

A 16 year old otaku who was a crazed fan of the Nasuverse was put in a situation of one of the thing listed in all otaku’s wet dreams. The Hero Summoning. Let's follow his growth when he brought something in another world that will become the worst nightmare of all. Author's Note : I don't own Type-Moon or any of it's works and also I don't own the picture if the owner wants it to be removed I'll gladly do it :3 The Awesome and mischievous yet not so lovable Author's Four Great Maxim(Current): 1.) I'll try to make the character and world building slow yet solid for a more balanced progressive time but will have enough gap and chapter size that will not have the readers feel bored or leave a bad after taste afterwards.(There would be sudden spikes of the author's crazyness but they will be only in short intervals) 2.) I'll make the characters suffer a bit but will leave some holes in their trials and problems they can dig in to without making them become more arrogant and being idiotic and have some deux ex machina prepared somewhere but I won't say it let the readers discover them NYAHAHA~!! 3.) As much as the request for romance and such I won't get to length much about it if it's harem or a perfect couple going on but I'll say this I will try to occupy the reader's taste but still remember the end result may not be much of what you like because your not the only reader the poor and lonely author is gonna try to feed and the builder of the ships is only one man and you guys were the once that will try to steer them anyway~. 4.) Lastly and more important the mischievous yet not so lovable author needs some breather also and will not be shackled and enslaved by the hungry readers Nyahahaha~!! *Cough* I need to still live in real life as much as I want to write I need to continue my own story you know :3 and I still need enough amount of sleep cause I'm a grower ^w^

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100 Chs

Chapter 37: Today’s weather forecast: Heavy Rain shower

Now let's calm down and arrange this jumbled mess in my head for a bit. First I'm in another foreign world. Second in this continent there's only a single superpower the Karuan Empire except the demons from another continent the Empire is the defacto leading country. Third I am in Howling the evil organization that is as old as the empire itself… what the hell! The worst thing is… we don't have any foreknowledge of the plot! It seems the media it came from is not Japanese or Chinese because it would have been easily being known by us. We both read just a few of those from other countries anyway and most are just following the same structure.

"S#it I got a really bad feeling for this." Said Yamada in the standard Terradesia language. We already planned to talk in a foreign language if we have to converse privately. We cannot compromise ourselves from speaking Earth-born language if we actually have some reincarnated dude eavesdropping so the only language we used is in another world but the ones getting dropped by heroes! We cannot resort in Bounded Fields always right?

"Why is it?" I spoke in the elves language my teach hammered on me. Looking at his shivering and pale look you might think of him suddenly being dropped in the north pole but where in a room that have just a similar temperature than the room I had in Terradesia. In a side note we are sharing a room with two other people, one playing with the other kids outside and a guy who have the staple look and style of a hero's appearance but being fidgety, if the guy has an ahoge and a resolute look he would fit the bill perfectly.(A/N: An ahoge is like that annoying tuff of hair that won't budge from the oppressing hand and will resolutely stand straight and tall, if you can't understand what I meant just search Saber of Fate/Stay Night and you would understand instantly)

"Aside from that instructor's words it's this world's title in novel form I heard from Ruby." He said with a shivering tone.

"Spill it out already don't be a drama queen." I urged with an annoyed look.

"I read the previous novel of this author's book and it started in the typical romcom of a demon king and a hero." He said with a warm look, to be honest he is always expressive when talking about novels, anime, etc. and you can say he is honest when it comes to those. But his expression turned into someone holding his laugh alongside the eyes of someone who saw a Lovecraftian being.

"But it was just in the beginning, I don't know what the author was taking but they were suddenly turned into akin a 'magnum opus of a drugged addicted author' he even questioned himself alongside some of his characters if he actually was drugged." He said with a wry smile. "I later heard about the author made a new novel and because I did not have the time to read it I just read the synopsis and the title." He continued with a despairing look.

When I asked if it's the same title Ruby said he nodded with a smile of a dying soldier. S#it! Now I suddenly remembered what that Naruan-guy's words and that assistant's word she blurted out.

