
Fast Forward to Dating! Right Now, Immediately!

Hayama, a former math prodigy, suddenly finds himself thrown into a mind-boggling world like nothing he's ever known—a fantastical blend of anime worlds. However, there's a tiny hitch: he's completely clueless about anime! As Hayama dives headfirst into this mind-blowing mashup of anime worlds, he stumbles upon characters from Saekano, Oregairu, and many others! Armed with his analytical mind, he must find his place in this anime-inspired universe while embracing its outrageous waifus.

Mastaaah · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

FFD 26

"Hayama, what do you think of this piece?" Kato asked, standing in front of the fitting mirror. A red shawl hung gracefully over her shoulders, effortlessly complementing the bow on her chest.

"I think it looks good."

As they strolled together, he couldn't help but notice that Kato was like a living mannequin, effortlessly pulling off any kind of outfit. However, these clothes didn't do much to compensate for her lack of presence.

She glanced at him with an emotionless expression. "That sounds so half-assed. You've said the same thing at least ten times today."

"Well, the combination of the red shawl and the snow-white dress is like a blazing bonfire in the midst of winter. It's the clash of cold and heat merging into one, creating a perfect harmony. With the bow as its backdrop, it shines like the rising sun, painted with the delicate hues of dawn. It's radiant, just like a lotus blooming amidst turbulent waters."

"Is this some composition exercise for elementary school kids based on a picture?" she quipped, turning her head and adjusting her posture in front of the mirror.

"Kato, anything you wear looks great!"

"Oh, that sounds even more half-assed. But, I guess I'm slightly happy," she responded, suddenly turning around. She placed her hands behind her back and leaned forward, getting dangerously close to him.

"I'm also quite happy." He instinctively raised his head, but as he did, the faint fragrance emanating from her reached his nose, causing his heart to race involuntarily.

"Kato, you've finished shopping for your clothes. Should we head back or grab something to eat?" he glanced at his watch as they stepped out of the clothing store.

"My clothes are taken care of, but Hayama, you haven't gotten yours yet!" she pointed towards the men's clothing section in the mall.

"Huh? I'm good. I don't really need any clothes right now."

"But I saw some outfits in a fashion magazine that would look great on you, Hayama. It's still early, let's just take a quick look." Kato, already wearing her shawl, looked irresistibly cute, making it hard for him to turn down her request.

"Hey, Kato, why does this outfit come with so many accessories?"

As Hayama studied himself in the mirror, a tinge of embarrassment washed over him. The jacket, a fusion of deep green and deep blue, was decked out with an abundance of metal accents—screws, gears, hinges, and random bits of metal, leaving no inch untouched. It even boasted a collection of more than a dozen turbine-style buttons, giving it an eccentric and eye-catching vibe.

"Um, this is like a mash-up of the latest post-apocalyptic and cyberpunk trends! Don't you like it, Hayama?" she seemed quite pleased, especially with how the style perfectly suited his physique, adding an extra dose of coolness to his overall appearance.

Hayama blinked, a realization dawning on him that this outfit didn't quite resonate with his personal style. With all the metal components adorning the clothes, he couldn't help but wonder if he would end up sounding like a walking wind chime.

"I think I prefer something more minimalistic. This outfit has a bit too many accessories for my liking."

"Okay then, I happen to know a shop that specializes in minimalist styles. It should suit your taste, Hayama."

Taking the lead, he walked out of the store, while Kato lingered by the rack for a few seconds before eventually following him.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

As Hayama and Kato glanced at the bags filled to the brim with their shopping haul, they couldn't help but feel a bit dazed. They had set out thinking they were just going to accompany each other while shopping, but somehow, they got carried away and ended up buying loads of clothes for themselves.

"Well, Hayama, you're going to have a whole new look now," she seemed remarkably energetic, as if shopping came naturally to her. Perhaps shopping was truly a natural talent for girls.

"I owe you a big thanks, Kato, for helping me pick out all these outfits," he chuckled.

"It wasn't a hassle at all," she replied, her gaze wandering as she scanned their surroundings. Suddenly, her attention was captivated by a white beret displayed in a nearby store.

"Hayama, let's go take a look at that store."

The white beret exuded a delicate charm, covering only the top and back of the head.

Unlike typical plush berets, this particular hat was crafted from a relatively luxurious polyester fabric. It possessed a lightweight and graceful quality, devoid of the bulkiness associated with fur hats. When Kato tried it on, it seamlessly complemented her bobbed hairstyle, blending in effortlessly.

"Kato, it looks really good on you," he couldn't resist commenting.

"Really?" she took off the hat and examined it.

Hmmm, it's priced at 2,000 yen, but I only have 21,000 yen left. That dress costs 18,000 yen, and with the added sales tax, I won't be able to afford the hat. If only I had worked an extra hour for my sister. After a moment of contemplation, Kato made up her mind and decided to return the hat. "I feel like it doesn't quite go well with the rest."

Hayama pondered silently, his thoughts lingering without finding their way into words. Side by side, they strolled leisurely toward the mall's exit.



Simultaneously, their voices broke the silence.

"Kato, please go ahead and speak first."

"I need to step away for a moment. Can you wait for me, Hayama?"

"Of course, I'll wait right here for you."

"I'll be back soon," she assured before swiftly heading off.

His gaze followed Kato for a moment before he turned and went in the opposite direction.


"I'm back. Sorry for making you wait," Kato said, her cheeks slightly flushed. Her slightly labored breathing indicated that she had rushed back.

"No worries, it was only a few minutes," he quickly reassured her. He had just returned himself.

"I have a feeling you've got an extra shopping bag, Hayama," she observed, counting the bags in his hands. Something seemed off.

He blinked, surprised by her keen observation. He took out the white beret and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I thought this beret would look really good on you, um..."

She appeared lost in thought, lightly tapping her foot on the ground. "Well then, Hayama, would you mind helping me put it on?"

Hayama let out a faint smile. He gently set his shopping bags down, cradled the white beret with both hands as if it were a precious crown, and carefully placed it on her head.

"Huh? Kato, what's that in your hand?" he suddenly noticed Kato holding a distinctively styled shopping bag behind her.

"Actually, I did the same thing as you, Hayama. This is my way of saying thank you for taking care of me all this time!" she brought the shopping bag to the forefront, revealing a jacket inside.

"Let me help you put it on."

His smile grew wider as he opened his arms.

Kato assisted him in putting on the jacket, her hands delicately smoothing out any creases. He couldn't help but feel a slight warmth enveloping him.

"Stay still for a moment. There's a tiny wrinkle right here," she instructed, her hand gently pressing against his chest and giving a slight tug. A decorative button came loose and landed in her palm.

He lowered his head, inspecting the jacket. It hadn't quite looked right before, but now it seemed to fit much better.

"Why does it feel like there's a missing button?"

"Huh? Oh, no, there isn't. It's just part of the post-apocalyptic style!" Kato's voice betrayed a hint of fluster, but he chose not to expose her.

"I think the hat looks even better when worn like this," Hayama reached out and gently adjusted the position of the hat on Kato's head.

In an instant, Kato seemed to undergo a stunning transformation, appearing breathtakingly beautiful. Hayama's heart began to race, and his right hand remained suspended in the air, as if his thoughts had momentarily escaped him. Kato, too, lowered her head, her cheeks tinged with a gentle blush.


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