
[Bonus chapter]Negotiations and Codes 

George's long fingers played with the remote control. He had just turned off the footage that was taken from the surveillance camera after showing Sylvia Green what happened the night before he called her into his office, he was incredibly satisfied to see her face changing colors until it settled on an ashy white seeing how the son she worshiped day and night behaved when he wasn't tied to her leash.

"Sylvia... Sylvia..." George spoke in a sing-song way, "Honestly, Sylvia…As someone who is just about to become a father to a son next month, I just want to express my sympathy for you. I don't think the maids you used to leave your son with raised him so well on your behalf," he smiled wickedly as he adjusted his glasses over the bridge of his nose.

But Sylvia was already preparing her comeback while she was watching her son's shameful performance. She wished he could have at least landed some more punches on the little devil's cocky face.

"Becoming a father, you say?" She threw her neck back and laughed out loud heartily just like a witch would then adjusted her neck and glared, "Don't kid yourself boy, that baby is the heir to the Green's empire."

George's mouth fell slightly open, he questioned his ears. Did Sylvia Green actually refer to the Green's humble wealth and assets as an empire?

No. She was not a woman who threw around words for no reason… This was incredibly dangerous… George formed a theory right then and there. Sylvia Green had her eye on a much bigger cake than the one she was eating out of at the present moment. Because the only wealth that was around Sylvia and was truly worthy of the word 'empire' was the wealth that belonged to the Evans. And if she wanted to get a hold of that wealth through her grandson…well…

That certainly changed things.

But George could still bend her hand that way too.

"You know who wouldn't get custody over a child in parental disputes?" he grinned widely, "Convicts and individuals with prior criminal records,"

Sylvia's blood boiled inside her veins.

"Really? How about custody to a mentally unstable parent," she smiled widely now, "Either way, Georgy, which relative would the court of law give that baby to if it ever came to that? You're the lawyer so you tell me..."

And just like that, George confirmed his doubts. Sylvia's grandson was going to be even more valuable to her than the son she valued over everything else. George suppressed a shudder.

"You don't have proof that would back up your allegations, while I have plenty to back up mine," he said coldly.

It was still a win for Sylvia, so long as he didn't bend her arm to the fullest this morning, Sylvia will leave a happy woman.

"Why don't you go ahead and explain to me why you called me here quickly. Henry and you are both adults. Are you just a softy who can't handle a few punches to the face? Was all that muscle tissue you have got going for you just decoration then?"

Sylvia tried to provoke him by landing a hit on his ego as a man. But George could not care less about her opinion of him.

He dropped the act, "You are here to understand that your precious Henry's neck is in my hand right now. Any wrong moves on your part and I won't hesitate to press charges, I have the tape and three witnesses to support my allegations,"

"Oh? How about what happened after that and the fact that he never returned to his home yesterday?"

George feigned innocence, "You'd be happy to know that I have footage of him leaving the company on his two feet, safe and sound,"

'Did you forget what my last name was or thought that you were dealing with an amateur?' George kept his thoughts to himself.

Sylvia reached for her purse and then clutched it, trying to release some anger into the soft leather that she felt under her manicured hands, then she stood up abruptly.

This was nobody's round, which was very meaningful considering the horrible situation that her son put her through. And it was all because she was too lenient on her Henry. From this day forward, she vowed to be much much more involved in her only son's affairs. He obviously could not afford to act on his own without her governance.

"Hmph," she scoffed at George. Then she turned around and left George's office.

George shook his head, he was unhappy about what had happened just now, his opponent was truly formidable.

'This will only be a temporary solution to make her postpone pressing charges," George thought to himself. He was planning on continuing his effort to put together a countercase to anything Sylvia might think of using against Cynthia. He bought himself enough time to go through the childbirth in peace, at the very least.

He picked up his phone from over his bureau and pressed 1 on speed dial.

"I want Sylvia Green followed, I want daily reports on her whereabouts and her every single move,"

He placed the phone back where it was and rubbed his forehead and temple with his good hand.

"Temporary solutions won't do, I want a permanent one." George thought out loud.


A very pleasant atmosphere replaced the dark one that hovered over the Evans mansion the evening before. Cynthia and her mother-in-law-to-be sat drinking Gloria's favorite jasmine-scented tea as they enjoyed the flowers inside and all around the Victorian glasshouse.

"Spring is early this year," Gloria said then took a sip of her tea.

"Hmm," Cynthia hummed in approval, trying to think of ways to prolong Gloria's stay.

Cynthia was basking in the comfort of Gloria's company, the woman was balm over Cynthia's wounds. She never questioned her about the divorce or her revenge. Their exchange was as always, coded. And Cynthia enjoyed their sophisticated game.

She smiled, "Was your spring early too?" Cynthia was always intrigued by Gloria's choice to end her marriage.

Gloria mirrored her smile, "Oh honey, mine came early and never left,"

The two women giggled.

Yes. That much, Cynthia already knew. Gloria was still deeply in love with her ex-husband. Their relationship was so good that Cynthia – along with the rest of Washington DC's elite society – secretly wondered why in the world were those two divorced.

They certainly acted as if they were still married each time Gloria set foot on American soil.

"Stay here for a while," Cynthia pleaded.

Gloria smiled warmly at the girl she always considered a daughter, then she pursed her lips, "I'm not sure George would like that very much,"

Cynthia's face fell, "He has his own house, he can sleep there," she said.

"My, my," Gloria exclaimed.

She wondered why her son's fiance and the girl of his dreams preferred hir mother's company over his.

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