"Other instructors start training from today, but Just. For. Today. I'll be giving you kids the day off. If I talk any more my mouth will hurt and you'll only get pissed. Go to your assigned dorms and for today, enjoy your day off." He said at that time with an elderly smile. Lies!!! I felt a shiver at that time I ignored but I definitely felt being looked by someone who was preparing to cook us! When we were leaving in tow with the happy kids I accidentally overheard one of the assistant left behind with him that made me shudder for no apparent reason.

"….. Is this the infamous last supper?" She said with a voice filled with pity. I ignored those words because I was just starting to arrange the given knowledge I had but I already know there is something crazy about to happen and I felt the hero-like kid looking around in the room smelled the weird stench of that guy-no devil.

When I passed the words I remembered to Yamada he surely turned white with fright and I felt his soul leaving for a bit. Calming down he said.

"Don't sleep, even if it's the last thing that you would do, don't sleep. If you accidentally go to sleep your as good as dead." He barraged those words that feels familiar and he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged and spread his senses outside. Looking at the fidgety guy with us alongside the kids playing outside we waited.

10 hours later since that crazy instructor announced that speech of his, exactly 12 o'clock.


-Rise and shine, soldiers!

We suddenly heard an announcement akin to a speaker and the kid whose eyes bloodshot from looking out of the windows widened and jumped out of the window. With my senses blaring of the presence of something that will kill me, I followed the kid outside alongside Yamada who already saw what was outside ignoring the startled kid who just peeked outside. Then I finally saw it.

"…What the hell." Above us countless magic formations flickering with immense mana and bombing were we just a few seconds ago, was staying. I will surely die from those things that can penetrate my Magic Resistance looking how solid the magic that was prepared for hours.

"Oh ho. That's three up and ready." We heard the voice of Instructor Naruan as he turned to us. That shitty vampire! Just what hell given opportunity you had to be acquainted with this devil! When I was on brink of despair with countless curses for the crazy bastard the instructor-no devil Naruan's satisfied voice entered my ears.

"51 people successfully awake."

What kind of hazing is this! There were 100 kids with us and almost exactly half of them dropped out! I really suddenly felt thankful to my dear sister for being kind every time she wakes me up for those openings she gives me. Well I nearly died for the first few times though… (A/N: See chapter 1)

"It seems that the primary training was quite tough for you. I am not an evil instructor. For your peers that needed sleep, I will give them plenty of time to get it." He said with a combination of a kind voice and that paralyzed face of his. I don't know what is the afterlife called in this world but I will pray to those 49 innocent souls who have just gotten their eternal sleep later. For the next words of this devil in front of us rang out.

"Now then, the first training."

He suddenly throws a parchment to the kid in front, namely the local who sensed this devil's words first our roommate. Looking at the unfurled parchment I saw a map.

"Hm current time is 00:34. Hmm… Alright, leisurely make your way over to the place marked on the map by 0300 hours."

Listening to those words, I traced back the mark on the map from here. If I cross-examine the memories given to me alongside the mathematical skills my teacher Liliana forcefully awake…

'It takes at least 2 hours a run at full sprint if we based it in a normal adult's speed (Earth standard). We have merely a bit of around 2 hours and barely a half and you call that leisurely!!!' I retorted mentally, we would actually just have a short leisure walk of not a barely a half and its theoretically impossible for a human especially a modern man to sprint for two hours without any rest or the body will shut down. (A/N: God I have a lot of author's note this time… still I know someone might pull out a much better explanation on this part and call me for BS but hey can you run that fast without given rest constantly? I don't.)

"Oh, if you feel like you can't make it to the destination then feel free to give up. You can just come back and sleep together with your peers." He said with a voice as if assuring us but looking at the bastard's quaint smile, I, no, everyone standing here though the exact same thing.

'If you fall behind you die.' Even Lancer's voice filled with his usual cheerful demeanor told me with a rare serious tone.

[Bozu, I will let you borrow Gae Bolg freely this time… the prana intake will be on me. Just stab the bastards heart for me.] – Lancer

[I would gladly take the offer… but he is the guy that old man asked us to protect.] I resolutely said even when my body is actually trying to call out the spear, my mental struggle is the one barely stopping me. Seeing my internal fight, he just gave up.

Without knowing that the Child of Light asked a boy to stab him, the instructor spoke suddenly in a frivolous tone paired with that cold and expressionless look of his makes it more frightening.

