
Who is She

As soon as he his kitten agreed to the date he felt his face twitch as a full blown smile threatened to come out. He did not want to immediately show off his excitement lest she found him uncool. Sitting down on her couch he took out his work phone and started working on some files and emails he had to complete. In the middle of reviewing some documents his phone received a call from his secretary. Picking up the phone he knew that Lei Shufen would not call if he did not have important news. He had already told him that he would be off in the morning and to push his meetings to later, especially not to call unless it needed his immediate direct attention.


Lei Shufen was nervous, he knew his boss told him not to call but he had important news that he needed to know just in case anything happened.



"Boss I have called to inform you that the Zhong Fu Company has attempted to cheat us. Through our intel, we were able to get information that the proposal they sent to us was fake and they have allied with different companies to trick us into accepting the proposal so they could later release a scandal targetting us and sue us in court for fraud.

"Who gave them the confidence. I want them blacklisted immediately. Tell everyone that we will never do business with them and anyone who does so is directly going against me."

"Yes of course." The anger in his boss's voice could have killed a man by now but it was warranted. Who told them to try and deceive his boss - did they really think that they would not be caught. It was a shame but he knew that every single person involved will find themselves on the streets in less than an hour.

"I want all the names and companies involved sent to me right now. Leave the proposal on my desk, even I would like to see how they planned to overthrow me."

Without waiting for a response he hung up the phone. 'It seems like I have been too lenient recently, random little bugs think they can challenge me. Destroying them will be fun and an easy way to remind everyone who exactly he is.' Texting instructions to Shufen he ordered the destruction of their companies plus any hidden scandals to be broadcasted by all the media channels. He wanted them killed to a point of no return. Finishing his message he noticed a presence behind him. 'How much did she hear? Does she dislike me more now that she has heard his ruthlessness?" Turning around to look at her he saw a small body walk past him before he could get a proper look. As she walked towards the door he saw her slim hips and firm body in tight blue jeans and a loose black blouse. Her legs were long and her cute little behind tempted him as it swayed with every step.

This was the first time she wore somewhat form fitting clothes, he knew she had a good body but today just reconfirmed it. She slipped on her shoes and turned around to face him with a smirk "Ready to go?"

His heart hurt, with one smirk he felt like an arrow had wounded him. How was it possible for her to have such control over him with something as simple as a smirk. He was beginning to doubt his previous persona, was he even the cruel underworld king he saw himself as.

Composing himself he made his way to her and grabbed his key.

"After you kitten."

Heading down he took her towards his parked car. Opening the door he let her get in first, his hand on her head protecting her from bumping it. Entering his car he pulled away from the curb and headed straight towards his favourite breakfast restaurant.

Ying Yue was slightly impressed. He had come alone and the car was expensive but not flashy like other people with his amount of money.

"Do you drive often?"

Xi Long was happy that she herself had asked him a question. It was the first time she had asked about him, this meant she at least had a little bit of interest in him.

"Mhm, I prefer driving myself. Outside of work hours its hard to find anyone driving me unless I have a meeting."

"Okay." At that she turned her head to stare out the window and sat in the comfortable silence. She was still a little sleepy so she held her head in her hand and leaned against the window to rest her eyes.

Looking over at her he was slightly surprised to see her nodding off. It was very cute. He could see her fight her sleepiness but eventually fall asleep again. He could see the bags under her eyes and could tell that she had probably not slept properly last night. 'Was it because of me?' A small mark of joy lit inside, he would enjoy if she lost some sleep because of him as he already had lost many over her.

Arriving at the destination he gently shook her awake. Ying Yue had woke up as soon as he touched her and on reflex gripped his wrist and bent it, her whole body on alert. She was slightly confused but woke up completely when she saw the body attached to the wrist she grabbed. It was Han Xi Long and they had apparently arrived at the food spot. It was shocking that she fell asleep in his presence. She was trained since young to be able to survive on the minimum which included sleeping. The concept of falling asleep in front of him meant that her defences were weakening. His existence is becoming dangerous for her - she could not let this continue.

Xi Long on the other hand was pleasantly surprised by her quick reflexes. 'She's definitely more complex than he had initially assumed. She was a trained fighter.' He watched as her hazy eyes cleared with recognition as she held is wrist at a dangerous angle. It would have broken any other man but to him it felt like a soft pull. Her slightly rough hand gripped his and he couldn't bare to rip her touch away from him.

"You know, I'm more than willing to hold your hand. Grabbing my wrist works too."

Releasing his hand she quickly got down from the car, her ears tinged red with slight embarrassment. Ignoring his deep chuckle she silently followed him into the small restaurant. She recognized the place it was Noir Blanche, a small fancy but down to earth french establishment. They were greeted by the manager and a couple of the staff, all bowing at a 90 degree angle. 'Wonder if he ever gets tired of the needless exchanges like this.'

"Welcome to Noir Blanche. We have prepared a small secluded table at the corner of the restaurant for you. Please follow me." The old manager glanced at the fierce tycoon and his eyes widened by the female next to him. He was rumored to be a man who never had a woman by his side but here today he was. Unable to see her face because of the black face mask his curiosity rose. Idol? Model? Politician? Criminal? The possibilities were endless.

Taking them to their prepared place he took one more quick glance and left the couple. Signaling the waitress he went to attend to other matters. The waitress walked over and handed them the menus. She took quick but frequent glances at the cold but handsome man in front of her. The woman seated across from him had half her face covered but was evidently a beauty. She couldn't hide her jade skin and luscious black hair that paired with her clear eyes were stunning.

"We'll have water for now. Are you ready to order?"

Ying Yue nodded. As she was opening her mouth to order a shrill voice interrupted her.

"Omo Xi Long, fancy seeing you here! Haven'f seen you in so long, why haven't you messaged me." A gorgeous woman with blonde hair and dressed in an expensive bodycon dress, makeup painted on walked towards them. On immediate glance you could tell what type of woman she was, narcissistic and believed she was a total package. The blonde woman glanced at the man she has been dreaming about since her dad mentioned him. Looking over she noticed another woman sitting at the same table. By the looks of it was beautiful but poor, not one branded item could be found on her. 'Hmph this will be easy.'

"Who is she? Excuse me do you mind getting up, Xi Long and I haven't met in a long time. Here's $1000 for your trouble, now move along."

Slightly longer chapter than usual (1400 + words wow!!) the words kept flowing out for this chapter haha. How do you think this date will turn out? Will Ying Yue get jealous over this mystery new girl? Who is she?

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