

Description The Great War of the Holy Grail, it was a war fought by 14 servants. Another servant was called to this battle, and he will be the one to speak of. What will become of the war and what changes this heroic spirit will bring. That’s what this story is about. Warning This is fiction as you could understand from Fate/Apocrypha. This is my first work, and yet, I ask you to judge strictly. So I can fix all the flaws, the mistakes and the history. I also want to note that English, my third language, and I still learn it ;), in writing, I have a lot of help of an interpreter. So if there are mistakes, feel free to say it. I hope you appreciate this fiction as it deserves (if even it is full sh*t). Everyone, enough words, just enjoy this fantasy.

eternalStudent · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 11: Great Holy Grail War(3)

- I'm here. - uttered into the void the girl with the beastly ears.

She was looking at the battlefield, where a battle was taking place between a Saber of reds, and two servants of the black faction.

Saber was unstoppable, she handled the two servants with ease. They seemed like toy dolls that were just getting beaten up. Whatever the black servants did, they couldn't do much damage to Saber. And this went on until the saber of red, pierced the berserker.

But what happened next was the most amazing thing. The boy... The homunculus screamed, thrusting his sword into the saber. The point didn't go deep, but it was enough to piss him off.

- It's decided... I'll finish you off.

Immediately after his words, the saber was covered in magical energy, red in color, and with a swing of his sword, he tossed the homunculus away. Flying a short distance away, the young man stood up... But, in the next instant, the seyber stabbed him with her sword. Blood flowed from the young man's mouth... he fell, and his eyes went blank, telling him that he, already, was one step away from death.

- How could you?! - in indignation, eyes full of regret and despair, the rider asked the red servant before her.

But the servant did not seem to pay any attention to her, but rather froze, as if listening to someone.

- What do you mean, master? - Turning around, the saber answered. - She is surely dead-

Well before she could finish her sentence, the berserker jumped on top of her. With a terrifying roar, she began to build up magical energy. Saber tried to break free of her grip, but there was no way she could do it.

- Get away from me! - She screamed, unable to break free of her grip.

Berserker screamed loudly in pain... after all, her phantasm, was hurting her as well. After accumulating enough energy, she used her noble phantasm.

"Blasted Tree."

From her battle hammer discharged electricity, which appeared as a huge tree. A terrifying phantasm, as well as incredibly beautiful. A huge amount of smoke rose into the air, creating a small crater in its wake. Rider, went to the edge of the crater, leaning on his golden spear... But, he did not face what he expected. Instead of a corpse of a Saber, he saw her standing in the middle of the pit, unharmed.

- She is... immortal. - was the only thing he could get out of himself.

- That one was close. - she said with a smile. - Well done, Master.

She leaped lightly out of the pit. Her armor was already fully repaired. She looked as if she might be up to one more battle.

- Well, now it's your turn. - she said to the rider. - I'll be quick-

Saber, sensing something wrong, turned back, and experienced an unimaginable amazement. Standing in front of her was the late Saber of Black.

- Master... Are you sure the Saber of Black is dead? - She asked her master. - Then why does he stand before me... Is he that homunculus? Hey, you're a fake, aren't you?

Asked the question of the servant... no, the semblance of a servant before her.

- Like you said, I'm not real... But, the power of that sword is quite real! - Raising his sword, towards the saber of red, Siegfried answered her.

- Isn't it? Then, let's check it out!

After exchanging words, they started the battle. It was clear that each was almost as good as the other. The clang of swords as they clashed, thundered across the battlefield. Sparks from them that would have been visible, even in the moonless night.

- Be patient a little longer..." Siegfried whispered, as if to say to himself. - Oh, sword... Give me your power!

Saber of Black, straightened his posture, and raised the sword in front of him, pouring his magical energy, into the two-handed sword... From which emanated a blue glow that as if, reached the heavens.

- Oh, a noble phantasm... Okay, I have permission from the master.

When she had finished speaking, the saber of reds also put her sword in front of her. And taking off her helmet, she began to prepare her noble phantasm. A red glow emanated from her sword, reaching all the way to the heavens.

Each side was ready to put its phantasm to work. Which they did...


"Clarent Blood Arthur."

The two phantasm servants of the Saber class clashed with each other. Creating after themselves, an incredible picture, blue and red. After the direct collision of the two phantasms, the landscape underwent tremendous destruction...

And yet, neither of the two servants died, they were all bruised, in the mud, their bodies bleeding... But, that didn't mean that they, couldn't fight any more. As if on cue, the two Sabers jerked toward each other, and another battle between them began.

