
Fate/Heroic Paradox

This is the story of a good person from another world reincarnated as Shinji Matou facing the hardships of life as a trash character of Shinji Matou. he has to change his destiny as shinji matou in the world of typemoon. Author Note : I using Deep translated Pro combine with google translate to translated this novel from my language into English if there some grammar mistake, I apologize, My English is not good. each chapter have around 10000 word or more.

Bro_Hero · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

Amid the tense atmosphere, a figure dressed in fiery red suddenly stepped forward. Priscilla, one of the candidates for the throne, held a folding fan, covering half of her face. She spoke disdainfully, "How much longer are we going to waste with this pointless bickering? It's precisely because you're all about empty words that you've become the scum of the slums."

Fueled by the taunting remarks, Felt quickly strode up to Priscilla, locking eyes with her. Her voice, filled with childish anger, retorted, "Oh? You want to fight with me? I wouldn't mind tearing apart your foul mouth."

Closing her fan, Priscilla's expression turned icy, "Don't get ahead of yourself. Do you even know who I am?"

"Your Highness!" The knight known as Al called out with a helpless tone.

Matou Shinji understood Al's frustration, as his Mystic Eyes detected the turbulent and agitated magical energy gathering around Priscilla, causing sparks to fly when she waved her fan. A surge of heat flowed through the air of the hall, making it dry.

Hmm? This type of magical attribute doesn't belong to any common category.

Matou Shinji's face shifted slightly as his Mystic Eyes analyzed Priscilla's magical attribute. It appeared to be a rare light attribute.

At the moment Priscilla made her move, Reinhard practically materialized in front of Felt. He bowed with respect, "Forgive the impoliteness, Lady Priscilla."

Without taking any action, the agitated and restless magical power that came into contact with Reinhard's body was suppressed and quelled by an invisible force.

This was the power of blessings.

Matou Shinji's Mystic Eyes brightened as he recorded the scene before him. The events that had transpired so far felt quite rewarding to him.

Emilia also stood protectively in front of Felt, her bell-like voice unusually sharp as she expressed her anger, "In such an important gathering, why would you emit such strong hostility? What are you trying to achieve?"

Priscilla's arched eyebrows looked down on both Emilia and Felt, and she sneered, "I'm not doing much. I just want to teach an ill-mannered bitch a lesson, at least make her understand the difference in status."

"Aren't you going to apologize?" Emilia questioned angrily.

Priscilla turned her face away, used her fan to cover her mouth, and proudly declared, "Those who offend me shall pay with their lives. Furthermore, if you put it that way, shouldn't you also apologize to everyone present for living in this world? Silver-haired half-elf."

The final title dripped with malice, openly mocking Emilia's identity.

Narrowing his eyes, Matou Shinji contemplated whether he should step in as Emilia's guard at this point.

Priscilla's words had hit Emilia's soft spot. Her expression and attitude wavered for a moment, and she softly retorted, "I have nothing to do with the Witch."

Priscilla scoffed arrogantly, "What's the point of such an excuse? Merely resembling the Witch of Envy is akin to an unpardonable sin, just as the existence of the Witch herself is an unforgivable crime. Do you understand? But it seems like you don't. It's precisely because you don't that you shamelessly stand here, silver-haired half-elf."

Emilia's expression grew more embarrassed, her pale face lowered.

All the knights and members of the Wise Council in the hall turned their gazes towards her. Everyone observed coldly, some even relishing in her discomfort. They knew that Priscilla's logic was twisted, yet not a single person was willing to speak up for Emilia.

In fact, just as Priscilla had said, even the appearance of someone resembling the Witch of Envy was enough to be deemed a filthy existence.

Most people inherently despised anything associated with the Witch.

"If this continues, Emilia's situation will become precarious."

Matou Shinji's gaze shifted to the members of the Wise Council, including Roswaal's faction. Their eyes met, and both understood each other's intentions.

Roswaal signaled Matou Shinji with his eyes, indicating that he could intervene without disrupting the plan.

Simultaneously, Matou Shinji noticed that Reinhard was looking at him, silently inquiring about his intentions.

If Matou Shinji, as Emilia's knight, intervened, there would be no need for an outsider like him to step in.

Let the performance begin.

Matou Shinji nodded at Reinhard, indicating that he would handle it.

"You know, empty vessels make the most noise. How about you use your life to atone for offending Lady Emilia?" Matou Shinji snorted disdainfully. Stepping forward from the ranks of the knights, he waved his hand. A short, abrupt hiss accompanied by an invisible force sliced through the air, aimed at Priscilla.

Almost simultaneously, a more agile figure leaped out from behind Matou Shinji in the knight's formation. Drawing the wide sword from his waist, Al positioned himself in front of Priscilla.

Clang! Clang!

Two metallic sounds rang out, as Al used his broadsword to block the invisible strike. He was pushed back a few steps by the immense force.

Confronted with the sudden attack, Priscilla's fair face displayed anger. She ordered in a cold tone, "Good. Al, kill this irrational person who dares offend me and the silver-haired half-elf. Expel this impurity from the council hall. No one will have any objections."

No one responded, not even the elders of the Wise Council seemed to object.

However, things didn't unfold in the direction that everyone expected.

The helmeted knight Al was the first to sheath his weapon. He turned around to face his mistress with a resigned expression, "Your Highness, can't you control your temper, even now? Creating too many enemies without reason would also be troublesome for me."

"I fear nothing. I can handle even the Sword Saint and the silver-haired half-elf's retainers. I can endure even if I can't win."

"You being confident is a good thing, but if your opponent is the Sword Saint and this young man, I might not even last ten seconds. If that young man had truly intended to harm you just now, I wouldn't have had a chance to intervene."

Seeing that Al wasn't joking, Priscilla snorted and put away her fan, returning to her original position.

A hoarse voice interjected in a timely manner, "Silence! Silence! This is not a marketplace. Calm down, and let's continue."

Everyone returned to their positions. Emilia asked Felt with concern, "Are you alright, Felt?"

Felt bit her lower lip, still annoyed, "Do I look like something's wrong? If you hadn't done anything unnecessary, I would've torn apart her mouth just now."

"I'm sorry."


Felt grumbled for a moment, tugged at Emilia's clothes, and whispered again, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Emilia smiled gently.

Captain Marx coughed, breaking the silence, "Quiet down! Quiet down! This is not a marketplace. Let's move on. Now that the five candidates predicted by the Dragon Stone have all assembled, I, on behalf of the Wise Council, declare that, according to the contract between the Lugnica Kingdom and the Divine Dragon, we shall fulfill our obligation and locate the five Dragon Priestesses to officially commence the royal selection."

The faces of everyone in the hall turned serious.

On the royal throne, an elder of the Wise Council stood up and declared, "We shall now move on to the agenda. While the Dragon Stone records the method of gathering the five candidate kings, it doesn't specify the method of selecting a king. To decide this matter, I suggest that, taking advantage of this rare occasion of officially starting the royal selection, the members of the Wise Council, nobles, and all royal knights present should listen to the thoughts of each candidate king."


"Indeed, it's a good suggestion."

Numerous elders of the Wise Council nodded in agreement. Captain Marx stepped forward and loudly announced, "In that case, may the first candidate king please step forward."


Knight Captain Marx did not specifically call forward any of the candidate kings. More than half of the people in the main hall, without a word spoken, turned their gaze in an unspoken agreement toward the sole anomaly in the hall – Emilia, the only half-elf. There were hushed conversations and discussions about her status as a half-elf and her taboo appearance.

Words like "half-demon," "impure," "dirty," "expulsion," filled Matou Shinji's ears. Even though he considered himself an observer, he couldn't help but feel pity for the beautiful half-elf before him.

Emilia tightened her grip on her small hand, her face pale. Her determined and resolute violet eyes reflected her courage as she looked up at the members of the Wise Council. Summoning her bravery, she stepped forward, her voice firm and fearless, "Nice to meet you all, esteemed members of the Wise Council. My name is Emilia, without a family name."

Her crisp voice echoed in the main hall, suppressing all criticism against her. For a moment, the other candidate kings looked at Emilia with surprised eyes. They couldn't believe that, at this unfavorable moment for Emilia, she chose to step forward.

Dressed as a man, the beautiful Felt sighed quietly. If only she had stepped back earlier, she wouldn't be facing even greater harm now.

