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What is Sixela

Lesen Sie den Roman Sixela des Autors Alexis_jaranilla, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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In Another World I Am A Gunner Knight

Following a horrible car crash accident that leads to his death, a man was reborn into another world as Sabia. Sabia was reincarnated as the only daughter of a famous blacksmith Bardolph from the town of Ydel. Growing up, Sabia discovered a golden sniper rifle hidden in the basement of their shop. It was revealed that her grandfather made it and was inspired by his memories from his own past life. Bardolph trained Sabia how to use it in such a young age in the forest. Due to the fact that a gunner class never existed in their world, he forbid her to show her sniper rifle to everyone. But in a span of two years, Sabia became a very skilled gun user. By the time she turned seven, Volunteer Wizards from the Capital of Edelwyse Kingdom went to their town to make the young kids choose their own class. Being a physical attacker, Sabia had chosen to be a swordsman. She and the other kids were given a guide book about the list of schools they want to go to, and some of the informations about the Capital. There, Sabia learned about the Obsidian Elite Academy for Knights, an academy for the youth who dreams to be knights that will protect the kingdom. Bardolph disagreed at first, but seeing his only daughter determined to be a Holy Knight someday, he enrolled her in the Obsidian Academy with all the savings he earned. Sabia started her journey by entering the elite academy for knights as a young swordsman student, who is also a gun user in secret.

haruka4501 · Fantasie
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