

Toga_Himiko17 · Fantasie
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6 Chs


Long ago, there were two people who roamed the planet. Adam and Eve. They were the first people who walked the Earth. Together, they found the Garden of Life. They had found a magical and wonderful tree. The tree had granted them powers. They were granted the power to heal grow plants. They turned the Garden Of Life into their farm home. After several years of keeping the garden healthy and clean, they had children. Their names were, Payshie, Peggy, Alpex, Hilo, Mew and Herbie. They also had powers. Payshie had the power to make things fluffy like wool or use wooly attacks. Peggy was able to dig very well and fast. Alpex was able to cover himself in wool that acts like protective armor and spits a mucus that explodes. Hilo's legs were very strong, he was able to kick things very hard. Mew and Herbie are twins with opposite powers. Mew had qualities of a cat like scratching, jumping high and landing on her feet. Herbie had dog qualities. He was able to bark ear bursting sounds, smell even the faintest scent and has the best ears.

There was another family who were enemies of Adam and Eve's farm. They hated things that grew. The parent were called Gary and Fiona. Fiona was able to work with garbage and use it as a weapon. Gary would create dangerous and deadly technology. They had 3 kids. The first was Toxi. She was able to create toxin from her skin and use it as a weapon. Next was Dethly. She was able to kill things with deadly gases and poisons of all sorts. And last was Wendell. She was an expert in many weapons. Especially swords and knifes.

These two families were always reborn into the next generation until one of them were beaten.

If one had been officially defeated then they will live normal lives keeping their powers. They would protect the city so long as they lived. And there kids would have powers. And then there kids would have children with powers and so forth. Until then, they will fight and fight.