeat. That defense, revival ability, and resistance to the same attack? How can we defeat such a guy? Everyone realized that. So...

'Retreat! We can't win against such a guy without a strategy!'

At Rin Tohsaka's shout, Luvia nodded. Even I knew that was the best course of action. But in my heart, I made a different decision because I understood the meaning of retreating here. There's no chance of winning at the moment.

So, next time, they'll have to call on Illya. I can't let that happen. Miyu opened a hole in the wall of the building and Tohsaka and the others jumped in. I followed them. In order to carry out the last resort.

Berserker smashed the wall and followed us into the cramped space, but due to the narrowness, he could not demonstrate his speed. We used this gap to advance further and successfully distance ourselves from the enemy.

Alright, if we've come this far...

'This is a good place! Sapphire!'

Sapphire:『Yes! Limited Dimensional Reflection Path Formation, Mirror Corridor, partially reversing.』

Sapphire's voice echoed. A magic circle shone under our feet and everyone gathered around Miyu. I watched the scene calmly. Sapphire's words, which I had heard many times before. I can't miss the timing.

'Leave Border Jean...'

Here it is. I snatched Sapphire from Miyu's hand. And then, I pushed Miyu back.


'Shirou Emiya...Shirou!?'



And then, I, holding Sapphire, was the only one to step outside of the magic circle.

'Sorry. Leave the rest to me.'

To the three, who wore expressions of astonishment, I spoke quietly. And then, everyone disappeared. This is good. Now I can fight to my heart's content. Without anyone interfering. The Sapphire I held in my hand was shouting something.

'...Alright, let's get started, Berserker, this going to be we both epic battle'

The next moment, Berserker, who had broken through the ceiling and descended, I declared. From here on, it's our fight.

For Illya's sake and for Miyu's sake, Shirou challenges the monstrous Berserker alone. Next Chapter, Shirou (Illya World) will go on a rampage.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

koijiro21creators' thoughts