
Fate Between Us

What will happen when he will meet her? She is afraid of falling in love. __________________ Fu Rouxi took a deep breath and continued, "We both are girls and I may not understand your position or circumstances, I just want to say that of a girl doesn't even fight for herself, doesn't stand up for herself, then no one is going to stand up for her." " She will continue to bear that may be one day, they will see her goodness, and cherish her, but it won't happen. A girl thay doesn't even cherish herself, how others are going to cherish her. If it goes on like this, she may be able to delay the ending but it still won't be changed. In the end she will be hurt and abandoned. So, it's better to stand up for herself. At least she can change something even if it is bringing the ending near. But sooner there is ending, the sooner she can restart. And also a girl's youth time is limited. It can't be wasted on worthless people. There are a lot of people who will like her truly and spoil you so there is no need to ruin her own happiness and desires for someone who doesn't even care about her. Of course, I am not saying she should be selfish completely. She should sacrifice her dreams and desire for Someone who is worth it, not for someone selfish. To selfish people, you should be even more selfish." Fu Rouxi said too much. "You should become a motivational Speaker" said Su Rouli out of blue. "..." Fu Rouxi was speechless. "OK, at least you think I was motivating you. So, will you be motivated?" Su Rouli didn't answer. Fu Rouxi stared intently at her. Su Rouli looked into her clear eyes. Then she closed her eyes and whispered something softly, which Fu Rouxi didn't get. It was more like a light whisper. "OK, I won't say any more. Anyway, its your life, so you are the one to decide." Fu Rouxi said as she patted her shoulder and left. Su Rouli stood there for a while. Her once dull eyes began to light up. Her words kept ringing in her mind. 'It's my life, so I am the one to decide it?' ••••• A girl's life changes due to words of another girl. It is headed towards an unknown direction. ••••• This is a story of three girls with different temperaments. Everyone thought that they would be enemies. But fate had other arrangements for them. They had their own love lives as well

EvangelinaRose · Allgemein
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4 Chs

Su Rouli

Su Rouli returned home to find her mother sitting on sofa. She greeted her and went to her room. She took a bath and wore a casual t shirt with baggy pants.

She sat on the bed and stared at her bag.

Fu Rouxi's words were ringing again and again in her mind.

She sighed and stood up. She walked in room for a while and then stood next to the window.

'Should I really talk to my parents?.'

She finally made up her mind to talk to them at the dinner.

*knock* *knock*

"Yes?!" Su Rouli responded.

The door opened and Mama Su entered.

"Get dressed. Your grandfather is coming for dinner. Come down on time, OK?"

"Yes mom." replied Su Rouli.

Mama Su nodded with satisfaction and left.

Su Rouli sighed.

'I wanted to talk to them at dinner. I guess I should talk in front of grandfather. After all he was the one who brought me up'

Su Rouli was not much close to her parents. She grew up with her grandfather in the mountains learning Chinese medicine. She was very good at it. Still she has some thick old books which she frequently read to understand the human body. She was very interested in human body and have solid foundation for both Eastern and Western medicine. It was just that Western medicine was self-learned. Whereas her grandfather was a great doctor and teacher of Eastern medicine for her.

Su Rouli got up and opened her closet. She picked up a light pink half sleeved dress that reached her knees. She tied her medium length hair in a high slightly messy ponytail with some small lits on the side of her face. She wore a white coloured watch on her right wrist that her grandfather had bought for her. Finally, she wore white sandals on her soft, little feet. She didn't apply any makeup only a little bit of lotion. She looked herself in the mirror.

'This is my life, so I have the right to decide it.'

'I am not doing any thing wrong.'

'I am just speaking up for myself.'

'Fu Rouxi is right. If I don't speak for myself then no one will know.'

Su Rouli's greatest problem was lack of communication. She lived in mountains in seclusion where all her necessities had been fulfilled and her time was spent with nature and medicine.

Su Rouli took a deep breath.

*knock* *knock*

Su Rouli opened the door.


"How is my princess?" asked Father Su with a smile.

"Fine, Dad and you?"

"I am also very good. Let's go downstairs. Your grandfather has come."

Su Rouli followed her dad downstairs.

An old man having some white hair was sitting imposingly on the main seat.

"Grandfather..!" Su Rouli called out in her sweet voice.

The old man's face softened instantly.

"Li'er! My good granddaughter! Did you miss your grandpa?" Grandpa Su asked lovingly.

"Yes grandpa. I missed you!" Su Rouli gently ran towards him and held his hand.

Grandpa Su patted her head gently with the other hand.

Father Su smiled and looked at Mother Su, indicating her to ask servants to serve dinner.

Mother Su looked upstairs, hesitated for a moment and then asked the servants to serve dinner. After that she excused herself and went upstairs. She knocked the door and went in without waiting. She looked at her second daughter, Su Xiuying who was sitting peacefully wearing her headphones. Mother Su harshly pulled her headphones to which Su Xiuying finally responded by looking back at her. Mother Su glared at her and pointed downstairs with her eyes. Su Xiuying reluctantly stood up, pouted and went downstairs. Mother Su sighed while rubbing her forehead and went downstairs as well.

Grandfather Su stood up and with the help of Su Rouli walked towards the dining hall with Father Su tailing behind. Grandfather Su sat at the head seat with Father Su at his left and Su Rouli at right. Mother Su and Su Xiuying also entered the dining hall.

"Grandfather....!" Su Xiuying greeted to which Grandfather Su replied with a small smile and a gentle nod. But it was obvious that it was not compare able to the one he gave Su Rouxi. But no one said anything.

It was known that Grandfather Su was more attached to Su Rouli as she grew up in front of his eyes and most importantly she will be his successor. He was greatly satisfied by her talent to grasp the knowldge.

On the other hand, Mother Su and Su Xiuying were more close. Father Su was the only neutral party.

A few months ago when Su Rouli returned back to Su Mansion in the city, it was after a long debate competition between Grandfather Su and Father Su. Grandfather Su insisted that she should stay with her. Father Su, however, reasoned that now she should return to city and live normally like other children. She should go to school and should have her own social circle with kids of her age. It took a lot of time and saliva of Father Su before Grandfather Su finally agreed.

In, Su Mansion, Su Xiuying was the only princess before Su Rouli came. Some changes happened in Su Mansion.

Back to dining hall....

After everyone was seated, they began their dinner. Occasionally, Su Rouli will put some food in Grandfather Su's bowl and he would do the same to her.

" About …. aam..mm.. my engagement…." Su Rouli gathered her courage and started to talk about it.

"Your grandmother and Gu Lingze's grandmother decided it when you were not even born." Grandfather Su told her.

"They never asked about it and treated it as a joke when we had a little decline some years ago and now....!" Father Su said a little angrily.

" You don't have to take it seriously. Gu Lingze does look like a good boy on th surface but he is not.Don't get attached to him.

After some time I, your father, will think of something and break this engagement. I wouldn't have even agreed if they didn't use my affection for my deceased mother".

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