
Chapter 50 Leading the Way (2)

 "Miss, please stay..."

  A shout broke the silence of the forest and also shattered Caiwei's fantasy. The sound echoed in the empty mountain. She was startled, stopped, and turned her head to look at the person who called her.

  On the hillside next to her, two men in dark blue brocade clothes came running. The men were very tall. According to modern standards, they were both 1.9 meters tall. They walked briskly and had upright postures. It was obvious that they were martial artists.

  Caiwei stood there and asked in confusion: "You called me?"

  After asking, she felt that her question was a bit stupid. There was no one breathing here except her. They were calling her!

  The leading guard took big steps and ran to Caiwei in a few steps, blocking her, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, "Miss, please follow me."

  Caiwei took a step back, looked at the two of them, and looked at the people who were talking as if they were idiots: "Who are you? What do you want from me? Where are you going? Who are you meeting? Why do you think I will go with you?"

  The guard with a slightly square face paused, took out a piece of silver from his pocket and handed it to her: "Miss, my master is lost in the mountains, and I would like to ask you to lead the way out. This piece of silver is for you to buy flowers to wear!"

  Reward silver, buy flowers to wear!

  What the hell do they think of her?

  Caiwei gritted her teeth, glanced at the silver again, and was immediately furious!

  The piece of silver weighed only about one or two coins, not as valuable as a wild boar's leg, she would not take it seriously; moreover, this guard took a small piece of silver and wanted to order her around. It was obvious that he looked down on her because of her ragged clothes!

  Caiwei spat in her heart, looking down on others.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry, your little money is not good enough for me, you two should ask for someone else!" Caiwei raised her chin, snorted coldly, and was about to leave.


  the square-faced guard said in a low voice, his face changed, and he grabbed Caiwei's arm and said coldly: "Miss, since you don't want to drink the toast, I can only apologize!" After

  that, he exerted force on his hands and pulled Caiwei into his arms, intending to carry her on his shoulders and hijack her!

  Oh my gosh!

  Mu Caiwei was so angry that her hair was about to stand up and her lungs were about to explode!

  She was an international gold medal bodyguard, highly sought after and flattered by people in the industry, and even the president had to give her some face. Now she was being bullied by this unknown big fool like a chicken. How could this be tolerated!

  The guard was unaware of the rage in the girl's heart. He pulled the girl into his arms, clamped her slender waist, and wanted to throw her onto his shoulders.

  Suddenly, the girl in his arms kicked him hard on the Heyang acupoint. The guard was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

  The girl took advantage of the situation and chopped down with a sharp knife!

  Fast, fierce, and accurate,

  the Fengchi acupoint was hit directly. The square-faced guard didn't even have time to groan, and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

  The other guard was dumbfounded, staring at the scene in front of him, and didn't say a word for a long time.

  What's going on? Who can tell him how there can be such a master in this deep mountain forest? The girl in front of him is only in her teens, as tender as a flower that has not yet bloomed. She looks innocent and beautiful, how can she have such a sharp and cruel method?

  After knocking down the square-faced guard, Caiwei rubbed her fists and looked at the dumbfounded other one provocatively: "What, do you want to fight me too?"

  The other one woke up as if from a dream, jumped up, and swung his huge fist. Before the whistling fist wind could hit him, he heard a lazy voice from behind.
