
Fantasy life Isekai

After living an unlucky life, Hans was given the chance for reincarnation and a single wish. Instead of wishing for overpowered abilities and superpowers, he only made a simple wish that will never be known.

Rudeus_Greyrat_4315 · Fantasie
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2 Chs


A 30-something years old Bachelor who after death and met the God of Reincarnation.

"If possible, then... I would like to have a loving wife..."

And the man made his wish.

"Are you really sure about this?"

The God asked.


The man said in confirmation.

The man has been alone all this time. He didn't have either friends or family. Looking back at his life, it was like he was cursed or something.

"I can't grant your wish directly. I could only give you assistance to a certain extent. The rest will be up to you, child of man."

Then after he said that, the God of Reincarnation used his Divine Powers to insert his soul on an unborn baby in another world.


Among the Kingdoms and Empires spread throughout the Radzek Continent, The Humans populated it by large

Because of their incredibly rapid rate of reproduction capabilities compared to other races, they occupied the Continent by a majority.

There exist a Kingdom in the South Eastern portion of the Redzek Continent named, Zalama Kingdom.

The Zalama Kingdom is a well-established monarchy. It holds a vast bountiful land. It's geographically isolated because of the natural barriers of the Mountain Ranges, making it really hard to make contact with outsiders.

In the middle of the rural village of Vence, a pregnant mother was about to give birth. The husband and the midwife are doing their best efforts to deliver the baby safely.

Soon the cries of a baby echoed in the entire room.

The husband was overjoyed by the successful birth. And the midwife sighed in relief.

The wife looked exhausted after the birth using a lot of stamina, but she had a smile on her face.

"Kris look, this is our son."

The husband carefully caressed the baby in his arms. He gently placed the baby on his wife, Kris.

"Finally... I did it Ren..."

The wife catches up her breath while holding her child. She looked at her husband, Ren, affectionately.

"Yeah, we finally did it."

Ren and Kris is a pair of married couples. Although they still looked like they are at the prime of their life at their early 20's, they were already married at the age of 15.

Throughout their entire married life, they weren't fortunate enough to be blessed with a healthy child of their own until now. It took 8 years of them working hard until they were fortunate enough.

"Let's name him Hans."

The married couple seem to agree as they cuddled together embracing each other's warmth.


Years passed by and the entire family lived happily.

The married couple cared for their child, Hans.

Because of infantile amnesia, the memories of the soul who occupied Hans are still very fuzzy and vague.

It took Hans 3 years, when his brain developed and could finally start slowly getting back hus memories.

In his past life, his parents died when he's still very young. He was passed along from relatives to relatives. And he was treated like an outsider by them. When he finally graduated high school, he looked for jobs. And by unfortunate turn of events, he was actually working on a sweatshop. He lived his life until he eventually died by a traffic accident.

And then Hans found himself at the body of a 5 years old boy when he finally recovered all his memories. Hans is a son of a father working as a village guard and a mother as a homemaker.

They lived in a rural farming village of Ven, where the fields and trees outnumbered the people living in it.

His family is a little strange. Normal families would have at least five to ten children per household. After all this place was so unpopulated it needed more source of labor. And each family had to work hard increasing numbers for an increase of manpower. And yet his entire family only have a single child, himself.

Though in their family's case who's their only source of income is Ren making a living as a soldier, their limited salary would only support a family of 3 children at most.

Although his family isn't a farming family, you could say it was already somewhat of a tradition in this village to have as many children as possible. And of course your family should have the ability to feed that large number.

Currently the biggest family in the village had a children of ten. They are the family coming from the Village Chief, who also holds the biggest farming land in the village.

In an age wholly removed from modern conveniences and advanced agricultural equipment, manpower was king.

The more family members a family would have, the more land would be given to them.

Of course this tradition might only exist in this small society called the Ven Village.

The only challenging thing was that the mortality rate of a newborn child was incredibly high compared to the modern world, or even the nearby cities with Doctors and Healers.

That being said, fortunately for Hans he was blessed with a healthy body. It was rumored that the day right after he was born, he was already able to walk on his own. Wether those rumors are true or not is up to your imagination.

"Hey, did something happen to Hans?" Ren asked his wife.

"Not really. Recently he's started to really take his studies seriously." said Kris.

"That should be something good, right? We shouldn't worry too much." Ren said reassuring her.

Hans before he recovered all his memories old kid often played with other kids his age in the village. And when he don't his mother, Kris, often starts educating and teaching him household chores at home.

Though currently, his attitude changed making Kris and Ren wonder what's happening. The two couples noticed changes on their kid, but nothing worth worrying about.

Just like they say, Hans started taking his studies seriously. As a person living in a modern world with compulsory education, he knows the value of basic general knowledge.

The letters and characters in this world was in a completely different writing systems. He had to learn how to read and write them from scratch.

And thanks for Hans living in this world for five years, his brain already processed how to speak this world's common language.

The only required arithmetic to learn would be the four basic operations. Which as an adult of the modern world he would be completely be capable of.

The problem though was that he still wouldn't be able to learn the currency system until a little later. Or maybe he could just ask his mother how money works. Either way, this is still something he will need to learn eventually. That's what Hans thought.