
Fate/HELP! My sister is Heracles!

News flash! I'm a dude from the 21st century with amnesia, somehow reborn into some baby named Iphicles. Hmm...sound familiar? Oh, my sister is named Alcides by the way. Like, the same Alcides as the name Heracles used when he was a kid. Aaaaaand a massive snake tried to turn us into sausage paste in our cradle. ...What can possibly go wrong? Wait, is that Lady Hera I see? Hahaha...I hate my life. (pre-Celtic Myth Scathach) (Reversed gender; Big sis Heracles, young brother MC: In Nasuverse, Iphicles is actually a girl) (NOT a Self Insert) (NOT a Harem but with 2 love interests) ATTENTION: This story would be filled with snark, Percy Jackson vibes, and alien nanomachines of Nasuverse. Capiche? Thank you and enjoy! OLDER VERSION (unedited version) ALSO ON https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14126521/1/Fate-HELP-My-sister-is-Heracles (I'm planning on posting the rewritten version daily until I catch up to ff.net, then update MONTHLY on both sites simultaneously)

KarmaIsOP · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Spear of the Foreigner

WARNING: There will be some depiction of child rape. Sakura Matou Style. Why? It's ancient Greece and Nasuverse. At least it's not a goat gangbang. If you are traumatized by such content, I advise skipping the first section of this chapter!

My reason for involving this was because it really adds up to the ruthlessness of the world and the silly stigma around how a raped girl is 'less pure' and 'dirty', which frankly makes no sense (we aren't talking about the probability of contracting STDs). Especially hits hard for one of the main heroine's scenes...Sakura vibes, yes. Dead fish eyes are a thing.


[RAPE Warning]

In the shady part of a slum district marketplace, inside a musty, smoke-filled room


The lamps rocked back and forth on the wooden ceiling as they cast long shadows over the stained walls.

Wine cups were scattered over a large stone table, and beside it, a large bed leaned sideways to the wall in a most precarious manner.

The bed let out large creaks as its mattress threatened to give way underneath the combined weight of its passenger; a fat bald man of thirty and a young girl no older than ten. The piggish man was hunched over the backside of the girl like the world's most ugly blanket, while the girl said nothing and simply glared at the empty wall.

The oily man huffed and puffed as he rocked his flabby hips back and forth, his sweat splattering onto the girl's shoulders and onto the stained bedsheets. He grabbed the girl by her long, dark purple hair and violently shoved her cheek into a pillow that was riddled with lice.

The girl merely sneered coldly up at him, her otherwordly beautiful face devoid of any other emotion than a raw display of disgust mixed with disdain. That seemed to be a poor choice on her side as it both served to rile up and invigorate the man even more, as he suddenly upped his pace in his piston movements.

His acts of defilement continued as he repeatedly slapped his palm against the small behind of the girl under him, leaving a series of red hand marks on her pearl-white skin.

The man was enjoying the girl's contemptuous reactions to the fullest, which could be seen from the way he moaned like a bloated bull in heat every time the girl snarled at his face.

"Arrgh...take this, yah savage little bitch!", he roared in a strained voice. His portly belly trembled. With a groan, he let a shiver pass through his fat body as he pinned the young girl underneath himself.




Satisfied with himself, the man flopped onto the dirty bed, out of breath. The girl stared at the wheezing man who was her owner. Her hand twitched.

A few seconds passed as she deliberated her next actions. The man was breathing heavily, and there was no chance he would survive if she smothered him with the blanket.

However, the consequences would be...lethal. She gingerly touched the metal collar on her throat.

The magic in it would tear her throat off if she harmed her owner, ran away, or released her collar. It also electrocuted her if she misbehaved.

She didn't have any choice but to obey.

"What are ya lookin' at, savage? You are going tah join the beast fight this night. Hurry up and prepare yahself, dimwit!"

The slave girl clenched her teeth. Oh, she will make this sniveling piece of shit regret the day he crawled out of his mother's womb.

One day, she shall have her revenge...one day.



Slave girl POV



Everything went wrong the day she snuck onto that damn ship. Skye cursed her impulsiveness for the hundredth time.

