
Fatal Kiss.

Iridesa was nothing more than a worthless slave who lived a horrible life at the inn she was forced to slave away at, always battered and abused by the owners in exchange for food and shelter since the day she was born. One day the innkeeper and his wife sold Iridesa to a brothel, unable to escape such a fate. Iridesa was about to end her life until a stranger came and saved her and when asked why he would go to such lengths for her he replied “I’m your father.” After she was taken in by her father her life had changed completely and 7 years later as Iridesa Orion she met him. The beautiful and mysterious Fay named Cillian Cassiopeia. ~Synopsis~ He stood before me as he looked deep into my eyes, my plump lips throbbed from his ravaging kiss and I felt drunk and hazy for more. He stroked a thumb over my lips as he spoke, his voice so deep it makes my entire core tremble. “When a Fae decides to claim a woman, he will have her at all costs. I want to claim you as mine. Do you know what that means?” My heart pounded at his words and I licked my lips nervously, noticing the predatory glint in his eyes when I did that. I asked “w-what does it mean?” He lowered his head to my ears knowing how sensitive they are and spoke with a seductive voice that made me melt. “It means I will marry you and mark both your body and soul as mine. I will make you scream my name in pleasure and I will show you just how much I yearn for a taste of you.” She let out a small gasp at his words and he growled low in his throat satisfied at her body's response to him. "You know one kiss is not enough. Now that I've had a taste I'm addicted..." He held my face and came closer, my heart pounded excitedly as I felt his breath close to mine once again. "C-Cillian..." I moaned his name and he growled like a beast. "Iridesa, Open your mouth and stick out your tongue..." ~end of synopsis~ Iridesa quickly finds herself craving more from this mysterious Fae but at the same time her mothers hidden past and dark secrets catch up putting all those she loves in danger, as she's caught in the web of a malicious trap she does everything she can to fight back as forces try to tear the two of them apart. Will their love prevail or will she still always be the same 12 year old girl who once had no will to live. DISCLAIMER - I don't own the copyrights to the cover image and will take it down upon request.

Celest2354 · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 7 - You can never be a burden.

Chapter 7 - You can never be a burden.

I screamed as I was lifted up into the air. "There you are!" I recognized that voice. "B-brother T-Tybalt! Ah-!" I clasped a hand over my mouth. I said that without realizing I hope he's not mad. I looked at him and he smiled brightly with teary eyes. "You called me brother!" hahaha!" He then spun me around gleefully. "Woah! Wahhh!" I heard other footsteps running towards us "My Lady!" I looked back to see two young knights run over in a hurry. "What the-!?" They ran over in a frenzy ready to draw their sword but when they saw Brother Tybalt spinning me around in the air they froze, lost as to how they should probably react to such a situation.

I began to feel extremely dizzy as he kept spinning me around and around. "H-Help…" The young female knight who seemed fuming stomped over and smacked my brother across the back "OUCH?!" The other young male knight quickly freed me from his arms and gently sat me down on the bench, normally I would panic at another stranger holding me but at the moment I was too dizzy to be afraid. I clasped a hand to my mouth feeling nauseous as I wobbled back and forth from dizziness. "M-my lady!" The young male Knight panicked at the sight of my green face and held me to prevent me from falling as I tried my best to keep my breakfast down.

"Hey! What the hell, Evelyn!" My brother pouted at the female knight that struck him. He rubbed his sore back. The knight called Evelyn grabbed him by the collar and shook him as she shouted some sense into him "What the hell do you think YOU'RE doing, look at poor lady Iridesa!" Brother is confused at first but when he looked over at me his face went pale. "Ah! I-Iridesa, what happened!?"

Evelyn smacked him again, this time across the head. "You happened! idiot!"

Brother held his throbbing head as he looked at me with eyes full of tears. "She's not going to die is she!?" Evelyn hit her face with her palm in frustration. It was then I realized my brother wasn't very bright. "She will be okay, Master Tybalt. She's just dizzy." replied the young male knight. I stood up slowly feeling better, I looked at the young knight next to me. "I-I'm fine now, T-thankyou…" he smiled at me. "That's good, I'm Victor by the way and this is my friend Evelyn. Were your Brothers Knights, he is our Commander." I looked at Evelyn. "T-thank you, and i-it's nice to m-meet you." Evelyn smiled at me. "The pleasure is all ours, my lady." Evelyn had long silky caramel hair, amber eyes and a rosy complexion. She was very lean and tall. Victor was smaller in height and had short blue hair and blue eyes. His complexion was tanned compared to Evelyn, they were both very attractive and I felt a little nervous. Brother Tybalt then knelt down next to me. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm sorry I got a little carried away."