"It seems she's not just for show," Matou Shinji inwardly praised Emilia's courage. Stepping forward from the ranks of the knights, he walked behind Emilia and introduced himself, "I am Emilia's knight, Matou Shinji."

Emilia turned back and gave Matou Shinji a strong smile. Just having someone stand behind her gave her the courage to continue.

Also stepping forward was the Chief Court Mage, Roswaal, who was Emilia's nominal supporter. He bowed deeply to the members of the Wise Council and humbly said, "And I am Emilia's endorser, Roswaal L Mathers."

One of the Wise Council elders, from his elevated position, examined the silver-haired half-elf. He stroked his beard, his voice calm and pondering, "Roswaal, the earlier drama has already exposed her identity to everyone in this hall. I want to hear why you would nominate a half-elf who looks exactly like the infamous Witch of Envy to participate in the royal selection."

"A tainted half-demon. Even if she didn't qualify to step into this hall, let alone participate, just having her standing here is an insult to the Lugnica Kingdom!" Next to him, a Wise Council elder's forehead vein throbbed as he yelled, unable to hold back his aversion towards Emilia.

This statement wasn't met with controversy; it was almost met with unanimous agreement from the members of the Wise Council.

"That's right! This is the Lugnica Kingdom, the land where the Forbidden Witch sleeps!"

"She's not qualified to be a king!"

"Expel her!"

"What is Roswaal thinking? Why would he recommend this half-demon to be a candidate king?"

Felt grabbed onto Emilia's sleeve, nodded to her, and whispered, "Emilia, don't mind these losers."

"Hmph, it's expected that lowlifes would gather together." Priscilla sneered, her lace fan held disdainfully.

Kuruzu quietly sighed in her manly attire, while another merchant guild leader, Anastasia, yawned in boredom.

Faced with numerous criticisms, Roswaal's attitude remained respectful, "You're right. With her astonishing beauty, silver hair, violet eyes, and her fair, translucent skin, it's the very embodiment of the most mysterious appearance. Nevertheless, Emilia has still been chosen as a candidate king."

A Wise Council elder scolded in a raised voice, "What's the point? Do you think the citizens would choose a half-demon who looks exactly like the Forbidden Witch to be their king? Ludicrous!"

Roswaal shook his head, "Of course not. My opinion aligns with that of the esteemed members of the Wise Council. Emilia's identity is evident, and I believe not a single person here would choose to nominate her as king."

The Wise Council elders exchanged glances, and the elder with the big beard, with a more lenient attitude, said in a softer voice, "So you mean that while there are five candidate kings, there are effectively only four participants."

The Wise Council elder who had insulted Emilia nodded, his expression relaxing slightly, "I see, that's indeed a good plan. Reducing the number of participants in the selection would also reduce variables."

"She has been acknowledged by the Dragon Stone (Badge)."

The Wise Council elders continued discussing, almost unanimously agreeing with Roswaal's opinion. Most people in the hall looked at Emilia with a mixture of pity and disdain, as this was the most ridiculous outcome for a half-demon.

Emilia bit her lower lip and remained silent.

"Jokes should have their limits, Roswaal, and the esteemed members of the Wise Council." A cold, deep voice rang out as though amplified, quelling all criticism.

All eyes turned to Emilia's back, where Matou Shinji, self-proclaimed Emilia's knight, stood. Even Emilia, her expression wavering, turned surprised. She couldn't fathom why Matou Shinji would step up for her at this moment, further intensifying the conflict.

Roswaal joked, "Oh my~ Oh my~ Mr. Shinji, do you have any objections to my words? Nevertheless, you're merely Emilia's knight. You don't have the qualification to speak here."

"The knight is the sword of the master, naturally obligated to defend the master from harm. Since Lady Emilia has been recognized by the Dragon Stone and chosen to participate in the royal selection, she is one of the most qualified individuals to be king. Not a single one of you, who claimants to be the dregs of society, can casually deny her with your words."

Roswaal's expression turned solemn, his voice growing cold, "Watch your tone. This is not a place where you can act recklessly."

"Who's being reckless isn't quite clear yet. Since the Dragon Stone has recognized Emilia's legitimacy, what right do you have to deny Lady Emilia's candidacy based on a few words and your personal preferences? Are you the Divine Dragon? Can you represent the will of the Divine Dragon? Precisely because you're powerless, that's why you're conducting this so-called royal selection. But now, isn't your behavior the greatest disrespect to the Divine Dragon?"

"Insolence! Such pointless rivalry serves no purpose. For those who fail to recognize reality and dare to speak arrogantly here, apologize with your life!" Roswaal's light-hearted tone abruptly shifted, replaced by strong hostility that filled the hall. A surge of magic power responded to his words.

"Roswaal!" Emilia exclaimed in shock. Not only her, but most people present could feel the intense magical energy surging.

"Let me show you the highest level of fire magic, Grand Fireball Spell!"

The magical power converged around the Chief Court Mage, and promptly materialized into flames. The air became restless in an instant, with a decisive difference in power compared to the magic exhibited by Priscilla just now.

Roswaal raised his right hand, generating a large fireball with a radius of over a meter. Roaring heat waves eroded the hall, causing nearby knights and members of the court to retreat in astonishment.

Knight Felix looked at the huge fireball in awe, "This is quite an unexpected situation, meow. Reinhardt, aren't you going to help?"

Reinhardt shook his head with a wry smile, "This is a conflict between them. I won't intervene unless Knight Commander Marx orders it or when I deem it necessary."

As everyone doubted whether Roswaal would really take action, the massive fireball had already descended towards Matou Shinji's direction. The terrifying force seemed to want to evaporate Matou Shinji and Emilia together.

"You really went this far, Roswaal." Matou Shinji sneered, extending his right hand. Magical power flowed in his palm, forming a circle that initiated an alchemical formation. Blue arcs of electricity leaped, and the ground's rocks rose, forming a shield about a meter thick.


After a dull sound came a piercing hiss. The temperature of the nearly sun-like fireball nearly pierced through the shield, and red-hot lava droplets ignited the scarlet carpet.

Matou Shinji took a step forward, lightly tapping the wall with his right hand. The sturdy shield shattered into numerous pieces, floating in the air and transforming into countless spears that shot towards Roswaal.

"Wind Shield!" Roswaal shouted loudly, his body enveloped in an invisible hurricane. He effortlessly deflected all the stone spears, and as he pointed his right hand, the surging hurricane turned into invisible blades that slashed towards Matou Shinji.

The atmosphere was torn apart as the wind blades plowed through the ground, leaving cracks behind.

Matou Shinji stood still, his magic eyes shimmering, revealing the true power of his Mystic Eyes. The Spiritual Calculation deciphered the magical power and rules of this world, a process akin to a hacker infiltrating a computer.

After staying in this world for so many days, Matou Shinji had a basic understanding of the world's magical power, possessing the ability to analyze, adapt, and eventually manipulate magic.

The surging hurricane stopped in front of Matou Shinji, motionless. Only now could people see the true nature of this attack: a flowing mass of air, invisible to the naked eye.

Roswaal attitude became somewhat playful, "Oh~ my, this is a bit unexpected. It's not about blocking my magic, nor destroying it. It's directly controlling my magic. Even I, the Chief Court Mage, can't do such a thing."

"Is this your last words, Roswaal?" Matou Shinji sneered, raising his right hand and returning the wind blades to Rozval.

As Roswaal was busy dealing with that, Matou Shinji clapped his hands again, and more blue arcs of electricity leaped.

This time, even Reinhardt's expression changed in shock.

"Felice, didn't you say he's better at swordsmanship?" Corus, a prospective king, watched the magical duel with a serious expression.

"Meow, Lord Wilhelm did say he's skilled in swordsmanship, but I didn't expect his magic prowess to exceed that," Felice replied.

Artoria scratched his helmet, "I say, this situation seems a bit tricky. The young lad seems to be getting serious."

"Hmph, so be it then." Priscilla maintained her arrogant demeanor, though her eyes couldn't leave Matou Shinji's body. She finally understood that Al's words earlier weren't a joke. The magical power in the atmosphere had almost been drained. Even she couldn't use magic in this situation.

A tremendous amount of magical power converged in Matou Shinji's hands, depleting the magical energy in the space and creating a vacuum of magic. Anyone sensitive to magic could feel the terrifying change.

After fending off all the wind blades, Roswaal slightly opened his eyes, his amber pupils gazing at Matou Shinji.

