
Fatal Kiss.

Iridesa was nothing more than a worthless slave who lived a horrible life at the inn she was forced to slave away at, always battered and abused by the owners in exchange for food and shelter since the day she was born. One day the innkeeper and his wife sold Iridesa to a brothel, unable to escape such a fate. Iridesa was about to end her life until a stranger came and saved her and when asked why he would go to such lengths for her he replied “I’m your father.” After she was taken in by her father her life had changed completely and 7 years later as Iridesa Orion she met him. The beautiful and mysterious Fay named Cillian Cassiopeia. ~Synopsis~ He stood before me as he looked deep into my eyes, my plump lips throbbed from his ravaging kiss and I felt drunk and hazy for more. He stroked a thumb over my lips as he spoke, his voice so deep it makes my entire core tremble. “When a Fae decides to claim a woman, he will have her at all costs. I want to claim you as mine. Do you know what that means?” My heart pounded at his words and I licked my lips nervously, noticing the predatory glint in his eyes when I did that. I asked “w-what does it mean?” He lowered his head to my ears knowing how sensitive they are and spoke with a seductive voice that made me melt. “It means I will marry you and mark both your body and soul as mine. I will make you scream my name in pleasure and I will show you just how much I yearn for a taste of you.” She let out a small gasp at his words and he growled low in his throat satisfied at her body's response to him. "You know one kiss is not enough. Now that I've had a taste I'm addicted..." He held my face and came closer, my heart pounded excitedly as I felt his breath close to mine once again. "C-Cillian..." I moaned his name and he growled like a beast. "Iridesa, Open your mouth and stick out your tongue..." ~end of synopsis~ Iridesa quickly finds herself craving more from this mysterious Fae but at the same time her mothers hidden past and dark secrets catch up putting all those she loves in danger, as she's caught in the web of a malicious trap she does everything she can to fight back as forces try to tear the two of them apart. Will their love prevail or will she still always be the same 12 year old girl who once had no will to live. DISCLAIMER - I don't own the copyrights to the cover image and will take it down upon request.

Celest2354 · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 29 - You're strange.

Chapter 29 - You're strange.

I stepped inside and at the back of the large room sat two people at a desk.

The headmaster was an old man with a long white beard and small glasses. He wore a robe similar to uncle Arthur's Mage robe but a lot more extravagant. He called out to me in a gentle voice. "Iridesa Orion, I presume." I quickly responded, my nerves everywhere. "T-that's me…"

Sat next to him was the deputy head. She was an old woman who seemed to be only a few years younger than him. She had sharp features and a stern expression. Her gray hair was pulled back in a bun and she wore a black formal gown. She called out to me. "Come close, child." 

I walked over to them and stood before them.

She looked at me and picked up some documents.

"You are the daughter of Lord Orion of Crescent city, correct?" I nodded "yes Ma'am."

The headmaster who sat next to her smiled. "Everyone here is very curious to see the daughter of such a great and powerful person. I have to say you look to be the complete opposite of your father yet I see the same determination in your eyes that I once saw in his."

I smiled at his words "your uncle Arthur had attended the academy didn't he?" He asked and I nodded "Yes, he did."

The Deputy called me over to stand before their desk. "Stand over here, please. I will measure your magic affinity and then we will give you your charm." I stood in front of her holding out my hand.

She placed a stone in the palm of my hands. "This is your magic charm, it's essential this always stays with you no matter what. Now hold still as I measure your affinity."

I was really worried as the last time master Octavius tried there wasn't even a dim glow but maybe the magic charms will work a bit differently, I had heard they change color depending on the person.

As long as I don't get purple then I should be fine as that was very unusual and frowned upon by some people.

I waited patiently and the charm began to glow. "Oh my…" the deputy exclaimed as she saw the color of my stone. The headmaster smiled "how peculiar. It's been a long time since I last saw anyone with a purple charm."

I looked down and felt saddened at the ominous color of my charm. "I see…" I said sullenly but the headmaster and deputy, however, didn't seem disappointed and smiled at me. "It seems you're quite a unique one. I really look forward to having you here." The Deputy mistress said I looked up at them confused and then smiled. "Thank you, I look forward to studying here and I am grateful for the opportunity!" I bit my tongue at my loud voice. They smiled at me and gave me permission to leave. 

