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Shattered Hearts, Vengeful Ties

Title: "Shattered Hearts, Vengeful Ties" Genres: Love Story, Thriller, Revenge In the pulsating heart of the city, where love intertwines with shadows and revenge lurks in the corners, unfolds a gripping tale of passion, betrayal, and the unrelenting pursuit of justice. Meet Olivia Sterling, a brilliant architect with a heart full of dreams and love. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she falls deeply in love with the charismatic but mysterious Adrian Blackthorne. As their romance blossoms, Olivia discovers a dark secret from Adrian's past, setting in motion a chain of events that will shatter her world. Unbeknownst to Olivia, Adrian is entangled in a web of deceit and revenge, seeking justice for a crime that robbed him of everything he held dear. The closer Olivia gets to the truth, the more dangerous their love becomes. Secrets unravel, alliances shift, and the boundaries between love and revenge blur. As the thrilling plot unfolds, Olivia finds herself torn between the man she loves and the justice he seeks. Can love survive the shadows of vengeance? Will Olivia be consumed by the dangerous game of retribution that Adrian plays? The stakes are high, and the price of revenge may be more than either of them can bear. "Shattered Hearts, Vengeful Ties" takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, where love battles betrayal, and revenge dances with passion. In the city's dimly lit corners and opulent skyscrapers, the fate of Olivia and Adrian unfolds, leaving hearts shattered and destinies forever altered. Brace yourself for a tale where love, thriller, and revenge collide in a symphony of emotions.

RK_RISHAHB · Geschichte
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【治愈+微科幻+多重身份+小病娇+双宠爽文,更多精彩等你发现~】   ——   顾朝阳,京大冷门古生物学教授,日常打扮大家闺秀,典型的温柔老师,却拥有一个偌大的私人庄园?而且里边还全是些奇奇怪怪的生物?   甚至……   没想到生活模式稳定乃至顽固的她有一天居然会打破自己准时准点的计划?   ——小场景   小奶狗:“教授姐姐,为什么别人全都叫你朝阳姐姐呢?”   某女微笑,“那当然是因为姐姐我温柔可人,人缘好呗。”女人看到前边眨着眼,一脸懵懂盯着她的男子,心里感叹。     但,谁能告诉她,这小奶狗摇身一变竟成了大狼狗?她的世界从此换了种模式?   你的田田小经纪人:【姐!亲!您什么时候再接个啥呗,电视、电影、小广告都行呀?别销声匿迹好不好?】   福叔:【小姐,您的“花园”怕是又要多派些人手了。】   ……   面对将她围了一圈的小混混团,顾朝阳微笑,“各位,稍安勿躁,打架多粗鲁,用生物的方法不是更好?”   女人话音刚落,周围的空气变得寂静,她拍了拍手,除去手上灰尘……   ——    女主外人前温柔,熟人前傲娇,实则……   男主……   欢迎入坑寻找哟~

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