
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Geschichte
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94 Chs

If Father wants

Zhuang Kang finished telling the story and it was already very late at night. So he told his son to go and rest first. But Shuang Zhizhi refused to get up. He looked at Zhuang Kang for a moment and then asked the question that he had been wondering about since listening to the whole story.

" Father, do you intend to go back and take care of the matters of the Xiongnu Clan yourself? "

" That's right, son, if you don't go, your people waiting will be disappointed in you. "

" Then Father, are you thinking of taking me and Mother with you? "

" Are you sure you and Mom will go with Dad? Dad doesn't know until the story will be resolved. How long does it take Dad? And it will be dangerous for you as well. "

" If Father wants me and Mother to go with me. You just said it. Mother and I were never afraid of going to the border in the slightest. Father, don't forget that Mother and I have lived in a border town for over ten years. Besides, I am your son. I, too, am a little worried about you. It was not easy for me to meet and live with you. Father, please reconsider this. I believe that if Mother knew the whole story like I do, Mother probably wants to be an encouragement to Father as well. "

 Zhuang Kang listened to his son's words and felt quite happy. Even he hadn't raised his son for many years. But Zhizhi was still very grateful to him.

" Then please give me some time to think about it, son. Waiting for the news that my father's people went to investigate to gather all of it first. Then I will consult with you again about what to do next. And will the two mothers and daughters go with their father or not? Until then, it's not too late for me to ask you guys. It's very late now. You hurry and get some rest. Dad doesn't have a job at this time and has to go to the military camp. You can stay and rest near your mother for a bit. "

" Please, Father, then I would like to return to the house first. Father, please hurry and go get some rest. You yourself have been tired all day. "

 Zhuang Kang smiled and accepted his son's words. But he continued to read the letter his men had left before he and his son came in a little longer. News of him allocating people to investigate the matter has already begun to receive some responses. He therefore had to hurry and investigate first. Because if he really had to travel outside the province, he would still have to ask permission from His Majesty first. Otherwise, if something happens at the border He would not be able to travel back in time to help the other vice generals.

 That night, it was almost morning by the time Zhuang Kang went to bed. But he, who had always been surrounded by battlefields, was still able to wake up at the normal time. Only Shuang Zihua remained in bed waiting for Zhuang Kang's voice to return to his room until almost morning as well. As a result, today Shuang Zihua woke up almost past breakfast time.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi wondered why she had woken up so late. Even though yesterday they had told her to rest long before them. But looking at Shuang Zihua's expression, They didn't want to ask her to embarrass her further.

 Instead, the family of three sat down to eat peacefully. Zhuang Kang also talked with Shuang Zihua after the meal about the question she had asked about opening a dessert shop. He asked her to wait a while so he could finish his work and then come to an agreement again.

 Shuang Zihua also agreed with him. She knew that he was probably busy with work. Because last night she waited to hear his voice and went to bed so she knew better. Lately, she used to wait for him to go to bed every night. If at night he and his children go to the military camp Shuang Zihua would sleep at his usual time. She had been doing this for almost a week. But Zhuang Kang didn't notice that his wife waited for him every night. Only Shuang Zhizhi was suspicious. He knew his mother's personality very well. If he hadn't guessed correctly, it would probably be like he thought.

 Shuang Zhizhi waited for Father and Mother to finish talking. He'd better go tell Father about this. Otherwise, if Father goes to bed late again Mother must wait for Father until his health deteriorates. His mother is very stubborn. Instead of speaking directly to Father, I lost sleep and waited until Father went to bed. Sigh.

 Zhuang Kang talked with his wife for a while. He saw that she looked a little sleepy. So he told her to go rest first. If at noon she wants to sleep more, she can sleep right away. You can eat food after she wakes up. He was afraid that she would be sick. So he asked her to go and rest like this.

 Shuang Zhizhi also supported Father. He saw that Mother's eyes were this dark. How can you not make your mother sleepy? His mother usually never sleeps late. He noticed that lately when he and Father talked late at night, Mother always had dark circles under her eyes like this.

 Shuang Zihua could no longer control his sleepiness. So she nodded to the father and son and had her closest servant take her back to her room to rest. She definitely wouldn't wake up at noon. Because she had hardly slept all night. She didn't know why Zhuang Kang wasn't as sleepy as she was. Shuang Zihua could only harbor doubts in his heart.

 Zhuang Kang saw that his wife had gone to rest and turned to talk to his son. Shuang Zhizhi invited Father to talk in his office. He was afraid that the servant would hear and carry on the conversation. Mother's story He wanted only him and Father to know.

 Zhuang Kang indulged Zhuang Zhizhi. He led his son again to the house where his office was. When the servant brought a teapot and some snacks, he left the room. Zhuang Kang then asked his son what the matter was, which made him look so mysterious.

" It's about you, Mom, sir. "

" Hm, mother, what is wrong with you? Please tell me, son. "

" Wow, Father, haven't you noticed that there were nights when the two of us talked until late at night? This morning, Mother has dark circles under her eyes almost every day. "

" No, Dad didn't notice. I see your mother smiling normally every day. It was only today that your mother seemed strangely sleepy. I don't know what she was doing last night. So I was worried to this extent. "

" Oh Father!!! You don't know anything at all. Well, Mother probably lies down and waits to hear Father return to the room. So she was sleepy to this extent. "

" Ha!!! Zhizhi, have you made a mistake? Why does your mother wait for your father? Since we already sleep in different rooms. "

" Sigh, Father, Mother is always like this if she is worried. She would have to wait until she was sure that the person she cared about was at rest. So she can sleep comfortably. Just like me in the past when studying for exams. Even though Mother says she's going to rest, she still listens to my voice every night. Until I found out later that she was waiting for me to fall asleep so she could close her eyes. This shows that Mother has become accustomed to living in the same house as Father. Make Mother notice whether Father has gone back to sleep or not. "