
Chapter 29 Delicious

After a false alarm, the family returned to its original peace and warmth.

  On the warm kang, Mrs. Du sat cross-legged beside a square kang table with low legs, using a piece of pink cotton cloth to cut clothes for Caiwei. Wen'er and Wu'er sat on Mrs. Du's left and right, each holding the candy man that Caiwei bought for them, eating it in small bites, savoring it carefully, so that the sweetness would last a little longer.

  Fei'er sat opposite Mrs. Du, with her elbows on the edge of the kang table, holding her cheek, quietly watching her mother holding a pair of scissors and cutting the beautiful cotton cloth into pieces...

  "Mom, I also want to learn needlework."


  Mrs. Du agreed with Caifei's idea.

  "Girls should work harder on sewing, otherwise they won't be able to hold a needle or thread, and they will be controlled by their husbands in the future."

  As she said that, she waved to Caiwei: "Wei'er, come here, Wu'er's jacket has been cut by mother, you can embroider a few fish on the collar according to this pattern!"


  Hearing her mother's request, Caiwei shuddered from the bottom of her heart.

  As a new woman living in a high-tech era, she knows nothing about ancient embroidery skills. Although there are still some memories of the original owner in her mind, she is not the original owner after all, and she has traveled through time too short. She can't master the high-tech craft of embroidery that the original owner is proficient in.

  Just now, her mother said that she is different from before, like a different person. If it is discovered that her sewing skills have disappeared for no reason, won't she be more suspicious? If she is not careful, she will be exposed!

  "Mom, I think I should go to the kitchen to make the crystal jelly first, otherwise it will go bad tomorrow. If I make it early, I can give it to you guys tomorrow morning."

  Caiwei coughed, thought of an excuse, and slipped away. The pot

  in the kitchen

  had been cleaned by Wen'er, and the pork skin had been chopped up by Fei'er.

  Caiwei sighed. It would be better to let her go up the mountain to hunt wild boars than to do needlework. Compared with embroidery, making pork skin is much easier.

  She added water to the pot again and ignited the stove again. After the water boiled, she poured the chopped pork skin into the pot and boiled it again.

  "Gulp... Gulp..."

  The iron pot boiled for about an hour before the fire was extinguished. She lifted the lid of the pot and scooped out the thick pork skin in the pot and put it in an enamel basin. The seasoning had been added in the boiling process. After one night, the pork skin solidified and could be made into jelly.

  After the work was done, Caiwei tiptoed to the big house and peeked into the house from outside the curtain. She found that her mother was still busy threading needles under the lamp, occasionally teaching Feier some needlework. Feier was learning very seriously and occasionally mentioned some professional knowledge. Her meticulous appearance showed that she had the potential to be a modern academic master.

  Caiwei quietly retracted her head and patted her chest gently. It was a close call! She was almost seen by her mother just now. If her mother saw that she was done, she would definitely catch her and force her to learn some kind of needlework.

  Back in the kitchen, Caiwei found an empty basin, poured a few bowls of white flour into it, poured some water, and kneaded the flour to prepare for tomorrow's breakfast... It

  was already the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year would come in a dozen days. Mrs. Du made up her mind to make sure that the whole family wore new cotton-padded clothes and new cotton-padded pants on the New Year's Day, so she lit the oil lamp and stayed up late at night.

  Caiwei had to get up early the next morning to go to town, and she couldn't stay up. After making the dough, she went to the big house, yawning and complaining about being sleepy.

  Mrs. Du was a spoiled child. Seeing her daughter yawning, she couldn't bear to let her learn needlework, so she urged her to go to bed early. She had a

  full dinner, the kang was heated, and she didn't sleep well last night. She was tired all day, so Caiwei slept soundly that night. When she woke up, the sky was slightly white.

  "Oh no!"

  Caiwei sat up with a flutter, looked at the sky outside the window, hurriedly put on her old earth-colored coat, and hurried to the kitchen to scoop some water from the water tank to wash her face.

  In the winter in the north, water freezes into ice, and the water in the water tank is like ice. After washing her face, the little sleepiness she had was completely driven away. After washing a few more times, her hands and face were frozen.

  She took a clean old handkerchief and wiped her face. She could not wait for the moisture on her face to dry before she hurried outside to fetch firewood.

  When she came to the yard, she could see from afar that the faint stars in the sky were gradually disappearing. The moon was also hanging in the sky, but it was a little unreal. The sun had not risen yet, and there was only a faint red in the sky. It was

  very cold in the morning. After she went out, a gust of cold air instantly surrounded her, penetrated her thin old coat, and rushed into her limbs, making her shiver twice.

  The firewood that Jiujin delivered yesterday was piled not far from the door. Caiwei rubbed her arms, walked over quickly, picked up a bunch of corn stalks and went back into the house. In

  just a few minutes, her cheeks were a little sore, which made her miss her skin care products. It would be strange if her face didn't get chapped!

  However, time was urgent, so she had no time to feel sad and lament. She immediately found the big bones she bought yesterday, washed them, and threw them into the pot. She also cut some ginger, star anise, and other spices, and cooked them together with the big bones that had just been put into the pot. She took out the noodles she made yesterday, but found that because her kitchen was too cold, the noodles had not fermented, so the fermented dough cakes were temporarily changed to water-pulled noodles.

  Mother was busy making new clothes last night and went to bed at three o'clock in the morning. Now she was sleeping soundly, and the children were also sleeping sweetly. Only Caiwei was quietly busy in the kitchen.

  She found a large bowl, beat a dozen eggs into it, added half a bowl of water, and added a small half spoonful of baking soda, stirred them evenly, and steamed them in the pot.

  Steamed on low heat for more than 20 minutes, took the pot out of the pot, and took out the large bowl.

  At this time, the egg in the bowl is no longer yellow, but a tender green. In Caiwei's hometown, this kind of egg is called a solid egg, named for its firm texture. Solid eggs are chewy, elastic, and tough, and are more fragrant and eggy than ordinary eggs, so they have always been loved and sought after by her.

  Use a small spoon to scoop out the firm solid eggs one by one, put them on a plate, and then cut some thin lean meat shreds, garlic slices and scallions. First, stir-fry the scallions and garlic slices in the pan, stir-fry for a few times, then pour the shredded meat into the pan, wait until the color of the fried shredded meat becomes darker, then put in the solid eggs, add salt, sprinkle sesame seeds, and stir-fry until a layer of golden yellow appears on the surface of the solid eggs, then you can stop the fire and serve!

  At this time, the solid eggs are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with an excellent taste. Take a bite, you can smell both the meat and the egg. It is really a rare delicacy in the world!