
Farrae Montana

'You will be surprised by what We can accomplish because of Love' Am A Black woman. Am A Strong Momma. Am A Beautiful Wife. Was a good person. This was the life I've worked hard to have. A life where I was respected. And a life where I was loved. But It was all a lie. There were people supporting me who betrayed me in the end. They killed me, took my place, my family, my wealth, my everything. But they didn't plan one thing. I reincarnated. And I am ready to get back what I lost. I am ready to have my revenge. I am ready to be the villain this time. And even otherworlders can't stop me. I don't care about the apocalypse, I only seek revenge.

Hobi_Ta · Teenager
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101 Chs

A Change In The Names Part FOUR[Last Part].

Allegraham went berserk in the demon world and started an apocalypse. Which has caused war. Prometheüs left on her own was up against the demons and Primal demon. And just where hope seemed to falter. Brown Farrae arrived on the battlefield to kill everybody. Will Prometheüs be able to use that chance to reverse the situation she's in ? On the other hand, Tom just arrived in the demon lords palace. Looking out for the girl in his dream but instead, met Christen. Both sticked together for now thinking it might benefit them both find what they want.

"(Farrae)...B..B !!! Wait. It has been so much time.. Please, don't leave yet. I apologize for everything I've possibly caused you. As your mothe--"

"(Brown)....As a mother, you failed. Don't fucking try to talk to me. I must take care of our little demon lord. Then, and only then, will I be all yours. Your time is up, Mother. Soon, I will retrieve the body of my sister."

"(Farrae)...i see..i'm really sorry, b...."



"(Prometheüs)..What's happening ? Where are you taking me ?? Release me, I must fight my people. I must rock some sense in them."

"(Brown)..Shhh...You will have only one job from now on. Tell me where your husband is. He has something my--"

"(Prometheüs)...--your employer wants. Too bad, he isn't here. I suggest you go look for him."

"(Brown)..You're playing with your husband's life. You do know that I can kill you right now, right away. Don't tempt me to do something I don't want to. They forced me. Soon, I will be free and safe."

"(Prometheüs)..You still haven' t changed. You are so confident in having no family. And one day, this will backfire to you."

To be continued.