The gap in magical specifications was too great.

The Chief Court Mage's expression turned slightly bitter. He couldn't summon a riot of magical power or cast spells. He could only watch Matou Shinji casting his magic.

Their eyes met, conveying a message.

This was just a performance, right? It shouldn't go this far!

If you're going to do something, do it well. Being careless and getting caught would be embarrassing.

Have you ever considered my feelings? What will I do if I can't bear it?

Then die.

Ignoring Roswaal complaints, Matou Shinji proceeded. If he couldn't handle Reinhardt, he still had Parc, and if he couldn't handle Parc, he had the Sword Saint Reinhardt. Matou Shinji didn't need to worry much. If he didn't show absolute strength now and suppress the dissatisfaction of those present with Emilia, he might not have the chance in the future.

Moreover, Matou Shinji had long wanted to test Roswaal true strength.

His closed palms slowly separated, revealing a continuously surging transparent magical current in his palms.

It appeared grayish-white and colorless, twisting the air and magic, making it impossible to see its true form. Anyone sensitive to magic would know just how terrifying the creation of Matou Shinji was.

A pure magical crystallization, gathering a large amount of magical power through specific magic, then imbuing it with concepts and form.

Rather than calling it magic, it leaned more toward the Magecraft of the TYPE-MOON world. It was cast in the form of the magic of this world, based on the Noble Phantasm of Von Hohenheim Paracelsus, "Elemental Sword of the Elementalist."

Then, Matou Shinji didn't rush to release it. His magic eyes operated at full power, squeezing his body's vitality, continuously suppressing, analyzing the magical crystallization, until it stabilized.

Matou Shinji's face showed excitement as he grabbed the magical crystallization with his right hand. The terrifying magical aura evaporated his skin, muscles decayed, and the dripping blood was vaporized by the magic, enveloping the magical crystallization.

Using blood as a guide, faint traces appeared around the magical crystallization, resembling runes, but no one present could understand them.

The original Rune, due to different cosmic rules, had been greatly weakened in this world.

The original Rune symbolized the truth of the universe. While certain rules and concepts between the two worlds were connected, some concept forces could still exert an effect.

Matou Shinji wasn't using his trump card; he was merely condensing magical power into a conceptual weapon, fixing it with the original Rune. Lastly, he would employ the spear technique taught by Scáthach.

This move was once used by the Divine Spirit Scáthach to destroy the world, earning it the name of "Annihilation."

"Red, what's this!"

Reinhardt suddenly grasped his sword by his waist, calling its name. The Dragon Sword vibrated intensely, indicating that Matou Shinji was a formidable opponent worthy of drawing it.


"Hey~ hey~ This is really no joke.

You will die!

The clown disguise couldn't hide Roswaal pale face. His intuition was ringing alarm bells in his mind. Having lived for hundreds of years, he rarely experienced such a genuine threat of death.

Matou Shinji's magic exceeded the conventional definition of magic, becoming a power similar to authority or blessing.

Roswaal possessed the "Blessing of Magecraft," allowing him to use magic of six attributes: water, fire, earth, wind, yin, and yang. The power and efficiency were at their peak, but he couldn't interfere with authorities or powers of similar level.

"Truly the one favored by the Witch, as the Sage's Tome says, the one who can change this world. Because you possess this power, you can slay the Divine Dragon and fulfill the long-cherished wish of my master, the Covetous Witch, Agatha." In this urgent moment, Roswaal didn't think he could directly withstand Matou Shinji's attack. Facing the fear of death, excitement swelled in Roswaal eyes.

The trembling hall, where all the knights and subordinates of the Court of Sages or Kingdom's nobles had retreated to the side, and the guards who were responsible for guarding the area didn't dare to step a foot in.

The ground cracked under the pressure of magic, and the restless magic in the air caused everyone in the main hall to feel a strong sense of suffocation.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this scene was incredibly abnormal.

On one side was Roswaal, the Border Count, known as the Court's Chief Mage capable of annihilating an entire army single-handedly. On the other side was Matou Shinji, overwhelmingly pressuring Roswaal in terms of momentum.

Matou Shinji held the magic spear and raised it above his head, declaring, "Take this, consider it a farewell gift on your journey to the netherworld."

"Delightful~ Truly so delightful~! Just how many surprises do you still have on you?" The clown's madness showed, opening his hands to generate elements of different colors. He exclaimed, "Very well, I shall respond with all my power and knowledge, using the top-tier magic of all six elements and the mana of the atmosphere!"

"Flames, incinerate the enemy."

"Fierce winds, shield me."

"Solid earth, grant protection."

"Weak waters, strengthen life."

"Yin and yang reverse, display the might of all elements!"

Matou Shinji threw the magic spear, and from then on, he had almost no role to play. He stood in place, watching the performance of Roswaal and Puck.

With all his magical power depleted and no way to continue using magic without sacrificing his life force, Roswaal had to use his hands to shield himself. He poured the magic he had stored up for hundreds of years into the elemental barrier, but the destructive light easily swept through it.

Even with the assistance of the spirit, and despite having a vast reserve of magical power, it was impossible to withstand the power of destruction that had risen to the level of authority.

At a critical moment, Roswaal heard a girl's shout, "Puck! Protect him!"

Lady Emilia had finally arrived!

Roswaal felt like he might tear up. This time, the plan to showcase the strength of their faction to the Court of Sages and all the kingdom's nobles and knights didn't involve informing Lady Emilia in advance.

On the contrary, Lady Emilia was a member of the plan. Regardless of whether it was Matou Shinji or Roswaal, at least one of them had to show the potential to pose a life-threatening threat to the other. Lady Emilia wouldn't just stand by.

Parc, the Great Spirit contracted with Lady Emilia, whose true identity was the leader of the six elemental spirits, known as the Beast of the End in the Permafrost.

Only by showcasing Parc's true power could this theatrical performance come to an end.

And then, using Parc's true power would inevitably expose its true identity.

This was a drama that Roswaal and Matou Shinji had jointly planned and orchestrated.

The gray-and-white cat obeyed the girl's command, leaping in front of Roswaal. It extended its claws, and magic constructed an absolute zero-degree barrier.

Puck was the top-tier Great Spirit that controlled the fire element. Its essence was the manipulation of temperature variations, enabling it to produce flames or freeze frost.

The absolute zero, which symbolized the very essence of the element itself and manipulated the elemental source power, could be achieved by Parc.

By stripping away the heat from everything, it could bring the flow of energy to a standstill. Its essential concept was no different from freezing time.

Even though the torrent of light reached the level of authority, it still couldn't penetrate Puck time barrier.

"Following the request of my beloved daughter, showcase the power of the Great Spirit. Have both sides had enough fun?"

A neutral and heavy voice emanated from Parc. Its appearance underwent a drastic change, shedding its previous adorable and fluffy image. With the terrifying magic freezing around it, a chilling aura radiated. The all-black eyes showed not a trace of human emotion.

This was the true form of the Great Spirit, Puck.

"The End-Beast of the Permafrost!" As soon as this statement was made, the elderly elder of the Court of Sages, who had been somewhat indifferent, suddenly stood up in astonishment, blurting out Puck's name.

With this revelation, the elder of the Court of Sages was visibly moved. Although they disliked Lady Emilia's identity, having lived for so long gave them some insight.


In a frozen hall, Matou Shinji looked at the sprite, Puck, who appeared very different from his usual self. With a tone full of gravitas, Shinji remarked, "I didn't expect you to have such a power hidden. Given this, you should have stepped in when Emilia was insulted by so many people present."

Puck calmly responded, "Young man, I appreciate how you defended Emilia. I can empathize with your feelings. If not for my beloved daughter's request, everyone in this room would be turned into ice statues. But since it was her wish, I respected her decision. Still, I think you went too far."

Emilia quickly interjected, "I apologize, Mr. Shinji. Roswaal has always supported my bid for the throne. It's true that I, a half-elf, participated in the royal selection bearing a likeness to the forbidden witch from legends."

Matou Shinji, after a long gaze at Puck and a glance at Roswaal, said, "Seems there's nothing left for me to do here."

With a playful tone, Roswaal spoke, "Ah~ Ah~ Lady Emilia, thank you for your help. Otherwise, I might have been killed by Mr. Shinji just now. My earlier words were a bit too much. I apologize to both you and Mr. Shinji."

