
Farming As An OP Immortal In DxD With Zenith Greyrat As My Lovely Wife

Immortality at times can cause immortals to become bored of life. This particular overpowered immoral who is known as Lux chose to go a different route in his next life. A route that ended up with him taking Zenith Greyrat as his wife. Partially inspired by Akros_Zero’s story: Reborn in Mushoku Tensei with Unique Skill Great Sage

SkyXanxus112 · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs


Days continue to pass on, the season around this time is mid summer.

It was another long day of work at the farm for the married couple. Zenith ended up killing four demonic rabbits today that tried to ravage their farm. Those rabbits were used for their dinner courtesy of Lux, after all Rabbit meat is delicious when cooked right.

The weather had been sunny all day today with no wind blowing. Now it's nighttime while a huge thunderstorm is going on. This was great for the crops in the farm.

In the cabin, Lux and Zenith were in their bedroom laying down on their bed cuddling. A window was open due to Zenith liking to watch and listen to thunderstorms. Lux used a spell to prevent the rain and wind from coming through the window.

"This is the best." Zenith happily said.

"Hugging me like I'm an adult sized teddy bear?" Lux teased.

Presently, he was only wearing his boxers, this habit developed over the course of his many past lives where 98% of the time he always had at least one woman in his bed. Meaning they would always sleep naked since he usually had sex multiple times everyday. This was the origin of his habit of not liking to sleep with clothes on.

Zenith is wearing a thin yellow nightgown, she definitely knew of Lux's habit though she never minded it. Everyone has their habits, plus she knew Lux wore boxers to bed only out of respect for her so that she didn't feel too uncomfortable in the earlier days of their marriage. Something she appreciated since it took about a week for her to get used to sleeping with a man she only knew for a very short amount of time.

"That and listening to the storm, sleeping while a storm is going on always allowed me to have great sleep." Zenith replied, snuggling into her husband's muscular chest.

"I can relate, there are quite a few times where I slept outside while it was storming." Lux nodded.

His wife blinked in surprise. "Really, why?"

"Eh, one time I had to because I lost a bet. Another time I accidentally slept for days outside on a hammock when I was only meant to take a nap. When I finally woke back up both a thunderstorm and a tornado were happening close to me. Then there's another time back when I was a real weakling for an immortal, I had gotten some incredibly strong alcohol from a friend of mine who was a goddess. She tried to warn me to not overdo it, but I was a bit cocky, thinking I could handle it like any other liquor. I chugged the whole bottle down in one go. Long story short I blacked out an hour later, ended up waking up naked on a random island in the middle of a storm. While at the same time the Olympian god Zeus of that universe was trying to kill me by continuously striking me down with lightning. He did so while I was both unconscious and awake. Still to this day, I don't know what I did to make him that mad." Lux explained.

Zenith just stared at him with a deadpan expression on her face. Why were his second and third examples so odd? Especially the third one, it's both odd and extreme. How did he even survive a god's wrath while unconscious?

She could only sigh before smiling at her immortal husband. "Only you Lux, only you."

Lux chuckled. "Yeah back in those days I wasn't anywhere near as powerful as I am today. Sure, I was powerful enough to eventually obtain my immortality, but that didn't mean I was invincible. I still went through a lot of pain and suffering as an immortal. While my soul and mind was immortal, my body could still be killed. It took me a long time to figure out how to spread my immortality to my body so that I could achieve true immortality. I was lucky that I had a friend to help me. Now the only way that I could 'die' is if I myself destroy my body. Either I'll just regenerate or make a brand new body, travel as a soul into the reincarnation cycle or open a portal myself to a different universe. I then took it a step further by putting various forms of protection on my soul, mind and body to protect myself against weapons or powers that negate immortality. It was funny seeing this one demon god trying to use a sword on me that has that specific ability only to learn that it was useless against me."

The blonde woman continued to listen to her husband talk about his past, she was happy to learn exactly how his immortality works. It means she won't ever have to worry about the 1% chance of him dying due to some special weapon or ability. The supernatural world is pretty much helpless against her husband and she absolutely loves it!

Her eyes gazed lovingly at him while laying her head on the left side of his chest. She could feel and hear his heartbeat, her left arm laid over him with her hand touching his right shoulder. Their legs were intertwined, her bare feet gently rubbing against his own. His left arm is wrapped around her waist, holding her close to him. Then his right hand was caressing her hair softly.

This intimate moment told Zenith that it was time to take that last step, her nipples were hard and she could feel the heat building in her core. Making her become wetter by the second. She was extremely horny for her beloved, sexy husband. She wanted to finally consummate their marriage."

Zenith's eyes became firm. "Lux."

Lux stopped talking, looked at his wife, noticing the look in her eyes. He can also sense and smell her arousal. "Yes my dear wife?"

"I love you." Zenith confessed while blushing lightly.

"I love you too, Zenith." He replied instantly, very happy that she finally confessed her love for him. He knew her feelings were 1000% genuine.