I noticed he felt really bad so I shook my head and assured him I'm fine. "I'm o-okay, please don't w-worry." Brother Tybalt sighed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad." He then picked me up again but much gentler this time. "So what were you doing here, Iridesa?" he asked and I told him I wanted to explore the castle. Brother Tybalt smiled excitedly, "Well allow me to be your personal escort!" Evelyn and Victor both looked at me nervously smiling. "We'll come along, just in case." Said Victor and Evelyn Glared at brother Tybalt, who laughed nervously.

Brother Tybalt showed me around the entire castle and I actually had fun seeing all the beautiful places, such as the grand library, the beautiful gardens and more. "Now let's go to my favorite place so I can show off my cute little sister." I blushed at his words, I know I look small for my age but I think Brother forgot I'm 12 years old as he carries me around and babies me, But I have to admit it feels kinda nice. We arrive at the training grounds and Brother calls out to all the knights and squires who were training. "Everyone, I would like your attention!" All the soldiers turn our way and bow their heads to Brother and greet him in union "greetings Commander!" He speaks excitedly. "This is my adorable little sister Lady Iridesa, and I expect you will treat her with the respect she deserves!" Everyone greeted me in union. "Greetings Lady Iridessa! We pledge our utmost loyalty and service to you my lady!" I blushed at their words, this all felt so strange! "I see you're already quite popular, my dear niece."

Brother Tybalt and I turn back to see Father and Uncle Andrew approach us. "Good morning, Iridesa" Uncle Andrew Stroked my head as he greeted me. I smiled "G-good morning." Just then I was taken from my brother's arms. "Eh! No fair father! I had her first!" Father ignored Brother Tybalt and held me. I noticed that Brother and Father tend to pick me up a lot, (I can just walk on my own you know!) I smiled awkwardly as Brother fought with father to hold me. "Commander, I think Lord Orion is better suited to hold Lady Iridesa so she doesn't end up dizzy and nauseous again." Evelyn says with a restrained smile across her face and brother flinches at her words. Father and Uncle both glare at him and brother smiles nervously as he begins to sweat profusely. Father then looks at me, "Did you sleep well last night." I blush as I remember last night. "I-I'm sorry…" He looks at me confused. "What for?" I bite my lip and respond "F-for Falling a-asleep…" He smiles gently. "There's nothing wrong with that, feel free to fall asleep anytime." He then gently pecks me on my eyelid. I feel my heart warm at his actions and I remember my mother. Everyone around is stunned at the most feared Lord Orion being all gentle and soft. Brother Tybalt feels envious "That's not fair, well at least she called me brother." He says, holding his head up high. Uncle and Father are both stunned and Fathers face looked as though Brother attacked him deep in the gut. "I-it was an a-accident!" I say but brother beams as he rubs it in fathers face,"It still counts!" Father glares at Brother who smiles proudly and Uncle Arthur sighs at his immaturity. I want to be able to say father too but I just don't feel ready yet, and though father seems a little upset he doesn't pressure me regardless of how annoyed he is at brother. Father carries me back to the castle.

"I-I c-can, walk b-by myself…" I slowly say to father he looks at me and asks, seeming genuinely concerned. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable? If you really don't like something you can always say it." I shook my head not wanting him to get the wrong idea. "N-no I'm f-fine. I jus-just don't want to b-be a b-burden." I said my voice slowly became quieter. I remembered how the men who were entranced by mothers beauty offered to marry my mother and promised her a much better life than the one at the inn but when she refused them saying she would never choose anyone over me and upon hearing that they all called me a burden. She made me her whole life and prioritized me. My father didn't seem to like what I said and frowned, he gently stroked my cheek. "You can never be a burden to me." I looked at his earnest eyes and felt my heart well up with happiness but I was too afraid to take this moment for granted and pushed it away.

Just then we hear a light commotion at the entrance of the castle as we approach. "Miss, please try to understand ! You can't get in without the official documents!" The guard at the door shouted, he seemed to be fighting with someone, the voice of a woman responded. "I told you I lost it! Just let me meet Master Arthur. He will recognize me! Geez!" The knight responded, his patience wearing thin. "Look, Ma'am I can't let you in, you will have to wait or leave and come back with the documents! Now please stop being stubborn and stop trying to force your way in!"

