
Farming Villains and Heros to become Immortal

I jinxed myself and was hit by a truck. When I thought that it was all over and i would be sent to enjoy the afterlife I was told that i was going to the Reincarnation Well to live a new life. Even that was denied from me as I accidently transmigrated to the immortal realm. Join me as I farm the vilains and sons of destiny to become immortal.

BlueBone · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter-7 Eternal Ice Valley

The seven rainbow suns were shining brightly in the sky. A young man and a woman were standing in front of a golden three story building. The young man had sharp black eyes, aquiline nose, and finger length black hair, tall and lean body. The woman on the other hand had long black silky hair, beautiful red eyes, thick lashes and half of her face was covered by a veil.

"Miss Mei, you are looking beautiful as always."

"Thanks for the complement Fang Ryuu, but let's skip the formalities and get over with this mission as soon as we can." Mei Lei replied in her sweet voice.

"…" Fang Ryuu smiled wryly.

"Come on, we will ride on Fei'er to get to the Eternal Ice Valley." She slapped the beast pouch on her waist and a golden phoenix ten times the size of Baibai came flying out of the small beast pouch.

"Why not BaiBai?"

"How can BaiBai compare to my Fei'er, my Fie'er is the queen of the sky."

Looking at the huge golden phoenix, Fang Ryuu said "fair enough"

Mei Lei jumped on Fei'er and sat down. Fang Ryuu followed and sat down beside her.

"Fang Ryuu, stay 10 meters away from me"

"*Hmmfff* Miss Mei, I think you are over estimating your beauty." Fang Ryuu got up from her side and sat down twenty meter away from her. Closing his eyes he started cultivating.

'Why do I feel so attracted to her? I thought that I successfully subdued the heart demon. It's like I can't control myself when I am around her.'

"Your actions say otherwise" Mei Lei victoriously smiled at him.

The phoenix flapped its broad wings and took off in the west.

Time slowly passed. The seven suns travelled over the horizon. Day changed into night, and 15 days went by.

A huge phoenix was flying in the sky. Two people were sitting on the back of the phoenix.

"Wow! So this is the famous Eternal Ice Valley" Fang Ryuu stared at the vast expanse of surrounded by huge mountains in amazement.

'Wow! This scene is only second to the stars shining brightly in the vast space. I'm sure that the mountains and valleys of earth are nothing before this. '

"What's so great about this valley? Fang Ryuu, you really are a sheltered young master. "

"…" Fang Ryuu looked at Mei Lei and kept quiet.

'This woman… how can I still have feelings for her?!'

"Let's go. We need to fly on our own or Fei'er might melt the whole mountain down." Mei Lei ordered Fei'er to land and put her in the beast pouch.

Fang Ryuu and Mei Lei flew on their flying swords and soon entered the Eternal Valley. The Eternal Ice Valley is one of the most famous place in Laniakea planet, in fact it was one of the major attraction of Laniakea Galaxy. Eternal Ice Valley is a vast expanse of land filled with ice and snow all year round.

It is said that this place is made from the highest grade of ice laws, which are very useful for peak level Ascendant Realm expert, if he/she is shedding his/her mortal status and ascending to Immortal realm. Thus it is a place that even Ascendant realm experts might have difficulty in.

As Fang Ryuu and Mei Lei went deeper and deeper in the Eternal Ice valley the cold started to increase, forcing them to use their qi to prevent the bone chilling cold from entering their bodies. Soon 15 days went by, Fang Ryuu and Mei Lei were forced to tread the valley on their foot to save their qi. They had killed many ice beasts including a mid-ascendant ice behemoth. Fang Ryuu's cultivation even reached the verge of breakthrough.

"Miss Mei, lets rest and restore our qi"

"What? Tired already? Does the young master of Fang Clan need me to protect him from the cold?" Mei Lei scoffed at him.

"No need. Let's keep going if you want to, but keep in mind that we are not going to rest anytime soon." Fang Ryuu touched his spacial and took out a white fur coat and put in on.

"What???!! Is that the coat made from the fur of the peak-ascendant Everfrost Woolly Mammoth that was auctioned at 100 million top tier qi stones????" Mei Lei stared at Fang Ryuu in utter shock.

"Hmm. Yup. Why are you so shocked? Did you forgot that our Fang Clan is the richest clan in the inner circle of universe?" Fang Ryuu said as he took out a glowing white pill from his and eat it.

"?? Is this tier 7 pill? Σ(°Д°υ)"

"What never heard of a cold thwarting pill? *Hmmff*Broke ass lead disciple."

"I don't waste my wealth on useless pills and treasures like this, after all I'm a fire cultivator. We should hurry now, the Bone Chilling Fire Lotus is about to bloom."

They both started walking towards the location where the lotus will bloom, but after half a day Mei Lei suddenly stopped and started shivering in cold.

"Fang Ryuu, lets rest and restore our qi"

"HAHA. Tired already? Does the lead disciple of the flying phoenix sect need me to protect her from the cold?"

"You! No, let's just keep on going" Mei Lei said as she started walking forward while shivering.


'It's so cold and my qi and divine sense are also depleting at a fast pace. Why did I have to refuse his proposal to restore our qi? I need to keep my ego in check'

'*ugh* This Fang Ryuu is so annoying. Does he think he could resist this cold with just his peak void shattering realm cultivation? He is nothing without not for his money and clan.'

As Mei Lei thought all this, she suddenly felt a pair of hands placing something warm on her shoulders. Turning around and saw Fang Ryuu putting his white fur coat over her shoulders.

"You can have the coat for now. Take this pill, it will restore your qi and help you recover from fatigue" Fang Ryuu said to her in a soft and caring tone.

"Thanks Fang Ryuu"

Due to her weakened divine sense, fatigue and low qi she forgot that Fang Ryuu was being so intimate her and thanked him.

"No this is what I should do. After all I'm your fiancé even if we are going to break the engagement soon"

'I guess he is not that annoying'

They continued walking for 20 days and finally reached the location where the lotus will bloom.

"The lotus will bloom soon and this area will be filled with high level beasts soon. We will wait till the beasts fight it out and then kill the weakened surviving beast." Fang Ryuu said.

"Yea let's do that."

Fang Ryuu casually took out a tier 7 concealing formation flag from his spacial ring and set up their hiding area.

"We will hide and wait inside this formation."

"(・о・)? Just how many Ascendant grade treasures have you brought with you for this mission? "

"Better be safe than sorry."