Puck flew onto Emilia's shoulder and, looking straight at the elders of the Wise Men Council, declared firmly, "Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Emilia. I've lived in the perpetual frozen soils of the Elior Forest for a long time. I've formed a pact with the great spirit Puck, who governs the element of fire. With my silver hair and my resemblance to the forbidden witch who once consumed half the world, some once called me the 'Frozen Witch'."

As Emilia's bell-like voice filled the hall, the gaze directed at her transformed. Scorn turned to fear, pity to bewilderment, and schadenfreude to seriousness.

Acknowledging her identity as a witch, she revealed her immense power.

While half-elves like her are often looked upon with disgust, the attitude towards an actual powerful witch is invariably different.

After a moment of silence, the elder of the Wise Men Council with a large beard chuckled, "This is truly interesting. Roswaal, who guards the borders, a mage with powers rivaling Roswaal's, and Puck, the end beast of the permanent frost. Such immense power surrounds you. What, Frozen Witch, do you seek?"

Emilia replied, "I have a dream."

"A dream?"

"Yes, being a silver-haired half-elf, I've faced countless prejudices just because of my appearance. I believe this is wrong. I dream of a world where every race, every background is treated equally."

Another elder who always looked down upon Emilia's half-elf identity sneered, "How ridiculous! As a witch, shouldn't your own unfair experiences make you more empathetic to the pain of others?"

Emilia retorted, "Honorable members, I might be a witch, but I'm no saint. We all have our selfish desires. However, the world and fate itself are inherently just. The witch that destroyed half the world was cursed by people, and those like me, who share her appearance, are unfairly targeted. The civil unrest 50 years ago in Lugunica stemmed from the unfair treatment of demi-humans. True justice isn't about taking but about balance and equality. I believe only justice can bring prosperity and rejuvenation to a nation."

"I dream of a Lugunica that stands up for the truth: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all are created equal.'"

"I dream of a day when, from the capital to the borders, demi-humans can collaborate and form friendships with humans."

"I dream of a Lugunica that judges us not by race or background but by our character."

"I may not know if I'm worthy of the throne, but my beliefs will never waver."

Silence took over the hall after Emilia's determined declaration.

The bearded elder spoke slowly, "Frozen Witch, regardless of your ideas or your immense power, the Wise Men Council's stance remains unchanged. Your identity and appearance make it impossible for you to become Lugunica's queen. However, understanding your sentiments and seeing your immense power put to just use, our opinions seem narrow-minded in comparison. On behalf of the council, I apologize to you, Lady Emilia."

As the elder of the Wise Men Council approached, he gave a deep bow, his right hand on his chest, and knelt on one knee in a gesture of utmost respect. Another elder who had been disdainful turned away, his face pale.

At this moment, there was no further debate about Emilia's qualification as a candidate for the throne. Was it her passionate speech or the power displayed by Matou Shinji, Roswaal, and Puck that convinced everyone? It remained unclear.

"Thank you for your understanding," Emilia said, stepping back into the lineup of royal candidates.

Puck chuckled, "Oh, my daughter, you truly know how to play the game."

The Frozen Witch had reappeared in the world. She might not be eligible for the throne, but Emilia's journey and beliefs would undoubtedly influence the future of Lugunica.


The selection for the king has concluded peacefully. From the announcement to the end of the selection, three years have elapsed. During this period, the Council of Wise Men continuously assessed the reputation, achievements, and abilities of the five king candidates, choosing the one with the most suitable qualifications to be king.

Emilia secured a fair treatment for herself. Officially, her criteria for assessment by the Council of Wise Men are the same as the other king candidates. Now, it's up to Emilia to gain the support of the people.

Several days later, at the mansion of Lord Roswaal near the border, in his study.

The lights remained bright. Matou Shinji stood in front of a homemade blackboard, explaining to Emilia: "Anastasia represents the Merchant Guild, symbolizing the wealthiest group in the kingdom. She firmly believes in capitalism, holding control over the kingdom's economic lifeline. With this influence, she can impact the kingdom without notable achievements."

"Crucey represents the Karsten family. After the Lugunica Kingdom signed a contract with the Dragon, she inherited the old title of "Lion King." Her thoughts might seem radical, but it reflects her class. The old nobility likely supports her, with the military being her main pillar."

"You will also need to focus on Priscilla and Felt. Emilia, I expect a report on them tomorrow."

"The main topic today is about you, Emilia. Where do you think your philosophy leans?"

Sitting diligently at her desk and taking notes, Emilia looked up and replied, "Yes, I firmly believe in socialism."

"That drive for fairness aligns with this concept. Have you finished studying the basic theories of the three major branches of socialism?"

"I may not fully grasp everything, but I know what I need to do next."

"Very well. As for the day after tomorrow's task, submit a report. That's enough for tonight." Matou Shinji, satisfied, closed his notebook. Since the start of the selection process, he has dedicated most of his time to guiding Emilia in political studies.

Emilia is exceptionally intelligent, an academic prodigy by normal standards.

Matou Shinji can just about fulfill his duties as a teacher. With full-day lessons, he has managed to elevate Emilia's political understanding to the level of a high school student after nine years of compulsory education.

Exiting the study, Matou Shinji thought to himself, "Why do I feel this overwhelming sense of satisfaction and pride, even more intense than conquering a world?"

With a subtle smile, he mused that if he continued to live in this world for another decade or two, he might witness significant changes.

"Next, I'll research magic."

Arriving at the door to Rem's room on the second floor, he entered to find a vast library. A blonde girl, Beako, was engrossed in a book, seemingly unaware of Shinji's arrival.

Greeting her, Matou Shinji said, "Betty, I'd like a book on witch factors."

With a wave of her hand, a book floated to him. She tersely remarked, "Take it and leave my room."

"Isn't there anything else?" He assessed the weight of the book.

"There is, but sadly those books are mine alone to read. You've only been granted the privilege to read Roswaal's basic collection."

"I see. Thank you," Matou Shinji replied, holding up the magical tome with a smile.

Up to now, Matou Shinji's primary tasks were twofold: studying the magic of this world during the day and tutoring Emilia on politics by night.

Matou Shinji is the proactive type of player, a "Tenriho Sword God." Unless he has an absolute advantage over an opponent or a thorough understanding of them, he won't easily challenge them.

So far, Matou Shinji knows of a few individuals who surpass him in strength: the Great Spirit Puck, Reinhardt, and the Witch of Envy, Satella.

As for Roswaal, Matou Shinji nearly defeated him at the beginning of the selection. However, he's aware there's still a power gap. If they truly clashed, Roswaal would likely emerge victorious.

Returning to his room, Matou Shinji was accustomed to sitting by the window to read Roswaal's treasured books. They provided fragmented and one-sided knowledge about the witch factors, with varying materials, eras, texts, and notes.

In this world, the "blessings" and "powers" seemed similar to a servant's unique skills. Though he possesses the power of "Return by Death," using it could lower his conquest rating, diminishing its purpose unless absolutely necessary.

The study of witch factors indicated they weren't inherent to witches but existed since ancient times. The so-called witches are beings with an extraordinary adaptation to these factors.

Many mage and scholars have researched witch factors, developing a comprehensive theory. However, this knowledge was lost during a catastrophe that destroyed half the world 400 years ago.

Setting down the book, Matou Shinji massaged his temples. "The ancient magic must have been potent. But where can I obtain it? The Sanctuary? Or perhaps the remains of the original tower of wisdom?"

While the Sanctuary concealed vast knowledge, accessing it was no simple task.

"But it's worth a try. Before the true power of witch factors awakens, I must understand them thoroughly."

Matou Shinji's reflection was disrupted by a knock. A silver-haired girl stood at the door. Emilia.

"Good evening. It's me," she greeted softly.

"What is it?"

"I... I've thought about what you said during the lesson. It made me realize I need to deepen my understanding of the world's situation and its people."

"You've progressed. So, how can I help you?"

Emilia hesitated, then bravely stated, "Teach me magic."

Matou Shinji, surprised, grinned. "Alright, starting tomorrow."

Emilia nodded, her determination evident.

As she left, Matou Shinji pondered Emilia's potential. "She could be a true genius in magic. But as for her politics, she's still like an innocent child. However, with my guidance, she could become a perfect ruler."

Tidying the study, Matou Shinji felt the weight of responsibility. He'd guide Emilia toward a brighter future, nurturing her potential for both magic and politics.

