
Farrae Montana

'You will be surprised by what We can accomplish because of Love' Am A Black woman. Am A Strong Momma. Am A Beautiful Wife. Was a good person. This was the life I've worked hard to have. A life where I was respected. And a life where I was loved. But It was all a lie. There were people supporting me who betrayed me in the end. They killed me, took my place, my family, my wealth, my everything. But they didn't plan one thing. I reincarnated. And I am ready to get back what I lost. I am ready to have my revenge. I am ready to be the villain this time. And even otherworlders can't stop me. I don't care about the apocalypse, I only seek revenge.

Hobi_Ta · Teenager
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101 Chs

Nothing Went As Expected Part THREE.

"(Farrae)..But that in nothing excuses tour relationship with my daughter. Fucker, what did you two do before she died ?"

"(Caramel)..Nothing ma'am..Just talking."

"(Farrae)..i seeee, dick..head....I don't believe you. But well, its all in the past. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me, shitty thirty old man. See you.."





With their affairs done, Farrae hurried hersekf to the exit. Thinking about what future may upheld. Thinking about where to major. Thinking about a lot of things, things more normal than the other. But all of that came to an end when she opened the door. That door revealing a magnifique vue on the city on fire. Shooked, she immediately closed the door. She closed her eyes while holding the doorknob. As if wishing for time to go back. But in vain. With hopes in mind, she opened the door. Revealing this time, the fall of the city buildings. Was it a war ? Was it an earthquake ? Farrae looked at the massacre while hearing the cries and screams of the dying people. That's when a thought came to her mind. What if the people passed away during that incident. A big smile built up on her face with a giggling sound followed afterwards. Caramel to her side saw that scene and waw terrified of Farrae. He decided to shut up at that time which saved his life. Farrae suddenly started to jump of joy. Looking at the catastrophe taking place, her heart was overjoyed. She suddenly wanted more screams. She wanted to recognise the voices of the fuckers who killed her. And when she finally recognised some, she knelt down and prayed.

"(Farrae)..My loves...Do you hear it as me ? The fucking cries of those deadshits. Do you hear it as well ?? Listen ! Listen well, my babies !! These are the screeches of the insects who took your life...God !!! I pray to you that these damn suckers pay for what they did. I don't fucking care if its you or satan. Just dismember those useless pissoff !!! Amen..."

To be continued.