Hearing his fast response made her heart beat a little fast, she was also happy to see that he was happy about her confession. A confession she felt she took too long to tell him.

"Lux, let's make love."

"Are you sure? I can wait as long as you need me to wait."

"I'm completely sure, it's taking me everything to stop myself from jumping you and riding you like no tomorrow to have this conversation."

Lux chuckled. "Someone wants me really badly."

"I do, don't you want me just as bad?" Zenith said with a raised eyebrow.

"I've wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you."


Zenith wasted no more time, leaning her head toward him. Lux met her halfway as their lips met with no hesitation. The kiss sent an electrical sensation through them, it didn't stay a simple kiss for longer than a few seconds before it turned into french kissing. Their tongues push against one another playfully, exchanging saliva in a way only lovers do.

Without breaking their heated kiss, Lux moved his body to be on top of Zenith. Making sure to not press his weight against her even though she can handle it. More erotic sounds echoed for a few minutes until they finally separated, leaving a thin line of saliva between their mouths.

They wasted no time kissing again, Zenith had her arms around his neck, pulling him down lower so that her chest could be against his. Their kissing session continued on for some time, neither of the married couple getting enough of each other's lips.

Eventually moving away from Zenith's lips much to her displeasure, Lux formed a trail of kisses starting from her cheek, to her jaw down to her neck. The blonde woman moaned softly feeling his lips on her skin, she released another moan when she felt him kissing, licking and sucking on her neck.

"A-Ahhh~." Zenith moaned as her husband gave her a hickey.

Continuing down his trail of kisses, he kissed her chest through her nightgown before focusing on her breasts.

"Wait, let me get my gown off, it's in the way." Zenith said.

"Let me handle it." Lux smiled, he snapped his fingers which caused her gown and both his and her underwear to disappear from their bodies. "Better?"

"Much better, now let's continue." She smiled as well.

Lux took a second to admire Zenith's naked figure before him. He always loved her voluptuous figure, not to mention her big breasts and ass.

Seriously, what the fuck was Paul thinking by cheating on her? He literally had a perfect housewife that he had free access to. Oh well, his loss.

Lux moved his head to her left boob and his right hand to her right boob. He heard his wife gasp when she felt his hand grab it, he moved his fingers to massage it while playing with her nipple. Then he started pecking the left one, licking all around it. Lux sucked all around her nipple, causing Zenith to whine a bit, she wanted him to suck on her badly. Both of her nipples were poking out and hard.

"Ahhh~…oh yes…!" Zenith moaned when Lux finally started sucking on her nipple.

She felt his free hand trail down her navel to her lower area. Lux did note how Zenith had no pubic hair, she's completely shaven. He finds it a bit funny since he himself doesn't have any pubic hair.

The blonde woman gasped when she felt two of his fingers trace over her outer labia, a moan escaped out of her feeling the pleasure his action brought her. It made her dripping wet, yet he did no more to rub over her entire outer labia a few times before bringing his hand back up to cup the boob he's sucking on.

He began squeezing them and alternated his mouth between both of her nipples. Sometimes he bites or pinches them to get a reaction out of her. All Zenith could do is moan helplessly in pure pleasure.

'Oh god! If he keeps this up he's going to make me cum by just focusing on my breasts. I'm glad he likes them so much!' Zenith thought to herself in the mix of her moaning in pleasure for her husband.

Lux was enjoying her breasts to the fullest, he loved hearing her moans; they were music to his ears. He liked how Zenith held his head against her chest whenever he sucked on her nipples.

"A-Are you trying to milk me?" Zenith moaned.

"Hm not this time, but I definitely will do so in the ear future." Lux replied.

After spending a few more minutes attending to his wife's chest. He gave her a deep kiss that she eagerly returned before leaving another trail of kisses down her voluptuous body. When he reached her navel, he gave her several extra kisses in that spot before continuing his way down to her womanhood.

Before he started kissing around her lower area, Zenith spoke up. "I…I never received or given oral sex before."

This didn't surprise Lux, he saw in her memories that while Paul had a decently high sex drive with a good amount of perversion. But where Paul fell short is that he only cared about the main course in sex and not the appetizer. He never ate Zenith out in all of their marriage. Zenith herself came to the conclusion that oral sex is disgraceful because Paul never was interested in it. Once again, Paul's loss.

"Oh? Then allow me to be the one to give you your first orgasm from oral sex alone." Lux smirked.

Zenith nodded, a bit nervous and excited to experience oral for the first time. While she did have an active sex life with her ex-husband before he cheated on her. The sex itself was stale, always the same two positions. She spread open her legs more to give her husband more room to work with.

Lux gently rubbed her thighs with his hands, placing soft kisses from her left thigh up to her ankle. He took a hold of her foot, placing soft kisses on it as well. His wife both giggled and moaned at the feeling. Then he switched to her right foot, pecking it then leaving a trail back up to her right thigh. The heat in her core was building up more from his actions.

Eventually Lux stopped his kisses once he reached his final destination. He couldn't help but stare at his wife's pussy, finding it beautiful.