Resolving to further his studies and expand his knowledge, he lay on his bed. Gazing at the ceiling, he murmured, "The world's fate lies in the balance, and it's up to me to tip the scales."


Hovering mid-air, Matou Shinji looked down at the vast mansion. His magical eyes gleamed with a silver light, reminiscent of the vast starry cosmos.

"Visual capabilities, disengage. Magical sensitivity, disengage. Spirit particle calculation, disengage."

"Global search, initiate."

The azure-silver magical eyes sparkled brightly. They had divested most of their functions, retaining only the ability to broadly search for a certain type of power to amplify the range of this detection capability.

This was a skill Matou Shinji had acquired from dissecting magical beasts, used to distinguish those favored by witches. His magical eyes "perceived" sporadic beings and located them precisely using the normal visual function of his left eye.

"There are three in total, surrounding the mansion in a triangular formation. No movements detected."

Closing his magical eyes, Matou Shinji flew a distance and swiftly descended onto a cliff on the mountainside. From here, he had a clear view of the mansion's situation.

Standing at the edge of the cliff was a cultist of the witch, entirely enshrouded in a black robe. He didn't turn around until Matou Shinji landed behind him and then stood still, facing Matou Shinji without any movement.

"What's going on?"

Matou Shinji, who was prepared to bind the cultist with alchemy to extract information, paused. He sensed no malice from the cultist and saw no signs of any impending attack.

The cultist deeply bowed to Matou Shinji, maintaining his silence.

Could it be that the scent of the witch on Matou Shinji led the cultist to identify him as an ally?

After much reflection, Matou Shinji understood the meaning behind the cultist's actions and directly questioned him, "Any anomalies?"

The witch's cultist replied in a heavy, indifferent tone, "None."

"Has he been controlled?"

Matou Shinji slightly widened his eyes. Just from the cultist's voice, he could deduce that the latter had lost his ability to think normally. His actions, reactions, and speech resembled that of a marionette.

If he was merely a puppet, more information could potentially be gleaned.

Digging deeper, Matou Shinji asked, "What are you doing here?"



"Ordered by Archbishop of Sloth."

"What was the reason for the order?"


"Where is he now? I want to find him myself."


Upon hearing this, Matou Shinji's face darkened. He approached the cultist, grabbing his forehead. Pouring his magical energy into the cultist, he activated body alchemy and quickly reached a conclusion: "As expected, he's being controlled. But with my current abilities, I can't negate this power."

Blue arcs of electricity flickered. Using body alchemy, he destroyed the cultist from the inside, then hurled the body off the cliff to prevent its discovery.

Having been attacked by Rem previously, Matou Shinji had studied information about the Witch Cult. They were followers of the Witch of Envy, Satella. Almost every one of them was mad. Centuries ago, they committed countless heinous crimes. The innocents they killed outnumbered the casualties of war. Every cultist deserved death.

Even if not to atone for their sins, allowing them to live would pose a threat to many more.

"An archbishop of the Witch Cult is already in the village. Given their usual tactics, damn it! I hope I'm not too late!" Matou Shinji, feeling a sense of foreboding, flew mid-air to locate and deal with the remaining two cultists monitoring the mansion.

As Roswaal L Mathers, who single-handedly possessed the power of an entire army, had no subordinates, he lacked the ability to adapt to such sudden incidents.

Without wasting time returning to the mansion, Matou Shinji immediately flew towards the village.

After a few minutes of rapid flight, as if to confirm Matou Shinji's ominous premonition, a dazzling burst of light illuminated half of the night sky, followed by a thunderous boom as he approached the village.

A mushroom cloud slowly spread in the dark night. The intense shockwave and magic turbulence nearly caused Matou Shinji to lose his balance mid-air.

It's over.

Given the size of the village, such an explosion would have killed or injured over half of its residents.

If one views the cycle of death and rebirth as a game player's ability to load a saved state, Matou Shinji believed the current situation was like a corrupted save. The only way to salvage the situation was to reload from a previous save.

Looking down at the village and then back towards the mansion, Matou Shinji deduced that the Witch Cultists were after Emilia. Although he wasn't sure why they attacked the village, the mansion was undoubtedly their next target.

He was sure he could defend it if he returned now. The great spirit Puck that protects Emilia can't emerge at night. Without her, Emilia is vulnerable.

Matou Shinji shifted direction, heading towards the mansion at full speed, intending to protect Emilia.

"Emilia, please wait for me. I'll protect you."

Matou Shinji's face showed clear determination. He wouldn't allow anyone to harm Emilia, whom he deeply cherished.


Descending from the sky into hell, Matou Shinji looked around the village's tragic scene with an expressionless face. The cultists of the witch ignored Matou Shinji's presence and continued their wanton slaughter.

Among the bodies on the ground and the fleeing villagers, many were familiar faces to Matou Shinji.

The merchant from the spice shop, the old man who liked to pretend to be the village chief, the villager who had answered survey questions before – each recognition fueled Matou Shinji's inner rage.

"Help... save me..." In the ruins, a villager who had lost his right leg gasped for breath, desperate and seeking help from Matou Shinji nearby. He recognized Matou Shinji as a frequent guest from Borrowsval at the village's border, a mage who had once aided the village.

Unmoved, Matou Shinji only observed his surroundings until a scream echoed, and the villager's throat was pierced by a witch cultist's dagger.


The cultist withdrew the dagger, blood staining the black robe as he stood up, looked at Matou Shinji with confusion, bowed slightly, and resumed the massacre.

The cries of agony gradually subsided, leaving only the sound of flames and the dragging of corpses.

Matou Shinji stood at the center of the witch cultists and spoke slowly, "Where is the Grand Bishop of Sins? Summon him to meet me."

The cultists of the witch remained silent, bowing their bodies and transforming into eerie shadows that disappeared.

Before long, Matou Shinji's magic eyes detected a powerful witch presence approaching this location. Under the illumination of the rising flames, he saw a gigantic black arm in the distance, with a figure standing on the palm.

That was the power of Authority.

Matou Shinji became even more cautious, watching as the figure leapt from the massive shadow arm and approached him rapidly.

Matou Shinji clearly saw the appearance of the Grand Bishop of Sins, dressed in a deep purple-black robe similar to the witch cultists'. He lowered his hood, revealing a corpse-like, pallid complexion. His face was skeletal, with sunken eye sockets and bloodshot eyes filled with intense fanaticism.

Compared to the puppet-like witch cultists, he exuded excessive vitality.

"Welcome, warm welcome! To like-minded companions, beloved disciples, I am the Grand Bishop of the Witch Cult, holding the title of 'Sloth,' and known as Uwe Romani Conti." The Grand Bishop of Sins exclaimed with heightened emotions.

He walked to Matou Shinji's side and sniffed, his eyes gleaming. "It's wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! To be loved! To be loved! To be loved! To be loved! To be loved! To be loved! To be loved! Such rich adoration! Could you possibly be 'Pride'?"

Pride? Referring to the Grand Bishop of Sins' Authority of Pride?

Matou Shinji contemplated how to respond to the question posed by the seemingly mad Grand Bishop of Sins. Considering that the Grand Bishops corresponded to the Seven Deadly Sins and the current Grand Bishop mistook himself as Pride due to Matou Shinji's overwhelming witch aura, was this question a form of testing?

No, the behavior of the present Grand Bishop was nothing but madness. Trying to discern his identity in such a manner was overly contrived.

For now, it was best to go along with the mistaken identity, but without direct admission.

With a conclusion in mind, Matou Shinji gazed coldly at the Grand Bishop before him, his magic eyes radiating a chilling light. "Are you questioning me?"

At the same time, Matou Shinji established a mental connection with the jealous witch, Satella, whom he cherished. His witch aura surged, increasing several-fold in intensity.

The Grand Bishop of Sins was stunned by Matou Shinji's witch aura. He clawed at his own face, leaving bloodstains as he muttered madly, "What magnitude! What magnitude... what an intense adoration!"

"No! No! No! No! Please, do not misunderstand! This immensely profound adoration only proves your identity. I... truly am too slothful! Please forgive my slothfulness! Please forgive!" The Grand Bishop of Sins knelt on the ground, repeatedly banging his head against the floor in self-punishment.

Another lunatic.

Matou Shinji's tone turned scornful. "What are you doing here? Why attack this village?"

