

A 16 year old otaku who was a crazed fan of the Nasuverse was put in a situation of one of the thing listed in all otaku’s wet dreams. The Hero Summoning. Let's follow his growth when he brought something in another world that will become the worst nightmare of all. Author's Note : I don't own Type-Moon or any of it's works and also I don't own the picture if the owner wants it to be removed I'll gladly do it :3 The Awesome and mischievous yet not so lovable Author's Four Great Maxim(Current): 1.) I'll try to make the character and world building slow yet solid for a more balanced progressive time but will have enough gap and chapter size that will not have the readers feel bored or leave a bad after taste afterwards.(There would be sudden spikes of the author's crazyness but they will be only in short intervals) 2.) I'll make the characters suffer a bit but will leave some holes in their trials and problems they can dig in to without making them become more arrogant and being idiotic and have some deux ex machina prepared somewhere but I won't say it let the readers discover them NYAHAHA~!! 3.) As much as the request for romance and such I won't get to length much about it if it's harem or a perfect couple going on but I'll say this I will try to occupy the reader's taste but still remember the end result may not be much of what you like because your not the only reader the poor and lonely author is gonna try to feed and the builder of the ships is only one man and you guys were the once that will try to steer them anyway~. 4.) Lastly and more important the mischievous yet not so lovable author needs some breather also and will not be shackled and enslaved by the hungry readers Nyahahaha~!! *Cough* I need to still live in real life as much as I want to write I need to continue my own story you know :3 and I still need enough amount of sleep cause I'm a grower ^w^

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100 Chs

Chapter 23: The power of a Heroic Spirit

When the red light receded the vampires looked at where William is while expecting another transformation. Well they just got a sudden disappointment for the form William took is still the same except some minor changes. His hair that had been black with blue streaks had been fully changed into a complete full blue hair. His clothes had additional heavy armor in some parts, and his green spear had been replaced by a blood red one.

Cracking his neck Willia– no Lancer grinned at the shocked vampire and said;

"Let me take it from here, this is your first time fighting in a battle of endurance so just watch and let me show you." Lancer said while taking his unique stance and when the last word left his mouth…

"Wa-!!" – Alfonse

He disappeared leaving a huge cracked ground and appearing infront of the shocked vampire stabbing at his heart.

"The power of a Heroic Spirit!" Lancer said while attempting to stab the vampire. Alfonse in his panic changed into a shadow and quickly escaped farther. When he came out while erasing his presence he was shocked to see no visuals of the Child of Light and he heard his voice sarcastically behind him.

"Ho~ you think you can run away you s#itty vampire?" Lancer said making the vampire scream in a pathetic manner. Kicking away Falna who tried to sneak attack him he looked back and saw the jerk trying to sneak attack him by trying to skewer him with a long black spear.

"You bastard! If you had hit me with that the girl will be skewered too!" Blocking the spears effortlessly Lancer barked angrily at the vampire who had a warped expression.

"She should be glad that we would had killed you! She won't die from such a wound anyway for she is a noble like myself! A vampire you shitty brat!" Alfonse retorted while retreating when he learned how skilled his enemy with the spear so he changed to firing long distance magic.

"Tch! You really piss people off you twisted vampire! I also damn know that my little brother is stupid and have a weird personality but for a fu#ker like you to mention it makes me pissed!" Lancer said while either parrying or dodging the magical projectiles that is being flung at him. Noticing that magic bombardment is also ineffective to him the vampire practically screamed in frustration and called the vampire girl who was just standing up.

"Woman! Deter him with your very self at stake!" Alfonse said while retreating near the entrance. Looking at the coward, Lancer just blocked the suicidal attacks of Falna while when he got an opening he knocked her out quickly.

Looking in the direction where he retreated, he quickly saw Alfonse trying to breach the Bounded Field in desperation.

Looking at such a pathetic sight Lancer said; "You, you really are not a man are you for having such weak back bone in front of death. You even let a woman block for you." While approaching the vampire who screamed 'Monster!' when he saw him approach.

"Idiot! Everybody is naturally afraid of death! Only those blockheads like the werewolves who think death as air are the idiotic ones! That woman is pretty useless anyway for not deterring you for a moment damn it! I don't want to die!!" Alfonse said who is already shacking and begging for mercy. Looking at such a sorry excuse Lancer shake his head, looking at the sudden opening the vampire tried to sneak attack him with the prepared spell on the ground where Earth Spikes grew from the ground.

"You really think your pretty smart are you?" Lancer said when he saw the sneak attack and he merely stepped in one single motion and dodged all the spikes making the vampires eyes widen. Clicking his tongue at the surprised face of the vampire he wrote a rune in the air in front of the shocked vampire.