Skye was born on the Isle of Skye, as the eldest daughter of Árd-Greimne of Lethra.

While her name wasn't the most ingenious of names, Skye loved the land she was named after, and she was proud to be bestowed that name, for it was proof that she was the royalty of the Isle.

Besides, she will get another name fit for a queen once she reached adulthood. She couldn't wait for that day...well, quite literally.

Skye was a very active girl and had a spirit that was more fiery and wild than most hardened warriors. She was not one to idly spend her days, twirling her thumbs and hoping for a knight in shining armor to scoop her up in his arms. No, she wanted to forge her own fate, her own path.

Thus, it was only natural that she snuck into a ship that she overheard her father talk about with his men. The ship was bound for a foreign land, one the likes of the world have never seen.

With her chest full of hope for an adventure, little Skye hid on board with the cargo just before the crew set sail. A few days passed by peacefully, with nothing to disturb the ship.

However, on the fifth day, a great storm hit the seas. The waves rose higher than the snowy mountains, crashing against each other like a war between giants. Salt and foam assaulted the reinforced wood of the ship, threatening to turn it over.

It was only thanks to the shaman and the set of runes he carved into the ship beforehand that prevented the gales from tearing them apart. For a moment, everyone thought it would be alright.

Yes, the storm was sudden as it was brutal, but it was not enough to destroy their ship. If they waited out the storm and endured the worst of it, there was a high chance that they would come out safely in one piece.


Then, just like that, their hopes were dashed. There was no surviving that. It was simply impossible.

A majestic, tornado-calling roar that far surpasses that of the Kraken. A body of scales thicker than the sturdiest of walls. A great piercing horn of white. An exoskeleton that was reminiscent of a coral reef shaped into a thousand blades. A great body that dwarfs a dragon.

The Beast of Raging Waves. The mighty Creed.

Everyone despaired. Everyone, except for Skye.

She knew that there was nothing she could do. If the Creed so much as raised a finger, they will be doomed.

Skye didn't fucking care. If she was to die due to her own carelessness, then so be it. She would never give up till the last breath left her body. And when she dies, she shall die with integrity.

The little girl stood on the top of the ship's mast as she faced the mighty beast without an ounce of fear, glaring straight into its white-blue eyes even as the beast raised a hand up to the skies.

The Beast roared once more, and Skye shouted back. The waves split apart, and the girl knew no more.




"Oi, there's a girl on that beach!"

"...Woah. This...this bitch is a foreigner, isn't she? We struck gold!"

"That'll fetch a hefty price. Quick, tie her up! It wouldn't do if she started panicking."

"What do you think happened to her? A shipwreck?"

"I bet. Lord Poseidon was quite angry these past few days. Maybe a sea monster out in the ocean?"

"Who cares? Let's sell her off when we can! I'm dying to get some coin!"

Voices. Strange languages echoed in her head. She felt so weak.

The taste of salt. Seawater. Cold. Wet.

Rope. Rough rope, tying her up. Must...wake up.


Skye fainted.




Pain. Burning pain around her neck. A collar?

She touched her neck with trembling fingers. Her bleary eyes opened wide.

A Geass collar!? An inhumane tool of war to control slaves via soul contract magic!?

"Ah. You woke up. Good, good. Your new owner will be pleased. You understand my words, do you? It'll be a shame if the translation magecraft has failed..."

Skye jolted and turned around. She was on a bed, and standing beside it was a thin man. She disliked him immediately.

"...Owner? What owner? Where am I? Release this collar!", she demanded. The thin man smiled coldly.

"Good, good. In good health, check. Defiant spirit, check. Slightly-matured body, check. About nine-year-olds, check. Beauty, check and double-check...my, my, my...I can't believe how lucky I am. Your price was worth two oxen's size of gold. Wonderful."

The man looked up at the mortified girl with a nasty smirk.

"Oh, and don't think of running, harming me or your owner, or disobeying us. Your collar will send severe pain through your spine. We wouldn't want to break you, why would we? Your owner would be dismayed if you didn't react to his...games."

Skye's face was a pale white. While she was admittingly rash at times, she was by no means stupid. She knew that she had no choice left, but to obey.