"What am I doing? Yes, I am following the guidance of the Gospel, conducting trials as directed. I must test her, the half-demon connected to this place, to determine if she is worthy of becoming a vessel. If she qualifies, when the Day of Fate arrives, the witches shall lead once more."

"The words in the Gospel speak of love! Love! Guiding us!" The Grand Bishop of Sins pulled out a notebook from his robe, his pupils trembling as he rapidly read. His reading abruptly stopped at an empty page.

The Grand Bishop of Sins stared at Matou Shinji, tilting his head and inquiring with a hint of hesitation. "But... why is there no record of you in my Gospel?"

Matou Shinji's gaze turned disdainful, as though looking at a worthless insect. "It means your love is not deep enough."

"Oh, I see! I see! So that's it! My love isn't deep enough! My love for the witches can't possibly compare to yours! So that's it! So that's it! I am indeed too... slothful! Unforgivable! Unforgivable!" The Grand Bishop of Sins was struck by realization and jealousy, shouting with fervor.

Matou Shinji contemplated how to respond to the question posed by the seemingly mad Grand Bishop of Sins. Considering that the Grand Bishops corresponded to the Seven Deadly Sins and the current Grand Bishop mistook himself as Pride due to Matou Shinji's overwhelming witch aura, was this question a form of testing?

No, the behavior of the present Grand Bishop was nothing but madness. Trying to discern his identity in such a manner was overly contrived.

For now, it was best to go along with the mistaken identity, but without direct admission.

With a conclusion in mind, Matou Shinji gazed coldly at the Grand Bishop before him, his magic eyes radiating a chilling light. "Are you questioning me?"

At the same time, Matou Shinji established a mental connection with the jealous witch, Satella, whom he cherished. His witch aura surged, increasing several-fold in intensity.

The Grand Bishop of Sins was stunned by Matou Shinji's witch aura. He clawed at his own face, leaving bloodstains as he muttered madly, "What magnitude! What magnitude... what an intense adoration!"

"No! No! No! No! Please, do not misunderstand! This immensely profound adoration only proves your identity. I... truly am too slothful! Please forgive my slothfulness! Please forgive!" The Grand Bishop of Sins knelt on the ground, repeatedly banging his head against the floor in self-punishment.

Another lunatic.

Matou Shinji's tone turned scornful. "What are you doing here? Why attack this village?"

"What am I doing? Yes, I am following the guidance of the Gospel, conducting trials as directed. I must test her, the half-demon connected to this place, to determine if she is worthy of becoming a vessel. If she qualifies, when the Day of Fate arrives, the witches shall lead once more."

"The words in the Gospel speak of love! Love! Guiding us!" The Grand Bishop of Sins pulled out a notebook from his robe, his pupils trembling as he rapidly read. His reading abruptly stopped at an empty page.

The Grand Bishop of Sins stared at Matou Shinji, tilting his head and inquiring with a hint of hesitation. "But... why is there no record of you in my Gospel?"

Matou Shinji's gaze turned disdainful, as though looking at a worthless insect. "It means your love is not deep enough."

"Oh, I see! I see! So that's it! My love isn't deep enough! My love for the witches can't possibly compare to yours! So that's it! So that's it! I am indeed too... slothful! Unforgivable! Unforgivable!" The Grand Bishop of Sins was struck by realization and jealousy, shouting with fervor.

Matou Shinji's tone shifted. "Well, then, your trial conflicts with my plans. Therefore, I must ask you to... perish."


"Your trial clashes with my intentions. Since that's the case, I have no choice but to bid you... farewell."



Alchemy activated with magic, blue arcs leaped from the ground, dozens of stone spears thrust into the defenseless body of the Grand Bishop of Sins, tearing him apart, killing him on the spot.

The alchemical circle transformed, extracting metals from the earth to forge a metallic sword. The moment Matou Shinji gripped the hilt, patterns spread across his face. His body vanished from its original location, reappearing in front of a witch cultist.


The sword's brilliance swept past, a head soared into the sky.

Matou Shinji radiated a terrifying intent to kill, passing judgment upon the witch cultists with a cold voice, "All of you, shall die."


On the other side, the remaining witch cultists attempted to retaliate. Flames burning nearby erupted under alchemical control, sweeping over a dozen witch cultists.

Matou Shinji became the reaper, harvesting the lives of the witch cultists in the village. Confronted by absolute power, the cultists were defenseless and incapable of resisting. Nor would they choose to flee.

In less than a minute, over half of the witch cultists were slain by Matou Shinji's sword or the peculiar alchemy.

As Matou Shinji's sword was about to sever the neck of a cultist, he had a sudden premonition. Swiftly, he sliced off a black arm that was extending toward him. Simultaneously, he retreated.

This is...

Matou Shinji's magic eyes hardened as he recognized the Authority used by the Grand Bishop of Sins when he arrived, the power of Sloth.

More and more black arms extended from behind the cultist. He, who had been nothing but a puppet, said in a low voice, "Proof of affection, Authority of Sloth, invisible hands. You've seen my Authority."

Matou Shinji discerned his identity from the voice. With a sneer, he said, "You're not dead yet?"

"Dissatisfaction, unwillingness, displeasure, unfairness, but! This is the proof of your identity as the Grand Bishop of Pride. Come, let's see who loves the witches more, who is more favored!"

A multitude of black hands converged upon Matou Shinji. However, no matter how numerous they were, all succumbed to Matou Shinji's sword.

"You, truly embody sloth. Is this your strength?" Matou Shinji derisively laughed, though he remained vigilant, guarding against the Grand Bishop of Sins' other abilities.

Without the ability to observe these invisible hands, Matou Shinji might have found the situation challenging. In reality, being able to clearly see the threat posed by these invisible hands, Matou Shinji perceived them as less dangerous than even Kuhlschrank, Wilhelm's butler, in terms of swordsmanship.

They lacked order, rules, and speed.

Ultimately, in terms of combat, the Grand Bishop of Sloth relied too heavily on his Authority, making him an outsider.

If Matou Shinji possessed the Authority of Sloth, he could manipulate the black hands through mental segmentation, allowing each hand to display combat capabilities equal to Matou Shinji's own.

Stepping forward, Matou Shinji readied his alchemy for defense against the unknown attacks. With just his sword, he severed every approaching black hand.

"Powerless, ineffective, impossible..." The Grand Bishop of Sins muttered maniacally, covering his face.


Dozens of black hands lunged through the air, any substance touched by these hands faced destruction, a concept similar to alchemical decomposition.

The harder the material, the more complex the magic, the stronger the magical power—destruction by the black hands required longer contact.

Yet Matou Shinji's sword moved at an incredible pace, precise and rapid. Each sword strike shattered a black hand.

The black hands tried to touch Matou Shinji's body, needing to double both in quantity and strength to be effective.

"Impossible! My Authority! My affection is not enough! Far from enough!" The witch cultist screamed in despair. He watched as Matou Shinji approached him and was ultimately killed by a sword strike.

Matou Shinji crouched down, lifting the cultist's hood to reveal an ordinary-looking orange-haired boy.

"The body is someone else's. This means the Grand Bishop of Sloth has the ability to transfer consciousness." Matou Shinji frowned, though he wasn't surprised. Magic could achieve similar effects, not to mention Matou Shinji's grandfather, Matou Zouken, possessed comparable magic.

The issue lay in the conditions for transferring. When Matou Shinji attacked the defenseless Grand Bishop of Sloth just now, he managed to kill him, but he still succeeded in transferring his consciousness.

"The spare body is a witch cultist. The Grand Bishop of Sloth probably embedded some spell in the witch cultist in advance."

"Never mind, they're all going to be wiped out anyway."

Around him, the remaining witch cultists closed in once again. As Matou Shinji had anticipated, when only a few remained, the Grand Bishop of Sloth transferred himself to another witch cultist.

"Useless! Boring! My 'Fingers' have already located the half-demon. I'm going to her for the trial!" The possessed cultist laughed manically.

Hum~ Hum~

Gathering air formed into wind blades. Under Matou Shinji's control, he deftly evaded all the black hands, preventing them from severing his head.

By this point, all the witch cultists in the village had been eradicated.


Matou Shinji sighed softly, not wanting to waste any more time on the witch cult. He clasped his hands together, using alchemy to search for life reactions in the village.

A few villagers were still alive, their life reactions faint, on the verge of death. However, one life reaction was stronger than the rest.

