
Chapter Two: The Nightmares

Normal POV

Logan tossed and turned in his sleep his teeth were clenched together as he was stuck in a repeated nightmare.

"Back-to-back James!" came the shout of a nameless spartan Logan followed the command though "raghh!! You all want some of this!" he roared his adamantium claws popping out from in between his knuckles.

The Persians that surrounded them charged the nameless spartan and Logan locked eyes before nodding "for SPARTA!!" they chanted as Logan charged forth slashing multiple Persian warriors while the nameless spartan swung his spear around taking out as many other soldiers as he could. 

Logan's claws buried themselves deep into the chest of a Persian solider before he moved his right hand stabbing another right through the head. The scene blurs with only Logan standing alone in the battlefield with multiple weapons stabbed through his body with an agonizing shout of pain he pulled the weapons out from his body. 

Dropping the weapons onto the ground Logan turned only to see the bodies of both his fellow Spartans and Persians dead not even the nameless one that had called out to him for a back-to-back remained.

He was always...alone forevermore. 

More scenes flashed one showed a blond saint grasping an exhausted looking Logan's shoulder "look I am not the hero you're looking for Jeanne! Bad shit happens to the people around me so just leave me alone damn it," the blond saint opens her mouth, but no reply is heard as the memory shifts. 

This time Logan was seen on all fours facing a raging Hercules with a small growl he lets out his claws with the image reflecting the rageful face of the great hero of Greece snarling with spit coming out of his mouth "look Herc you and I are friends I don't know what happened to you, but I don't want to fight you!" came Logan's plea but it felt deaf upon the raging hero who charged the young warrior. 

The memory shifts again showing two armies facing each other while the land around them burned. Meanwhile a platinum haired woman with beautiful blue eyes stared down at Logan "Morgan!" he shouts stabbing his claws into an incoming knight. 

Morgan tilts her head staring at Logan no reply is given as the land around them began to rumble. Some of the surrounding knights began to dust away all the while Logan stared around in horror "Morgan!" he shouts again beginning to walk towards her his heart pumping away fast. 

"I know your still in there Morgan you have to fight them! You're the one in control not them" he continued continuing his walk but was pushed back by an immense burst of wind that caused most of his armor to slowly chip away. 

He persisted through it even as his armor began to melt away along with most of his skin which began to heal back quicker then he received a wound. Logan growled reaching closer to Morgan the intensity of the air strikes increased causing more pieces of his flesh to fly off revealing his metal cased skeleton which was soon replaced back with a new fresh set of skin. 

Groaning Logan pushed himself to keep getting close to her and when he did get to a closer distance the intensity of the wind attack grew even larger ripping away at his torso "arggghhhh!!!" he let loose a howl of pain while staring at the still silent yet teary eyed Morgan. 

But he finally pushed through all the pain until he was finally face to face with her Logan panted as Morgan growled at him "you would fight for her and the round?!" she snarled but Logan shook his head with tears weeping out from his eyes "No, not for them...but for you," he replied causing Morgan to go still while the intensity of the wind calmed. 

"For you...always," Logan repeated causing Morgan's eyes to flicker between color "save me please James," she cried out Logan's mouth trembled his eyes leaking even more tears, and finally he muttered "I l-love you," then with a swift shink his claws came forth stabbing themselves into the sides of her stomach. 

Morgan let loose a pained cry while the wind and shaking of the land ceased all at once Morgan eyes looked at Logan's for one last time with both a look of relief and regret before she fell back but Logan caught her at the last moment "No!" he shouted. 

Clutching her close to his chest Logan cried out again this time in a much more agonizing "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" that echoed across the battlefield, but none seemed to have heard to engrossed in their lust of battle "James...it's time to wake up my love," came her familiar soothing voice

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Logan awoke from his nightmare with a shout while his claws grew out ready to kill someone, but it was only just Logan and his lonely home. 

The claws retract making Logan let out a slight groan he sighed clasping his face with both of his hands while shaking his head "fuck me," he muttered reaching over into his night drawer pulled out a cigar and lighter. 

Inserting it into his mouth Logan lit the cigar up he inhaled slowly then exhaled standing up from his bed he did a slight stretch causing his back to crack. 

Letting out a sigh of content Logan walked out from his bedroom heading straight to the kitchen where he proceeded to take out a bowl of cereal along with a bottle of beer. 

Grabbing the remote to his tv Logan flicked it on "in recent new..." he began to zone out taking careful scoops out of his bowl "have been glass leak explosions and kidnappings all citizens are advised to not be out so late at night until a solution has been found," his ears perked up at the piece of info. 

He gazed at up at the news info with interest before he shrugged whoever it is that's been causing the kidnapping won't be much of problem for him, so he'll stick to going to his usual bar outings thank you very much. 

Glancing at the clock Logan let out a sigh of annoyance "guess I should get ready for today's class," he grumbled. 

-end of chapter two- 

and there you go chapter two is out hope you all enjoyed!