The thin man chuckled and opened the door to let in the fattest and smelliest man Skye had ever met.

"Greet your new owner, slave.", he said gleefully.




A month had passed since her enslavement.

From noon to dusk, that pig would come and rape her, satisfying his rotten sadistic desires. She didn't give in, not one bit.

She knew that only worked to stoke his despicable fetishes, though she couldn't act as if he had broken her. Her pride wouldn't allow that.

Yes, her virginity was stolen, so what? As if that little pecker of his could make her feel anything. He really had a sorry excuse for a dick.

What followed after the rape, was far more jarring.

In an underground 'war pit' as the pig called it, she was forced to fight beasts. Every single night.

When they put the collar on her, the slave merchants had done a thorough examination of her body and discovered that she was a well-trained warrior. One thing led to another, and before she knew it, she was sent to fight in the bloody ring.

Apparently, it was another one of the pig's fetishes. Something about warrior girls. She couldn't care less.

Night after night, she fought wild beasts from different parts of the land.

Sometimes it was a lion or a mountain lion, sometimes it was a striped lion called a 'tiger', and sometimes it was a spotted lion called a 'Cheetah'.

And every time she emerged victorious, she felt hatred surge through her veins. Hatred at the people who cheered at the meaningless killing. Hatred at the people who wanted more innocent blood.

She was not against killing or fighting. She was against the act of casting away life like cheap wine. Skye hated it. The girl sighed.

Yet again, she was forced to fight lest she is 'discarded'.

Wiping away the last smears of the pig's bodily fluids from her face, Skye stood up and twirled her spear. Then, she kicked up the other spear lying on the ground with the tip of her toe, caught it in her other hand, and started whirling them around like daggers, one in each hand.

Skye was an ambidextrous warrior, and that was what made her so popular in the underground pit. Her fighting style was like a dance, passionate yet deadly. She looked down at the polished bronze spears in her hands and grimaced.

When could she break free? When could she stop this?

She bit her lip. The doors in front of her slid open, and the cheering of the crowd sitting above the pit reached her ears.

Her red eyes zeroed in on her opponent. It was a big bear. A female. Judging from her body, she was a mother. Was, being the keyword. From what she knew about the vermin operating these fights, the hunters had most likely killed the cubs or sold them off. The bastards.

She gritted her teeth and raised her spear.

"I'm sorry.", Skye whispered.

She didn't expect the bear to do anything but rush forward, blinded by fury at losing her cubs. It didn't.

Instead, the bear let out one sad growl. Its eyes sparkled with intelligence. The bear glanced at the collar, then at the pig that was sitting right above her.

Skye widened her eyes. The bear was intelligent. It was no ordinary beast. Others, she could kill for they were in a sort of rage-induced frenzy. This?

No...no, she couldn't kill this bear. The bear snorted. A flash of understanding passed through the beast's eyes, then acceptance. The bear leaped towards the girl.

Startled by the bear's sudden assault, Skye's body moved on her own through a well-practiced stance. Her spears thrust forward and easily impaled the bear's body. One spear stabbed through its jaw and up the skull, and the other slid through the ribs and straight into its heart.

It was instantaneous death. Almost as if...!?

Skye's fingers left her spears as she stumbled back. Her arms felt numb. The bear...it let her kill it. The bear sacrificed itself for her...! And she...!


A heart-wrenching scream tore through the air and drowned out the booings of the speculators who were discontent with the anti-climatic ending.

Skye's raised both of her arms by pure instinct, just in time to block the overhead kick of a green-haired girl the same age as her. The kick the green-haired girl delivered had enough force to lift her entire body up into the air.

Her eyes met the pig's beady little eyes. She suddenly knew what was going on. He planned it! All to pit another human, another girl of her age against her, in a life and death battle!

Skye never wanted to kill another human so badly. No, not a human. He was a filthy mongrel.

"Wait, I didn't know that the bear was your mother! He-the people up there planned this! It was not my intention to kill her!"


Skye tried to calm the other girl but to no avail. The girl's emerald green eyes were dilated and contorted with mindless fury. A sinking sensation -a feeling of dread filled Skye's gut. The girl was drugged.