Kodi stood outside waiting. "So how did it go?" I smiled nervously as I held out my charm. We both stood in silence. "Haa…I always knew you'd be bad luck…" I hit him across the head with my timetable. "Stop being mean!"

Eventually we went to the dining hall to have supper which wasn't bad at all and then we retired to our rooms as I was much too exhausted from all the traveling.

I entered my room and was startled when I saw a girl standing there.

I had forgotten I was sharing with a roommate.

I entered and shut the door, she didn't really say much so I decided to introduce myself first. "Hi, I'm your new roommate Iridesa." I say as I smile at her.

The girl just looks at me with a straight face and I feel awkward as we stand in silence.

"My name is Mila Cassiopeia."

I was startled by her name. Cassiopeia was the name given to all Faes. I notice how her body may be small and slender but she was taller than me in height which is a common characteristic in Faes.

She had a rosy complexion and green eyes. Her black hair was long and thick. She was quite beautiful. "Are you perhaps a Fae?" I asked, and she flinched at my question.

"Yes. If you don't feel comfortable being around me you're free to ask for a room change like the rest…" She began removing her uniform as she said this.

I looked confused. "Why would I do that?"

She became still before she put on her nightgown. I walked over to my side of the bed and removed my uniform. "I really hope we can get along well, Mila."

I say as I put on my nightgown. She dresses and looks at me confused.

"You're strange." She says and I flinch.

Kodi did always say that, but just like him the way she said it didn't really make it feel like a bad thing. I smiled and got into bed. "Goodnight, Mila."

She turned around in her bed facing away from me and turned off her lamp.

I felt awkward that she didn't respond but didn't really mind.

"Good night…Iridesa…" I thought I heard a faint voice, but she was still facing away.

I smiled and hoped maybe we could become good friends. She did seem a little distant but she didn't seem bad so I was really hoping we could get to know each other more. I thought about what she said about how others have changed rooms because of her, I felt annoyed at the idea.

Why would someone do that, was it because she's a fae. I do recall Master Octavius telling me that Faes tend to be the target of envy by other humans.

The thought made me feel a bit upset. I remembered how it felt to be treated differently than others and because of it I didn't feel the right to do it to others. I suddenly remembered the person I saw at the waterfall today. My heart began to race and I found it very difficult to sleep that night. 

The next morning I put on my uniform feeling a bit sluggish, Curse that gorgeous man at the waterfall! I couldn't get him out of my head all night! I looked over at Mila's tidy bed. She had gotten up much earlier it seems and set off. I sighed "I wish we could have gone to class together…" I put on my blazer and combed my hair before I left.

I raced over towards Kodi who stood at the entrance.

"Good morning, Kodi!" I exclaimed excitedly. He greeted me with a straight face. "Morning."

He had always been so expressionless since I met him but I didn't mind after all that's just who he is. "Are you excited for your first class?" I smiled brightly. "Definitely! Also I forgot to tell you my roommate is a fae! How cool is that?"

He looked at me surprised. "Your roommate is Mila?" I nodded.

"Yeah, do you know each other?"

He shook his head. "Not personally, but everyone knows her. After all she's the only Fae at the academy who's a student. She's also in our class." I was surprised to hear that. "I hope you're ok with being her roommate, as she doesn't really seem to like being around people, which one can't really blame her. Everyone here pretty much shuns her because they think she got top place at this academy because she's a Fae."

I felt annoyed at his words. "That can't be true, even though magic affinity is important but to determine rank you must take a written exam. Which means she must be quite exceptional to have gotten first place!"

Kodi nodded, "That's true, but people don't care about facts. Humans tend to always outcast Faes since the beginning of time."

I had studied that once and it really irritated me.

We soon reached our classroom. All the students noticed me and I felt a bit nervous. I never really like having to be the center of attention. Luckily Kodi was a wallflower and sat at the back of the class and I joined him.

"It's quite a magnificent classroom…" I looked around noticing how everything was of the best qualities and screamed luxury.

"That's one of the big things about the academy. They can afford such luxuries." Kodi explained. "We will always be in this class, but we might have different teachers depending on the subjects." Kodi explained to me more about how the academy works and I listened intently.