- Die already, you've had enough! The fact that you're still on your feet insults the King of Knights.

- Mordred was unhappy that she couldn't destroy the pathetic phony in front of her.

She kicked Siegfried away, and as he flew away, he rolled over on the ground several times. Finally stopping, his mark on his chest began to flicker, telling her that time was up, and his body was back to being a homunculus.

- Zig, are you all right? - Running up to him, Astolfo spoke anxiously.

Without further ado, Mordred jerked in front of them, and with a downward swing, wanted to destroy them both. Her sword, it seemed, was a guillotine that would take their lives. But, at the last moment, the rider was able to protect them both with his, his spear.

Sparks flew from the collision between the two weapons. Astolfo, suffered great damage from that swing. His shoulder was completely covered in blood, and he seemed to be one step away from death. As, a fair-haired girl appeared, and threw back the saber with her standard.

She looked like a saint... No. She is a saint.

- You still can't get enough. You kill one man and another takes his place, is there a rabbit hole down there? - Mordred asked with a hint of displeasure.

She turned to Zig, and quickly walked over. Sitting down beside him, she examined his wounds.

- Are you all right, Zig? - she asked, with concern in her voice.

- Yeah, I seem fine... But, my arm tingled.

She turned her attention quickly to his hand... Or rather, the back of it, where the black dragon had been drawn... It was a command spell. Which meant that Sig was now one of the participants in the war for the Holy Grail. Something like sadness and regret appeared in Jeanne's eyes.

On the battlefield, there was a little silence. And only the whistle that grew closer and closer was clearly audible to all. Jeanne quickly picked up her standard, and with an easy movement she swept away all the arrows flying at her.

- I seem to have underestimated you ruler. You are much stronger than I thought. - Another figure appeared on the battlefield.

This one was a girl, with animal ears and a tail. And her green eyes, said the hunt was about to begin.

- If I am not mistaken, the ruler is not supposed to interfere in the holy grail war, is he not?

Mordred stood with her sword on her shoulder. Her appearance was calm, she acted as if no one here could defeat her, but at the same time, she did not lower her guard.

- Yes, you're right, I'm not going to interfere in the battles. Unless you attack me yourself. - She replied, turning her gaze to Atalanta. - Besides, Sig has not yet decided whether or not to participate in this war. And, also, I promised the hero Siegfried that I would protect him, no matter what.

She stood, straight and proud. Her beautiful countenance, was serious, and ready for battle. She believed firmly in her words, and her standard would protect the innocent.

- Then I think we should unite, Saber. - Archer said. - Against the ruler, we can't stand alone.

- As much as I hate it... You're right, Beast Girl. - With a smile said Mordred.

- Don't call me that. - With anger answered Atalanta. - Call me Archer.

- Yes, yes... Beast Girl. - Saber said incomprehensibly. - What's wrong with that nickname, it's cool.

They could see that one of them didn't understand why the other was angry. And the other could barely keep from firing a few arrows at her.

Their conversation came to an end, and they were both ready to fight against the ruler. All three prepared themselves, the suffocating pressure filling the battlefield... A battle was about to happen between, the three servants... But, the fight was interrupted, by a loud clanking sound, something fell to the ground. They quickly turned their gaze to the object that emitted the sound... It was a golden spear belonging to a black rider, while the rider himself, began to turn into magical particles.

- Rider, what's wrong with you? - Zig asked, uncomprehending.

- My master, dead...


In the dungeon of the black faction castle, there were dungeons that smelled like blood and death. No one could possibly imagine the horrors that went on in that, dungeon. Torture, experimentation, this place is full of that sort of thing. And it's all run by one man... No... A mage. Celenike Icecolle Yggdmillennia.

Now she was in one of the dungeons, torturing someone again... or watching someone? But I guess we'll never know, since she was already dead. Her insides were disemboweled, the room was flooded with blood, and standing next to her was a small, white-haired girl, with a scar on her face. She was covered in blood, but it didn't embarrass her... Her face was lit by a clean, childlike smile.

- Is she dead already? - She asked in bewilderment. - I thought she'd be more alive. Oh, well, we mustn't disappoint Mama, and he'll praise us. I hope he'll pat us on the head again.

Her eyes, quickly gained a cold sheen, the smile on her face no longer seemed, a pure child's smile, but turned into a smile that inspired terror, to the tips of her whole body.

- And so... Mom's plan, to purge the black faction, could be considered a start!