A few minutes passed by as Skye parried and deflected the other girl's blows, while the other continued her crazed assault. The crowd was cheering, their fists thumping against the stone walls as they laughed and jeered. The pig looked pleased, with a smug smile plastered onto his greasy face.

Despair crept into her heart. She didn't know what to do. The girl was fast and strong, like a wild animal, and her physical strengths were enhanced by god knows what kind of drugs they pumped inside her.

At least she wasn't defiled, like her. She could now smell a defiled woman from a mile away...from personal experience. A self-deprecating smile lifted her lips.

Maybe she should kill the pig up there? At least, in this way, she could atone with her life. It seemed the only way.

Just as she was about to direct her spear to the pig, a voice split through the chaos.

"Stop. Right. Now."

The voice was calm. Too calm. Like the silence before the storm. It grasped the attention of every single person in the room, including the drugged girl.

It was a sort of mystic charisma, Skye thought in the back of her numb mind. She too was captivated.

Silence prevailed.

A boy jumped from the only door leading to the exit from the speculator's seat, and landed in the middle of the arena, right between her and the other girl...in one single leap.

Before the green-haired girl could react, his hand made contact with her neck, and gave her spine a little squeeze, followed by a small stab of his fingers. The girl crumpled onto the ground; unconscious, yet obviously unharmed in the slightest.

Skye turned toward the boy and gave him a more cautious look.

The boy was handsome. Charming, even.

His left eye was a bright red, while his right eye was a vibrant gold.

He had his wavy black hair tied in a ponytail behind his neck, and his lower body was shrouded with a vermillion Greek girdle, covered by a simple steel armor connected to a steel belt at his waist with the motif of a roaring lion in the middle, while his upper body, legs, and feet were completely bare.

Crimson tattoos which radiated a divine aura were etched all over his body and across the left part of his face like a scar, standing out against his healthy brown skin.

He carried a simple wooden club with pieces of jagged iron ingots that stuck out of it like spikes...and was the club burning on the inside!? She could practically see the heated embers which were floating out of the cracks of his club!

All in all, he was a striking figure that screamed authority. Skye's heart started to race. Hope reignited in her chest, like a flame.

Is he a prince? Why was someone like him here? Could it be...!?

The boy who was about the age of thirteen swept his eyes over the speculators who were frozen to their seats, unable to move, unable to speak. Even the pig was sweating buckets. Wait...was that fear she saw in his eyes?

His eyes alone were more than enough to pin the bastards down by sheer force, Skye realized. He's furious.

"I shall cut to the chase.", he began. "I am Herasterus, the Star of Hera, and Prince of Mycenae. I have come at the direct orders from the King to eradicate thou foul vermin from the face of the earth. We know of thy sins thou kind has committed. Illegal slaves, illegal fights, illegal poaching, rape, extortion, murder, drugs...all of the above and beyond. However-"

He raised a finger at the trembling men who fearfully stared down at him. His searing anger which bubbled beneath the surface disappeared, only to be replaced by an amicable smile and a light, carefree tone.

"I am willing to compromise. You see...I'm willing to let you go if you are willing to free your slaves and tell me the whereabouts of your storage, fields, and slave trade routes. I swear it upon the River Styx."

Immediately, the men started to shout their most precious secrets, swearing a blood oath on the spot and releasing all their slaves.

Skye felt disappointment surge up her chest. She knew what the prince was doing, and she could see why he did what he did. For the greater good, he was willing to turn a blind eye and let a few get away scot-free under his watch.

She felt a small prickle on her neck as the collar detached itself from her skin and severed the magic contract with her soul.

She was free. It was most anticlimatic indeed.

The men rushed towards the only exit in the pit, eager to leave this place alive. They never saw it coming.

Screams echoed in the hallway beyond the exit, followed by a series of wet crunches that were suspiciously similar to the sound of necks being snapped.

The pig, him being too slow and fat to run along with the others, was the only one left in the seats. He trembled on his feat as the screams slowly began to dim.

Finally, silence returned. A deadly silence.

Plat, plat, plat.

The sound of sandals against the wet floor echoed in the hallway. It grew nearer...and nearer. Skye gulped.