Following the life reaction, Matou Shinji arrived at a ruin, using alchemy to clear away the debris. Inside, he found an unconscious young girl.

He recognized her. She was the lively girl who had thanked him first when they gathered around Rem.

Being buried in the collapsed house had spared her from the witch cultists' slaughter.

Matou Shinji picked her up and brought her to a secluded forest. He used alchemy to heal her minor injuries and gently woke her up. Concerned, he asked, "Are you alright?"

"Sir?" The young girl opened her eyes, hesitating as she looked at Matou Shinji. Recognizing him, she sighed in relief. Then, looking around in confusion, she asked, "Where is this?"

Matou Shinji patted her head gently, smiling. "There was an accident. The house you lived in collapsed. Your parents sent you here for me to treat your injuries. You're safe now."

The blast might have knocked the girl unconscious, or she could have been hit by falling debris. In any case, she likely hadn't witnessed the massacre of the village.

The girl looked at her own hands in amazement and exclaimed joyfully, "It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Petra, Petra Light."

Matou Shinji inquired gently, "Then I'll call you Petra. Petra, can you tell me what happened in the village today? Even if it's something minor."

Petra thought for a moment, shook her head, then nodded. "Nothing special... well, if I have to say, um... a group of merchants passed through today. They planned to stay in the village for a day."

"Nothing else?"


"You must be tired today. Rest well for a bit." Matou Shinji ruffled her hair and used the world's magic to hypnotize her consciousness, placing her inside a tree hollow not far from the village. Just in case, he concealed her with alchemy.

"She probably won't wake up until tomorrow. Ah, these actions are somewhat redundant when considering the use of the 'Load Save' ability." Matou Shinji chuckled self-deprecatingly. He still didn't want Petra to know the brutal truth.

As long as he could 'Load Save,' Matou Shinji could prevent this catastrophe.

Turning his head, Matou Shinji gazed in the direction of the mansion. "There's still some time until dawn. I need to continue gathering information. Let's head back."

After all, the Grand Bishop of Sloth is the weakest.

Basically, he's a complete weakling.

In terms of strength, the slightly better ones could have a fight with Julius, then die.

The weaker ones would be bitten to death by the forest's magical beasts.


Matou Shinji hadn't yet flown back to the mansion estate when he was met with a bone-chilling cold front head-on. The temperature suddenly plummeted from a pleasant degree to an arctic level. The cold wind cut like a knife, and a blizzard howled forth, as if it wanted to swallow the entire world.

"It's impossible for the weather to change so drastically in such a short period. The only thing that can achieve this effect is magic, and quite an advanced temperature magic at that," Matou Shinji's body suspended midair, his magic eyes fixed on the direction of the mansion. He didn't need much thought to know what had happened there.

"Something's not quite right. Puck and Emilia signed a contract. If they forcibly summon the spirits during the night, it's Emilia's life force that's supposed to be consumed. A magic of this magnitude wouldn't need more than a minute to devour all of Emilia's life force."

"Puck, who treats Emilia like his daughter, couldn't possibly do such a thing. The only possible reason is the dissolution of the contract. Judging from the current situation, Emilia is most likely already killed by the Grand Bishop of Sloth."

Matou Shinji squinted his eyes, connecting all the events he had encountered since arriving in this world. He felt like the truth was just one step away.

A sense of incongruity, a strong sense of it.

Emilia's life was threatened. She would undoubtedly summon Puck to repel the enemy using her life force. Why couldn't Puck, who was stronger than him, protect Emilia?

No, even before that, there was something more crucially unusual.

Although Matou Shinji didn't have memories related to this world, he was accustomed to considering the development of events from an audience perspective that broke the fourth wall.

Too coincidental, everything was unfolding as expected, and numerous clues indicated that this wasn't a deliberate arrangement by fate (the author), but rather the work of an unseen manipulator behind the scenes.

"Thinking about it now won't help. I don't have the strength yet to approach the person behind these events. Witches are likely involved, and the hidden hand behind this is probably those witches." Matou Shinji pushed the complex thoughts out of his mind. Right now, it was more important to consider how to change the current situation.

Before Matou Shinji reached the mansion, he could already see a massive magical beast standing on the mansion's structure. Its shining golden pupils showed no human emotions, and it casually stirred up the blizzard in this world, its body at the center of the storm.

Matou Shinji landed in the snow-covered courtyard and looked up at Puck figure. He muttered, "This is Puck true form, the End Beast of the Permafrost. My strength as a Servant should be enough to deal with it."

Puck seemed to not notice Matou Shinji's arrival or perhaps didn't care at all. It controlled the raging magic, using the authority of a top-tier spirit to manipulate changes in temperature.

Matou Shinji didn't disturb Puck out of consideration. Instead, he used alchemy to absorb heat from the Earth's crust and created a thin layer of air around himself to minimize the impact of the extreme cold.

Passing by the garden, Matou Shinji saw the bodies of numerous Witch Cultists.

Suddenly, his gaze froze, and his magic eyes caught a glimpse of pink in a corner of the garden. After a silent sigh, he entered the mansion through the door. Inside, there were mostly Witch Cultist corpses and the destruction brought about by battles.

Following the traces of the battle, Matou Shinji found Emilia's body on the second-floor corridor, her neck having been gouged out. It was likely destroyed by the Grand Bishop of Sloth's black hand.

A circle of Witch Cultists had turned into ice sculptures around her.

Beyond Emilia's body, Matou Shinji arrived at another side hall, where the last survivor was found.

"Lord Shinji..."

Rem lay against the wall, a dagger impaled in her abdomen. A large amount of fresh blood seeped from her maid outfit, soaking the carpet. The extreme cold had frozen the blood into clots.

Rem's face was pale, her expression carrying an air of heavy lifelessness. When she saw Matou Shinji, her dim eyes slightly brightened as if she had achieved her dream. She murmured softly, "It's wonderful... It's so wonderful... I'm so glad... you're safe."

Matou Shinji crouched down and softly said, "I went to the village and eliminated all the Witch Cultists."

"Is that so," Rem replied in a subdued tone, her voice devoid of emotional fluctuations, like murmurs in a dream.

"Does it hurt?"

Rem whispered, "I'm sorry, Lord Shinji, I couldn't protect anything this time. Sister, Lady Emilia, everyone is dead."

"You've done your best. If it were Ram, she would definitely say you've been working hard."

"Lord Shinji, is it already nighttime?"

"I've drawn the curtains. You're tired. You should rest well."

"I see."


"Lord Shinji..."

"I'm here."

"Aren't you feeling hot?"

"Don't say silly things. It's not summer now."

"Well, could you help me take off my clothes? I'm feeling really hot."

"Hold on for a moment."


"Sorry, even if it's just you left, I hope you can survive. I'm sorry for always relying on you."

"Sleep. Leave the rest to me."

"Lord Shinji."


"Finally, could you fulfill my last wish?"

"As long as it's not too much."

"Can you hug Rem for a moment?"

Matou Shinji crouched down and embraced Rem, stroking her hair gently, comforting her.

Rem closed her eyes, smiled contentedly, and said, "I've always wanted this. Lord Shinji's embrace is as warm and wide as Father's."



Calling out her name didn't receive a response. Matou Shinji's gaze was complicated as he approached the window, looking at the landscape outside. The world was covered in ice and snow, and all that could be seen within sight was the howling blizzard.


"Come to think of it, the scenery I saw in the Einsbirne Castle within the Holy Grail was like this."

Leaving the room, Matou Shinji couldn't find Betty's Geass Door.

He arrived on the rooftop and looked at the giant magical beast. He asked loudly, "Puck, what are you doing?"

The magical beast slowly turned its head, its luminous golden pupils fixing on Matou Shinji. Its neutral and deep voice showed no emotion, "Fulfilling a contract with my daughter. The world shall slumber alongside my daughter."

"This kind of contract is just nonsense, and it won't be long before Reinhard van Astrea arrives here. Before that, tell me your reason for not protecting Emilia well. You're truly a hopeless waste, and calling yourself the End Beast of the Permafrost is laughable. You were able to easily kill Emilia with that level of opponent."

Matou Shinji's voice couldn't suppress his anger. The rage he had slightly calmed after eliminating the Witch Cultists had been fully ignited again by Rem just now.

It had been a long time since Matou Shinji had felt this way, like when playing League of Legends and trying to climb to the King rank, but getting a team of terrible teammates and even actors in their midst for the qualifiers.

