
Far fetched

Far fetched is a romance novel that follows the journey of Lola, a young Nigerian woman who dreams of becoming a journalist. When she gets a scholarship to study in London, she thinks she has found her ticket to success and happiness. But she soon realizes that life in a foreign country is not as easy as she imagined. She faces challenges such as racism, culture shock, loneliness, and financial difficulties. She also meets Daniel, a charming British man who seems to be the perfect match for her. But Daniel has a secret that could shatter Lola’s world. Will Lola be able to overcome the obstacles and find her true love? Or will she lose everything she worked so hard for? Find out in Far from Home, a captivating story of passion, courage, and identity.

Heis_Miller · Urban
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Far fetched

Far from Home is a romance novel that follows the journey of Lola, a young Nigerian woman who dreams of becoming a journalist. When she gets a scholarship to study in London, she thinks she has found her ticket to success and happiness. But she soon realizes that life in a foreign country is not as easy as she imagined. She faces challenges such as racism, culture shock, loneliness, and financial difficulties. She also meets Daniel, a charming British man who seems to be the perfect match for her. But Daniel has a secret that could shatter Lola's world. Will Lola be able to overcome the obstacles and find her true love? Or will she lose everything she worked so hard for? Find out in Far from Home, a captivating story of passion, courage, and identity.

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