"Ooh. I've heard fifty-one had survived the first attack, but to think fifty-one would be here as well… As an instructor, I am exceedingly happy! Really, I am so proud of you who were called the most promising cohort in the recent history! I am so, so, soooo happy, in fact, it feels like I might as well be crying tears of joy right now." He said. What the hell scary… did I also just also heard a variation of the Emiya joke?

"Ahh, it is said that the teachings of a teacher are akin to heaven itself, but to think you'd make me cry… The gods above must be crying tears of joy with me as well." He said with a voice carrying the hint of a madman while looking up the sky. Out of curiosity I looked up.

A clear night sky with countless stars dotting it out that can only be seen in select places in Earth and in the sky above Terradesia where pollution did not wreck the environment. Puzzled as I may be Sapphire's urgent voice suddenly echoed out.

[William-sama! Strengthen your eyes with prana!] Following her voice, I reinforced my eyes with prana, to be honest this is the only magecraft I have currently if you ignore the bounded fields I learned. Then my eyes suddenly zoomed to what lay farther than a normal man can see, then I saw it…

Robed men floating above the cold freezing sky looking below akin to gods but ignoring those I looked at the magic on standby beside them and felt a cold shiver down my spine. Using what brain juice I have left alongside my remaining sanity anchoring me to this frail body of mine, I asked the silent Heroic Spirit inside of me.

[Hey… aniki I would surely die right if you drop a huge chunk of ice the size of boulders or man from 5000m above sea level?] I asked like someone imploring for reprieve.

[… Yeah ignoring the magic resistance you have, the ice will turn you into a paste just from sheer velocity, the size and gravity.] He said with a tone like giving up when he saw through my eyes. Yamada who was beside me felt my body condition that keeps on going up and down and saw my face. He suddenly shivered and paled, crap I even made this guy shit his pants with my face.

"Right, the tears of heavens. It seems like the ground will get wet from that turn into rain, and it would be a problem if my dear disciples caught a cold from the rain. So use your umbrella." He said and someone tossed a staff to each of us, I ignored the sudden horrified shout from somewhere that surely recognized the thing given to us. I instead focused inside me and ordered the two occupants.

[Ruby, Sapphire use everything of your knowledge and analyze this thing and tell me how to activate it.] I said in a hurried manner, my knowledge is a bit lack luster in the magic side of things that even if I know this is enchanted with some type of magic I don't know how this thing activates.

Hearing the affirmation of the two I looked at the evil instructor whose eyes widened a bit and looked at the direction of the shout.

"Oho. So there's already someone who recognize the umbrella. This'll be simple, then." With those words akin to a man introducing a stage play his next word that will sentence us to hell rang out.

"Make it rain."

Then beautiful silver lights suddenly flashed above alongside the 'strong drizzle of rain'.




"Oi Ruby by the way what's the title of what media this world came from?" – William

[Ehh~ you did not know~? Well as Ruby-chan always don't have some screen time I will tell you~.] – Ruby

"It's because you keeps breaking the 4th wall you idiot. Hurry up and tell us" – Yamada

[Yes~ yes~ it's called 'Running Away From The Hero!' neat right~?] – Ruby

"Na!?" – Yamada

"Hmm seems you know the novel Yamada? Wait Yamada don't you dare faint on me! Oi!!!" – Wiliam

The old man watching a show

In a dark room somewhere an old man is watching a 'show' in the tv while eating popcorn.

"Hmmm with that expression of his, I knew William is cursing me~(lol). Still you would thank me later gaki~ Even if the training course of Naruan~ feels like dying you will stay alive and become even more stronger~." Said the old man whose identity is Zelretch, catching a dropping popcorn he thrown up he continued his monologue.

"It's titled as the 'Full Course Training for Budding Villains to beat or run away from Heroes' so it will be surely to be hard. Even if I can't go there I can still freely observe anyway right~?" If the gods hear what he said they would surely trace him back in anger.

"Still… my dear observers from another plane of existence… I wish you are enjoying the struggle of William and his buddy~. There's more fun and exciting events and places to go." He said and suddenly with his red eyes filled with amusement looked in the empty air… surely he is not looking somewhere… right~?

Author here~ sorry late post I overslept... :3

Still comment your opinion and ideas in the comment section. But before you guys go balistic the 4th wall breaking will be rare as in rare!

Enjoy >:3

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