
Fate Grand Order: A New Life

Sigh... Finding myself in the body of Ritsuka Fujimaru couldn't make my day more worse

Kris_Tylers_1273 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

The First Order [Part 5]

"Sure," I replied and the connection was instantly cut off.

I stared at Mash.

"She has changed a bit," Mash said, "Is it because of you, Master?"

"Probably," I said with a bright smile, "But she seems better this way, don't you think?"

Mash gave a small nod and I smiled at her antics.

My band started flashing again and I tapped on it, letting Olga's holographic horrified face show. 

"Get away from there right now!" Olga exclaimed.

Mash's eyes widened as she raised up her shield defensively.

"I'm detecting signs of an enemy," Mash said, "This is… a servant!"

Yeah I know, I literally sensed her coming before you guys did.

"What's a servant doing here?" I asked.

"It's a Holy grail war," was Mash's quick reply, "It's been confirmed that in 2004, a special ritual called the "Holy Grail War" took place in this city. A Holy grail is a magic vessel that contains the foundations of all forms of magic. Mages in the city of Fuyuki completed a Holy grail and summoned 7 heroic spirit knights to activate it. The seven masters battled it out and in the end, the survivor obtained the Holy grail. However, The conclusion wasn't recorded. Did the ritual succeed? Whatever happened, The servants' actions ended without anyone knowing about them,"

"Why do you want to run? This can be our first battle together, Mash," I said.

It's not like that Caster won't find us here anyway but I'm afraid the battle would already be finished before he arrived.

Olga's eyes widened and Romani literally coughed up his coffee.

"That's absurd!" Romani exclaimed, "Neither Mash or you, are ready for a battle with another Servant,"

"Sure it's a first for me," I said, cracking my knuckles, "But you can't say, I'm not ready- I am 100% ready for this,"

'Activate Primordial Monkey!'

The servant was getting close and from my memories, She had a nice rack but that wasn't the only thing I got from my memories- I'm not only a Perv, you know. 

Her chains have the ability to turn a person to stone… Something I needed to avoid, I can't rail Mash or Olga with a stone-cold dick.

A crimson aura flared around me as adrenaline pulsated through my veins, My body grew a little taller and my muscles became more defined. I fixed my eyes on the position of the Servant who was rather nearby… We would take her by surprise.

"Alright, Mash. She's here," I said while folding my hands, "Let's show her how strong we are,"

"Yes master!" Mash exclaimed.

Chains protruded from the ground and locked all routes of escape down and I couldn't help but revel in the stupidity of this Servant- Who was planning to run away?

A purple aura burst to life few meters away from us and the Servant appeared.

"An Unknown master and an Unknown servant, huh?" She muttered, her head concealed within a hoodie, "How young and fresh…"

Eww, She sounds like Orochimaru.

I raised my right hand up and the magic circle appeared, two fireballs packed with hot intensity tore through the air, aiming for the Servant.

"Such weak attacks won't do anything against me," She said and chains protruded from the ground around her, stabbing down the flames.

But that was where her mistake was, I pushed off the ground and propelled through the air at unbelievable speed, appearing at her side quickly.

"Too slow," I commented as I kicked her at the side.

She was unable to dodge as the kick smashed right into her ribs and sent her flying toward Mash.

Mash's pink eyes flashed as she realized her master had given her an opening- I had caught her by surprise and all that was left was for Mash to execute.

Which she did fluently, bringing down the shield on the head of the Servant. The force behind the blow was brutal as web-like cracks spreaded from the point of impact.

Mash jumped back, giving herself some space from the Servant and just in time too as multiple chains shot out of the ground, dancing in the air rather gracefully.

"She's a Servant," Mash said, "But I don't see her Master,"

"That's because she doesn't have one," I said, "But we better defeat her quickly,"

I sprung off the ground, soaring through the air and landing right beside her once again. This time, I reared back my fist and tried to strike but she was ready, dodging my attack and bringing out her Lance.

"Resorting to a weapon, huh? It's honoring you deem me such an opponent," I said, "But let me make something aware to you, I'm not your average master,"

She swung her lance, aiming to decapitate me but I leaned my head back, the lance stabbed at the air. 

"Nice try but you forgot about her," I said, pointing to Mash.

The Lancer reacted instantly, spinning her staff to the right and blocking another smash from the shield but she left herself open.

I punched her in the face, my body amplified by the Primordial Monkey skill as she flung through the air again, her lance laying on the ground forgotten.

The Primordial Monkey skill gave me that Toji power, my body buffed as well and my strength was something else in this form. It was simply amazing and it lasted until I deactivated it.

The Lancer stood back up.

"I underestimated-"

Her eyes widened in alarm as I picked up her Lance.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I just wonder…" I replied and threw it, The Lance tore through the air at unbelievable speed, going through the heart of the Heroic spirit the next moment, "If my throw would be deadly,"

Blood dropped onto the ground and Mash rushed to my front, raising her shield defensively… Yes, That was because the aura around her was flaring unbelievably. She was preparing a final attack-

"We'll go down together…"

Chains sprouted from the ground, overturning the arena immediately as chains shot toward us from all angles.

I could have easily defended us but why bother when Caster already put the runes on the chains?

"You ruined my fun," I muttered as the chains detonated.


Author's Note:

The Fate/Grand Order series is one of the best, I just finished the Final Singularity and it was fire!

The first time I saw Ritsuka through a punch...