
Flower From Your Own Garden Is More Beautiful

Inside Chen Yao Villa, all girls and Yue Zong look very tense. This disaster really makes them terrified. Heri wants to live up the villa but he knows that is useless. So Heri decides to just silence and looks at Ning'er and Ji Qingwu. Ning'er already made his world not empty, if Ji Qingwu can also enter his world, it would be wonderful. Who doesn't want to have many beautiful ladies beside him?

Actually, from his perspective, man having many women beside him is nothing wrong. As long as they are happy, why not? Why in this era many women need equality is because of the inability of men to provide what his woman wants. The second cause is peace. If the world is no longer peaceful, the woman with meek personalities will gladly accept man even if he has one hundred ladies beside him. It's just a matter of era.

Chen Yao goes to the kitchen and makes some dishes with meat. She wants to show her usefulness to Heri and Yue Zong. Although she already has Ji Qingwu, she knows Ji Qingwu not as strong as Heri and Yue Zong, especially Heri. His badass power and ability make her wonder. After the dish is finished, she brings it in front of Yue Zong and Heri.

"Are you using tap water?" Yue Zong asked.

"No, I use clean water." Chen Yao answered.

"Good." He was also really hungry after fighting zombies all along. Heri also smiles at her and begins to eat it. Heri gives his small portion to Ning'er. "Eat it. It's very delicious."

Ning'er sits in front of him and opens her mouth. She wants to be fed by her master. Heri just smiles and feeds it. She looks very happy just with feed by Heri. Just with her smile, Heri's mood becomes happy again.

'My Ning'er is the best!!'

'Flower from your own garden is more beautiful than another flower outside. It's fucking true!!'

After her portion is finished, she lowers her head. Heri knows what she wants. He pats her head and says, "Go play with the beautiful sisters."

Then Heri looks at Chen Yao and says, "Thanks very much." With a smile on his face.

After he finishes his dish, he just silently sits down and looks at Ji Qingwu again.

"Yue, what will you do after you manage to rescue your friend?" Ji Qingwu suddenly asked.

"I will go to my hometown to check my parent's condition. Maybe it will be our last together." Yue Zong answered.


"Of course I will leave. Do you think that zombies will silently die after some period of time? No, I think they will evolve. And if you silently hide here, you will die sooner or later." Heri answered.

Then Heri look at Yue Zong and says, "Before you rescue your friend, why not clean the surrounding first? It will enhance your level and add odd chance."

Heri realizes all eyes on him now. "Hey, why all of you look at me like pervert?! In this era, your strength is the most trustworthy protection. If you girl wants to get stronger, go and kill some zombie with Yue. Maybe you can get some skill from killing the zombie."

"Right, I will go with Yue." Chen Yao said. She also realizes that this world is all about strength. Justice also needs strength. Everything needs strength.

"Good spirit, girl. Ning'er, lend her your protective garment." Heri said to Ning'er. Heri also fancies this girl. According to his talent appraisal skill, her talent is 8 in magic.

"En." Ning'er nodded and strip her protective garment and pass to Chen Yao.

Any girl except for Ji Qingwu and Chen Yao chose to stay at the villa. They were still frightened by the zombie outbreak before. Heri can't do anything for them. It's their choice and if in the future their fate becomes miserable, it's not Heri responsibility. Heri tells Yue Zong to use Yue Zong method to tech Chen Yao how to face the zombie. He needs to force her.

As for Heri and Ning'er, they already level 11 and 10, that's why they don't bother with increasing their strength.


"Yue, can you tell me how you meet that duo freak?" Chen Yao asked. She was really curious about Heri and Ning'er. One is a foreigner with a weird personality and the other is a super adorable little girl with good strength. A really weird group.

Ji Qingwu also nods her head. She is also very interested in Heri and Ning'er.

"Actually, I meet them when I search for food in the supermarket. What they do is more like playing around than doing anything to survive, especially Heri. He can slaughter the zombie without any problem. And he is ridiculously strong! Heri always makes the decision for his maid and I understand it. But she is still a kid and he tells her to face a zombie... Sigh, this era is too cruel. At the supermarket, he looks at my White Skeleton and decides to tag along with me." Yue Zong answered.

Then he looks at two girls and says, "He always looks at Sis Ji whenever he has a chance. But what I can say is that he has no lust in his eye. He looks at Sis Ji like he looks at Ning'er. As for Chen Yao, he always looks at your body."

Ji Qingwu suddenly remembers what Ning'er said before. He wants her to be his maid, but he doesn't want to force her. If fate allows him to take her as his maid, he will gladly receive. But she needs to protect Chen Yao.

'If he's really interested in me, he should at least flirt with me or hit a conversation with me to gain my interest. But why does he look serene even if he has the desire to make me his?'

'I need to ask Ning'er about her experience!'

She just silently nods and walks forward. Yue Zong also does not say any further. With the Yue Zong method, they manage to level up. Yue Zong at level 7, Ji Qingwu at level 6, and Chen Yao at level 3.

When they come back, they find Heri sleep while hugging Ning'er. Another girl is sleeping in available rooms. Ji Qingwu also feels very tired after a battle with a zombie until now. She glances at Heri and enters her room.

Sorry, No mass release. I still attend a workshop now.

I can't guarantee the release rate.

Thanks for reading my novel :).

Mr_Dokarcreators' thoughts