
Farrae Montana

'You will be surprised by what We can accomplish because of Love' Am A Black woman. Am A Strong Momma. Am A Beautiful Wife. Was a good person. This was the life I've worked hard to have. A life where I was respected. And a life where I was loved. But It was all a lie. There were people supporting me who betrayed me in the end. They killed me, took my place, my family, my wealth, my everything. But they didn't plan one thing. I reincarnated. And I am ready to get back what I lost. I am ready to have my revenge. I am ready to be the villain this time. And even otherworlders can't stop me. I don't care about the apocalypse, I only seek revenge.

Hobi_Ta · Teenager
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101 Chs

Drug Sucks Part ONE.

"(Re)...Welcome, Welcome. I present myself as the head of my kind. I am Releyos Metaboluc. And.."

"(Farrae)..Wait. What is your kind exactly ?"

"(Re)...Well, it is complicated and long. Do you still want to know..?"

"(Farrae)....Yes. And I don't care, make it quick. I'm kinda hungry.."

"(Re)...Our kind lost his name a long time ago. We were originally two totally different kind before. The 'Centaur' and the 'Stayr'. And we had a universal law forbidding the mix of our blood. But it was broken by........It was broken. And time passed by, and here we are. Our upper body coming from the 'Satyr' and the lower 'Centaur'. I hope my explanation was concise and quick."

"(Farrae)..uhhh...?? Ahh right, I stopped listen after the first line. Make me food now."





"(Brown)..Hey, mom. You hearing me ?"

"(Farrae)...Yes, sweetie. You took your time. For a first time doing telepathy, how am I doing ?"


"(Farrae)....You !!! So, you still kicking, right ?"

"(Brown)..Yes. Just tired of being enclosed again. At least, #Insta app is still working."

"(Farrae)...Wait, the what is what ??! I didn't get that..."

"(Brown)..Love you, mom. And you, where are you right now ?"


"(Brown)....Why would yo..--OMG. You are in Artencia. But mom !??"

"(Farrae)...Calm down. I know what I am doing. And I must do it. I'm tired of being ignorrant and letting others decide for me."

"(Brown)...That must mean you are still on track in old woman language."

"(Farrae)....Okay....Okay...You prick. At least, I don't reveal my body to strangers, you thot."

"(Brown)..Mom !!! You can't do that..[Laughing]..."

"(Farrae)...I can because I'm your mom, not you...[Laughing]...."






"(Unknown).Good, next time, laugh more. Enjoy your tea I made, and don't forget to tell your spy to continue doing the great work. Finally, a proper slave...."

"(Brown)...Okay. Okay.. So tired. Hate talking to this bitch. I had to touch her last time. You told me that it wasn't going to happen. Yet, it happened. I will do what you told me because you're my boss before being my hubby but note that I am angry."

"(Unknown)....Ahh, sucks for you. I'm going, bye."

To be continued.


Drug Kills Life. Don't save just yours, save others too. For a better World. For a proper life. For a better future. Peace..

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