
Fate/ Beginning with Type Moon

The fourth Holy Grail War battle just end, and the second uncle just died... Just after the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, a boy named Shinji Matou began to awaken and travel through the memories before his reincarnation. I still remember the jokes on the Internet in my previous life, what was the first thing I did when I traveled to Fuyuki City? Insect Master, save Sakura! Shinji looked at himself in the mirror... Well, wash and sleep. Ding! 【Your system is online! 】 ...wait, something is wrong. Why does this system smell like Siri?

koijiro21 · Anime und Comics
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340 Chs

Chapter 286

Not a single person could persuade Saber-chan to change her mind after more than an hour of trying. Her face, always busy with eating, remained resolute.

Saber glanced at Saber-chan from time to time, hesitating to speak. Even Saber herself felt this was a hopeless hope.

Setting aside whether there was hope, the time condition in the prerequisites was simply too long. No one could maintain an obsession for that long!

In contrast, Shinji only showed a hint of surprise at Saber-chan's determination at the beginning. Afterward, he maintained an indifferent attitude.

"Well, since it's your decision, I won't say any more. What's left is to wait."

Saying this casually, Shinji slowly stood up, stretched his arms wide, and yawned. "Ah, finally, this matter is settled. It's late, shouldn't everyone head home?"

Immediately, Rin grumbled with a displeased expression, "We've been at your house for so long, and you didn't even serve us tea! Now you're trying to kick us out?"

Looking at the pile of lychee peels and various fruit cores in front of Rin, Shinji felt exasperated. This girl had finished off an entire box of lychees!

Noticing Shinji's cold, subtle gaze, Rin blushed, crossed her arms, turned her face away, and muttered.

"I was talking about tea, not fruit. And I wasn't the only one eating…"

Shinji: Staring—

"Fine, fine, no tea then. Not serving tea at home, you're really stingy, you know."

"Rin, I didn't mention this before, but the lychees you just ate are the sweetest batch of the season. Eating too many might make you gain weight."

Rin suddenly stood up, alarmed.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?"

"I thought you knew."

"I only knew that this variety of lychee is expensive! You should have mentioned that earlier!"

Grabbing her head, Rin started to look panicked, muttering to herself, "This is bad, I'll have to increase my exercise now. No wonder I've gained some unnecessary weight even though I've been controlling my diet recently…"

Who told you to hang around my house eating fruit all the time? Serves you right! Though fruit is expensive in Japan, coming over every day to mooch off us takes some nerve.

Shinji thought this but kept a neutral expression.

"I'll make tea for everyone," Sakura said, standing up at the right moment with a smile. "Sorry, I was so engrossed in listening that I forgot."

With that, Sakura and Rider went to make tea.

Just then, Shinji noticed his stomach rumbling from hunger after watching Saber-chan munch non-stop for over two hours.

"Do you guys want some supper?"

As soon as he finished speaking, both Sabers' ahoge stood up instantly!

Seeing Saber-chan, who hadn't stopped eating snacks from the festival, Shinji decided against commenting and sighed.

"Then wait a bit. Emiya, help out."

Hearing this, both Shirou and Archer instinctively stood up, then paused, noticing the other. Archer silently sat back down, pretending nothing had happened.

"Why are you sitting back down? You help too."

With a snort, Archer stood up again.

Archer was assigned to grill skewers. Finding out he wouldn't have to stay in the same kitchen as Shirou, Archer swiftly moved the barbecue grill and meat to the backyard.

Shirou looked at the food Shinji indicated—two large basins of live crawfish—with a furrowed brow and twitching eye.

"Shinji, you must be joking, right?"

"Emiya, to be honest, since we suddenly have an extra Saber, we don't have much food left. Apart from a few cucumbers in the fridge, these two basins of crawfish are all we have. I just caught them yesterday."

"But this… isn't edible, right?"

Pointing at the crawfish, Shirou said. He was familiar with these creatures, often catching them as a kid to keep as pets.

They're not edible, no one eats them!

"As long as they're edible, it's fine. Don't worry too much. Just handle them, and I'll do the cooking."

Following Shinji's steps, Shirou quickly learned how to prepare the crawfish, though he still found the idea of eating them dubious.

I'll probably get an upset stomach from eating these!

Nearby, Shinji hummed a tune while kneading dough. A meal of spicy crawfish wouldn't be complete without some handmade noodles.

"...Passed by the goddess, made a wish in her name, my thoughts spread like the Tigris River..."

Hearing familiar laughter, Shinji looked up to see a tall Gilgamesh and was taken aback.

"You can grow up too?"

Immediately, he realized his mistake as young Gilgamesh's voice came from behind him.

"Big brother, that's not me." Casually, young Gilgamesh sat on the sofa, legs crossed. "But those lyrics are quite amusing, wishing to a goddess, haha…"

Young Gilgamesh's laughter continued, while the older Gilgamesh's face remained cold.

"I was just kidding, a cold joke to make you calm down. Haha…"

Scratching his head with a laugh, Shinji noticed the elder Gilgamesh's cold expression and stopped laughing. Rubbing his chin, he continued.

"Gilgamesh, you seem upset. I suggest you go out and cool off a bit."

Noticing the elder Gilgamesh's worsening expression, Shinji quickly corrected himself, "No, it's hotter outside. I suggest the pool in the backyard!"