I flinched at the shouting and subconsciously clutched my fathers clothes as he held me. He noticed this and walked over to the entrance, to see what it was. "What exactly is going on here? You are scaring my daughter." Father asked in a low and scary voice the guard and the young women both paled and laughed nervously. The guard quickly began to frantically explain. "F-f-forgive me, My lord and M-my Lady! I was trying to deal with this young woman here who is constantly badgering me"!'' She glared at him "How rude! Is that how you talk about a lady!" My father turned his attention towards the women and she flinched. He interrogated her. "Exactly who may you be?" she quickly explained herself as she tried to keep her composure under fathers suspecting gaze. "You s-see, I'm the healer Master Arthur hired, b-but I lost my documents and can't prove it, haha….b-but I assure you I am not as incompetent as I may seem right now!" I observed the woman before me who seemed to be the same age as my brother, she was very pretty and had large red eyes like rubies. Her long curls are a beautiful shade of red like her eyes and her lips too. She had a light complexion and looked like a porcelain doll. She wore a formal healers uniform and carried a carpet bag, behind her there were stacks and stacks of suitcases. It made me wonder how she bought all that but still forgot her documents. She then turned her attention towards me and I flinched a little still not used to strangers she gave a small wave. "Hello, there you must be Iridesa. You're just as adorable as your uncle described." I blushed at her comment and greeted her back "H-Hello…" My father smiled, seeming happy to see me make the effort to become braver around others.

He then turned his attention towards the young woman. "What is your name, miss?" she answered, seeming less afraid as father stopped glaring at her. "Kore Elvian, My lord." Just then we hear another voice behind us. "Kore!" We all look back to see Brother Tybalt with star struck eyes. A huge smile was plastered across his face and his cheeks were bright and rosy.

Kore had seemed to however display the opposite reaction as she became pale as a ghost. "Y-Y-You!?" She seemed to have forgotten to remain composed before my father as she grabbed and hid behind the same night she was arguing with just a while ago, holding on to him for dear life. The knight just stood there dumbstruck not knowing what to do. "Stay away from me! How the hell did you find me!?" she shouted at Brother Tybalt who looked at her like a puppy dog. "That's so mean, after I looked for you everywhere. Besides you're the one who came to my castle." she seemed shocked at this newfound information. "Y-y-y-y-y-your castle!" Amidst the commotion Uncle Arther had walked over and recognizing Kore walked over to her. "Kore, I see you made it here fine." He smiled. It seems she was right about Uncle Arthur asking her to come but she didn't seem happy about having her identity confirmed, in fact it seems she doesn't want to get inside the castle anymore. "Master Arthur! I changed my mind! I'm leaving!" Uncle Arthur became surprised as she grabbed all her bags and tried to leave. I was shocked and impressed at her strength for a small woman. Brother Tybalt tried to chase after her but Father grabbed on to him, keeping him away, as it was clear he might make things worse.

Uncle Arthur chased after Miss Kore. Father carried me in whilst dragging brother in with the other hand. He gently placed me down on the sofa and let brother go who fell back on his rump. I laughed a little at this and my father smiled at my reaction. "Father, why did you drag me in here!?" Father glared at him and brother flinched. "You will explain exactly why, the best healer your uncle found for your sister is now avoiding our castle like the plague." Brother Tybalt scratched the back of his head awkwardly and laughed. "I met her during an expedition. She was one of the apprentice healers there and I was horribly wounded after accidentally falling down a cliff…" Father sighed at his words. "I have seen you battle all sorts of creatures and you remain unscathed, yet you manage to fall down a cliff like an idiot…" I covered my face, trying not to laugh. "Anyways…" Brother continued his story. "She had healed my wounds. It took her 3 days of constant healing and care and she was so strong willed and caring that I instantly fell in love and professed my love to her that's all!"

I felt my heart flutter a little, I never thought about the ideas of love before. I always thought it was something I would never have in life but maybe…maybe now I could…I clenched my heart over my chest. I wasn't sure if I could ever open my heart to someone but I do secretly wish I could one day… Father spoke, breaking me out of my own thoughts. "If that's all it was then why is she so hell bent on running away from you?" Brother Tybalt looked genuinely lost as he replied "I don't know." Just then Me and Brother both jumped as the door was thrown open with a slam and Father immediately put up his guard.

I hope your enjoying the story so far and if you like it please add it to your library and leave me a review if you'd like! thankyou for reading and take care! <3

- Celeste

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