Who could have killed all the men in less than a minute? There were at least a hundred! And what happened to all the guards who should be guarding the exits? Most importantly, didn't he swear an oath to let them go free? Not that she was against it...

As if noticing her quizzical look, the prince turned around and winked at her. She felt her cheeks flush. Stupid Skye, calm down!, she screamed in her mind.

"I did follow my oath. I let them go...to uncle Hades. Also, I cleared the guards beforehand. As for who took care of those vermin...meet my sister, Alcides...or some call Heracles, the Glory of Hera."

And just as he finished speaking, a slightly bloodied woman stepped out of the exit and into the light. She had similar features to the prince, almost twin-like, except that her skin was a milky white, and both of her eyes shone molten gold.

She was clad in Greek armor from head to toe unlike her half-nude brother and was equipped with a sword and a roundshield. She slashed the sword through the air, ridding her blade of the blood by brute force, and painting the walls red with the spray of blood.

She smirked at her brother.

"Oh my...you are making me blush, dearest brother of mine. May I ask who are those two lovely ladies?"

Alcides...or Heracles' piercing gaze met hers. Skye lifted her chin and stared straight back.

Heracles smiled, seemingly amused by her prideful attitude. She turned back to her brother.

"Well?", she asked.

"Two warrior damsels in distress", was her brother's short answer. Heracles snorted.

"...I'm not going to ask how that makes any sense..."

Before she knew what she was doing, Skye's mouth was already moving on its own.

"My name is Skye...the other girl, I do not know of. She was drugged..."

Anger bubbled up in Skye. Dark, searing hatred soon followed. She snarled and looked up at the pig who was doing his best imitation of...a dead pig. To be honest, he was very good at that.

The prince nodded. He looked the other way.

"Heracles. We arrived at this tragic scene with two unconscious girls on the ground. Nobody knew what happened to the fat man in the seats."

Heracles blinked, then nodded sagely.

"Of course. While he deserved the punishment of Hades...maybe even he didn't deserve a spear up his ass...and his penis. Most grotesque indeed. His fat was also skinned from his bones, layer after layer...when he was still alive. Poor pig."

The prince nodded once more.

"Dear sister, I'm feeling a little tired. I shall sleep for a little while. Care to join me?"

His sister grinned most deviously.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Skye felt something warm well up from her heart. Those two...! She must make the most of her time.

The girl smiled sweetly at the doomed pig. The pig squeaked.

For the first time since her capture, Skye laughed.

"I want pig meat for dinner", she whispered.

A scream of agony echoed in the now-empty pit of death.


Iphicles/Herasterus using the Kiritsugu strategy...(wipes a tear from eye). I'm so proud!

Yes, this is my version of Scathach's past. Yes, the queen of the shadows. The Witch of Dún Scáith who slayed so many gods that she gained immortality from their blood or something. The first heroin! Hooray!

I thought that it wouldn't be strange for her to be born around the golden age of ancient Greece (approximately 3'000 BC in Nasuverse) since she was pretty much ancient - err...I mean, immortal already when she trained Cu (Celtic Mythology: 2'000~1'000BC-ish?).

I know this is not historically (as in facts) accurate but I believe that no one will be foolish enough to bring up this argument. I mean, hey, this is Nasu.

No, she can't use rune magic at this point. It's something she'll 'create' much later on. She'll also get her name 'Scathach' in that period.

The Creed? Oh...she'll have her revenge on the divine beast. Make good use of its skull. Prime Gae Bulg material and all that.

(Oh, and before the snowflakes out there flame about NTR with the rape scene, let's just say it's not NTR if you aren't in a relationship in the first place, be it rape or consensual sex. I mean, are you dissing Sakura? She got fucked by House Matou in more ways than one.)

Aaaaaaand, yes. Atlanta. Poor bear. Those bastards deserved the Fury treatment. No, she's not the second heroin. She's more like a little sister. I have another girl in mind for the second one. You know...blond twins? Wink-wink.

As for the naming of Heracles, we will get back to it in the next chap as a flashback.

Review and review again to your heart's content! It helps feed the new Scathach tag! Review for this long chapter!