
The Next Prey ( Part 03 )

Jacob - " How far do I have to walk? "

Psyche - " We are almost there, Jacob. Be patient . "

Jacob - " But we are walking since long on this path and this path does not seem to end anywhere, Psyche. "

Psyche - " Just a few steps more and we will reach our destination. "

Jacob - " But where are we going? "

Psyche - " You only showed your wish to meet my master Jacob. Have you forgotten about it? "

Jacob - " No I didn't forget anything but.... "

Psyche - " But what ? "

Jacob - " I have to go back to my friends as they must be worried about me. "

Psyche ( to himself ) - " You should be worried about yourself Jacob. Hahaha... "

Jacob - " Hey Psyche, can I go back to my friends. "

Psyche - " We are almost here Jacob, when you have come till here then you should meet my master too. "

Jacob - " Okay then let's make it fast. "

Psyche - " Believe me I am not anxious than you, Jacob. "

Jacob - " But I can't find any way in this forest, Psyche. "

Psyche - " My master runs the entire administration of this forest land Jacob. He lives in a very hidden and secure place. We are almost here don't worry nobody will harm you here. I assure you. "

Jacob - " Me is not afraid of this place Psyche. I am tensed cause my friends must be waiting for me and must be worried about my safety. "

Psyche - " Why are you worrying about them, Jacob? They both are in a safe place."

Jacob - " How come you know that there are two of them waiting for me, Psyche? "

Psyche - " How come I know Jacob? Hahaha.... you only told me about them, genius mortal."

Jacob - " Maybe you are right. I must have told you about them and I forget it. Have we reached the place?"

Psyche - " Not yet Jacob, but soon will. "

Jacob - " But my legs need some rest. I can't even take a small step forward. I need to rest."

Psyche ( to himself) - " You mortals are too weak to do anything. Now I have to stay here with him as he needs to take a rest. "

Psyche - " Yes sure Jacob you take rest here. I go and get something to energize your poor body again. "

Jacob - Thank you Psyche. That's very nice of you. "

Psyche - " No problem Jacob you take a rest here and don't go anywhere else will get lost in this forest. "

Jacob - " Okay I will keep your wise words in my mind. "

Psyche - " Now I should go you be here only and it's both advice and a warning to you."

Jacob - " I told you that I will not go anywhere. Trust me and go wherever you are going, Psyche. Let me take a nap here."

Psyche ( to himself ) - " Sleep well you mortal kid as this is your last nap. Hahaha..... "

Jacob - " What a lovely place this is? Or I should say it's both a lovely and a lonely place. "

An unknown manly voice - " All that glitters is not gold Jacob, don't judge this place just by looking at it. Follow me I will show you something that is called heaven. "

Jacob - " Whose there? "

" I am here with you Jacob " he replied.

" What is "I am here " tell me your identity? " Jacob asked.

" I am the caretaker of this forest land ", he said.

Jacob - " And what's your name ? "

" My name is the great Xeno," he replied.

Jacob - " Xeno wow it's a quite cool and awesome name. "

Xeno - " Thanks for your praises. Now follow me. "

Jacob - " No I can't as I have promised my friend Psyche that I will remain here only where he left me. "

Xeno - " What you just said? Psyche told you to be here. "

Jacob - " Yes "

Xeno - " Then you are in serious trouble Jacob as that Psyche is not a human-like you or any other living being here. "

Jacob ( shocked) - " What are you saying Xeno? "

Xeno - " I am saying what you hear Jacob. That Psyche is an airy spirit who torments people who come here. "

Jacob - " But why will I trust you as he didn't do anything wrong with me. "

Xeno - " Just look at yourself, Jacob. That Psyche has made you so tired that you can even run from him. "

Jacob - " Maybe you are right as he was saying to me repeatedly that we are about to reach his master's place but we are still in this forest only. "

Xeno - " You decide this fact Jacob that Psyche is just making you more and more fatigue. "

Jacob - " Seems like you are true. "

Xeno - " I am your good wisher Jacob, come with me and I will help you out afterwards."

Jacob - " But you said that Psyche is an airy spirit. How is this possible, Xeno? "

Xeno - " Anything and everything is possible in this magical realm Jacob. Psyche is a magical creation of his master. "

Jacob - " I will come with you but my legs will not support me. They need some rest. "

Xeno - " We can't wait here as that Psyche can come here at any moment. You do one thing Jacob just sit on my shoulders. "

Jacob - " But where are you as I am unable to see you? "

Xeno - " I forgot to make me visible to you. Now I come. "

Jacob - But where are you? I still can't see you. "

Xeno - " Look at your shoulders, Jacob. I am there only. "

Jacob - " You are too tiny to carry me on your shoulders Xeno. Haha..."

Xeno - " I am not tiny Jacob I took this small shape so that no one else could see me or sense me. And yes I can carry you just wait."

[ Xeno jumps off from Jacob's shoulder and lands on the ground ]

Xeno - " Make me big bigger..... "

Jacob - " What are you doing? "

Xeno - " I am making myself big enough to carry you. "

Jacob - " You are getting bigger and bigger Xeno. You are now almost 30 feet tall."

Xeno - " Yes now land your feet on my palm so that I can make you sit on my shoulders."

[ Xeno lowers his palm for Jacob. Jacob comes on his palm and then finally sits on his shoulders. ]

Xeno - " Now just hold me very tightly Jacob."

Jacob - " I will try my best not to get dropped out from this height. You can now start walking. "

Xeno - " Hahaha... Jacob, we will not go by walking we will go by flying and here we go."

Jacob - " Wow... Xeno but a bit slower as the air is striking my face very badly. "

Xeno - " I am already moving very slowly Jacob. Now just hold me tightly and try not to get dropped off. "

Jacob - " Yes yes I will try. But it's a very difficult task for my humble muscles. But you continue I will manage. "

Xeno - " Yes sure. "

Jacob ( to himself ) - " Jacob dude just close your eyes and hold his shoulders as tightly as possible else you will die today for sure."

Who is this Xeno ? A Friend or an Enemy.

This volume is going to end soon so please stay tuned.

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