At this, Gilgamesh seemed to reach his limit, suppressing his anger. "You're getting bolder, Shinji!"

Same old Gilgamesh, never changing his lines.

Shinji nodded internally, which only further fueled Gilgamesh's anger.

Sensing the brewing hostility, Shinji quickly spoke again, "I really don't recommend the freezer for cooling off."


Several golden Noble Phantasms materialized in the air, and Shinji couldn't help but smirk.

… All stored in the system space.

Two A-ranked, four B-ranked, six C-ranked.

This Gilgamesh is really generous!

Shinji thought, genuinely impressed.

At supper, seeing Shinji bound by Gilgamesh's Chains of Heaven and Gilgamesh restrained by Shinji's chains, everyone's expressions were mixed.

These two are exactly alike!

Shinji scoffed, turning his head away disdainfully. "It was just a joke. And I returned all your Noble Phantasms, didn't I? You're such a child."

You're the same!

Many silently agreed.

"This is the price for mocking a king!" Gilgamesh declared.

"Are you two eating or not?" Rin asked, exasperated.

"I think we should leave them be," young Gilgamesh suggested, nonchalantly eating his skewers. Knowing their personalities, neither would back down first.

However, unexpectedly, both Gilgamesh and Shinji snorted and retracted their chains simultaneously.

After retrieving his Chains of Heaven, Gilgamesh huffed, disdainfully eyeing the food.

"Offering such unworthy food to a king!"

Shinji pointed to young Gilgamesh, "Isn't he eating it happily?"

"If it's beneath you, don't eat it. Archer!"

Saber-chan spoke up in defense of her Master, while the larger Saber, busy eating skewers, nodded in agreement.

Gilgamesh glared at Saber-chan.

"Silence, mongrel!"

Shinji blinked, then asked Gilgamesh curiously, "Why did you change your mind? I thought you liked Saber."

This statement exploded like a bomb.

Gilgamesh likes Saber?

"Don't look at me," young Gilgamesh shrugged, "He's him, I'm me. Saber is too dazzling for me. She's suitable as a retainer but not as a life partner."

"She's wonderful!" Shirou instinctively defended Saber, not knowing why.

Young Gilgamesh shrugged again, uninterested.

"I can't take it anymore!"

Saber suddenly stood up, her anger evident. She herself couldn't pinpoint the reason for her anger.

"Challenge me anytime, but stop this nonsense! I am King Arthur, Artoria Pendragon!"

"Well said," Saber-chan agreed, "In the presence of a king, discussing gender is meaningless! A king is a king!"


Saber was taken aback. Is this other self still at that stage?

Not caring about gender in such discussions?

Seeing the subtle change in Saber's expression, Saber-chan frowned, "What's wrong? Don't you agree? How can you still call yourself the King of Britain?!"

Seeing Saber-chan's frown, Saber realized they were indeed different. Their ideas had diverged greatly.

"I am me, you are you. Nothing more to say."


Saber-chan was infuriated, but Shinji stopped her.

Shinji didn't take Saber-chan's words seriously. If you don't care about gender, how about bathing together tonight? If not, you do care!

Of course, this was just a thought. Shinji wouldn't say it aloud. Being labeled a lolicon was the last thing he wanted.

I am… a gentleman!

On the way back, seeing Saber deep in thought, Shirou couldn't help asking, "Saber, um…"

Saber stopped, then smiled, "No, I won't change my choice. I don't think my choice is wrong, nor do I think hers is. Like you and Archer, both paths are correct."

"Is that so…" Shirou's expression softened.

"So, please, Shirou, help me find my answer."

Seeing Saber's sweet smile, Shirou blushed and hurriedly walked ahead, muttering softly.

"If my life can help you find your answer, then stay by my side…"


Saber smiled softly and followed. Ignored by both, Illya pouted, watching their backs.

What a perfect opportunity, wasted!

Saber didn't choose Saber-chan's difficult path, didn't leave Shirou for Matou Shinji!

Darn it! So frustrating!

Miyu is the luckiest, no rivals!

So envious!

At the Matou residence, in the game room.

Seeing Gilgamesh nearby, Shinji decided to speak first.

"Gilgamesh, I'll only promise Saber."

"What are you imagining?"

Gilgamesh frowned. "Don't compare me to that mongrel! I never regret or indulge in fantasies! Waiting until the end of the world to go back? Don't be ridiculous! A king never does such foolish things!"

"Fine," Shinji nodded, "As long as you're not interested. It would be troublesome if everyone came to me."

"But I won't allow it either! If that day comes, I will stop you, judge you!"

Seeing Gilgamesh's serious expression, Shinji pondered, then smiled, "Gilgamesh, wouldn't it be interesting? Aren't you curious about how the changed world would develop?"


Gilgamesh frowned, pondering. Shinji's words had piqued his interest.

"It does sound interesting. I look forward to it."

Young Gilgamesh laughed, then turned serious.

"But I doubt Saber can hold onto her wish that long. You, big brother, should know best. You have many examples around you, right? You know them all.

People who forget their initial purpose due to time (Zouken), people whose wishes are twisted by time (Zouken, Darius), and those whose obsessions become torture (Archer, Pandora)."


"Don't underestimate me, Archer!"

Saber-chan, eyebrows raised, spoke firmly.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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