"Stop staring so hard, it's kinda embarrassing." Zenith blushed.

Her husband chuckled. "Sorry I couldn't help it, you definitely fall into the pretty pink pussy category."

"C-Category?" Zenith blushed even more.

"Uh huh, I'll tell you about it another time." Lux felt it's not appropriate to bring up other women right now.

Instead placed his lips on her outer labia, kissing and licking all over it. Forcing his wife to let out a loud moan.


A bolt of pleasure struck her core, as a warm, pleasurable sensation flooded throughout her body. It became more intense when Lux moved his tongue over to her inner labia, moving his tongue all over her pink flesh.

Once he began to suck on her labia, Zenith moaned loudly as her hands on their own reached down to grab her beloved husband's head. He was tonguing down her vagina, eating her out like a beast starved for food and she loved every second of it.

She felt her pleasure go up a whole level when Lux traveled over to her clitoris.

"~A-A-AAHHHhhh!!!~." A louder moan escaped the blonde woman's throat.

An intense wave of pleasure crashed inside of her body, she knew it was only going to take a little more of this for her to cum. Zenith's legs were wrapped around his head while her eyes were closed.

Lux really loved the taste of her vagina, he could do this for the whole night and be completely satisfied. He can sense that she's close to having an orgasm. So he sucked on her clit a little harder. The immortal kept sucking on it for a solid 30 more seconds before he heard the words of his wife.

"O-Oh god, I'M CUMMING!!~." Zenith screeched.

A huge tsunami of pleasure erupted throughout her body, sending her into a haze of pure pleasure with her unconsciously curling her toes hard. Her eyes nearly rolled in the back of her head from such an intense sensation. It was unlike any orgasm she experienced prior. She was literally squirting all over her husband's face, her thighs and the bed sheets. Though mostly on Lux's face and she can feel him lapping all of her cum up the best he could.

By the time she came down from her orgasmic high, Lux pulled his head back a little and looked at her. "You taste sweet, reminds me of mangos to be honest."

After taking a few deep breaths, she laughed hearing his words. "Mangos, really Lux?"

"What? You know I'm an honest and blunt guy. Anyways, did you enjoy the experience of oral sex?" He asked her.

"It was fucking awesome." Zenith rarely swore, she felt it was appropriate to do so at this specific time.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Lux chuckled at her response.

"How in the world did you make me cum so fast? I've never had an orgasm that fast or powerful in my life. I felt like I was in a haze of nothing but pleasure." Zenith questioned.

"Experience." Lux replied bluntly.

His wife's eyes widened for a second. "Right, immortal, sorry that was a stupid question."

"No it is not, it's natural to be curious when it was your first time experiencing that kind of orgasm. You held out a bit longer than I expected you to. Now, I believe I need another serving of your cum Zenith." Lux smirked.

She didn't get a chance to reply as Lux once again began to eat out his wife's vagina for a second time. Erotic moans echoed in their room.

This time he used two of his fingers to attend to her clitoris while sticking his tongue inside her pussy. Being as experienced as he is, Lux quickly located her g-spot. He used a spell to elongate his tongue just enough to reach it.

"~AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!~." Zenith released her loudest moan yet, her body is shaking in ecstasy from his tongue licking her g-spot.

It took Lux no time at all to bring his beautiful wife to another powerful orgasm.


Zenith cried out as she came hard on her husband's face. Again he eagerly took her in cum.

The immortal eventually pulled away from Zenith's womanhood. He gazed at Zenith who was catching her breath.

Once Zenith turned her attention back on Lux, a strong sudden desire to kiss him overcame her. She pulled him up by his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him.

The married couple kissed each other deeply, tonguing each other down like it was a competition to see who could do better. Lux being the good husband he is allowed his wife to win this battle, not that he minded. He loved how active she is instead of wanting him to do most of the work.

Their kiss lasted five minutes before they finally broke it, saliva seemed between their mouths.

They both noticed how Lux's cock was directly on Zenith's vagina, neither of them acknowledged it. What they did is share another passionate lip lock.

Zenith felt her already incredibly strong love for her husband growing even stronger as they kissed each other like no tomorrow. She was very happy that she experienced oral sex for the first time with him. Their kiss felt different than any kiss she's experienced before. It was a hungry kiss that she couldn't stop herself from constantly craving.

However, what Zenith wanted just as equally is to give her husband the same level of pleasure he just gave her. She wanted to bring him to an orgasm not only because it was the fair thing to do. But also because she wanted her turn in being the one in control. She wanted to taste him just as he eagerly tasted her without a single hesitation.

God, she really loved this man. Never did she ever feel this strongly about her ex-husband.

This time when the married couple separated from their kiss, Zenith quickly flipped their positions so that she was on top.

Lux was a bit surprised but welcomed her sudden action wholeheartedly.

"Now my beloved husband who I love so much, it's my turn to go down on you." Zenith smirked sexily at her man as her breasts bounced around a little.