I had noticed Mila sat quietly at the other end of the class and waved, she noticed but looked away and I smiled awkwardly.

Soon the teacher had arrived and we all faced forward. "Good morning everyone." The teacher looked quite young and handsome and I noticed how some of the girls fawned over him.

He had blue eyes and silky blond hair. His complexion was quite bright and he wore a gentle smile. "I heard we have a new student today." Everyone turned to look at me and I shrunk back in my chair a little. "Hi, there I'm your teacher Cirque Malvoke, you may address me as master Cirque."

I stood up and introduced myself. "I'm Iridesa Orion, nice to meet you." Everyone began murmuring after hearing my fathers name.

Master Cirque however just smiled. "If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask and I look forward to teaching you. You may be seated." I nodded and sat back down. 

The class went on for three hours.

Master Cirque taught us about different magical devices and their properties.

I used Kodi's notes and caught up pretty fast and really enjoyed learning all the various tools and devices that were used by mages. Soon the lesson had come to an end and everyone began clearing the class.

I was about to follow after Kodi when Master Cirque called out to me. "Iridesa, could I ask you for a favor please."

I walked over. "Yes, sir." He smiled at me and looked over at the pile of books on the table, "Could you please help me carry some of these over to a teachers office. I must return these to him today and I can't carry them all alone." I nodded my head and smiled. "I'm happy to be of help." Master Cirque passed me a stack and followed him through the corridors to the office. 

Once we had gotten there he opened the door and walked into a room with multiple doors to individual offices.

He entered the third one and placed the books on the desk. "There, all done. Thank you for your help." I smiled. "It's my pleasure."

We then heard a voice from behind, as the door shut behind us. "You finally returned the books, Cirque." I felt goosebumps at the familiarity of the voice behind me, I had a feeling I had heard his voice before.

Master Cirque smiled at the person behind me. "Ah! Cillian, there you are. Sorry I took so long I couldn't find the time to bring them over, but thanks to Iridesa here I finally managed."

I turned around and my eyes met a pair of purple eyes and I was stunned, "YOU!?" I exclaimed. I saw the same man from that day at the waterfall.

His eyes widened as he saw me and then he smirked. "We meet again…" I look at him dumbfounded as he smirks at me.

Master Cirque smiled at the both of us, "Have you both met before?" I was gonna answer but before he could say anything he spoke. "We met yesterday, we didn't really get to introduce ourselves but she really seemed to take a liking to my magic staff."

I flushed bright red at his words, knowing full well what he meant Master Cirque on the other hand innocently smiled, "I see, how nice. Iridesa this is one of the teachers here, Master Cillian Cassiopiea." I felt stunned at his words, this pervert was a teacher!?

"Wait, Cassiopeia as in Fae…?" I asked and Master Cirque nodded. Just then Master Cirque is called over by another tutor and leaves.

I stand alone with Master Cillian in the room.

What the heck am I supposed to say to him!?

He speaks in that low deep voice that makes me melt. "So, do you always go around peeking at others?" I blush at his words. "O-Ofcourse not! I just happened to be there, besides why didn't you have any clothes on!?"

He smiled as he enjoyed my reactions. "I did, I was wearing a traditional Fae robe but it slipped off when I fell in the water." I remember hearing a splash before so it seems he's telling the truth. "I see…well I'll be leaving now."

As I was about to leave he stopped me. "Wait." I look up at him as he stands before me, I can't help but feel goosebumps at the size difference. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

I looked at him confused. "I don't think so?" He smirks and I bite my lip. He's probably just teasing me again! I notice how his gaze falls on my lips and I let go, feeling strange at the way his eyes burn as they watch me. "I'm not forgetting anything, now I must leave." I quickly hurried out of there trying to calm my racing heart.

Cillian watches his little prey leave and smiles as he remembers the innocent ways she reacts when he teases her.

He looked down at the small anklet in his hands, he had noticed her drop it that day as she left and held on to it. He could have given her it back right now but a part of him wanted to hold on to it so he could see her again.

He didn't know what it was but he could feel she had a strong hold over him and he was craving for more.

He recalled the way she bit her plump lips and felt his mouth go dry at the sight. "Damn…I wonder what her lips would taste like…?"