
Fate's exchange

Adriana's life takes a wild turn when she unexpectedly swaps bodies with a stranger. Determined to reclaim her own body, she embarks on a thrilling journey filled with supernatural secrets. Along the way, Adriana finds herself falling in love with a guy who holds the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding their intertwined fates. Will she be able to unravel the truth and find her way back home, or will love and destiny lead her down a different path?

lolalovemi · Urban
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17 Chs

unsuccessful plan

"Someone's skin is itching to go to jail" mused Christopher as he now walked inside the room where two girls were. One who sat on the floor helpless and the other one who seemed to be preparing to be a suspect in a murder case.

His head was slightly tilted while his eyes were squintedly looking at the girl who didn't retract her hand even after seeing that someone had walked right in on them. She looked rather pissed at the interruption as she glared at him.

"You still won't answer me will you, don't think I can't shove this thing right into your neck" Adriana threatened ignoring the guy who just walked in as she continued threatening the girl. In all honesty, she knew there was no way she would be able to hurt the girl with the heels in her hand but she had hoped threatening her with it would be enough to get her to start talking. 

"Please help me" Vanessa said wanting to use the opportunity of someone finally being around them to her advantage and escape from the clutches of the crazy girl. "Oh please shut up" Adriana's eyes twitched in disgust and as she noticed the guy who had been standing by the door starting to walk towards them she had her head sharply turn to him.

"You stay out of this" she told him but that didn't stop him from walking further until he was a few feets away from them and by now, Adriana could well enough notice the mused up look he had on his face as if he was enjoying the scene.

"There are easier ways to go to jail if you want to but I will make your work easier for you" Adriana heard the guy say and saw him bring out his phone to have her eyes widened instantly. He wasn't serious was he? Did he really want to call the police on her? 

"You…you're joking..."Adriana trailed off hearing his keypad sound. "Are you?" Adriana asked awestruck that he would think of calling the police at such a trivial thing. She had not even hurt the girl yet.

Adriana saw him tilt his head at her as if asking her if he looked like someone who cracked jokes. Vanessa on the other hand had a look of victory on her face as she now stood up from the floor going to stand behind the guy like a damsel in distress sniffing her nose as if to let him know she had been crying all this while.

Adriana looked at the girl with disgust but that was all she could do. "F*** you bitch" Adriana cursed at her before walking out of the room with one legged boots on her feets while the other was still tightly in her hand while she left the two alone in there.

Adriana walked a few feets more before pausing to wear back the other boots. By now, her tummy had started to make really loud noises as she was as hungry as hell but where was she to get food to eat? She had used up her last strength to fight the girl and still, nothing came out of it. Her feets were already tired as she slowly walked out of the corridors wanting to head back to the stupid place she was coming from.

As she walked out of the corridors, Adriana felt a slight dizziness as she felt a sudden rush of adrenaline kick in to have her stagger back a little as she held her head which was now spinning. "F***" she cursed under her breath before she finally hit the floor as she went unconscious.

On the other hand, Vanessa stepped away from the guys back once she was sure that Adriana had left as she breathed out a sigh of relief. She didn't know if the crazy bitch had actually planned on using the shoe on her but she was grateful that the guy had saved her just in time. She looked up to meet the guy's face as her lips curled up into a smile.

"Thank you" Vanessa said and she saw him nod gently. "Try not to get into such trouble again" was what he said as he now turned to leave but Vanessa was quick to stop him before he could escape from the room to have him bring his face back to look at her and Vanessa couldn't help but gape at his features. She wasn't a girl who mused at a guy's attractiveness but this one right here was far better than what someone would call attractive, she thought.

"I was wondering if you go to school here" Vanessa asked with a sheepish smile and she saw the corner of his lips pull up. "Why? Hoping to see me around so I can save you again?" The guy posed the question to her with a seemingly daunting tone.

"No no I was just curious" Vanessa sharply said as she lowered her eyes a bit.She had never come to have real discussions and interactions with a guy in this way as the ones she had known had always bullied and taunted her but she wanted to leave the past behind her now.

She knew the girl in which she had swapped bodies with was beautiful and knowing how guys fell at the feets of beautiful girls, making friends with this one shouldn't be that difficult. 

"You look tired, go and get some sleep" the guy said with a smile but something told her the smile wasn't genuine as she watched him leave just like that . She had to blink many times to be sure he was actually gone and upon realizing the guy had made a joke of her words Vanessa couldn't help but question if it was the same guy that had saved her just now?

Adriana woke up to the smell she loathed the most since her childhood and as her eyes flew open she was met with an ominous environment and as she looked around she almost coughed. What was she doing here? And most importantly who brought her here? Adriana questioned and that was when she saw a woman approaching her accompanied by a nurse who was discussing some things with her.

She squinted her eyes a bit to see the woman more clearly and she knew her eyes weren't playing tricks with her. This was the same woman her mum had tried to get so acquainted with for so many years now but she had never been successful. The woman was surprisingly so hard to reach.

"Oh good you are awake" the woman said after noticing Adriana who was trying to sit up straight on the hospital bed. Was it her who had brought her here? Adriana remembered falling down unconscious in the school but didn't remember anything after that.

Her lips pursed in a thin line as she stared at the woman, she had heard many things about her. People had often described her as nice and all that but for some reason she was difficult to connect to which only made Adriana curious about her.

"Dear! Are you alright? I heard from the doctor that you had cancer, you should really try taking care of yourself" the woman said once she had reached her side, sitting down on a chair which was close to the bed she sat on. 

Adriana continued staring at the woman back in astonishment. So it was true what people said about her, because she didn't see any logical reason as to why a person like her would randomly pick up a person who happened to be lying unconscious on the road and bring them to the hospital. Such a thing was randomly rare.

Adriana slightly nodded and while she tried to move her back a bit she felt the pain kick in again making her groan and the woman noticing this was quick to place her hand on the girl's back caressing her for support.

"Your illness has gotten critical and I heard that you haven't been taking any medications. If you don't then I am not sure you will last long…." Adriana heard the woman say and she knew she was right but what could she do. The useless girl who owned this body did not have any money to take care of herself.

"Thank you for your concern" Adriana said truthfully, grateful that the woman had taken the stress to bring her all the way here. "That is not a problem but I was wondering if...….." the woman was going to say when she heard her name being called, for her to turn to see it was her assistant manager and she immediately got up on her feet and before she left Adriana heard the lady assure her that she would be back to which she nodded to.

Mrs Taylor left for a swift moment as she went to have a word with her assistant who had a dissatisfied look on his face to which she ignored. She knew the man did not like her involvement in things like this but she couldn't help it. She couldn't have just left the girl who had been lying on the floor unconscious with no one paying attention to her. If no one would do it,she would.

"So? What did you find?" She asked the man with a raised eyebrow who slightly sighed as he had no choice but to relay the message to her. "She lives in one of the slums, she has no family and has recently left to drop out of school because she didn't have money to continue her education ... .errrr what else….."

"Ahh yes the kids I met there also told me she has been looking for a job ever since she got sacked recently at the place she was working at before" the man laid down the details to her with an obviously bored expression as if he were tired of speaking about the topic. His boss was too nice of a woman which slightly irritated him.

 "Is that all the information you could find?" He heard her ask him to have his eyebrows furrow. What more did she want him to dig up and as it is he didn't care anything less about the girl.

"You can leave" Mrs Taylor said giving him a slight glare and once he had left she returned back to meet Adriana who was busy loathing at the hospital and its horrible smell she was perceiving.

Adriana watched the woman come to seat bank beside her and after what seemed like a while had passed she heard the woman speak, "I have an offer for you"