
Fate Devourer

In this world, luck is king. An ego is at its most basic form, a die, or coin. They are able to become weapons, beasts, and even entire worlds. With proper cultivation, good rolls, and fortunate encounters, one's fate can be rewritten. With humanity on the verge of being overtaken by beasts, they should be banding together, but now that Dorin had come of age, he saw that not everyone was on the same side.

AuthorEgo · Fantasie
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64 Chs



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Doran rolled out of his bed, onto the floor gasping for air. He checked his neck with his hands but there ware no cuts or anything. 'What a crazy nightmare.'

"10! Finally. Which means . . . instant death!"

"No ego is that powerful. Stop cheating."

A sense of deja-vu washed over Dorin, but he shook it off. He felt a sore spot on his arm from falling onto the floor, but besides that he was completely fine. Stretching and yawning, Dorin got dressed for the day. 

Dorin opened the door and a set of stones hit him right in the crotch. Groaning, he dropped to his knees. 

The kids laughed, pointing at him and rolling on the floor. 

"Dorin, are you okay?" Dorin heard Rae's voice, and he felt tears in his eyes. "We were all supposed to meet at sunrise."

Dorin wobbled as he got to his feet, and grabbed Rae in an embrace. "I'm okay.

Rae pushed him off lightly, "Lets go then."

They met up with the group of thirteen, and Dorin felt a certain shock seeing Ara and Lonn. 

"What are you looking at?" Lonn walked passed Dorin, bumping him with his shoulder. Ara glanced at the two of them, but kept walking. 

"Check that out." Rae said, pointing to the cart in front of them. 

It had a large dead beast, pulled along by a man and woman that had all of their skin wrapped up but their hands and face. It had bushy bright red fur which flared out of the cart. It was strapped down with worn cloth and rope which seemed about to break. 

Dorin wondered how they were able to pull it so quickly, as their group was only just a bit faster and they carried nothing but the clothes they wore. They began to pass the cart after a while, and most of their group was already ahead of it besides Dorin and Rae. 

Dorin heard a snap, and the cloth blew off of the beast.

"Watch out-" Dorin felt a push from the side, knocking him to the ground.

He watched as the beast rolled off the cart, right on the spot he stood seconds prior. It had four limbs that ended with clawed paws, but its head was nowhere to be found. There were two long black stripes in its fur across the width of its back. 

Rae was right beside him, and he was looking at his hand. "What is that?"

"What?" Dorin looked down, and there was a black eight inside the palm of his left hand. 

Everything from what he thought was a nightmare came rushing back. 'You now have ten chances to survive . . . unless you are able to find me again.' The words of that being rang through his mind. 

"Dorin?" Rae said. "Are you hurt?"

"N- No. I'm okay." Dorin got up with Rae's help, and they watched as the man and woman lifted the beast back onto the cart. They both put up a hand towards Dorin, before continuing on the road. 

"One day we'll be as strong as them, but hopefully a little more careful, eh?" Rae bumped him with his elbow as they caught up with the group.

The gates had already opened, and Ara stood with her arms crossed waiting for them. "We need to stay as a group, can you two handle that much?"

"What a bitch." Dorin heard a rough voice from atop the city walls.

Ara furrowed her brows before walking with them into the city. The group was not too far ahead, and Dorin was surprised at the lack of people in the street. From how large the crowd had gotten the last time he was here, there must be hundreds living in the homes and taverns that lined the streets. 

There was a sign that said, 'Duty', which pointed to a large dome deeper into the city. That was the destination they had never reached. 

"There it is." Rae said. "One of us will become a spark today. If its you, promise me that you'll bring me with you."

"I promise." Dorin said, looking in the distance. On the other side of the city was a tall white tower. It was where the Spire came from in his past life and most likely where his ego was being kept.

The dome was much larger than seemed possible once they arrived. It was completely plain, but Dorin knew that its insides held the future of their whole group. 

"Welcome to your duty." A familiar voice shouted from the entrance of the dome. It was Morah. "You are all the future of this city, but only one of you will decide the future of humanity."