
Fast Forward to Dating! Right Now, Immediately!

Hayama, a former math prodigy, suddenly finds himself thrown into a mind-boggling world like nothing he's ever known—a fantastical blend of anime worlds. However, there's a tiny hitch: he's completely clueless about anime! As Hayama dives headfirst into this mind-blowing mashup of anime worlds, he stumbles upon characters from Saekano, Oregairu, and many others! Armed with his analytical mind, he must find his place in this anime-inspired universe while embracing its outrageous waifus.

Mastaaah · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs


"Pervert!" Ginko exclaimed, raising her fan with the intention of striking him. However, a sudden recollection of his effortless catch from the previous night made her hesitate. She lightly tapped Hayama with the fan and swiftly withdrew it.

"Just kidding. You're so uptight, portraying me as a criminal. No sense of humor whatsoever," Hayama said with a shrug. He then removed his backpack and asked, "Do you want to taste some of my milk?"

"Absolutely vile, revolting, distasteful!" Ginko shouted, hitting his sides in quick succession. Skillfully, he intercepted her final hit with his hand and said, "Hey, it's going too far to hit me just because I offered you some milk."

"Hayama, I'm sorry. It should have been me who offered Ginko the milk." Kato retrieved a bottle from her backpack and extended it to Ginko.

"Who are you? When did you get here?" Ginko finally took notice of the person standing next to him.

"Didn't Kato speak just now? Didn't you hear?" He expressed mild surprise at Kato's ability to become invisible.

"It's alright. I'm used to it." Kato silently retrieved her phone and activated the Stealth Kato mode.

Hayama and Ginko directed their gazes towards Kato and exchanged glances. "Why don't we head to the gym? They have an indoor soccer field there."

The gymnasium...

Ginko examined the soccer ball she held in her hands and cast a perplexed look at Hayama. Her eyes reflected her confusion as she asked, "Why does the ball now appear considerably smaller compared to the one you played with earlier?"

"This is a size 3 ball," He explained, gesturing towards the soccer ball in her hands. "The one I played with previously was a standard size 5 ball, so naturally, it's smaller."

"So we're opting for the size 3 ball since the indoor soccer field is smaller, right?"

"Actually, the indoor soccer field typically uses a size 4 ball, but considering your relatively small build, it's easier to trip and fall when playing with a size 4 ball, so..."

"You're dead meat!"

The soccer ball hurtled towards Hayama, but he skillfully sidestepped it, swiftly volleying it into the far goal.

"Thanks for the assist. Now, would you mind retrieving the ball from the goal?"

Ginko clenched her teeth, her eyes burning with fury, 'If training doesn't work, you're done for!'

"Pick up the pace, jog forward!" he urged.

As she retrieved the ball, he had already sketched three circles on the ground, forming an equilateral triangle with sides measuring ten meters. Each circle had a diameter of one meter.

He explained, "Each person stays within their own small circle, and passing the ball should only be done within that circle. If a pass goes beyond the circle, the passer must retrieve the ball. If the pass stays within the circle but isn't caught, the receiver is responsible for fetching the ball."

The rules were straightforward. Kato and Ginko positioned themselves within their designated circles, and Hayama gently passed the ball.

The training began.

As Ginko moved to receive the ball with a simple through pass, it unexpectedly slipped right between her legs, instantly eliciting a slight blush on her face.

"What are you waiting for? Go get the ball!"

He was taken aback by Ginko's inability to handle such a simple pass, especially considering her proficiency in shogi. It became evident to him that she was truly inept when it came to sports. 'Her sports skills are worse than me in my past life,' he mused silently.

Ginko caught wind of his command and responded with an irritated glare. Annoyed, she jogged over to retrieve the ball, swiftly kicked it out, and it landed neatly at Kato's feet.

"You executed that pass quite well! I actually thought it was intended for me. I'd give it an eighty out of a hundred," he complimented.

Ginko maintained her silence. Initially, she had intended to pass the ball to Hayama, but a mishap in her kick resulted in it landing at Kato's feet. She was determined to bury this embarrassing truth deep within her heart.

Kato discreetly retrieved her phone again, casually passing the ball to Hayama's feet while scrolling through the news.

He deftly flicked the ball with his right foot, lofting it in a half-high arc that landed precisely within Ginko's circle. She made an attempt to touch the ball with her foot, but to her dismay, it bounced off with great force, soaring more than ten meters away. "Is he doing this intentionally?" she wondered, frustration evident in her thoughts.

He rubbed his nose, perplexed by Ginko's failure to catch the ball. A thought crossed his mind, "Could it be that her previous pass was a fluke?"


"Hey, Ginko. Kato performs better while using her phone than you do in soccer. Show some of that enthusiasm you have for shogi!"

He added, "The ball is behind you, so don't look elsewhere!"

"Your kick is even weaker than my grandmother's! She has more power!"

After approximately half an hour of playing, Ginko found herself seated on a bench, panting heavily, "I'm done playing."

"Well, let's call it a day then,"

Hayama and Ginko shared the sentiment of not wanting to continue the session. Ginko's sports skills proved to be overwhelmingly lacking, riddled with numerous errors of various kinds.

"If we're finished playing, I'll head back now," Kato announced, approaching Hayama with a small bag strapped to her back.

"It's getting late. Let's grab a meal together," He suggested.

With the hour surpassing six o'clock and nearing seven o'clock, the three of them settled down at a restaurant, ready to enjoy a well-deserved meal.

"Three servings of eel rice, please," He placed the order.

Eel rice is available in two variations: Hitsumabushi and Unadon. Hitsumabushi is typically served in an exquisite lacquerware container, while Unadon is served in a regular bowl. In terms of taste, there isn't much disparity between the two, except that Hitsumabushi generally boasts two to three times more eel compared to Unadon.

Promptly, three servings of Hitsumabushi were brought to the table, permeating the air with the tantalizing fragrance of grilled fish.


While enjoying the food, he abruptly paused and directed his attention to Ginko. "How does it feel?"

Ginko, taken aback by the unexpected question, hesitated and avoided making eye contact, "Um... well, it's not bad. The flavor is somewhat unique."

"I meant your experience during the training. Why are you talking about the food?"

"Enough talking, just eat!" she snapped.

At the train station...

"Thank you for today, Hayama. I'll be heading back now," Kato said, adjusting her school uniform. She boarded the train and turned her head, addressing Ginko, "Aren't you getting on?"

Ginko bit her lip, realizing the potential misunderstanding if she didn't board the train. With that thought in mind, she handed a note to Hayama, leaving a message, "Here's my LINE ID. Don't forget to add me when you get back."

The train shuttled through the city, and Kato and Ginko couldn't find seats, so they stood together.

"How did you know I was taking this train too?" Ginko asked in a hushed voice.

"We get off at the same station," Kato responded matter-of-factly.

Once Kato and Ginko departed, Hayama's train arrived. He tucked the note he received away and positioned himself to board the train. However, just as he was about to step in, a black-haired beauty, engrossed in a book, pushed past him and claimed the last available seat.

Hayama didn't feel irritated by this turn of events. After all, he only needed to travel for one station before reaching his home.

It must be acknowledged that the girl in front of Hayama was undeniably stunning, blessed with delicate features and an impeccably proportioned figure. Her legs, adorned in black stockings, gave off an alluring charm beneath the dim illumination of the train.

His eyes briefly landed on the book cover she was holding, a recently released light novel titled "Love Metronome." As his gaze traveled upward, he couldn't help but notice a hint of anger on her face. Her words, laced with a touch of annoyance, broke the silence. "Do you want to get closer for a better look, young man?"

"No need, my stop's coming up."