"Everything returns to the contract, whether it's the world or you. Slumber alongside my daughter."

Matou Shinji clasped his hands together and activated alchemy. He poured all his magical energy and life force into his magic eyes and fixed his gaze on Puck. He sneered, "Perfect, I've been wanting to know the strength of the highest-ranked spirit in this world."


Once again, he opened his eyes, and it was already daytime. In front of him was a table by the window, with an unfinished magic book on it.

Matou Shinji sensed the mana within him and knew the exact time. He muttered to himself, "It should be yesterday afternoon now. The time span for loading the save file is a day, isn't it? There's still time."

Recalling the events of the previous day, Matou Shinji cursed under his breath, "Damn it, Parker really knows how to put on a show. His strength is not to be underestimated."

Matou Shinji, considering his own self-destruction using up all his mana and life force, would at most inflict serious damage on Parker.

Arriving in the mansion's main hall, he instructed Rem to gather everyone except Betty.

"Teacher Shinji, I'm still working on the assignment you gave me yesterday. Is there something important?" Emilia hurriedly arrived, dressed in simple home clothes. Her straight jade legs were wrapped in white stockings, enhancing her allure.

On Emilia's shoulder was the elf Parker, yawning. As a spirit, Parker followed the routine of rising at dawn and resting at sunset.

Matou Shinji looked at Ram and asked sternly, "It's important. Before that, Ram, do you have a way to contact Roswaal?"

Ram felt slightly uncomfortable with Matou Shinji's seriousness and shook her head, saying, "Lord Roswaal left in quite a hurry. Other than informing us that the destination is the Sanctuary, he didn't leave any specific information."

"Every time, when it's crucial, people can't be found." Matou Shinji's face darkened, looking around at everyone with solemnity. "You all know that I have some connection with the Witches. For this reason, I have gained an ability that might be either useful or useless. You can understand it as a premonition of significant events that are about to happen."

"Lord Shinji, are you saying..."

Matou Shinji cut in decisively, "Tomorrow night, the Witch Cult will attack the village and the mansion. I don't know what's going on, but it seems to be some trial given to Emilia."

"For me?" Emilia's delicate face tightened.

"The one overseeing this trial is the Grand Bishop of Sloth, Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti. He possesses the authority to manipulate invisible hands and can possess and resurrect through his followers. His strength is no threat to me but can kill you."

Matou Shinji's cold gaze turned toward Parker, saying in a deep voice, "Parker, I have a question. I know you can't come out at night, but if Emilia forcibly summons you using her life force, can you protect her?"

Parker circled around Emilia, avoiding eye contact with Matou Shinji's gaze. After a while, he grinned wryly, "If the situation you mentioned really occurs, unfortunately, due to certain special circumstances, I probably won't be able to protect Emilia."

Matou Shinji sneered, "The cuter something is, the more useless it is. You truly live up to your appearance."

The elf Parker drooped his head with a defeated expression and mumbled, "I can't refute that. Still, I have to thank you for complimenting my cuteness."

"Emilia, Rem, Ram, you should go stay in the village for a day. Be vigilant and avoid revealing any information to avoid alerting the enemy. I'll go to the capital to get help. The strength of the Witch Cult members might not be strong individually, but their numbers are considerable. If not dealt with quickly, it could result in significant casualties among the villagers."

Time was pressing, and Matou Shinji issued orders promptly, crafting a high-speed flyer from the pages of a book.

The territory of the Lugnica Kingdom was not vast, and the Margrave Roswaal's mansion was only half a day's carriage ride from the capital. Using the high-speed flyer, Matou Shinji could circle the kingdom in a matter of hours.

The person Matou Shinji wanted to find was, of course, the most powerful swordsman he had encountered since arriving in this world: Reinhard van Astrea, the Sword Saint. Matou Shinji was experienced in reading people, so he could generally understand Reinhard's personality.

Using a Nine Palace Diagram of alignments to represent, Reinhard was undoubtedly Lawful Good. Despite having the power to conquer nations, he willingly served as a knight, holding a lower status and subject to various restrictions.

From the perspective of the Royal Selection, Reinhard was also the most suitable ally. He possessed great combat strength, and his candidate for the throne, Felt, had yet to show interest in the selection.

After less than an hour of flight, Matou Shinji arrived at Reinhard's hometown, a bustling small town.

The flyer descended to the ground amidst the curious gazes of pedestrians. Matou Shinji jumped down and casually asked a passerby for Reinhard's address.

Reinhard's place of residence wasn't a luxurious mansion, just a spacious building close to the main street. After knocking on the door, Matou Shinji was welcomed in by a servant.

After a while, Sword Saint Reinhard arrived. He was still dressed in his white knight's uniform, with a noble and heroic bearing. Seeing Matou Shinji, he was surprised and pleased, "Shinji, what brings you here?"

Matou Shinji stood up and said seriously, "I have an important matter to discuss and need your help."

Reinhard's expression turned serious in response. He nodded earnestly, "Please tell me. As long as it's within my capabilities, I won't hesitate to help."

Matou Shinji briefly explained the Witch Cult's attack on the village from the previous day. Despite not sharing a deep friendship, Reinhard didn't doubt Matou Shinji's words in the slightest.

After pondering for a moment, Reinhard suggested, "Eliminating the Witch Cult is the responsibility of the kingdom's knights. As you mentioned, the problem lies in their numbers. There are at least hundreds of Witch Cult members. Even with my power, I can't guarantee the safety of all the villagers. To be safe, why not ask Julius and others for help?"

Matou Shinji shook his head, "No need. Our strength is sufficient. Don't forget our current situation. I chose to seek your help because you are a knight of Felt. "

"As for the safety of the villagers, I've instructed Emilia and the others to gather in the village. Emilia, Rem, and Ram can also contribute in battle. Summoning more knights for action would only alert the enemy prematurely. In a sense, it might even complicate matters. Reinhard, believe in my strength as a mage."

"If you say so, then I have no choice but to believe."

"Time is of the essence. It's already evening now, and it's the perfect time to secretly infiltrate the village."


At night, Reinhard and Matou Shinji shared the flyer, flying rapidly through the night sky.

Reinhard held onto the flyer's safety rail, gazing down at the vast landscape below with excitement and curiosity. He remarked, "Is this a magical device you've created? To be able to fly at such high altitudes, it's truly incredible."

"Doesn't this world have such devices? With the assistance of wind magic, the principle isn't difficult."

Reinhard's expression turned regretful as he replied, "There were similar devices before the calamity that struck the world, but most of the technology related to them has been lost. Even someone like you, a mage, is now a rare talent."

"In this direction... Shinji, shift the flight direction a bit to the right."

"For what reason?"

"I want you to see something."


"A tree known as Fruigel. Planted by a sage of the same name several hundred years ago. You wouldn't be able to see it if you followed the regular route from Mezarth to the capital. Since we're passing by anyway, I think you might find it worth seeing. It's a spectacular sight. Even I was startled the first time I saw it."

"If that's the case, let's take a look."

As they spoke, dense white fog suddenly surged, enveloping the flyer.

Matou Shinji felt a sense of danger. The enhanced paper wings of the high-speed flyer adjusted, changing its flight direction and accelerating through the expanding fog.

Controlling the flyer while shouting, "Reinhard, something's coming!"

Reinhard's expression lost its previous composure as he stared at the rapidly spreading fog. His voice was serious and tinged with a complex undertone, "I know. The sudden fog and intense mana fluctuations—there's no mistake. It's our arch-nemesis, the White Whale."


"It's huge! A white whale swimming through the air with a flying magic circle on its head. It threatens merchants traveling between the capital and the towns nearby. It can release massive fog, appearing and disappearing unpredictably. Even the Knight Order can't locate it for extermination. I never thought that today might mark the end of the Royal Knights. Your decision to accompany me was truly spot on."

"Can you handle it?"

"I'm confident."

Reinhard drew his dragon sword from his waist, his gaze growing colder. "Shinji, although this encounter might be dangerous, I would appreciate it if you could get as close as possible. Regardless of my personal stance or my position as a kingdom's knight, I have good reasons not to kill the White Whale. Also, be cautious of the fog it emits from its body—it's a very dangerous ability."

"Then I'll leave it to you."

Matou Shinji manipulated the flyer, changing its direction and flying into the dense fog.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Bro_Herocreators' thoughts