"You know, you're not the only one capable of magecraft." Lancer said finishing writing the rune in front of the vampire who was already freaking out when he sensed the strong Mystery emanating from the Rune.

"W-wai–!!!" Alfonse said trying to say something but it was quickly replaced by a scream of pain when a deluge of fire totally swallowed his body. In a few moments when the fire was already weakening and the vampire turned into ashes Lancer looked at his back where Falna who was trying to stand up flinched and slowly dropped to the ground.

Quickly grabbing hold of her, Lancer saw her eyes which was lifeless at first revitalized to how a normal person's eyes would act. Looking at her savior's face she blushed a bit when she saw the precarious position they had but she felt a huge amount of pain in her neck in the area she was bitten with. Noticing her upcoming death, she looked at her savior one last time and said.

"Thank you for saving me dear sir… but it seems that vampire don't want to let me live if he dies…" – Falna

"Nope you ain't dying in front of me. Sapphire?" – Lancer said smoothly and a Class Card appeared and turned into an iridescent and jagged dagger that is commonly seen in the Age of the Gods as a ceremonial knife of sort but due to its owner's Divinity…

"Rule Breaker." Lancer called out the name of the Witch of Betrayal's Noble Phantasm while reminiscing the Fifth Holy Grail War he participated and stabbed it through the girl's neck releasing a violent color of purple and red making the girl have a shocked look when she felt the magic spell inflicting her break down quickly like returning to its very basic component and she was further struck with astonishment when she felt vampiric impulses she felt recede till it was gone.

When the fluctuating lights receded the only thing left is a well-endowed woman with wounds here and there with her clothes in tatters. Gone where her red sharp eyes and was replaced with gentle blue pupils accentuating her blond hair and adult body noticing her fangs also gone she touched herself till she cried heavily in Lancer's arms and thanked him with all vocabulary she can muster. She in her instinctual manner tried to kiss him but a finger poked her forehead making her winced and look at him with confusion. Grinning Lancer pointed at the fainted Felix and said.

"I think the thing you was planning to do should be given to that guy~ he was practically screaming your name when you were being controlled by that bastard~." Lancer said making her blush and finally noticed the condition Felix was in. Looking at the leaving girl who was really worried of the guy in the ground Lancer merely clicked his tongue and said.

"Haa~ what a waste... Gahahaha~ Still it really felt refreshing to fight~! It's been a long time~. Still can you be silent about what happened here little girl~? Take care of my little brother for a bit~." Lancer laughed it off and looked at Veronica who was already looking at him with shocked yet shining eyes.

Sighing refreshingly Lancer closed his eyes and with a flash of light a fainted William dropped into the ground making a huge sound.

In that few silent reprieve it was quickly disturbed by a huge amount of noise of clanking armor and a battered Julius with soldiers in tow arrived at the scene. Looking at such a devastation and looked at the cold corpse of the ogre and an unknown woman crying to the fainted Felix and a standing up female hero approaching a bloody mess of a boy he looked at such a scene with utter confusion and said.

"What the hell happened here!" – Felix


Younger self

[So what should I call you now? Proto Lancer?] – William

"Nah just stick to the Lancer~ I'm just borrowing my younger self's body and my Saint Graph is more inclined to the form I used in the Fifth Holy Grail War" – Lancer

Rule Breaker

When Lancer was preparing to stab Rule Breaker to Falna a lot of golden ripple suddenly appeared around him...

"Aren't you a sight to behold, weakling?" – ???

Hearing the familiar arrogant remark, he looked up and saw Goldy sitting in a golden throne.

"Gilgamesh!" - Lancer

"However, this is taking too long. Way too long! The readers had been complaining already!" – Gilgamesh

At those words Lancer felt that Gilgamesh overlapped with his Caster Form. But the next words Gilgamesh said make him quickly retreat quickly bringing Falna away.

"Gate of… Babylon" – Gilgamesh

"Wait, wait, wait! The use of those amount of Noble Phantasms is way too early in the game! The author banned those things due to that!" – Lancer

"I am the rules." – Gilgamesh

Dodging the deluge of Noble Phantasms Lancer screamed.

"Why the hell am I feeling a huge amount of déjà vu here!!!" – Lancer

"Fuhahahahaha!!! Rule Breaker!" – Gilgamesh

[Hey! That's my line!] – Medea

"Your things are my things!" – Gilgamesh

[He's the oldest bully in human history…] – Medea

I managed to salvage the chapters luckily so I'll release 3 chapters today. Someone might nag me why I won't release a 4th chapter as promised but I feel I'm going to be beaten to death by you guys if I drop another cliff hanger which is slightly big in the end of the 4th one so I'm sorry for breaking this up to you guys...


Sorry for the wait~

Also Caster's identity is already revealed... crap

Sleeping_Mooncreators' thoughts